The Marriage Contract

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The Marriage Contract Page 29

by Tara Ahmed

  James beamed. “It was nothing.”

  Without another word, April walked down the dining hall, past the open door. Her footsteps tapped against the wooden floor, as I heard her walk up the steps, most likely heading to my room.

  “You’re a stellar man, James,” said Grandpa.

  “That was real nice of you,” said Aunt Lucy.

  “I don’t get it. Who’s Mr. Davis?” asked Charlene.

  “He’s a keeper,” said Uncle Jeffrey.

  “What a sweet man you are,” said Grandma.

  James’s fair cheeks tinted pink, as he shook his head, dismissing their compliments.

  It must have been the evening heat, for when I leaned towards his face, pressing a light kiss upon his cheek, I hiccupped.

  Then, realizing what I’d done, I slapped a hand over my mouth- horrified.

  Oh, crap. What the hell am I doing?

  Shooting up from the chair, I escaped out of the room, cringing inwardly. Everyone, including James, laughed good-heartedly, as I ran to the living room, planting my butt on Grandpa’s love seat.

  “Well, that’s a first,” called James, his voice booming from the dining room. “A hiccup kiss. Who would have thought?”


  At exactly seven thirty p.m., everyone in the Web household, including James and April, sat in the living room, tying their shoe laces, or adjusting their hair and purses.

  “Everyone ready?” Grandpa asked.

  “Ready!” we chanted.

  “Come on, open the door!” said Charlene. “I want to go to the carnival already!”

  “You need to learn patience, young lady,” Aunt Lucy scolded.

  “Alright then,” said Grandpa. “Let’s get the hell out of here—“

  “Ron! Mind your tongue!” said Grandma.

  James, who stood beside me, took my hand, curling his fingers through my flesh. I shot him a fake smile, my lips pressed in a tight line- trying my best to pull out of his hold.

  “Quit struggling,” he whispered. “You’re the one that assaulted me with that hiccup kiss! And take off that bandana. I want everyone to see that bite. It’s like my personal piece of art—“

  “Pervert!” My voice escaped in a hushed whisper, as I glared daggers at him.

  He hiccupped, mocking my ridiculous kiss, as he watched my face flush red.

  Thankfully, the bell rang, momentarily distracting me from James’s immature antics. As Uncle Jeffrey walked towards the door, James’s thumb grazed over my forehand- his hand squeezing against mine.

  I gasped, but not because of James, but because of the person standing before the door, staring blandly at my uncle.

  “Well, hello!” Her voice, as always, dripped with sugary poison. “I’m new to the carnival! I’m just stopping by door to door to give out a flyer to the new game I’m hosting. I do hope you’ll all sign up to play!”

  Stacy’s eyes met mine, staring passively at me, as though seeing me for the first time. Standing in a bright yellow sundress, the same shade as her thick, wavy locks, she sent a lip glossed smile towards me. The orange sun streaked over her profile, making her bright skin appear almost angelic, as she gave everyone, including James, a friendly smile.

  But when her wicked eyes stopped on mine, I could almost read what she was thinking, and it most definitely wasn’t pleasant.

  Stacy was on a mission, and from the crazy look in her eyes, I knew she wasn’t going to back down without a fight.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  My mind travelled a mile a minute, as I gaped at Stacy, who stood before the open door, smiling artificially at me. The last I’d seen her was during Mr. Bukowsky’s class a few days ago, though it felt a lot longer.

  James’s palm squeezed against mine, but I was too distracted by Stacy’s presence to turn my head towards him.

  “Dorothy? Is that you? No way, you got so tan!” Her voice chirped through the room, barricading into my mind, but for some reason, I couldn’t focus.

  I gripped my hand tighter around James’, as her words echoed in my head like a broken stereo. I could feel James’s body stiffen, his head turning towards me, though I kept my focus solely on Stacy.

  There was something not right about her.

  “I will ruin James Bellevue, if it’s the last thing I do.” Those were her final words to me that day I found out her true colors. Though I wasn’t one to be scared of drama queens like her, there was something about the way she was looking from me to James that had me worried.

  Had she come all the way to Sandsville to enact some sort of revenge plot against James? Though her face held a childlike innocent, it was her sky blue eyes that gave away her wickedness.


  A familiar hand snapped before my eyes, and I yelped, breathing deeply. Aunt Molly’s bright green stare met mine, as she gave my shoulder a slight shake.

  “You lost in space, darling’?” she asked. “Looks like you’ve seen a ghost!”

  “Yeah, are you alright?” James asked.

  I shook my head. “I’m…um…I’m fine. Hi, Stacy. I didn’t expect you here.”

  The hem of her sundress, the same shade as the drowning sunset, blew against the light wind, as she took a step towards the room. Grandma and Grandpa returned her smile, allowing her to enter, as Aunt Lucy eyed her speculatively. Uncle Jeffrey held Charlene’s small hand, before giving me a curious look, to which I merely shrug.

  “Well, the best things are always unexpected aren’t they?” Stacy giggled, twirling a thick blond strand over her shoulder. “You know, it’s such a small world, because my Uncle lives around here, and I thought it would be quite a different spring break experience for me if I partake in the carnival. I’m so excited! And I can’t wait for you to join the game I’ve got planned—“

  “What game?” I asked- my eyes narrowed.

  She giggled once more as though I’d said something silly, before unzipping her shoulder bag and handing me a flyer.

  “Take a look,” she said. “I wrote it myself. I even designed the game myself! Aren’t I such a creative bunny?”

  I frowned, before looking over the paper, which was scented with a strawberry smell so strong it stung the tip of my nose.



  PRIZE: $5,000.


  DISCLAIMER: All persons participating in The Spinner hereby agree to the risk involved, which, possibly, may be fatal. Stacy Kendrick is not responsible for any damages, injuries (physical or psychological), incurring within this game. The participant whole heartedly agrees to any consequential risk involved with this stunt.


  I had to squint to read the “disclaimer” portion, for it is written in tiny grey font, almost unrecognizable against the sheer white paper.

  “Interesting,” said James. “Sounds like fun—“

  “If life threatening risk is what you call fun, then yeah, it sounds like a blast,” I snapped, glaring at him.

  Clenching my teeth, I handed the flyer back to Stacy, giving her a stiff smile.

  “Aw, I’m hurt.” Stacy pouted, her eyes locking on James. “I hope you’ll join. By the way, you’re so much better looking in person.”

  James grinned. “I get that a lot.”


  Since Stacy’s surprise arrival, a feeling of unease rested like a lump in my chest, as we neared the carnival. Cars upon cars lined the parking lot, appearing like a stream of colors melting against the evening light.

  While Uncle Jeffrey cursed at the lack of parking space, Aunt Molly guided him to her special “committee member’s only” spot, while I sat squished in between James and Charlene. Aunt Lucy sat with the grandparents in the back seat, talking excitedly about the carnival. While James held on to my hand the entire ride, muc
h to my bemusement, he spoke animatedly with Aunt Molly. They spoke of topics I knew nothing about, like the 2025 Mars Mission plan from NASA, or how global warming was destroying the planet.

  While everyone chatted, I closed my eyes, listening to the soothing sounds of Willie Nelson through the radio, almost drifting to sleep.

  Soft lips met the apple of my cheek- blowing lightly into my ear, as I shivered, snapping my head towards him.

  “You’re so touchy feely,” I grumbled, stretching an arm over my hand. “Can you let go of my hand now?”

  Charlene giggled. “You guys are gross.”

  “You’ll be gross someday too,” said April. “It’s going to happen. Just you wait.”

  I frowned. “But I’m not gross. He is. James, I’m serious! Let go of my—“

  “We’re here!” Uncle Jeffrey managed to park the car in an extremely tight spot at the end of the lot.


  The carnival was a festivity of lights, for the entrance was decorated in large, glittered lanterns at the top of the gate, reading, “Sandsville Carnival”. Grudgingly, I managed to slip my hand out of James’s iron grip, to which he frowned, looking annoyed. Sticking my tongue at him, I took Charlene’s hand instead- leading the way to the entrance.

  Crowds of souls rushed through the fair, giggling, laughing, and enjoying the cool spring breeze, as I traced my eyes over the area. Brightly colored stalls were lined along the corners of the carnival, with people sitting in the seats, playing the games, and some- winning the stuffed animal prizes. While we walked through the carnival, my black sandals clicking along the cold cement ground, I gazed at the small dragon rollercoaster about twenty feet ahead. Children screamed as the green coaster descended, before taking another timid leap around the corner. A miniature Ferris wheel rested beside the roller coaster- lovers sitting in one bench, smiling shyly at each other.

  I sighed. “I forgot how much I missed it here.”

  “This place is magical,” April whispered.

  For the following minutes, Aunt Lucy and Charlene escaped to the children’s section, while Uncle Jeffrey followed. The Grandparents went to meet up with their bingo buddies, while Aunt Molly went to speak with her Carnival Committee members.

  So, all that was left was—

  “Looks like it’s just you and me,” James whispered- his lips beside my ear.

  I almost leaned into him, but stopped when April’s hand tugged me away, thrusting me against her side.

  “Hello, I’m here too,” she said. “Now, what should we do first?—“

  “So the rumors are true. You really did get married.” The deep, cheerful voice perked my ears, my heart beginning to race, as I turned around, meeting his gaze.

  And there he was.

  My heart skipped a few multi beats, my palms suddenly beginning to sweat, as I wiped my hands against the side of my pale blue jeans.

  Eric Chapman stood before me, his once bright blond locks, colored a deep black, and slicked over his head. A “Peace for Earth” t-shirt pressed against his study chest, his once lanky body- now toned.

  Though I’d known him since my awkward high school days, I couldn’t help but feel an incredible sense of nostalgia over the guy I’d crushed on for four years.

  “Hi.” My voice escaped in a low whisper. “It’s been a while. You kind of just disappeared after graduation. How…um…how are you?”

  His dimpled grin caused another summersault in my stomach, as his gaze travelled from me, to April, and then finally, to James.

  “I’m doing alright,” Eric replied. “I joined the marines. I’m on vacation now, so I thought I’d visit home for a while. You know, I tried to reach you. I think I got to you a little too late, though—“

  “As if you had a chance,” James snapped. “Dude, you look like count Dracula’s illegitimate child.”

  I snapped my head towards James, staring curiously at him. My brows furrowed, as I took in his irritated stare. James stood to the side, standing a foot before me, as though shielding me from Eric. His gaze hardened at my old friend, who merely laughed at his insult, looking highly amused.

  I glared at James, annoyed by his childish behavior.

  “You’re being rude,” I said. “Eric, I’m sorry. My…husband here, is a little on the crazy side—“

  Eric pursed his lips, as though contemplating James’s ridiculous statement.

  “He’s right,” said Eric. “I may not have had a chance, but the future is unclear—“

  “The future isn’t unclear,” said April. “According to my horoscope, I’ll be more financially secure this month, and my love life will surely blossom!”

  James, Eric and I, turned to stare at April, who blinked slowly at us, then sneezed. Giving her a comforting nod, I focused my attention once more on Eric, who stood with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

  While I focused on how to change the topic to something normal, James’s hand wrapped over my waist- pulling me so close, I could hear the tumultuous beats of his heart. I gasped at the contact, trying to fidget away from him, but with a stiff smile on my face so that Eric won’t suspect anything weird was going on.

  “James…you’re embarrassing me,” I muttered. “You can let go—“

  “I don’t know what you two had going on back in the day,” said James, staring sternly at Eric. “But she’s married to me now. She’s mine. All mine. Now, before I lose my cool, I suggest you so kindly, piss off!”

  I pressed a hand over James’s, trying to slip his palm off my waist. But it was a futile attempt, for he pushed me closer against his flesh, while sending Eric an ice cold glare.

  Eric chuckled. “Man, relax. I was only teasing. Dory and I were just classmates. I just found her cute, that’s all.”

  I bit my lip, suppressing a girlish smile. He found me cute?

  All those feelings I’d had for him from freshman to senior year, returned with a splash, as butterflies travelled every inch of my body, making my giggle like a lunatic.

  James glared at me, his chocolate brown eyes- livid.

  “Oh, I remember you!” said April. “Dory told me about you. You’re that Eric Chopstick guy. Man, she had the hots for you for like four whole years, and you never once noticed? She even wrote “Mrs. Chapstick” all over her high school journal, like some love sick fourth grader—“

  “April!” I shouted. “That was a secret! Oh, no…please just erase all of that from your head—“

  Eric laughed. “Really? You wrote Mrs. Chapman over your notebook? Aw, Dory…I think I’m falling for you all over again—“

  “All over again?” I frowned. “Wait…so…you had feelings for me back then?—“

  “Alright, that’s enough!” James snapped. “We’re going somewhere else. You can take a hike lover boy. She’s Mrs. Bellevue now.”

  Before I could protest, James swung us around, his arm leaving my waist and gripping my hand. While I snapped at him to let me go, Eric’s voice chirped through the tense atmosphere, stopping us in place.

  “For now,” said Eric. “She’s Mrs. Bellevue…for now.”

  Oh, no.

  I cringed, my eyes widening in horror, as James’s warm hand left mine. A few seconds of silence passed, and the only sounds I could hear was the slow pounding of my heart beat.

  James turned, and so did I, watching in dismay, as he walked slowly towards Eric. My former crush, stood tall, his olive hands clenched against his side- his dark eyes narrowed.

  April jogged towards me, linking her arm over my elbow, watching the scene with a kind of fascination held over his powder blue gaze.

  A part of me wanted to stop whatever was about to happen, but the logical part of my mind, told me that that was a bad idea. I mean, if I did say anything to either of them, it would be a big blow to their egos, resulting in an even bigger fight than the one they’re about to have right this moment.

  I pursed my lips, my throat suddenly feeling dry, as I stared at both men, who stood o
nly inches from apart.

  “You going to hit me?” Eric asked, tilting his chin upwards. “Go on. Do it.”

  James smirked, running a hand through his thick brown tresses.

  “I’ve got nothing to prove to a loser who couldn’t do anything with his meaningless life,” said James. “You know what’s pissing me off? It’s not the fact that you’re hitting on my wife like some desperate low life. It’s because you spent four fucking years with the most amazing woman in the world, and you still failed to get her. I’m pissed that she gave a part of her heart to you at a very tender age, and you could have had her then and there, but you let her go. You didn’t hold on, and for that, you have no damn right to say ‘for now’. For you, the chance has come and gone. Honestly, I feel bad for you. If I was you, I’d hate myself for letting this angel go. I mean, look at her- she’s incredible. And lucky for me, she’s mine.”

  I couldn’t help it, I smiled.

  A part of my heart that once belonged to James, pieced together once more, as I took slow steps towards him, linking my arm over his elbow.

  Eric’s confident gaze faded, as he stared bitterly from James, to me. His eyes held a sad resonance, as I realized that James had rendered him speechless.

  “I’ll see you around, Eric,” I said. “Take care.”

  Eric shot me a stiff smile, and without another word, walked past.

  “Did you hit your head on a rock in high school?” James asked. “That guy is a total tool.”

  I smiled. “Forget that. Did you…did you mean those things you said?”

  He turned his head towards me, before clearing his throat, suddenly looking nervous. His cheeks flushed scarlet, as he sent me a sheepish grin.

  “I did,” he replied.

  If only that moment lasted a while longer.

  When we turned, prepared to see the carnival attractions, a faint thump resounded against the ground.

  “Oh, your phone fell!” said April. “Wow, this brand is amazing. It didn’t even shatter like my old iPhone—“

  James whipped around, staring erratically at her. Stepping forward, he attempted to snatch the phone out of her hands, but failed. April eyed him curiously, before shaking her head, and taking a step back.


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