Were Blood

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Were Blood Page 9

by Lia Slater

  For her acceptance of that, he was grateful. Still, his heart felt hollow knowing she’d never accept his love.

  Chapter Eight

  Vigmy Castle towered in the distance. Vast and pretentious, the fortress seemed to be lit from within, gleaming in the otherwise dark horizon. The carriage glided along the well-paved road toward the false beacon and, beside Blanca, Worth was dressed in a fine suit, one she hadn’t noticed in his closet before. His usually messy, choppy long hair was slicked back and tied with a leather band.

  As always, he looked delicious, just in a different, more refined way.

  If one didn’t know better, one might think she was the luckiest woman alive, heading toward a grand ball with a handsome gentleman at her side. Ha. One would be dead wrong. This evening was certain to be unpleasant, at most.

  But Blanca had dressed for the occasion, wearing one of Kerene’s fancier gowns. She’d learned more from Kerene about Worth’s occasional run-ins with the High Council. Apparently he wasn’t well liked amongst the Okantalor noblemen and had spent time in the dungeon for breaking several of their rules. The fact that Kerene had said this with a shy smile on her face had told Blanca that Worth’s disobedience seemed at least somewhat heroic to the young human.

  Blanca wasn’t sure what to think of that, or of Worth. She couldn’t deny that she was falling in love with him, even now as he drove her to a ceremony that was sure to degrade her and mark her for life in more ways than one. He’d been sweet and attentive the entire day, only leaving her side when Kerene visited. Either he felt incredibly guilty for what was to come, or he didn’t want her to escape again.

  It had confused her that he hadn’t taken her blood when she’d been tied to the tree. She so wanted to believe he was truly good inside…and that he wouldn’t hurt her more than he had to tonight.

  They passed through the fortress gates and were stopped by one of the guardsmen, who insisted on parking the carriage. Worth grudgingly obliged and helped Blanca down. With his hand on her waist, holding her close as if to protect her, she felt somewhat soothed. But as they walked through the castle doors, all rational thoughts tightened up into a ball in the pit of her stomach.

  All around them Weres were naked and leashed in their human forms, held captive by their blood masters. Some looked pale and sick. Some were deathly thin. Only a few looked healthy and a couple seemed happy to be there, as was the case when a blood slave was completely under mental control.

  So this was how the Okantalor Vampires treated their blood slaves? Their treatment was worse than the coven that had enslaved her. The very thought sickened her and she had to turn away, unintentionally bumping into Worth’s chest.

  He embraced her and whispered into her ear. “I’m sorry you have to see this, wildflower. But know that you’re safe with me.”

  Damn if she didn’t believe him. How naïve had she become?

  They were led into the great hall, an immense room that gleamed with gold and crystal. Elaborate candelabras dangled from the high ceilings, lighting the room. All around, Vamps lounged on sofas with their slaves at their feet, while others—probably members of the High Council—sat and watched the room from high-backed thrones that were placed on an elevated part of the room.

  She guessed that was where the ceremony would take place.

  “Worth,” an unfamiliar feminine voice called from one of the thrones.

  Blanca turned to watch the woman glide toward them with an elegance that was almost eerie. Her ruby red lips were painted on as well as the fake smile on her face. Still, she was stunning. Her pale skin was milky white, her hair a cascade of copper curls that framed the cleavage spilling from her low-cut dress. Her eyes were a vibrant blue, which almost made up for the dark rings under them, a common trait of bloodsuckers. She was several inches taller than Blanca. And she was staring at Worth as if she wanted to tear his clothes off and hump in on the spot.


  “Worth, I’m so glad you’re here.” She closed in on them and reached up to touch Worth and, to give him credit, he backed up a step dodging the woman’s hand.

  Was this the woman from his past? Blanca didn’t know much about her but she certainly knew of her. And that she was now married to the head Vamp, the Premiere.

  Blanca stifled a smile. Maybe this evening wouldn’t be so horrible. She could find out more about this coven of evil and take it back home to her pack. Knowing their quirks and weaknesses would come in handy during wartime.

  “Marta.” Worth nodded his head once. The tension between these two was palpable. What had she done to him?

  Her smile fizzled briefly when she glanced down at Blanca, giving her a head-to-toe, then beamed again as she looked to Worth.

  “I’m proud of you for finally taking a blood slave,” Marta said sweetly. “I never thought I’d see the day. When I heard from Lord Kerdy, I couldn’t wait to see for myself.” She glanced to Blanca but then dismissed her and gave Worth her full attention. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve yearned for this day.”

  “I’m not here to please you.” Worth’s voice dropped an octave, almost to a growl. “Though that may be hard for someone as self-centered as you to believe.”

  Ouch. One point for Worth.

  Marta’s smile faded again. “I see.” She shook her head as if pushing certain thoughts from her mind. “In any case, your slave needs to be undressed and leashed. We don’t allow animals to roam freely in the castle acting as if they’re one of us.”

  Blanca glared up at Worth, silently daring him to try to leash her or, worse, agree with the Vampiress about Blanca being lesser than them. The clothes she didn’t give a damn about. In fact, she’d been longing to be rid of the confining dress since Kerene and tied her into it. But her pride was another issue.

  She couldn’t let this evening beat her.

  “That’s not a problem,” Blanca said before their conversation could go on. “Lover,” she said to Worth, unable to help herself. She gazed up at him and winked, hoping to irritate Marta. “Would you mind loosening the back?”

  His shocked expression quickly transformed into a devastating smile. “Are you sure, sweetheart? I’m certain that the rules can be bent since there’s only one animal I see in my presence and it’s definitely not you.”

  Another point for Worth. He wasn’t letting her down so far. She hoped that would continue.

  “I’m not going to stand around and be insulted in my own home,” Marta said, but Blanca couldn’t peel her eyes away from Worth to see what the woman would do next. The man captivated her.

  Please don’t let him disappoint me tonight.

  The marking she could deal with. In all truth, having Worth’s bite marks scarred on her flesh for eternity was much better than having her previous blood master’s marks. All in all, a scar was a scar but its meaning was what was important.

  “Then leave us.” Worth spoke to Marta but continued to stare into Blanca’s eyes. He took her hand in his and finally broke their connection, throwing a look over his shoulder at his ex. “Go. Find Bartholomew. I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. Have you checked the maid’s quarters? I’ve heard he likes to taste upon the humans, if you know what I mean.”

  “You haven’t changed a bit, Worth Sinclaire,” Marta snapped. “You’re just as stupid and gullible as the day I left you.”

  Blanca pointed her claws and was about to use them but Marta swiveled on her heels and strode away.

  “She’s nice,” she teased. “Do you know her?”

  Worth chuckled then brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her palm. “I’m sorry she was rude to you.”

  “She obviously still has feelings for you.” Blanca wasn’t sure how she felt about that but a sting of jealousy couldn’t be helped. “How long were you married?”

  “Too long. My past with her isn’t something I’m proud of.”

  There was a stir from the area where the noblemen sat, a hush of whispers, after Marta strode quic
kly out of the room.

  “So what happens next?” Blanca asked, her anxiety rising again.

  “Well, I can tell you that you won’t be leashed or taking off your clothes in front of these fools.” Worth flashed his fangs and glanced toward where Lord Kerdy sat with an incredibly thin Were perched on his lap.

  Blanca didn’t recognize any of the Weres but her heart still went out to them.

  Worth took her hand again and led her to the corner of the room, far from where anyone could listen in. “We simply need to lie low until the ceremony and then,” he whispered and lowered his gaze, “then they’ll want us to…to have sex while I mark you. That’s what I’ve been told anyway. I don’t know the specifics of what happens but just know that I’ll try to take as little blood as possible and I’ll keep your body covered so they can’t see you.”

  This wasn’t a shock. It didn’t sound much different from the other ceremony in her past with the other coven and heat crept up her chest to her neck. Again, her anger warred with her desire for Worth.

  He met her eyes again. “I’ll try to make it as pleasurable as possible for you. Then we can leave this place and go back home. I promise to make it up to you. I realize you don’t deserve to be treated this way. And at my hands. For that I am deeply sorry. But I’ll also grateful if you agree not to fight me.”

  She eyed him. “Grateful because you’ll be punished if you refuse to do this? Kerene told me that you’ve had trouble with their rules before.”

  “Then you know I don’t give a damn,” his voice rose but he quickly brought it down to a whisper again, “about their rules. My intention is to protect the people I love the only way I know how. If I’m dead, I can’t do that. Do you understand?”

  Yes. More than ever. She nodded but couldn’t help but say, “But that’s not the only reason you’re agreeing to this.”

  “No.” He blew out a breath. “It’s not the only reason. I won’t lie to you, Blanca. Every day that I’m with you, I wish I could remove those marks from you. You don’t belong to anyone else. And after tonight, you won’t belong to this damned country. You’ll be mine and mine alone.”

  Blanca bit back the curse word bubbling on her tongue. His, huh? Well, she’d just have to see about that.

  * * * * *

  Gullible and stupid. Worth let the words toss around in his head. Marta had been partially right. He wasn’t the brightest when it came to dealing with women. Well, with the one woman who mattered.

  And now Blanca stood stiff and silent beside him, probably hoping this evening would end so she could attempt to escape him and his overbearing ways again. He couldn’t help himself. His innate need to possess her overpowered all other reasoning.

  At that very moment he could think of nothing but touching her. She was breathtaking. The cranberry gown she wore curved snugly along her waist and bosom. Her hair was swept up into a loose twist and wisps of it framed her naturally beautiful face. Seeing her next to Marta had reaffirmed the fact that he’d never truly loved his ex.

  But he did love Blanca, with everything he had. He only wished she felt the same about him.

  “Would you like a drink?” he asked her, hoping to break their silence.

  “Am I allowed?” Her fiery eyes shot blazing spears at him. “I must ask you first, correct? Since you own me, and all.”

  Here we go again.

  “I didn’t—” He began to argue but Marta had stormed into the great hall and was headed in his direction with that familiar look on her face, the one that came with a promise of a temper tantrum. He should’ve known better than to think their conversation was over. She always needed to have the last word.

  “I need to speak with you alone,” she said so loudly that everyone around them stopped to look. “Right now.”

  “We have nothing more to say, Marta.” He glanced around to see if the Premiere had shown in the past few minutes but he was still missing. Peculiar. Maybe those rumors about the maids were true?

  Beside him, Blanca took hold of his arm and nudged closer to him, so close that her breasts pressed into his side. She wasn’t angry with him anymore, eh? At least Marta was good for something. If his wildflower felt jealousy then at least there was hope.

  “I get to decide that,” Marta said and grabbed his other arm. “If you want to leave here tonight unharmed with your new plaything then you’ll do exactly as I say.”

  “Plaything?” Blanca dug her sharp claws into his arm. “I’m no one’s plaything.”

  Marta glared at her. “If you think you’re more than a pawn in his idiotic game then you’re in for a harsh surprise, wolf.”

  “I’m not playing a game, Marta,” Worth growled. The last thing he wanted was for Blanca to have more doubts about him.

  “And neither am I,” Marta said. “I don’t want to threaten you, Worth, but I must talk to you. Follow me out to the terrace on the west wing’s second floor or I’ll have you both imprisoned.” She pointed to Blanca. “And leave her here.”

  Like hell.

  He waited until Marta was out of sight before turning to Blanca. “You’re coming with me. Just stay hidden, all right?”

  “You’re going to her? Just like that?”

  “It doesn’t appear that I have a choice in the matter, does it?”

  * * * * *

  Did he really expect her not to listen in? Blanca remained hidden behind the large column for about five seconds before sneaking into a better position. Worth had slipped out onto the terrace with explicit order for her to stay where she was. That wasn’t going to happen.

  Part of her wanted to find more about the Okantalor Premiere’s One for the sake of the upcoming war but most of her just needed to make sure the bitch didn’t try to seduce Worth back into her grasp.

  Blanca tiptoed to the wall that separated the secluded den from the terrace and concentrated on the words being spoken on the other side.

  * * * * *

  Worth closed the door behind him but didn’t move any closer to the woman leaning against the terrace wall with her hair flowing in the soft night breeze and a glass of wine grasped in her hand. The light of the moon lit a portion of her pale face. She was a gorgeous woman but Worth realized long ago that her beauty only went skin deep.

  “I’m glad you came.” Her voice was low and breathy, the way she used to make it when she’d wanted something from him.

  “You didn’t give me a choice. What do you want?”

  She heaved out a breath and sauntered closer. Worth noticed tears brimmed her eyes and one drop trailed down her cheek yet she didn’t bother to wipe it off.

  “Why didn’t you fight for me, Worth?”

  Oh fuck. What the hell was this? “Pardon? I didn’t what?” He had to be hearing things.

  “When I left you, you didn’t fight for me. You didn’t tell me what a horrible mistake I was making. You didn’t love me enough to save me from this awful, awful fate.”

  He could see she hadn’t lost her flair for the dramatic. “You’re married to the most powerful Vamp in this country, Marta. This is exactly what you wanted.”

  “He’s horrid to me.” Her lips quivered as she stopped in front of him. More tears dribbled down her face. “He’s nothing like you.”

  “You knew that when you left me for him. You knew that when you slept with every noblemen in the High Council. So why are you bringing it up tonight?”

  “I need you. I want you back in my life, in my bed.” She reached for him but he stepped out of the way.

  “And what about your One?” he asked, more out of curiosity than anything else. He hadn’t seen this coming.

  “What about him?” Her blue eyes flared with anger. “I scarcely see him anymore. We don’t share the same bed. He’s always gone.”

  “That’s not my problem, Marta. You’re not my problem anymore.”

  “I don’t want to be a problem to you, don’t you see that?” More tears. “I want to be your lover. I have the entire castle but n
o one to share it with. You could come to me in the day when he’s snoring away. No one would have to know.”

  Worth couldn’t hold back his laugh. “I’d be executed. Are you insane? Even if I wanted to touch you again, I wouldn’t. I’m not that stupid and gullible.”

  “Damn you.” She threw her glass against the far wall, shattering it. “Why don’t you ever see an opportunity when it’s right in front of you?” She shoved at his chest.

  “I don’t see anything in front of me.”

  “I whole-heartedly agree. You’re too dumb to see anything!” She pushed at his chest again but Worth tempered his anger.

  He’d heard this all before.

  Finally she swiped at her tears. “Are you even taking that Were’s blood? Or are you still using the sun for your nutrients?”

  “That’s none of your concern.”

  “Of course it is. I begged you to act normal for so long but you always refused. Like a fool, you burn yourself to a blackened coal every damn day. And for what? So you don’t have to have a blood slave? So you can make your own blood? What does it matter? They’re animals, Worth. Every one of them. They’re beneath us.”

  Worth could only shake his head at how ridiculous she sounded. Did she really believe what she said? Was she that egotistical?

  Yes. The obvious answer was yes.

  “Are you in love with that wolf?” She grabbed hold of his jacket lapel. “You can’t possibly be that stupid, can you?”

  “I love her with all my heart.” It was the easiest thing he’d said all night.

  She covered her mouth with her hand as if in shock. “You can’t be serious, Worth. Who have you become?”

  He had nothing more to say to her so he simply shrugged.

  “You infuriate me,” she shouted. “Here I’d thought that you’d changed, that you might prove to be more to me than a simpleton. I can’t believe I let my hopes rise when I heard you’d taken a blood slave.” She laughed wickedly. “Of course you’ve fallen in love with the Were. What more would I expect from a fool like you?”


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