Partners In Crime (Eternal Flames Book 9)

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Partners In Crime (Eternal Flames Book 9) Page 5

by Cree Storm

  Vik got in the car and Baldwin followed, slamming the door. Turning to Vik, Baldwin snapped, "We don't need Suneth for anything, Vik, why ask him to meet with us?"

  Vik turned to him smiling. "Is that jealousy I hear?"

  Baldwin turned in his seat, looked out the front windshield, then crossed his arms, muttering, "I don't know what you're talking about."

  Vik backed the car up, and turned to go to the diner. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't hear you all upset that I invited Destrain to Twixie's."

  "That's because Destrain doesn't ogle your ass," Baldwin stated, turning to look out the side window.

  Vik snickered, "Suneth doesn't look at my ass."

  Baldwin's jaw dropped as he turned to Vik. "You have got to be shitting me? That man takes every opportunity to look you up and down and you know it."

  Pulling into the diner, Vik parked and turned off the engine. Swiveling in his seat to look at Baldwin. "I may have noticed a glance or two. I won't lie and say I'm not flattered." Leaning in, Vik whispered, "But I'm also not interested."

  Baldwin leaned in. Those rich blue eyes looking at him with want and need. "But he's a king."

  Vik smiled wide. "I know, cool, right? But the thing is, Baldwin, I kinda had my eyes on someone else's ass. Thinking about all those glorious things I can do with it."

  Baldwin leaned in further, softly asking, "Really?"

  "Oh yeah," Vik said as he closed the space between them in a beautiful, passionate kiss.

  Baldwin's cock throbbed in his pants. He yearned to unzip them and take his mate right here and right now. Vik had to of felt the same because he practically climbed onto Baldwin's lap sitting sideways, with his hand behind Baldwin's neck, deepening the kiss even further.

  Baldwin placed his hand on Vik's bulge that was pressing just as hard in his pants as Baldwin's was in his own. Gently, Baldwin squeezed and Vik moaned, grabbing the back of Baldwin's neck and pulling him in deeper as he lifted his hips, begging for more and damn, did Baldwin want to give him more.

  Slowly Baldwin unzipped Vik's pants. Both were breathing so hard in anticipation; the windows were starting to fog up on the inside.

  Vik moved his hand long enough to take Baldwin's and placed it on his warm silky shaft. Vik lifted his hips once more and Baldwin lightly ran his thumb over the sticky tip. Seed dribbled from the hole and that gave him some lube to slide his hand slowly down Vik's shaft.

  Vik moaned, delving his tongue deeper into Baldwin's mouth, dueling tongues, clacking teeth, and needing so much more. Baldwin started his strokes slow, but increased the speed as the kiss continued on, his own cock pulsing and pressing against his fly.

  Tap! Tap! Tap!

  Both men jerked, Baldwin squeezed tightly, and Vik hissed, "Fuck!"

  Baldwin quickly let go, gasping, "I'm so sorry."

  "You fucking about squeezed my dick off," Vik panted rubbing his now softened shaft.

  "Hello in there, anyone home?" Jett's annoying, sing songy voice called out.

  "I am so going to fucking kill him," Vik snapped as he rubbed his shaft once more and gingerly pulled up and refastened his pants.

  "Not if I get to the son of a bitch first," Baldwin rumbled, readjusting his still hard shaft.

  "We can try to get you guys one of those outdoor movie theater things and you can pretend to be at the drive in. Zev and I can pull right up next to you and join in."

  Vik pulled the door handle and slammed it outward. A loud "oomph" was heard and Zev laughed, "I told you not to do it, Jett."

  Baldwin got out of the car and noticed Jett rubbing his groin area hissing, "I don't know what you’re laughing at. This means none for you tonight."

  Zev smacked Jett's ass hard. "Nope, it just means you get to bottom tonight."

  Jett stood a bit higher, smiling. "I can do that."

  Zev brought his arms around Jett, rubbing his mate's crotch in the middle of the parking lot, whispering, "Oh, I know you can and if you’re good today, I'll even do that special thing with my tongue you like so much."

  Jett smiled wide and turned into Zev, running his hand down the man's chest. "I do like what you can do with that tongue."

  Zev kissed Jett lightly, saying, "I like doing that thing with my tongue."

  Vik growled, "I'm going to rip out both of your tongues if you don't shut up. You're going to make me vomit."

  "You're just mad because you don't have a mate to do special things with his tongue," Jett gloated.

  "Actually, my mate was doing wonderful things with his tongue and hand when you rudely interrupted and about got my dick removed," Vik snapped.

  Jett and Zev turned to face Vik, Jett gushing, "You found your mate? That's aweso ── wait, if you found your mate, why the hell are you making out with Scorpio here? I know he must have a large stinger, but we do not cheat on our mates, Vik!"

  Zev growled low and Jett gently petted his mate's chest, "Calm baby. Your stinger is the only one I want and you know it."

  "Scor―I mean Baldwin, is my mate dumb ass, and stop looking at my mate's stinger." Vik replied with a snap in his voice.

  Both men raised their brows and looked from Baldwin to Vik, Zev asking, "And you're just now discovering this? How the hell is that even possible?"

  Baldwin sighed and slammed the door. "We don't have time for this. Everyone is waiting for us."

  Vik nodded. "You're right. We have to go, we have a murderer to catch."


  Vik readjusted his crotch as casually as he could. Damn, he couldn't believe how quickly that at one hundred forty-seven years of age he had turned back into a teenager. Making out in a car in front of a busy restaurant was not something Vik had ever imagined doing, but damned if he wouldn't do it again. His mate knew how to fucking kiss.

  Walking into Twixie's, the smells of different foods cooking was the first thing that caught Vik's attention. His stomach rumbled, reminding him how long it had been since he had last eaten.

  "Hey Vik, everyone is in the back room," Twix shouted out as he delivered a tray of food to Nancy and Curtis Baker, long-time residents of Crystal.

  "Thanks, Twix. Hey, can I get your daily special?" Turning to Baldwin, Vik asked, "How about you, babe?"

  Baldwin nodded. "I guess I should, I think the last time we ate was breakfast yesterday. Although, I have to say, after what we just saw at the coroner's office, I'm not all that hungry."

  Vik turned back to Twix. "Make that two, will ya?" Turning back to Baldwin, Vik said, "Eat what you can. We don't know when we'll get the chance again." Wiggling his brow's Vik added, "And I really want to make sure you are energized for our mating."

  Baldwin smiled. "Then I will do my best to finish my plate."

  "Vik, is it true that you found another body?" Curtis asked.

  Looking back at the man with his wife, Vik nodded. "Yeah, it is. Carlin Francis was found a couple miles out, near the Maddox exit."

  "Is it true he had vampire marks like the others?" Nancy asked.

  Wilson Phillipson sneered, "I heard they were ripped apart like a werewolf done it."

  "They weren't ripped up, Wilson. They had the marks, but that was all," Tony said.

  "Yep, we were there. None of them have been disturbed," Barry replied taking a bite of his burger.

  Vik closed his eyes in exasperation. He had told everyone involved not to give out any information of the crime scenes, but as with any other small town, news traveled fast, mixed with some right and far more wrong. "Barry, Tony, I told you not to talk about the cases. I don't want this town scared shitless and then going into a panic."

  "Wake the fuck up, Vik, these people are already in a panic. Humans are getting picked off like ducks in a barrel. We've had more deaths in three months than we've had in three years. Besides, Barry and I haven't said a damn word to anyone. If someone's talking, it ain't us," Tony snapped.

  Baldwin grasped Vik by his forearm, whispering, "Let it go, Vik. We need to get in
the back. The others are waiting."

  Snorting, Wilson snarled, "The back! Yeah, the special area for special people. We regular folk aren't even allowed to look in that room, let alone sit in it. We are not amongst the privileged."

  "Shut up, Wilson. Let the mayor and the others do their job," Wade, the big badass mechanic said walking up to where Baldwin and Vik stood. For a human, the man was huge and could be just as fierce as a shifter. His six-foot eight frame, along with his heavily muscled build and bald head were enough to make anyone look twice, but all the tats that covered the man’s skin made him look even deadlier, if that were possible. Vik was a shifter and even he didn’t want to tangle with Wade. Good thing he and Wade were friends. "How you doing, Vik?"

  "Been better, Wade. How are you?" Vik replied.

  "Good. You go talk with the others and figure out who the hell is doing this to our town. If you need anything, don't hesitate to come and talk to us. We really want to help in any way we can," Wade said quietly.

  Wilson stood up, angrily tossing some bills on the table. "Why don't you just lick the shifter's ass while your shoved so far up it, Wade? We're dying out there and it seems that none of these parasites give a shit. Had it been one of them, you know they would have not only found the killer by now, but fucking destroyed it."

  "What the hell is your problem, Wilson? We went to school together. Hell, we even played ball together. Why are you acting like this?" Vik asked in frustration.

  Wilson got into Vik's face. "Why? Why? Seriously, Vik? You sons of bitches brought war to our door. Do any of you even think about the casualties we have suffered? The last one was right out these doors and the damage to the buildings around it are still being calculated. One of those businesses hit by that particular battle was mine. You and your enemies destroyed three of my bikes, and took out my work area. I had to submit to the insurance company, but couldn't tell them how it happened, so they won't fucking pay out. That means all the repairs come from me. Another store, a block down, had three of their workers injured and had to go to the fucking hospital and are out of work for the next six weeks! Did we hear a word from any of you? No! We keep your secret because you are supposed to keep us safe. Instead, we are being destroyed and now we’re dying because of all of you! So don't fucking tell me how I should feel!"

  Wilson pushed passed Vik and stormed out of Twixie's. Vik watched him go then turned to see many of the people in the building looking at him with a hostility Vik was not used to seeing.

  Wade sighed, and patted Vik on the arm. "A lot of Crystal humans feel the same way as Wilson, Vik. I'm doing what I can to keep the town calm, but I'm losing ground with each murder. Go catch this guy, and I suggest you do it quick."

  Vik looked around the room, his shoulders dropping in resignation. Wade was right. The townspeople's patience was running out. Not just with the murders, but with Fallon's bullshit as well.

  Turning around, Vik saw Illan, Justice, Day, and Morgan standing in front of their meeting area. They looked as pissed as Vik felt. These people didn't know the half of what the paranormals had done to keep them safe. Didn't these people understand that if not for them, Fallon would have already come in and either killed or enslaved them all?

  Ollie pushed his way through and looked at everyone in the restaurant. "You people have no clue! You think you would be better off if we weren't here?"

  "Ollie, let it go," Vik said quietly.

  Shaking his head rapidly, Ollie shouted, "No! I won't let it go. They need to know what it is we are fighting and risking our lives doing. They need to know what would happen to them if we weren't here fighting this damn fight every fucking day. The sacrifices we make every time we step in the same direction Fallon and his goons are, just to try and keep them all safe!"

  "We're dying out there!" One human shouted.

  Ollie snapped, "So are we! Do you have any idea how many men we've lost? You talk of your injuries, what about ours? What about poison bites from fucking wombats set loose to take over the town, banshee bitches killing or causing our kind to go deaf so they don't make it to you and do the same thing? Fallon is a threat, not just to the paranormal world, but to all of you. I don't see many of you jumping in trying to help us out."

  Vik watched Louis Williams stand up. "What the hell are we supposed to do against things like you? We can't fly, breathe fire, or cast spells."

  "Things? Did you just call me a thing?" Ollie snarled lunging forward.

  Orion caught Ollie before he could take a second step. "They’re scared, Ollie. It is understandable." Vik watched as a haunted look flashed in the vampire’s eyes, then quickly left. "Fear can make people say and do things they normally would not."

  Orion took Ollie away and before Baldwin turned, he said to the people sitting in the diner, "You can report any unusual activity you might see. No matter how small. Everyone, paranormal or not, has a sixth sense. You might feel someone is watching you or a strange ominous feeling runs through your body and you get gooseflesh. This is your brain telling you that something isn't right. Call the station. We will have someone working the lines twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week until this maniac is caught."

  "And Barry, don't forget to get me those photos from this morning. Tony, get the evidence to Denver, and do it overnight. I want those reports as quickly as I can get them." Vik instructed.

  "Yes, sir." Both men replied.

  Everyone started talking to each other as Vik and the others made their way into the back room.

  Vik saw Ethan and Rhys sitting with their babies as were Finn and Marco with their child. Avery sat next to Manny and Frankie as Jett and Zev sat next to Morgan, Angelo, Nash, and Toby. Ollie was sitting across from them with Orion, still looking pissed. Destrain walked through a portal with Dain, Rune, and Kerrick. "Sorry we're late.”

  Vik sat down heavily with Baldwin sitting next to him. Twix raced in with two plates and sat them in front of the them both. "Eat up, guys. You look like you need it. Hell, you look like warmed over crap, when the hell is the last time you've slept?"

  "We've been grabbing some naps on Nash's couch in his office," Baldwin answered.

  "Thanks, Twix. This looks great," Vik said staring down at the meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and side salad, ignoring the people around him. Damn, he was hungry.

  Vik dug in as did Baldwin. No one said a word. When Vik looked up everyone was staring at the two men.

  "When was the last time you've eaten?" Nash asked.

  Baldwin set his fork down, took a sip of water, saying, "Yesterday morning, we had some breakfast."

  Nash pursed his lips, drew in a low deep breath, then let it out slowly. "When this meeting is over, you and Baldwin are going to go home and I do not want to see you until ten tomorrow morning."

  Shaking his head, Vik replied, "Can't, I have too much to do."

  "You can and you will. This isn't up for debate, Vik. You have to sleep, damn it. Exhaustion means mistakes. We can't afford any fucking mistakes in this case," Nash stated firmly.

  "So, what are you saying? Are you saying I've been fucking up?" Vik hissed.

  Nash drew back, saying sharply, "You watch your tone, Vik. I didn't say any damn such thing. You, Baldwin, and Orion have been busting your asses. The problem is, you're running on fumes. I talked to Frankie. He and I are going to help out while you three get some much-needed rest."

  Vik felt Baldwin place his hand on his knee and squeeze. Drawing in a deep breath and letting it out, Vik rasped, "I didn't mean to snap, Nash. I'm sorry. I'm just so pissed that we didn't see the damn puncture marks as created and not actual bites."

  "I don't understand? What do you mean? How the hell could you have automatically known that those were not marks from a vampire. Hell, anyone would come to the same conclusion if we saw two holes in the side of someone's neck." Frankie said.

  "How did you find out? I thought we were here to update everyone?" Vik asked.

  Frankie shrugged, "Illan told all of
us what you guys and Doc Clayton found out. All I'm saying is, I know I would have taken one look and thought "this is a vampire", so don't beat yourself up," Frankie said.

  "Pauly wouldn't have. He always said never assume the obvious and that's just what I did," Vik said slouching back in his chair.

  "Is that what your problem is? You think you're not as good as Pauly? Damn it, Vik, Pauly had been the Crystal investigator for a shit ton of years. He worked with the Pinkerton agency if you remember correctly. If Pauly was back from his trip with Ryder, he would tell you the same thing. Hell, he wouldn't have left to go visit Ryder's family if he didn't think you were up to this case." Nash argued.

  Vik looked at Nash, saying, "Too many people are dying, Nash. Maybe it's time to bring Pauly in."

  Shaking his head, Nash replied, "I asked you to take this position because I know you can do it, Vik. The thing is, you have to believe in yourself in order for you to do your job. Pauly and Ryder are due back soon, and even then, I'm not going to ask him to take over. This is your case and I know that it will be solved."

  "Besides, Fallon is a fucking dick. He's killing the humans to freak them out and make them hate us. The bitch is, it's working," Ollie said in a huff.

  Shaking his head, Vik said, "I don't think so."

  "Vik, who else could it be? Fallon wasn't here for the battle like Angelo said he would be and the killer struck again that night. I agree with Ollie, it has to be Fallon trying to turn the humans against us," Day stated.

  Vik looked at Baldwin. His mate gave him a nod, and Vik said, "I think it's a human."

  "What the hell? Why would a human be out there killing other humans?" Angelo gasped.

  "We know the people in this town, Vik. We grew up with all of them," Ethan stated looking completely flabbergasted.

  Illan held up his hand. "Maybe if you allow Vik to explain, you might not think the idea is so farfetched."

  Vik looked at everyone, his nerves were stretched to the limit. What if he was wrong? What if his thoughts were way off base?

  Baldwin leaned in, whispering, "I believe in you, Vik and so will they. Talk to them and help them understand."


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