Partners In Crime (Eternal Flames Book 9)

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Partners In Crime (Eternal Flames Book 9) Page 13

by Cree Storm

  "I keep trying to see if the marks match. Is there something we might have missed? The damn photos are either off angle or to grainy to see. Barry seriously needs to take some classes on this shit," Baldwin said in disgust.

  A scoff had both men turning to see Nash standing there reading one of the many lab reports Finn and Marco had brought to them. "Barry attended the University of New Mexico, which has one of the top photography programs in the entire country. He even obtained his MFA."

  "What's an MFA?" Baldwin asked, hating all the damn acronyms these people used about as much as he hated texting.

  "Sweetie, relax. It's okay. MFA just means Master of Fine Arts," Vik replied, leaning in and giving him a peck on the cheek.

  Sighing heavily, Baldwin replied, "There are times I think that I will never understand this world. All these damn acronyms. LOL, SMH, LMFAO, the fucking list goes on and on. People tend to forget not everyone knows what the hell all that shit means. Sometimes I sit for hours trying to think of what the person is trying to tell me, only to ask, be laughed at, and then feel stupid. Hell, the other day Twix was working with me on email responding. I typed, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and he said the most important thing to remember was KISS. I thought he was making a pass at me and was appalled because he has Finn and Marco and I like my balls. Besides, he's like a kid brother to me, so eww. Twix then sent me LMAO and tells me it means "Keep it simple stupid." Not wanting to be laughed at again, I sat there trying to figure out what the hell LMAO meant. Then he sends me a message saying that the baby was crying, BRB. I had no clue what the hell that meant so I raced to his home, thinking it stood for Baby Real Bad and he needed to get to the hospital."

  Vik turned and grasped the back of Baldwin's neck, whispering, "You are not stupid. People are often in a hurry so they tend to talk in acronyms these days. It isn't always the right thing to do, but how about we work on bringing you up to speed on some of the most popular ones? We can make it a game. For every acronym you get right, I kiss you lower and lower until―"

  "Hey, I found something," Nash called out, interrupting Vik before he could complete the image Baldwin had running through his mind.

  Vik kissed Baldwin lightly, whispering, "We'll finish this discussion later." Turning to Nash, Vik asked, "What do you have, boss man?"

  "There was an unidentified blood source mixed with the blood on the broken light bulb we found at the coroner's office," Nash said, still reading.

  Vik grabbed at Sal's file, looking over the report, saying, "I read something similar in Sal's file. There was a tiny blood droplet found on the watch Donny has now and―Sweetie, can I see that photo you're holding?"

  Baldwin handed it to Vik. "Sure."

  Vik looked at it, then brought the photo even closer, Nash leaned in asking, "What? What do you see?"

  Looking up at Nash, Vik asked, "Can I get the photos from Jinx's murder case?"

  "Sure, but what the hell does Carver Jinx have to do with the murders?" Nash asked.

  Shaking his head, Vik replied, "Nothing, I just need to see them." Looking around the room, Vik asked, "Where's Justice?"

  "He and Illan are with Ryder, talking to Jim," Nash said leaving the room.

  Pulling out his cell phone, Vik called Justice. It went to voice mail and Vik quickly hit the recall button. When he got no answer, Vik jumped up. "Going to talk to Justice."

  Baldwin and Orion both raced out of the room. Vik smacked into Nash. "Sorry, Chief. I need to talk to Justice."

  Holding out the pictures Vik requested, Nash replied, "I thought you wanted to see these?"

  Vik took the photos and looked at them. "Just as I thought. I need to talk to Justice, Nash. I think I know who the fuck our perp is."

  Vik took off at top speed towards the interview rooms. Tossing the one open where Tony had been brought back to, Vik found Tony sitting there looking down and broken. "Get up and come with me. I have some questions for you and Jim."

  Turning around, Vik stopped, then turned to Baldwin, "Sweetie, I need you to take Tony to Justice, I'll meet you there in a second. I need to talk to Rory just one second."

  Baldwin nodded, looking as lost as everyone else around him. Vik smiled, "I really think I know who our killer is. I just don't know why, yet." Racing back in the direction he had just came from, Vik shouted, "Tell Donny to look to see if there is an inscription on the back of that watch!"

  Running back to where Wade and Rory sat, Wade said, "Vik, we think we might have something, but―”

  Not having time to hear out Wade right now, Vik jumped in, "And I will be more than glad to hear it, later. However, Rory, you said that you had been doing background checks on all the employees here and at Gary's office."

  "Yeah," Rory replied hesitantly.

  "I need those reports," Vik ordered, grabbing the file he had been looking through and the pictures Baldwin had been looking at.

  Rory looked at Vik with drawn down brows and scrunched nose. "Why? I told you there was nothing there."

  "Please, Rory, just get me the files and I need them as fast as you can print them," Vik urged.

  "Okay, it should only take me a few minutes," Rory replied turning back to his computer.

  "Are you ever going to tell me what the hell you’re looking for in those pictures?" Nash asked in that alpha tone that always let Vik know he was losing his patience.

  Looking at what Nash just handed him a few moments ago, Vik smiled, knowing he was right. "Come with me to interrogation, Nash. I swear I will explain everything there.”

  Wade got up as Vik and Nash were going back to where Jim was being interrogated. Quickly opening the door, Vik was met by quite a few confused looks. Justice asking, "What's going on, Vik?"

  "Hold on a second, Justice. I just need to ask these two a question. Oh, and welcome back, Ryder," Vik said pointing to Tony and Jim.

  "Thank you, it's nice to be home," Ryder replied.

  Vik sat down, asking, "How often did you two meet up?"

  Ryder snorted, "Meat up."

  Ryder pursed his lips mumbling, "Sorry, it was funny."

  Turning back to the two men, Vik asked once more, "How often did you two get together for your trysts?"

  Shrugging, Tony replied, "At least once a week, sometimes more. It depended."

  "On what?" Vik asked.

  "When the Doc was going to be there. There was a main meeting once a week, but he also used to get with a small group two or three times a week," Jim answered.

  "Tony, who did Doc meet with at these "special meetings?"" Vik asked.

  Shaking his head, Tony answered, "Other than Wilson, I don't really know. Jim and I weren't in the "Know". Hell, we didn't even want to be in the group. I told you Doc Clayton forced us. I swear, Vik, I don't have an issue with shifters. Yeah, you've kinda put us all in a dangerous situation here, but I think we would be in worse trouble if you left."

  "Do you remember the watch found at Sal's crime scene?" Vik quickly asked.

  Tony's face became thoughtful, then his eyes went wide. "Oh yeah! I remember, Barry and I got into a fight because he was mishandling the evidence."

  "How so?" Nash asked.

  "We have a deal, I collect the blood, fibers, and miscellaneous stuff around the crime and he takes the pictures. That day he was touching shit left and right. First, he was gathering hairs from Sal's hand and just as I was about to ask him what the hell he was doing, the idiot stood up with the watch in his hand. I got in his face, took a swab from the blood I saw deep in the edge, then bagged and tagged the damn thing."

  "I don't remember any of this," Orion quickly replied.

  Baldwin shook his head. "Me either."

  "And you damn sure never mentioned it," Nash practically growled.

  Tony sighed. "It's because you guys weren't there yet. I didn't want to get Barry in trouble so I didn't say anything."

  "What about Barry? Was Barry a part of this hate group?" Vik asked.

  "Barry? Barry Mile
s? Have you lost your mind, Vik? Barry has been with this department for over twenty-five years. You're talking as if he's the maniac doing these killings," Justice replied in agitation.

  Vik looked at Justice saying, "Because I believe he is."

  "No way. No fucking way. I sit next to that man every fucking day. We hang after work all the time. He has never once said a bad thing about any shifter or paranormal and I think I would know if the man was a serial killer," Tony replied shaking his head.

  "He has been an exemplary employee for Crystal. We just had a big anniversary party for him to show him how much we appreciated his years of hard work and dedication," Justice argued.

  "It's him, Justice. I feel it in my gut. I will stake my badge on it," Vik snapped. Slamming the photos of the Jinx case and then some from their current case on the table. "Look at these pictures, Justice. Look at how they are clear and concise. Now, look at the ones Barry took at each scene. You have blurred out photos, off angle shots, hell, you can't even tell where the hell these were taken. Nash, you said that Barry went to UNM for just this type of job. He double majored. Not only in photography, but in surveillance. He proved he can do it with Jinx's case, but for this one, hell, Amelia could do a better job and she's not even a year old."

  Justice nodded, saying, "I agree that those are poorly done, but that doesn't mean he's a killer."

  "True. Nash, you said so yourself. I don't know how the hell he knew about the cameras when not even I did, but he knew and he is the one that made damn sure we couldn't get that footage at the murder scenes. I'm telling you, Justice, Barry is our guy. I know it. I feel it in my gut," Vik insisted.

  "You can't arrest someone on a gut feeling, Vik, you know that," Nash stated calmly.

  Vik smirked. "That's just it, Nash. It isn't only my gut feeling, the pictures, or his knowledge on computers and surveillance cameras. It's because of that gift we gave him at the party that I know I'm on to something. And once Donny―"

  "Did I hear my name? You know it would be so much better if it had been said with passion as one finds themselves in when finding release―"

  "Donny! We don't have time for your games right now. Did you look at the inscription on the back?" Vik asked sounding as agitated as he felt.

  Donny nodded. "Yes, it said―"

  "Thank you for the 25?" Vik said before Donny could finish.

  Donny pursed his lips snapping, "Why, if you knew, did you ask me to look?"

  "That doesn't mean he's guilty, Vik. His watch could have fallen off and Barry just assumed it was Sal's," Justice said in a low whisper.

  "Justice is right, Vik. We need evidence and facts to bring a case to court," Ryder replied.

  Vik looked around the room. How the hell could these people not see what he was seeing? Baldwin placed a soothing hand on Vik's back, softly saying, "Take a breath, babe, and show us what you have."

  Slapping the file he had brought with him from the war room, Vik flipped through it. "I was looking at the files that Doc had delivered to him the night he was murdered. One of the files was Sal's. I saw in evidence that there was a watch, however, when I looked at the photos, I didn't see the watch. It was nowhere to be found."

  "Like I said, he had picked it up before you guys got there," Tony stated firmly.

  "Without taking a picture of it first?" Vik asked sarcastically.

  Pushing reports and photos on the table, Vik explained his reasoning of Barry's guilt, "You have the fucked up pictures. You have the watch and the lab report says the blood on the swab was not from the victim. I think that Doc Clayton got pissed as well as rattled from our last meeting. Donny said that he was sloppy and lazy at his job. The man made the call for the reports and when he got them he then and only then realized that there was a watch. Remember, Donny said that one of the ways coroners can use to tell time of death is sometimes watches are broken? So, he gets the watch, sees the back and calls us."

  "But how would Barry know what he found out?" Justice asked.

  "Or that the Doc had the watch?" Illan questioned.

  "How would he get Tony's key card?" Wade asked.

  Vik tossed his hands in the air grabbing at his hair, just wanting to punch someone. He knew he was getting ready to lose his fucking mind.

  Tony sighed. "Oh my God, I think I know. I could be wrong, but―I don't―"

  "Spit it out, Tony. What do you know?" Baldwin snapped.

  "I know how he knew Doc Clayton was getting those test results and when they would arrive," Tony said anxiously.


  Baldwin could tell that his mate was doing everything he could not to lose it on every man in this room. Wanting to comfort his mate, but unsure if his touch would be appreciated right now, Baldwin stayed close, but not too close. "Talk to us, Tony."

  Tony sat back, and explained, "After lunch, we went back to the Coroner's building. I had to get the evidence I had locked up there ready for Denver, and Barry had to grab the photos Vik wanted. Doc Clayton was screaming at someone, but I didn't know who. My office is a bit farther from the Doc's, but Barry's was right across from there. He had to of heard the doc yelling at the guy from the Denver lab. That's why Barry was so squirrely when we left. It makes sense."

  "But how the hell could he get his hand on your key card?" Baldwin asked.

  Pursing his lips at the accusatory tone Baldwin used, Tony snapped, "He was my partner for over ten years. I trusted him, like I would my own brother. We had meals together, watched Sunday football, and grilled out. I helped him care for his mom after she got hurt a few months back. I had no reason to think twice if I left my wallet laying around. I don't like carrying it in my pocket because it isn't that comfortable to sit on all the time."

  "That still isn't enough to take to court, Vik. It's a lot of circumstantial evidence. I'm not saying you’re wrong, just that we need more to prove it," Ryder calmly stated.

  "Then give me the watch and I'll run some blood tests of my own. I just need something from Barry to make the comparison," Donny stated, grabbing the watch and leaving for the lab.

  "Vik, I got something," Rory said with excitement, entering the interrogation room.

  Setting the computer on the table, Rory said, "There was a camera installed other than the ones Justice put up."

  "What? Where?" Vik asked looking at the computer screen.

  "It isn't one from the city. When I was looking at the ones Justice provided me, I saw something that caught my interest. See that Owl at the top of that sign?" Rory asked pointing to the screen.

  Nodding, Vik muttered, "Yeah, what about it? People use them to keep birds away from their buildings."

  "True, but they also use them to hide cameras inside. This one is facing the bank alley, right next to the Coroner's building. Watch," Rory stated then stepped back.

  Vik and the others looked at the screen and watched someone push the back door open to the Coroner's office and take off running. He took the corner around the front and was out of sight of the camera. "Shit, I didn't see the face."

  Rory moved in between Vik and Baldwin and tapped another button. "Ask and you shall receive. The bank had another camera facing the front."

  Vik watched as the guy stood just inside the doorway of the bank, panting, then pushed the hood of his windbreaker back. There Barry stood looking out of breath and unsettled. He held something in his hand and put it to his face, smiling.

  "Holy shit, that's a vial. You were right, babe, he does take vials of blood as trophies." Baldwin whispered.

  "That's disgusting," Tony replied looking a bit green.

  "Aren't all murderers?" Vik muttered watching as Barry put the blood vial in his pocket and ran down the street.

  Turning to his mate, Baldwin said, "We need to go pick this guy up before he kills someone else."

  Nodding, Vik replied, "You're right. Do you think your men might be willing to help? We really are shorthanded around here."

  "You're right, Vik. We need a bigger
department. I never thought about how strained the department has become with all the new shifters, paranormals, and even humans coming to Crystal," Justice said, then turned to Nash. "I want you to start putting feelers out there. Maybe I can get some of Suneth's men to help in the department. But I expect no less than eight new hires. We can meet later to determine what else you might need."

  "Thank you, Justice. Let's take care of Barry first, then we can talk," Nash replied.

  "Baldwin, do you think you can contact your men? I know Barry's human, but he's also seriously disturbed. When he finds out we know, we can't predict what he might do," Vik stated in concern.

  Grabbing his phone, he hit the buttons Twix had said were speed dial.

  "This is Wolf."

  "Wolf, I need you, Drake, Edge, and Pelt to grab some men and get to the station, now.”

  "Yes, sir. On our way. Com link on," Wolf replied then hung up.

  Placing his com link in his ear, Baldwin let everyone know they were on their way.

  Baldwin had worked with these men since their creation over five hundred years ago. They were as close as brothers and each man had a team of ten. Baldwin knew that they were the best any leader could ask for and that no matter what, they had his back and he had theirs. Tonight, Baldwin was counting on them to also have his mate's back as well.

  Barry might be a human, but he was also bat shit crazy. He had murdered seven people and Baldwin was going to make damn sure it wasn't eight.

  A loud bang had everyone turning. Nash whispering, "Someone is in the building."

  Baldwin drew in a deep breath, hissing, "Fire! There's a fire in the building."

  Nash quickly said, "This might be a trap to pick us off one by one. Everyone, go to the war room. It's a secure room and we can see what the hell we're facing."

  Wade pulled a Sig Sauer P226 9mm from behind his back. Baldwin raised a brow, "Nice weapon of choice."

  Smiling, Wade replied, " You should see what other cool toys I have back at the shop."

  "The only cool toy he needs, I have. Now, let's go." Vik snapped.

  Wade laughed. "That is one possessive man."


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