Partners In Crime (Eternal Flames Book 9)

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Partners In Crime (Eternal Flames Book 9) Page 7

by Cree Storm

  Vik paid attention to the roads, he didn't want to cause an accident, but they needed to get to that scene before it got much colder. They were riding down the streets like the hounds of hell were on their asses. Baldwin agreed they needed to get to the coroner’s office, but if the man was dead he wasn’t really going anywhere, so driving at a safer speed would have sufficed too. But hell if he were going to say anything to his mate. Vik seemed even more determined than ever to find out who was responsible for all these killings.

  With tires screeching, Vik turned into the parking lot and smoothly directed the car into a parking space, then slammed on the brakes and just barely threw the car into park as he was jumping out.

  Baldwin exited the car in a hurry and quickly caught up to Vik as he was wrenching the front door open. Stepping inside, Baldwin caught the smell of death and his nose twitched. There was something else there. Something familiar but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

  They made their way into the back room where they found Finn and Marco standing next to the exam table and Frankie was pacing the floor like a crackhead needing a fix.

  Microscopes, broken glass, scalpels, and other debris littered the floor. For an old man, the doc seemed to have fought like hell.

  Once Frankie spotted them he stopped and released a loud sigh of relief. “Thank fuck. I gotta go,” he announced and ran from the room.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Vik asked as they joined Finn and Marco.

  “He’s been away from Manny for almost two hours,” Finn replied.

  “Yeah, so?” Vik said as he looked down at the lifeless body of Dr. Clayton.

  “So, he can’t be away from Manny for more than two hours or we risk Manny’s powers surging and fucking up the town like a nuclear bomb, remember?” Marco said.

  “Shit, I forgot about that. With all this shit going on I haven’t been paying too much attention to anything else. I guess I haven’t been that good of a friend lately,” Vik answered solemnly and Baldwin could see the stress mar his mate’s face.

  He stepped closer to Vik and placed a hand on his lower back. “You’ve done nothing wrong, mate. You’ve been very busy with this case and everyone knows it.”

  “And we all appreciate it. You’ve damn near killed yourself with this, Vik. Cut yourself some slack,” Finn said.

  Vik sighed heavily, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly before he opened his eyes again and looked down at Clayton. “Thanks, Finn. Okay, so what do we have here?”

  Baldwin looked down at Clayton and saw two tubes sticking out of two identical holes of the other victims in the side of Clayton’s neck. His eyes traveled down the tubes, following the little trace of blood still inside the plastic tubes, and ended by the drain in the sink below Clayton’s body.

  “So, this is how this sick fuck has been draining the bodies. He puts these tubes in and lets the blood just drain down into the sink,” Vik said absently as he moved in closer, examining the area.

  “Just like Doc Clayton explained the last time we were here. He said they were…what kind of tubes? Femoral or something like that,” Baldwin added.

  “Yeah, but I doubt the Doc did this to himself. So, was this just a crime of opportunity, using the tools at hand to his or her advantage, or the murderer’s normal M.O.? Vik asked.

  “What do you mean, Vik?” Marco asked.

  “The doc told us about his findings and this is how he guessed the perp was draining the victims, but we still have no idea where, or what they are doing with all that blood. From this, it looks like the perp has done this before and is very practiced at it, which tells me this is not his first time. Meaning, this is most likely his normal MO. So, do we start looking for someone who has access to tables like this, or focus on this table?”

  “Would most doctors have access to tables like this?” Finn asked at the same time Marco asked, “Why this table? Doc Clayton couldn’t have done this to himself.”

  “Of course, doc couldn’t have done this to himself, so that’s why I said a crime of opportunity. As for other doctors having access, I’m not sure. I would think it was someone specialized in this sort of thing, like a coroner or funeral director, seeing as they deal with all these bodily fluids after death and draining bodies. Think of it, perfect career for covering up dead bodies. But could someone not in the medical field even order one of these for their home?” Vik replied.

  “It sounds like we need to start making some phone calls to see who in Crystal has these tables,” Finn said.

  “What is this,” Baldwin asked as he leaned in closer and looked at the two holes.

  “What is it, Baldwin?” Vik asked as he looked closer.

  “Here, it looks like this tube was removed, but hastily put back in. It’s not inserted correctly. See, it’s just kind of sitting crooked in the opening, while the other is inserted at least an inch.”

  “You’re right. And if the tube had been used to drain as it appears it was from the remains of blood inside, it would have made a mess coming out of the body. At least some blood would be running down the side of his neck here and into the drain. So why…” Vik said as he studied the area.

  Baldwin noticed a small drop of blood on the doc’s shoulder, then another on the side of the sink. He looked down under the table and spotted another on the floor below. Turning his head, Baldwin spotted another a few feet away and he turned, going to the drop. Looking ahead he noticed another drop just outside the room in the hallway and followed it. He followed the few drops he could find right to the back door.

  On the handle, he spotted a smear of blood and again the scent was slightly familiar, but he didn’t know from where. Obviously, it belonged to the doc and maybe the perp, seeing as drips of blood came from the body to here. He could smell the doc, but with the other lab scents it was hard to tell if there might be someone else's blood mixed in.

  Vik came up next to him and with a glove covered hand he pushed down on the handle and opened the door. They looked out over the rear parking lot but all that was there was the doc’s car. “Whoever did this, I think they took a memento. Most of these sick fucks do.”

  “You think this perp is taking blood samples as his treasures?” Baldwin asked.

  “I'm not one hundred percent sure, the perp could have cut himself. Tests will tell us if it's just doc's or not. The thing is, I've always thought it odd that there was never anything missing from any of the victims that we could tell since serial killers love their trophies. This path of blood droplets makes me think it’s the blood the perp is using for his trophy.”

  “I agree. And with the way that tube seemed to be just stuck into the hole and doc’s body still being here at the murder site and not moved like the others, makes me think the perp was interrupted and had to make a quick exit,” Baldwin replied.

  “We need to get the forensics team in here to start collecting evidence. I’ll give Nash a call. Finn, can you call Suneth and ask him to send over a few of his guys to watch over this place, make sure only authorized personnel gets in or out?” Vik asked.

  “Sure, I’ll call him now,” Finn answered and headed into the waiting room.

  “I’ll call Justice and let him know what’s going on. I think we need that Donny guy he was talking about, and I think we need him now,” Baldwin said as he pulled his cell phone from his back pocket.

  “I agree. I also think we need to put a guard on this guy at all times until we figure this out.”

  “But this Donny is a shifter, not a human, do you really think we need to keep him protected?” Baldwin asked, surprised by what Vik was asking.

  “Yes, I do. Whoever this guy is, they’re upping their game, coming right here into our domain and taking the doc out. He’s been going after humans so far, but now that he’s advanced his time line, who knows if anyone is safe or for how long.”

  “So, what are you thinking, mate?” Baldwin could see the wheels spinning in Vik’s eyes. His mate was
a very smart man and very good at his job, even if he didn’t see it himself.

  “I think it’s time we drive to that fucking forensics’ lab in Denver ourselves and demand the results if we have to.”

  “Didn’t Frankie say he had a friend that worked there? Maybe we should call him too and see if he was able to contact him yet,” Baldwin suggested as they went back into the exam room.

  “Good idea. Marco, call Frankie and ask him if he’s talked to his friend yet,” Vik ordered.

  Marco grumbled under his breath, but pulled his phone from his pocket and started dialing.

  Baldwin called Justice and informed him of what was going on. Of course, the man was not happy, but he said he would have this Donny guy over to them within the hour. When Baldwin hung up he turned back to hear Marco telling Finn and Vik what Frankie said.

  “So, this guy sent the reports weeks ago, then sent another set yesterday at Doc Clayton’s request? Was there anything else?” Vik asked as he ran his hands through his hair. Baldwin was not happy that his mate was so stressed and wished he could take the man home and help relieve some of it.

  “Frankie said this guy, Quinton, spoke with Doc Clayton yesterday and said the Doc was livid. He yelled at Quinton for not getting the results back sooner and told him he was going to send a few new samples, but this time he needed a rush on them and wouldn’t accept anything less. Quinton said that when he told the Doc he had sent the file weeks ago, and the Doc went quiet. Then after a few minutes he asked Quinton to send new copies over right away by courier and he would pay for it. Quinton promised the copied file would be here within three hours, then they hung up,” Marco explained.

  “So, a new file was sent over yesterday, then where is it?” Vik asked, turning his head to look around the room.

  Everyone spread out and started searching tables, drawers, and even the garbage can, but no file could be found. Marco came back from looking in the doc’s office, "There's an entire section of the doc's files missing. We would need someone to tell us what all he kept in there, to know what the perp took."

  Baldwin had a feeling he knew what happened to it, and the other guys must have had the same thought when Vik and Finn said simultaneously, “That’s why the perp killed the Doc.”

  Vik continued, “He found out somehow that the Doc was getting the new file, whether he heard the Doc call us, or he came in here and saw Doc with it. Either way, he knew about the file and killed Doc to keep him quiet, then he grabbed the file.”

  “Which means this was a crime of opportunity as you said, mate, but this guy knew how to use all of this stuff. So, he’s either versed in the medical field or funeral home, or he has all this equipment set up somewhere.”

  “Once the team gets here, Marco and I can head over to Crystal’s only funeral home and question the staff there if you want?” Finn asked.

  “That would be great, Finn, thanks. Then could you start calling around and see how many of these tables are in this area and who owns them?” Vik asked.


  “And what will you be doing?” Marco asked.

  “I’m not leaving this spot until the forensics guys are done and this Donny takes over looking at the evidence. I want to get a feel for him. Then Baldwin and I will head over to Town Hall to talk to Justice. Give him and Illan an update,” Vik replied.

  “Why the hell would you call us here? This is the Doc’s doma…Oh shit. Doc?” Barry said as he and Tony walked in.

  “Doc is the latest victim of this monster? So, what the hell are you all doing just standing around here for?” Tony asked angrily.

  “Watching over any evidence until you could get your ass here and do your job, so I can go do mine,” Vik growled back.

  “You rang?” Ozcog the Gargoyle asked as he and Sylux walked in.

  “Yes, thanks for coming, guys,” Vik said.

  “Great, more paranormal freaks,” Tony said under his breath, but everyone heard him.

  “Let’s talk out in the waiting room,” Vik suggested as he motioned for the gargoyles to follow.


  Vik was not about to talk about the investigation with any humans within ear shot at this point. He called Ozcog and Sylux out into the waiting room while Finn and Marco stayed in the exam room watching over the forensics’ team. He needed to tell the gargoyles to keep an eye on the team and make sure nothing was covered up or removed from the scene without being logged in to evidence. Vik wasn’t blaming the humans on the team, but something was telling him to keep his guard up around all humans. He just couldn’t shake the idea that this perp was human, no matter what anyone said. Even the doc felt it was a human.

  Yes, he didn’t know the gargoyles very well yet, but his instincts told him they could be trusted and were only here to help them keep the town safe. Plus, out of everyone in Crystal, the gargoyles weren’t here when the killings started so they were definitely not on the suspect list.

  After giving them their instructions, and knowing they would be followed to a T, they rejoined the others in the exam room. Finn and Marco left and Ozcog moved to stand outside the door as Sylux made himself comfortable in a corner, out of the way, and kept his keen eye on everything that was going on.

  A few minutes later the door opened and a small somewhat Asian looking man of about five feet seven inches walked in, looking around at everyone in the room with annoyance. The small man was not fat by any means. He was built sturdy, with shorter legs than torso and olive skin, but it was his long, thick, black hair with white streaks and silver tips that went down to his knees and pulled back into a low pony at the nape, and his harvest gold eyes, that caught Vik’s attention.

  He was a very attractive man and probably would be more so if he smiled. As it was the man wore a scowl on his face as his gaze zeroed in on Tony and Barry.

  “May I help you?” Baldwin asked at the same time Vik asked. “How did you get past the guard at the door?”

  “For the same reason,” the man said, his silky-smooth voice sounding sensual. “Mayor Abruzzo asked me to come. I am Don Chen.”

  “Donny? What are you doing here?” Barry asked, surprise evident in his voice.

  “Come to stake your claim on the coroner’s office before the body cools off?” Tony said with a laugh, but Donny didn’t even crack a smile. Vik knew the man was teasing, even if it was in poor taste.

  Donny stared at Tony with cold eyes, his features remaining impassive. “As I said, Mayor Abruzzo asked me to come. He told me about Gary here and asked if I would take over this case for now. You all need a coroner and I have the qualifications. Are you all almost done here so I can get to work? Or do you need another week or so? I know how hard it is for you to actually work with that foot always lodged in your mouth, Tony.”

  Tony grumbled something softly under his breath and went back to packing away his evidence bags.

  Donny moved to the table that still held Clayton’s body. Vik moved closer and introduced himself and Baldwin. “I’m Viktor Capri and this is my partner Baldwin. We’re the lead detectives on this case.”

  Donny didn’t look up in greeting, only kept his gaze focused on Clayton as he tilted his head this way and that, studying the body. “Yes, the Mayor told me I would find you here and who you were. So, I guess I will be reporting to you after I am done with my examination? I must say I was a little intrigued to hear that Crystal had a…griffon…working in its police force.”

  “Griffion,” Baldwin corrected.

  Finally, Donny looked up, his harvest moon eyes staring right at Baldwin, filled with confusion. “That’s what I said.”

  “No, you said griffon. I am only part griffon. My kind is called a Griffion by our creator. Me and those like me were created using different shifter genes,” Baldwin explained.

  “Fascinating. Someday I would love to hear more,” Donny replied with purr and a hint of lust. His eye color deepening and showing his interest.

  Vik growled as his phoenix
flashed in his eyes. He didn’t like the way this little guy was looking at his mate, as if he was stripping Baldwin bare with his eyes and fucking him.

  Without missing a beat or showing fear, Donny chuckled and looked back to Clayton, still bent over the table. “Sorry, phoenix. I didn’t realize the hunk of man meat was yours. I don’t poach, but damn, you are a lucky man having such a…strong…large…specimen of hotness as your mate.”

  “I know I am, but if you look at my mate like you’re about to mount him one more time, I warn you that I will have to kill you.”

  Donny chuckled again, not fazed, and Vik couldn’t scent any fear coming from him. “Warning given and understood. So,” Donny said loudly as he finally straightened and looked around the room. “Are you all done here so I can get to work?”

  “I’m done,” Tony stated and locked his case containing the evidence. “I’ll get these over to the lab in Denver,” he said holding up a large envelope. “And these logged into the evidence room at the station.” Tony motioned toward the box in his hand.

  “Shouldn’t those samples be locked away as well or risk being cross-contaminated, or lost?” Donny asked with a raised brow.

  Tony glared at Donny. “Not when I am only walking ten feet into the other office to send them out.”

  “Normally yes, but this whole building is a crime scene, or have you not realized that and collected the blood samples leading down the hall? Also, those are going to the police station as well to the new lab the Mayor has set up for me to test all the samples,” Donny replied arrogantly.

  Tony looked back over his shoulder toward the doors, then back. Shaking his head, he opened the locked case and put the samples inside, then relocked it and stood. “I’ll go get those other samples and get this over to Nash right away, Vik,” Tony said, not addressing or looking at Donny.

  “And what about you, photo boy? Are you done yet?”

  “I’m finished in here. I just have to do the hall and the back door. I’ll get these to you A.S.A.P., Vik.”


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