Sir Quinlan and the Swords of Valor

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Sir Quinlan and the Swords of Valor Page 1

by Chuck Black

  Praise for

  Chuck Black

  “Chuck Black is a word crafter who is able to weave Kingdom principles into the fabric of one’s moral imagination. The characters he has created and the passions they exude will motivate readers to follow their examples, which have now been etched into their awakened conscience.”

  —MARK HAMBY, founder and president of Cornerstone Family Ministries and Lamplighter Publishing

  “With sanctified imagination, Chuck Black transports readers back to the days of chivalry and valor, clashing steel and noble conflict—but ultimately he transports readers to the eternal triumph of the King who reigns!”

  —DOUGLAS BOND, author of Hold Fast in a Broken World and Guns of the Lion

  “My son, Nathan, loved the first book in the series, and he said the second was even better. In my son’s own words, ‘Mom, it was exciting and full of mystery. It compelled me to read more. I couldn’t put it down.’ As a mom and an author, I give Sir Bentley and Holbrook Court two thumbs up!”

  —TRICIA GOYER, homeschooling mom and author of Blue Like Play Dough

  “Chuck Black is the John Bunyan of our times! Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione is a reminder of the origins of the spiritual warfare we are to fight daily.”

  —IACI FLANDERS, inductive Bible study teacher and homeschooling mom

  “As Christ taught in parables, you can use this powerful allegory to convey biblical truth, doctrine, virtues, and vices. Combat trained, Chuck Black makes warfare real without gratuitous violence but rather with a message of honor. Don’t miss the best part: the discussion questions at the end!”

  —ERIC JUDSON TIBBETS, husband, dad, and captain in the United States Navy



  Kingdom’s Dawn (Book One)

  Kingdom’s Hope (Book Two)

  Kingdom’s Edge (Book Three)

  Kingdom’s Call (Book Four)

  Kingdom’s Quest (Book Five)

  Kingdom’s Reign (Book Six)


  Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione (Book One)

  Sir Bentley and Holbrook Court (Book Two)

  Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart (Book Three)

  Lady Carliss and the Waters of Moorue (Book Four)



  12265 Oracle Boulevard, Suite 200

  Colorado Springs, Colorado 80921

  All Scripture quotations and paraphrases, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are taken from the King James Version.

  The characters and events in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental.

  eISBN: 978-1-60142-298-9

  Copyright © 2010 by Chuck Black

  “Ride of the Valiant,” copyright © 2009 by Emily Elizabeth Black

  Illustrations by Marcella Johnson

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published in the United States by WaterBrook Multnomah, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House Inc., New York.

  MULTNOMAH and its mountain colophon are registered trademarks of Random House Inc.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Black, Chuck.

  Sir Quinlan and the Swords of Valor / Chuck Black; [illustration by Marcella Johnson]. — 1st ed.

  p. cm.— (The knights of Arrethtrae; bk. 5)

  Summary: Sir Quinlan, newly commissioned as a Knight of the Prince, is brought into an elite unit known as the Swords of Valor, but when things go wrong he is tempted to return to his former life until a new enemy threatens and suddenly he holds many lives in his hands.

  [1. Knights and knighthood—Fiction. 2. Good and evil—Fiction. 3. Christian life—Fiction. 4. Allegories.] I. Johnson, Marcella, ill. II. Title.

  PZ7.B528676Skq 2010




  To those who consider themselves the least … take

  heart, thou mighty men and women of valor,

  and be ready for God’s command!



  Other Books by This Author

  Title Page




  Kingdom’s Heart: An Introduction to the Knights of Arrethtrae

  Prologue: A Tale of Two Knights

  Chapter 1: Words from the Dark

  Chapter 2: Tav and Twitch

  Chapter 3: Disty and Bli

  Chapter 4: Mount Resolute

  Chapter 5: Defining Moment

  Chapter 6: Least of the Least

  Chapter 7: Worthington

  Chapter 8: A New Kind of Enemy

  Chapter 9: Pathyon

  Chapter 10: Twitch Once More

  Chapter 11: Journey to Nowhere

  Chapter 12: The Crystal Coin

  Chapter 13: Becoming

  Chapter 14: Close to the Enemy

  Chapter 15: Lilam of Norwex

  Chapter 16: The Dunes of Mynar

  Chapter 17: A Friend’s Rescue

  Chapter 18: A Warrior’s World

  Chapter 19: Return to Arrethtrae

  Chapter 20: Gathering of Swords

  Chapter 21: Common Enemy, Common Friend

  Chapter 22: A Roaring Lion

  Chapter 23: The Battle for Burkfield

  Chapter 24: Swords of Valor

  Epilogue: The Way of the Wise, the Way of a Fool

  Discussion Questions

  Answers to Discussion Questions

  “Ride of the Valiant” (written for Sir Quinlan and the Swords of Valor)

  Author Commentary


  An Introduction to the Knights of Arrethtrae

  Like raindrops on a still summer’s eve, the words of a story can oft fall grayly upon the ears of a disinterested soul. I am Cedric of Chessington, humble servant of the Prince, and should my inadequate telling of the tales of these brave knights e’er sound as such, know that it is I who have failed and not the gallant hearts of those of whom I write, for their journeys into darkened lands to save the lives of hopeless people deserve a legacy I could never aspire to pen with appropriate skill. These men and women of princely mettle risked their very lives and endured the pounding of countless battles to deliver the message of hope and life to the far reaches of the kingdom of Arrethtrae … even to those regions over which Lucius, the Dark Knight, had gained complete dominion through the strongholds of his Shadow Warriors.

  What is this hope they bring? To tell it requires another story, much of it chronicled upon previous parchments, yet worthy of much retelling.

  Listen then, to the tale of a great King who ruled the Kingdom Across the Sea, along with His Son and their gallant and mighty force of Silent Warriors. A ruler of great power, justice, and mercy, this King sought to establish His rule in the land of Arrethtrae. To this end He chose a pure young man named Peyton and his wife, Dinan, to govern the land.

  All was well in Arrethtrae until the rebellion … for there came a time when the King’s first and most powerful Silent Warrior, Lucius by name, drew a third of the warriors with him in an attempt to overthrow the Kingdom Across the Sea. A great battle raged until finally the King’s fo
rces prevailed. Cast out of the kingdom—and consumed with hatred and revenge—Lucius now brought his rebellion to the land of Arrethtrae, overthrowing Peyton and Dinan and bringing great turmoil to the land.

  But the King did not forget His people in Arrethtrae. He established the order of the Noble Knights to protect them until the day they would be delivered from the clutches of the Dark Knight. The great city of Chessington served as a tower of promise and hope in the darkened lands of Arrethtrae.

  For many years and through great adversity, the Noble Knights persevered, waiting for the King’s promised Deliverer.

  Even the noblest of hearts can be corrupted, however, and long waiting can dim the brightest hope. Thus, through the years, the Noble Knights grew selfish and greedy. Worse, they forgot the very nature of their charge. For when the King sent His only Son, the Prince, to prepare His people for battle against Lucius, the Noble Knights knew Him not, nor did they heed His call to arms.

  When He rebuked them for their selfish ways, they mocked and disregarded Him. When He began to train a force of commoners—for He was a true master of the sword—they plotted against Him. Then the Noble Knights, claiming to act in the great King’s name, captured and killed His very own Son.

  What a dark day that was! Lucius and his evil minions—the Shadow Warriors—reveled in this apparent victory. But all was not lost. For when the hope of the kingdom seemed to vanish and the hearts of the humble despaired, the King used the power of the Life Spice to raise His Son from the dead.

  This is a mysterious tale indeed, but a true one. For the Prince was seen by many before He returned to His Father across the Great Sea. And to those who loved and followed Him—myself among them—He left a promise and a charge.

  Here then is the promise: that the Prince will come again to take all who believe in Him home to the Kingdom Across the Sea.

  And this is the charge: that those who love Him must travel to the far reaches of the kingdom of Arrethtrae, tell all people of Him and His imminent return, and wage war against Lucius and his Shadow Warriors.

  Thus we wait in expectation. And while we wait, we fight against evil and battle to save the souls of many from darkness.

  We are the knights who live and die in loyal service to the King and the Prince. Though not perfect in our call to royal duty, we know the power of the Prince resonates in our swords, and the rubble of a thousand strongholds testifies to our strength of hearts and souls.

  There are many warriors in this land of Arrethtrae, many knights who serve many masters. But the knights of whom I write are my brothers and sisters, the Knights of the Prince.

  They are mighty because they serve a mighty King and His Son.

  They are … the Knights of Arrethtrae!


  There are moments in life that define who a person will be. These moments can be as precious as the gems of Alagra Briar or as dark as the caverns of Sedah, and they are as distinct and unrepeatable as the lives they have the potential to change. Unfortunately, most people fail to recognize them among the millions of other moments that make up their lives.

  The moments that inspire one to greatness are authored by the King Himself. The moments that inspire one to evil are authored by the Dark Knight, Lucius. Moments of grand design are no respecter of persons, for the King has an un-Arrethtraen insistence on calling the meek and lowly to greatness as often as the noble and wealthy … and perhaps even more often.

  I know this to be true, for I, Cedric of Chessington, lived through one of those moments. I received the fortuitous opportunity to choose the Prince—and define my life it did! This is not my story, however, but Sir Quinlan’s story—the story of a moment in his life that reverberated across all regions of the kingdom and changed the lives of many. It is also the story of his friend and how the choice of commonality.

  Well, perhaps I should just tell the tale. It begins not in the city of Burkfield, where our young Sir Quinlan lives, but in the darkened halls of evil’s lair.


  “My Lord, we nearly lost our stronghold at Moorue,” Luskan reported to the Dark Knight, then turned and glared at Malco. Malco returned the glare with hatred spewing from his eyes.

  The Dark Knight’s fierce gaze turned toward the handsome blond Shadow Warrior. He slowly rose from his grisly throne and walked toward Malco, fingering the long dagger at his side. Malco’s countenance of hatred transformed into one of terror as his master slowly circled him, stopping just to Malco’s right side.

  “Is this true?” Lucius leaned close to Malco’s ear. “Have you nearly lost my most treasured stronghold?”

  Malco swallowed hard. “No, Master Lucius. The Waters of Moorue are in full production, and I am expanding to three other cities as we speak. Lord Luskan has overestimated the importance of the skirmish in the swamp.”

  Luskan snorted. “The truth, my lord, is that the Knights of the Prince are purposely taking the battle to our strongholds. Malco escaped the fate of Drox by the hair of a blood wolf.”

  Lucius stood straight and walked away, then turned to face Malco with a voice thick with anger. “I have given you more warriors, Vinceros, and resources than any of my other lieutenants.”

  Lucius closed the space between them and drew his knife. Malco worked to keep his face stoic, but his eyes betrayed him.

  Lucius put his left hand on Malco’s shoulder and gripped it tightly. He raised his dagger, positioned the tip of it beneath Malco’s left eye, and pressed until a bright red trickle spilled down Malco’s cheek. Slowly Lucius drew the blade downward, slicing the fair skin of Malco’s face.

  Malco winced but stood still as Lucius spoke in a deep, guttural voice. “Do not fail me, Malco, or this blade will cut more than your pretty face!” He stopped the blade just above Malco’s lip, then withdrew it and turned away.

  Malco lifted a hand to cover the bloody gash. “Yes, my lord,” he said in a voice full of fear and loathing. He turned and exited the hall.

  Lucius returned to his throne and scowled as he gazed at nothing. Luskan stayed silent, waiting for the brilliant mind of his dark master to formulate a counteroffensive to the attacks of the wretched Knights of the Prince. After a long silence, Lucius spoke.

  “The Rising is close. I can feel it!” Lucius clenched a fist. “We need something that will strike at the heart of His knights—something they cannot see nor fight, that will kill them before they know it.” Lucius’s fingers drummed on the arm of his throne as he turned to his vice commander. “Bring Lord Pathyon to me.”

  Luskan looked hesitant.

  “Bring him now!”


  Unlike many cities in Arrethtrae, Burkfield was a place of peace, comfort, and prosperity. Nestled among beautiful low hills, it had grown from village to town to city in short order. The shops were quaint, the streets clean, and the people friendly and hospitable.

  The bell tower, set upon a rise near the city center, served as a daily reminder to all who lived there that life was good for the citizens of Burkfield. All civic activities took place in the buildings surrounding the bell tower, and the square nearby was the prime location for citywide celebrations and festivities.

  The city leaders prided themselves on their progressive spirit. All orders and guilds that supported the city statutes and promoted its excellent reputation were welcome, and all who loved peace were universally accepted.

  Accordingly, the Knights of the Prince had encountered little resistance in establishing a thriving haven in Burkfield. The haven leaders found it reasonably easy to recruit men and women into its ranks, for without threat of persecution they could promote the cause of the Prince openly. Young people were especially eager to join and learn the art of the sword. Much of the haven’s resources went toward training camps for the young knights who would eventually be commissioned to embark on their own missions into the kingdom for the Prince.

  “Twitch, why don’t you train the recrui
ts in the sword today?” Tav said with a smile. He swiped his hand back through his wavy brown hair, revealing the confident blue-eyed gaze of a sturdy young man.

  “I don’t think so, Tav,” his friend replied. “They deserve someone who really knows what he’s doing.”

  “Look, the best way to get better at something is to teach it.” Tav put a strong hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You can do this.” He swung his sword in a powerful arc and deftly brought its tip to the top of his scabbard, then smartly snapped it in place. “Besides,” he said as he pointed to a nearby group of young men and women, “I’ve already told them you’d be their instructor, and they’re waiting for you.”


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