by R. T. Riley
Rachel didn’t answer. The change from a dirty cage to civilized etiquette was too surreal for her to comprehend.
“I told you I don’t want to hurt you, that I only want to play. I have a few playmates and I treat them all with the utmost care providing they keep their end of the bargain, isn’t that right, Tina?”
The girl smiled and nodded. “Mr Nikolic is a very generous master. My contract with him was only for a month, but I chose to stay longer.” She ran a hand down his arm, thrusting her breasts forward as he pulled one free of the lace, sucking on her nipple.
Rachel turned her head towards the window, waiting for the display to end. After a few minutes, he pulled the fabric back into place and dismissed the girl with a slap on the bum. “Now, where was I? Oh yes. Rachel, would you like some tea?”
Rachel choked back the rising bile in her throat. She didn’t want to accept anything from this man, but she was thirsty. She nodded, her eyes darting around the room, anything not to make eye contact. He pushed a cup towards her and sat back in his chair, waiting for her to take it. She grabbed the cup and lifted it to her face, sipping at the tea. “I won’t be like her,” she whispered, cradling the warmth in her hands. She said this more to herself, to make it solid, rather than to him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that,” he replied, once more pulling the pile of papers into the centre of the table.
“I’m not going to be like her,” Rachel repeated, her voice holding more authority than she dared to believe possible.
Marcus laughed. “Oh, dear girl, you could never be like Tina, and that’s not what I want from you. Let me explain why you’re here and then you can decide what you do want.” He leant forward, hands together, his chin resting on his index fingers. “I love my girls very much and they love me but sometimes---imagine your favourite food. It tastes delicious, but sometimes you need a change to appreciate just how good it really is. That is where you come in. You are my different taste. All I need from you is one day. If you perform to my liking then I will release you.”
“Never!” The word flew out of her mouth. “I will never be your plaything. You can do what you want to me, I can’t stop you, but I will never act like one of your girls.”
“Let me be clear about this,” he grabbed her wrists, pulling her towards his face. “You will do what I want, when I want it, and you will at least pretend to enjoy it. Do we understand each other?”
“You can’t make me,” Rachel said, her voice ragged with hatred.
Marcus let go of her and slumped back in the chair, a growling chuckle emanating from his throat. “You’re right, I can’t, but you can. Remember your cellmate? Well, he didn’t want to play either. I’ll offer you the same deal I offered him. His life in your hands. There was another girl before you. He chose his own pride over her life and now he pays the price. Play along and you’ll go free by the end of the day, don’t and you’ll have to live the rest of your life with his death on your conscience.”
She tried to sift through the fragmented conversation with the man in the cage, but none of it made sense. Tears burned down her cheeks as she closed her eyes, trying to make it all disappear, her head shaking from side to side.
“I see you need some time to think about it,” Marcus took her by the arms, lifting her into a standing position. “You have two hours.”
A flick of a switch gave life to the large flat screen television that adorned the office wall, its picture mirroring that of the computer monitor. Marcus adjusted the sound until Rachel’s breathing could be heard through the speakers. Leaning back in his chair, he placed his hands behind his head and feet on the desk, waiting.
He’d already transferred her to a larger cage, one where she could stand up straight, and provided her with a chair. In the corner was a table with everything she’d need to get ready and another plate of food. She was ignoring it, concentrating instead on getting the attention of the inhabitant of the other cage. In the corner of the screen shadows darkened, forming into the shape of a human, and a male voice blasted into the room. Marcus altered the sound again until it was at a comfortable level and listened.
“He’s put you in the big cage. He’s waiting for your choice.”
She pressed her face against the metal bars. “What happened to you?”
“He wanted to do things to me. I don’t…didn’t want to, even when they said they’d kill her.”
“What happened?”
“He put me in that cage, the one you’re in now, and told me to think about it. She begged me to do what he wanted but I couldn’t.” The sound of sobbing filled the room. “I didn’t even know her name. And after, he was angry and did what he wanted anyway. I think that maybe it wouldn’t have hurt so much if I’d said yes, that he wouldn’t have---”
“It’s not your fault. He’d have probably done those things anyway.” Rachel’s body was shaking, distorting the image on the screen.
“No. There have been others. They’ve agreed to his offer and they haven’t come back. I don’t want to die…I don’t want to die…”
Marcus rubbed his chin, feeling the tightening of skin as the smile took over his face.
“I don’t want to die…”
Leaning forward, he cleared his throat and flicked the switch on the microphone. “There’s a pot of tablets on the table. They’ll help you relax if you do decide to play, but take them with food, otherwise you’ll be of no use to me.”
Her body language intrigued him. For nearly five minutes she paced from back to front. Reaching for the pot, then pulling back and thrusting her hands through her hair. Finally, she stopped in the middle of the confined space, staring at the other cage. “What’s your name?” she asked. The reply came as nothing more than a whisper and she bowed her head, silent, still.
“I know you can hear me.”
The words took him by surprise.
“I’ll agree to your terms if you agree to mine.”
He leant forward, studying the figure on the screen. “You’re not in a position to negotiate,” he said, his forehead filling with ridges.
“Maybe not, but if you want me you’ll do as I ask.”
Marcus sat in silence for a moment, thumbs rubbing against knuckles. This was more than he could have wished for. The trembling, sobbing wreck of a girl had disappeared and in her place stood a feisty goddess. He would have given her anything she wanted just to have a piece of that magic, but the game had to be played, it needed to be played, so he cleared his throat, wiped the smile from his face, and spoke. “Don’t forget where you are. If I want you I can just take you, but you’ve peaked my curiosity. What is it you want?”
“The man in the cage, Robert; I want you to release him.”
His breath caught in his lungs for a moment. “That’s a big request. I’ll expect a great deal in return. You’ll have to be a willing participant, take an active role in the gameplay, rather than just waiting to be told what to do, and you’ll have to convince me that you love every minute of it. If you can do all that I’ll grant your request, is that understood?” The skin on his forearms bristled with excitement as he zoomed in with the camera, studying her face.
She wiped the tears from her face, took in a deep breath, and nodded.
Black satin pants clung to her smooth skin, enhancing the curves of her ass. She slid the matching bra over her arms and fastened it at the back. Her breasts poured over the top of it, making them appear larger than they really were, but the white shirt and tight black skirt gave her back a small piece of dignity.
Mascara and deep red lipstick were applied next, and she dragged her hair back into a tight ponytail. Finally, she slipped into a pair of cherry-red patent stilettos. As she brushed the skirt down, Rachel’s stomach lurched with fear. She had thought she could do without the tablets, but the idea of letting Robert down, because of nerves, changed her mind.
She grabbed the pot and tipped it into her mouth. T
hey stuck on her tongue, refusing to move until she washed them down with sip of water. Remembering Marcus’s warning, she picked up a strip of beef from the plate, quickly chewed, and swallowed it half-whole. “I’m ready,” she said, and waited.
Two minutes later the door opened and Marcus’s plaything, Tina, unlocked the cage.
They stood outside a whitewashed, sliding door. Tina’s face gave nothing away as she teased a few strands of Rachel’s hair into place. “Are you ready?” she said, “Just remember, go with the flow and you may even enjoy it.”
Rachel nodded, her mind struggling to understand through the warm fuzziness. The door slid open and Tina’s hands caressed her back for a moment then pushed her through into the room.
Bright lights and white walls framed a medical bed, desk and chair. Marcus motioned to her to have a seat, but her legs refused to move.
“Remember why you’re doing this,” he said and she moved forward. The chair was cold against the back of her legs and a shiver ran though her body. He slid a piece of paper across the table and held out a pen to her. “It’s nice to meet you, Rachel. I’m Doctor Lakes, if you’d be so good as to sign the consent form we can start the examination.”
Rachel took the pen from his hand. It felt like betrayal in her hands and she stifled a grimace as it weaved its way across the sheet. Marcus held out a hand and she took it.
He walked her across the room, stopping just before the bed and ran a finger down the front of her blouse. “I’d like you to take this off,” he said. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons, unable to get a grasp. “I’m sorry, could you help me?” He lowered her hands and, starting at the top, unfastened each one until the blouse fell open. Her skin trembled under his touch as he slid the fabric from her shoulders. Reaching behind her he unzipped the skirt and pulled it down over her thighs. The air was cool against her skin and she closed her eyes, waiting for the first touch. Nothing. Then a click, and Marcus’s voice forced her eyes open.
“Could you please join us? The patient is ready.”
Tina wafted through the doorway wearing a short, tight nurse’s uniform and white stiletto heels. Rachel’s hands moved up covering her chest. The thought of anyone apart from Marcus touching her hadn’t crossed her mind. Could she look convincing with a woman? She swallowed hard.
“You can begin, Nurse.”
Warm fingers ran their way down her back, nails leaving shivers in their wake. Rachel sucked in air through her teeth, biting back a scream. Closing her eyes again, she filled the darkness with Robert; his bruised and bloody face, his pleading voice, the look of hope in his eyes when she bartered for his release. Clamping her jaw shut, she forced her mouth into a smile. Thumbs and fingers closed over her nipples, squeezing them through the fabric and she let out a low moan.
“That’s it,” said Marcus. “I want to hear your pleasure.”
The hands ran between her legs, rubbing at her panties in a circular motion. She forced another moan out, louder this time, only to have it cut off by Tina’s lips.
“Please lie on the bed and put your feet in the stirrups.”
She did as she was told. He took her hands, pulling them behind her head, and strapped them together. Then he produced a pair of scissors and sliced the underwear from her body. Rachel bit her lip, concentrating on the pain as he grabbed her breasts, kneading them harshly. She wanted to scream, to lash out and hurt him, but the restraints held her in place.
A hand made its way up the inside of her thigh, its gentle touch enhanced by the painful pressure on her nipples. Fingers rested for a moment on the sensitive lips before parting them and slipping inside her.
She squirmed in the stirrups, trying to pull back, but the movement only pushed her forward. Tina’s thumb found the tip of her clitoris, stroking it, as the fingers started moving back and forth. Rachel’s inner muscles contracted around them as a deep heat surged through her abdomen. A whimpering sound escaped from her throat as her breathing increased.
She tried to stay calm, but being finger-fucked by Tina was the most sensual feeling she’d ever had. The room ceased to exist, Marcus ceased to exist. All that was left was the building pressure between her legs, and then that ceased also.
“Please...” she whispered, straining her head forward. She caught Tina’s smile for a moment before it was obscured by pubic hair. The soft warmth of a tongue caught her by surprise as it glided over her lips and teased the hood of her clitoris, and then it flattened, pressing against it, opening it up.
Rachel threw her head back, letting out a loud groan as her pelvic muscles exploded. Nails dug into her thighs, holding her in pace as she bucked and kicked against the unrelenting assault. Her muscles pounded against Tina’s tongue as it licked and probed her, each contraction a delicious mixture of pleasure and pain. Groans turned to screams as her first orgasm subsided into another, only easing as the probing stopped.
Tina walked around the bed to face Rachel, her mouth and chin glistening with juice. Rachel was breathing hard, her body still in spasm as Tina thrust her tongue deep into her mouth. The warm musky smell hit her nostrils, sending a new wave of excitement through every part of her body. The drugs were in full effect now and she giggled against Tina’s lips. Marcus positioned himself between her legs.
“Your pussy is so fucking wet,” he said, rubbing the tip of his cock against her. “I’m going to fuck you really hard.”
Rachel gasped as he thrust his whole length into her, slamming against the top of her thighs. His hands slid beneath her ass, gripping hold of the fleshy skin and lifting it into the air. If this was what he’d meant by play then she was more than willing to oblige. Another orgasm built inside her, starting deep within her abdomen and spreading like fire through her limbs. The tips of her fingers tingled as her brain ignited, burning like ice, and fireflies danced before her eyes. Tina crawled on top of her, squirming her way to the top of the bed. Rachel’s eyes widened at the sight of the shaven pussy lowering itself onto her face.
“Make me come,” Tina ordered, rubbing her clitoris against the tip of Rachel’s nose. Rachel extended her tongue, running it around the smooth outer lips before raising her chin and sucking Tina’s clitoris between her teeth. Gasping for breath, her mouth filled with bittersweet juices as the body above her rubbed and twisted against her face.
Marcus continued to pound into her as Tina shook with pleasure, the sensation of being double-fucked dissolving any rational thought.
“That’s enough fun for you, Nurse,” Marcus said. “You’ve got work to do.” He pulled himself from inside Rachel. “Can you get me the instruments?”
Rachel lay still for a moment, her muscles still contracting lightly. She could hear the words coming from his mouth but her brain translated them into spherical bursts of vibrant colours. Even as he slipped the metal ring into her mouth and strapped it around her head, she revelled in the visual symphony.
A sudden burst of pain brought her back. Something large shoved its way into her ass, stretching her to tearing point. She tried to shout but her mouth was held wide by the ring. Marcus’s face loomed over her as he grabbed her chin.
“Don’t struggle,” he said, running a finger down her cheek. “You’re not so pretty when you struggle.”
The object started pulsating inside her, causing harsh contractions and she groaned against the pain. Tina appeared by her side holding up two items. One looked like an old-fashioned microphone and the other was one she recognised. She tried to shake her head as Tina inserted the speculum, but Marcus held her still. Her pelvic muscles fought against it as it widened, and she let out a loud piercing scream.
Marcus shoved his hard cock through the ring in her mouth, stifling the sound as Tina flicked a switch on the microphone. It burst to life, vibrating wildly, and she placed it against Rachel’s clitoris. Within seconds her body jumped to life, muscles ripping as they raged against the inserted objects. She gagged as Marcus pushed deeper into her throat, bucked as he twisted her
nipples, cried as her body exploded over and over, desperate to find that safe place inside her head and not quite reaching it.