The Marriage Contract

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The Marriage Contract Page 17

by Tara Ahmed

  His hold on me tightened, as I inhaled a deep breath, prepared to knee him in the groin. I bit my lip, a rush of guilt seeping through me, as I twisted my leg around his, ready to trip him to the ground. He held me tighter against his chest, his head resting over my shoulder, so that I could not see the expressions lingering over his deep brown eyes.

  “Alright,” I whispered. “I warned you.”

  He must have been in another world, for he didn’t respond, but just stood there, hugging me fiercely. With his guard down, I twisted my leg around his ankle hard, and instead of pushing out of his grip, I fell to the ground, straight into his arms.

  Oh, great. Just great.

  He blinked at me- then slowly, a smile crept across his full lips. There was a dimple against his cheek, it was very slight, and I found myself staring at it, before shaking my head. This was not the time to be observing dimples. I rested on top of him, discomfort flushing through me, as he continued to gaze at me with a deep longing cloaked in his eyes.

  “Get the hell off of me,” I shouted. “You’re pissing me off now, you know—“

  His smile widened, as he turned me over, so that I was laying on my back. His hands found my wrists, holding them on both sides by my head, caging me in place.

  “I’d like to say something,” he began.

  I huffed out a deep breath.

  “I was going to listen to your explanation of being utterly inappropriate,” I said. “But now I think I’ve changed my mind. If you could kindly get the hell off of me, I would truly, truly appreciate it.”

  Sarcasm dripped from my tone, but I don’t think he noticed, for he continued to smile as though I had just told him he’d won the lottery.

  “I can’t let you go,” he said, his face dipping towards my mouth. “Because if I do, then you’ll never know why I wanted to dance with you…why I wanted to touch you.”

  I turned my head to the side, my heart thumping wildly in my chest, screaming at me to escape this excruciating situation.

  “I get it,” I said, keeping my eyes away from his. “You have a crush on me, or something. You like me. Or, I don’t know, maybe you hate your brother so much that you want to steal his wife. Am I getting warmer?”

  He laughed, and I turned my head, surprised that it was a real laugh, not a bitter one.

  “You’re in Antarctica, Princess,” he said.


  An unfamiliar feeling drifted through my veins, as that word reminded me of only one person. James’s smiling face clouded over my mind, as I recalled one of the many times he’d referred to me as “Princess”.

  I pursed my lips, my eyes diverting to the side, as I realized that the only person I was okay with calling me by that term, was James. For a moment, I wished he were here, getting me out of this sticky mess- saving me in a sense.

  I glared at Richard. “Don’t call me that.”

  “Why?” he questioned. “Only James can?”

  A blush stained my cheek, but I willed myself not to falter from his piercing gaze. My pulses thumped like roaring drums, as I shot him an icy stare.

  “Yes,” I said. “Only my husband can.”

  I emphasized the word, “husband”, but he only chuckled, tilting his head just slightly. His long legs balanced on either side of me, as he lifted himself up, hovering over my body like an ominous cloud. His cool hands still gripped over my wrists, keeping me in place, as though worried I would run away.

  I felt like an imprisoned animal.

  “You don’t love him,” said Richard. “I can tell by the way you look at him—“

  “Don’t make assumptions,” I snapped. “You don’t know anything—“

  His eyes darkened- his cold gaze never leaving mine.

  “I know why I want you,” he said.

  I sighed. “Why?”

  “Because you deserve to be loved, Dorothy. And my brother is hopeless. He can’t give you what you need. It’s not in him—“

  I wiggled my wrists, trying once more to free myself from his hold, but it was no use. I exhaled a frustrated sigh, glaring dangerously at him.

  “James does love me,” I said. “I don’t need to defend my love life to you! You…psycho! You only want me because you’re a spoiled, stubborn brat! I’m like a toy to you aren’t I? I’m a shiny new toy, that’s been given to James, and you hate that, don’t you? But listen up you over privileged jerk! I am no toy. I am not an object! And you can’t have me. Not today, not tomorrow, not even if the world were to end, and I had to save the planet by being with you! You understand now? Do you get it? I…I actually thought that you liked me, in a sense that a brother in law likes his sister in law. I thought you were softening up to me, and were approving me as a good wife for James. But instead…you turn out to be some kind of freak. You need help. Now, let go of me!”

  An eerie silence passed between us, as he stared at me for what felt like minutes. While the black circular clock on the brown wall ticked by, I scowled at him- hoping to let my reproach show through my eyes.

  “It’s not help that I need,” he said. “It’s you.”

  Richard’s expression was sincere, as the sunlight from the living room window glowed over his face, making him appear almost innocent. Almost.

  “Even if I wasn’t with James…even if we met by chance one day, as strangers…I still wouldn’t want you.”

  His eyes traced over my face, stopping at my lips.

  “You’ll change your mind,” he said. “I’ll see to it that you will.”

  “You’re a horrible brother.” I spoke slowly. “What kind of brother comes on to his sister in law? You should be disgusted with yourself—“

  He laughed loudly.

  “You think I’m disgusting?” he questioned, laughing bitterly. “If only you knew half the things James has done.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He sighed. “If I told you, then that really would make me a horrible brother. I can be an asshole for wanting my sister in law. I’ll take that sentence any day. But if I tell you each and every thing that my brother did to other people, you wouldn’t look at him ever again. But that would be a stab in the back, wouldn’t it? And I never stab in the back, Dorothy. I attack with all the strength I’ve got, staring my opponent straight in the eye, taking what’s rightfully mine.”

  “Richard,” I snapped, feeling exhausted. “I’m not yours. I’m not—“

  His mouth crashed onto mine, as he held my wrists tightly against each side. His legs pressed over ankles, preventing me from kicking out of his hold, as his lips moved like a snake over my mouth, his tongue urging me to open. A soft moan escaped his lips, as his mouth pressed into mine, his tongue spreading my lips open. I kept my mouth tightly closed, refusing to let him in, but when his tongue did manage to slip through my lips, I gasped. I could feel his body responding against my thighs, as the bulge from his pants pressed into my hip.

  My eyes widened at his arousal, as the beats of my heart pulsed rapidly.

  Closing my eyes, I bit into his lip hard, feeling the salt of his blood trickle down my chin. He groaned, doubling over. In that moment, I kicked his groin- anger pulsing like boiling lava down my spine.

  I felt like I’d walked through a valley of mud, as I stood there, staring at him coil on the ground, clutching the sensitive area I’d kicked.

  Exhaling a deep breath, I rushed to the door, opening it. But before I left, I turned to the side, giving him a cold glare.

  “You repulse me,” I said.

  He laughed, still lying on the ground, staring at me with a crazy look in his eyes.

  “And you turn me on.”

  My eyes widened, as he stood from the ground, standing tall. He took swift steps towards me, his gaze dropping to my wrists. The pulse of my heart quickened, as I backed out of the door, running as fast as I could out of that apartment. I feared that if I stayed a moment longer, he would keep me with him all day, if not forever.

  A chill swept over me,
as I shivered, feeling utterly disgusted by Richard’s lust filled desperation.

  Only when I returned home, did I realize that I’d forgotten my purse in his apartment. I stood before the tall, metal door, glaring at the knob, and hating myself for being such a forgetful fool. I had a lot of important things in that purse- including my keys, I.D. and phone, and now my purse was probably being raided by that psychotic pervert.


  “Everything alright Mrs. Bellevue?” Maxwell stood behind the security desk, his olive skin appearing paler under the ceiling light.

  I gave him a stiff smile, clenching my hands by my sides.

  “Oh…what? Um…I’m fine,” I lied. “I just forgot my keys is all. Thanks for the concern, Maxwell.”

  He smiled. “Anytime, Mrs. Bellevue. Say hi to your Aunt for me.”

  I wrinkled my brows.

  “My aunt?”

  He nodded. “She’s quite the talker. I do enjoy her company.”

  “You hung out with my aunt?” I asked.

  He ran a hand through his dark curly locks.

  “For a while.”

  There was a dreamy look in his eyes, and though I wanted to question him further regarding this matter, I shook my head. There was a deep pounding in my chest, as images of Richard’s passionate eyes flashed over the screen of my mind.

  “I’ll see you later, Maxwell.” I gave him a weak smile.

  I turned, pressing the door bell, as my foot tapped impatiently against the floor tile. As I thought about how I would get my purse back from his apartment, the door flung open, and before me, stood James.

  He smiled warmly at me, his eyes twinkling. My eyes stung, as I realized that I was about to cry, but I wasn’t exactly sure why.


  Without uttering a word, I rushed towards him, wrapping my arms over his middle, my cheek pressed against his chest. I could feel his heart race, as he stood rigid, not knowing how to react. I inhaled his lemony cologne, closing my eyes, as the soft fabric of his black dress shirt pressed into my skin.

  “I missed you,” I whispered. “I really, really, missed you.”

  I tightened my arms over his back, as the seconds passed, wanting to hold on for a bit longer.

  Light footsteps made their way behind us, as a familiar scent hit my senses. The lavender fragrance that was signature to James- came from a few feet away, and I frowned, wondering who it could be.

  “Why are you hugging my brother?” The voice came from behind James.

  My hands clenched at the sides, as I realized that Richard had weaseled his way into my house. Huffing out a deep breath, I tightened my hold around James’s waist, closing my eyes, so as to show Richard how deeply in love I was with my…husband.

  My cheeks boiled, for I felt a bit awkward that the word ‘husband’ had entered my thoughts.

  “I’m allowed to hug my husband, so just stay out of it!” My voice blared through the building, echoing against the wall.

  James chuckled lightly, running a hand through the back of my hair, before pinching my cheek. I frowned at the gesture, as he placed both hands on my shoulder, softly pushing me back. It was then that I looked up, my eyes widening in horror, as I slapped a hand over my mouth.

  I had hugged the wrong man.

  Richard winked at me, smiling mischievously.

  “Oh, no!” I yelled.

  The real James, the one that I had signed a contract with, the one that I was sharing the same roof with- stomped towards me. As Richard turned, walking into the room, James stood before me, glaring. Richard sat at the center of the black leather couch, his brown hair, sleeked over his head, making him appear sophisticated. His long legs were draped in silk black trousers, as the first three buttons of his black dress shirt were unbuttoned, revealing a strong pale chest. He smiled wickedly at me, raising a brow.

  I glared at him, wanting to kick that stupid smirk off his face.

  James’s hand waved before my eyes, trying to catch my attention. I stared at him, feeling my cheeks burn, as I gave him an apologetic smile.

  “Are you high?” James looked incredulously at me.

  “I’m…I’m tired,” I said. “It was just a mistake—“

  He shook his head, looking thoroughly annoyed, as he walked around me, closing the door.

  “Alright, forget that,” he said. “Where the hell were you this morning? I thought you went to breakfast with that crazy Aunt of yours, but I later find out that she’s already had breakfast and lunch with that security guard—“

  “Wait, what? Aunt Molly had lunch with Maxwell? And…you didn’t know where I went? What do you mean? That makes no sense!—“

  James groaned, running both hands through his hair, and walking towards the couch. He gave Richard a knowing look, before sitting beside him. Both brothers stared at me, while I stood before them, wide eyed, and confused as hell.

  “You see what I’ve got to deal with?” James told Richard, slapping him on the knee. “She goes missing in the morning, and I’m all freaked out, ready to call the cops in case someone kidnapped her, and now she comes back, and hugs the wrong twin!”

  Richard laughed. “She’s a strange one.”

  I glared at him. “You’re the strange one!—“

  “Whoa, whoa, calm down you two,” James laughed. “You’re fighting like you’re actual siblings.”

  I exhaled a deep sigh, pacing the room, as my mind tried to figure out what James meant. He said that he didn’t know where I was in the morning. But this morning Richard told me that James asked him to keep me company for a bit. But now James was saying that he had no idea where I was, and that he assumed that I was with Aunt Molly, who was currently dating Maxwell.


  My head throbbed, as I rubbed my temple, ignoring the twin’s staring curiously at me. My mind was in such a haze, I felt as though I was floating in a cloud somewhere far, far away.

  “Stop pacing,” James said. “It’s making me dizzy.”

  I clapped my hands, gaping at the window behind the couch.

  A light bulb flashed over my head, as I turned towards both brothers, placing my hands on my hips. James stared at me, a brow quizzically raised. My eyes turned to Richard, who lay back against the couch, his legs parted- a challenge set across his dangerous gaze.

  Anger flushed through me as I clicked on that Richard had lied about James telling him to take me for breakfast.

  I hated being lied to.

  As I tilted my chin, I prepared to announce then and there, that I had been sexually harassed by Richard. I would call the police, and have him arrested for assault as well!

  But when James turned his eyes to his brother, smiling warmly at him, my heart sank. Though I knew they weren’t close, I could tell from the light in his eyes, that he deeply trusted Richard. Who was I to break that trust? I was just a fake wife that he’d kick out of his life after the year was over. But Richard was his brother, and probably the only family he felt he could confide in. If I broke the news to James that his brother was trying to destroy his marriage, even if it was fake, then he’d probably hate Richard forever.

  I had never been so confused in my life.

  A hot shiver shot down my neck, as James stood from his seat, walking towards me. Richard’s eyes hardened, as James walked behind me, wrapping his arms over my back.

  His strong arms were warm against me, like a blanket I never wanted to remove, but the way Richard looked at me, with an angry passion lurking in his eyes, I felt that blanket begin to slip off.

  I stood rigid, as James’s face pressed against my cheek, his head resting over my shoulder.

  “She’s a weird one, isn’t she Richie?” He spoke lightly, squeezing his arms over me.

  Richard simply nodded, smiling politely.

  “I’ll be leaving soon,” said Richard. “I just came to return something.”

  James’s arms released over me, as he pulled away, standing beside me. I glanced at him, wanting to
read his eyes, but his expression gave nothing away. He simply looked surprised.

  “Return what?” he asked.

  The silence in the room grew cold, as James stepped to the side, creating a distance between us. His eyes were suddenly guarded, as his jaw began to tick, indicating his impatience.

  “My purse.” I broke the silence, staring at my shoes, and then at James, who looked even more confused.

  “What?” they both said in unison.

  Richard cocked his head to the side, keeping his face blank.

  “Why would I return your purse?” he asked.

  “Yes,” said James. “Why would my brother return your purse? Were you with him?”

  This was it. I had to tell him the truth. I had to—

  “Of course she wasn’t with me,” Richard snapped. “Her purse is on the floor. She probably forgot to take it with her wherever she went this morning. Honestly. Could you imagine me spending even two seconds with her?”

  James’s gaze snapped to the other end of the living room, as we both gaped at my black purse that rested nonchalantly on the ground. I sighed, anger pulsing through me, as I realized that Richard had thrown my purse across the room when he got in, making it look as though I’d dropped it there before I left this morning.

  That sneaky rat.

  “Whatever you say man,” said James. “For now, I need a fucking shower. Dorothy, can you see him out? Thanks.”

  Before I could object, James gave him a small wave, turned, and headed down the hallway. When his athletic frame disappeared into the bedroom, I exhaled a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  Richard had that predatory look in his eyes again, walking towards me as though I were his meal. I took a step back, staring fearfully at the hallway, afraid that James would come out. But a part of me wanted James to see, so then he could confront his disgusting brother, and kick him where it hurts.

  “Don’t come closer,” I warned, keeping my voice hushed.

  I waved a finger at him, as he took slow steps towards me, his eyes ignited with a fiery passion. His lips held no smile, but desire dripped off of him, radiating towards me. I walked backwards, hitting the cold door. Before I could escape, Richard placed both arms against my side, caging me in place.


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