Owned by Pirates

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Owned by Pirates Page 4

by Haley Travis

  I waved my finger in his face but could never really be angry with my navigator. "You know where mouthiness will get you. Know how to make this foolproof for the boys on watch tonight?"

  We finished the calculations quickly, and I sent O'Doule back down to the galley. I simply needed a moment to myself. Looking out the window up at the thousands upon thousands of stars, I realized that they did not compare to Flora’s delicate beauty.

  The feelings I already had for the clever girl surprised me. I never thought that I’d find a woman who truly warmed my heart. Yet Flora felt like she already lived there, nestled into my chest like a secret treasure.

  I’d have to learn to be careful, and let her open up to me. She was obviously a sweet, innocent girl, and there was no way I could allow her to be hurt or upset. I also couldn’t let her think that she was a possession. I wanted her to be a crewman in her own right. Crew woman. Bugger it, I’d have to work on that.

  From the second my eyes met hers, I felt something completely new. I needed to protect her. Comfort her. Take care of her in every possible way. I wasn’t the sort of man who ever considered falling to a woman’s feet, but if she asked, I would in a heartbeat.

  Yet I also wanted to teach her. Show her the world. Gaze upon the sunset reflecting in her eyes as she sailed with us for new lands.

  That likely sounded far more romantic than it would actually be. Our next three trips would be back and forth between Parrinport and Leelard Island, ferrying various not quite legal kegs and certain slightly underground trade items.

  I’d been toying with the decision to focus more on smuggling than outright theft. When an opportunity arose for many of the old crew bent on piracy to move on to a new ship, it was fortunate indeed.

  Larry agreed that trading and shipping would be both safer and more lucrative in the long run. With the military wanting to show off their power by taking down pirates, there came a day when a man wanted semi-honest work to cut down on the pesky annoyance of being chased all the time.

  We’d even been talking of hoisting a new flag with no hint of a skull or bones. Each Captain had their own flag, and there must be a way to have something that states we are powerful without being nasty.

  Studying the stars above me, I hoped the men wouldn’t be disturbed by Flora’s presence on the ship. Throwing off the balance of the men just when I had assembled a great small crew was not ideal, but there was no way I could have left her for some bastard to purchase. The men knew that.

  ~ Chapter 5 ~ Flora ~

  * The Captain’s Quarters *

  I realized I hadn’t had a meal this delicious in a long time. I also saw that everyone’s bowls and plates were empty. “Shall I begin washing up?” I asked softly, looking at McGee. Then I saw that the Captain had appeared in the doorway.

  “No, lass, you can start helping tomorrow,” the Captain said. “Tonight we’ll go have a chat and get you settled.”

  Another strange glance flashed from man to man around the table. I wondered what they were thinking. Then I realized that they might be wondering about the bed sharing situation. My hands began to flutter as I realized I was wondering too.

  “All right men. Don’t get too rowdy tonight. There is a heap and a half of work tomorrow. I’ll be turning in now.”

  I looked up and saw him tilt his head to indicate that I should follow. “Goodnight,” I whispered to Larry, nodding to the rest of the men as I scurried away at the Captain’s heels.

  Taking a deep breath as I followed the tall man, I tried to appear calm. I knew I’d likely be the talk of the evening around that table as the drinking went on. I was accustomed to being the talk of the town, due to rumors that my father spread. But this time the gossip might have an edge closer to the truth. I had no way of knowing.

  The Captain led me into a room at the other end of the ship, far away from the galley and the bunk room.

  I’d never slept anywhere but my own tiny bed. The thought of sleeping in a hammock in a room full of men was too much to contemplate. I realized how kind the Captain was to take me in, but I couldn't help wondering what he had in mind.

  He had purchased me. I belonged to him now. So he could really do anything he liked.

  As he opened the door, I stepped into a small wooden room. It was furnished with a small bed, several clothing hooks on the walls, and a few built-in shelves. The scent of the wood weathered by the salty sea air was comforting.

  “You may wear one of my shirts to sleep in,” the Captain said matter of factly. “It shall hang like a dress on you, and will be appropriate enough. At our next port of call, you and Larry can pick up any fabric you need to make yourself some new clothing.” He handed me a huge but soft old linen shirt.

  I set it on the bed as I removed my shoes, then awkwardly looked down at the floor.

  “Oh, I’m sorry lass,” the Captain said, “You have my word that I will not look.” He sat on the edge of the bed with his back to me.

  “No, um, it’s just that... I cannot reach the buttons along my back. My mother has always helped me dress.”

  He turned to me with an odd look in his eyes. I tried to hide my slight shaking as he said, “Let me help you.”

  I stepped in front of him, turning my back as I allowed him to undress me. He tried to work the tiny buttons faster with his thick fingers. Feeling his hands so close to my skin, and his warm breath down my neck, was making me flutter inside. “Calm down, sweet girl. Everything is fine.” He fumbled at the bottom few fasteners, then finally freed me. As he opened the dress at the back so that I could remove the rest myself, I heard a savage growl.

  I spun quickly. Did I displease him in some way? With tiny steps I began to inch away, looking over my shoulder at him.

  His eyes were nearly black with rage as his fingertips lightly touched my shoulders. “Who put those marks on your back?”

  “Oh, I forgot.”

  It looked like what he was seeing nearly broke something deep inside a man who had likely seen horrors beyond measure. He lowered his voice to a sharp whisper. “Who?”

  “I... um, I angered my father a few times, sir. Especially two days ago.”

  “And he gave you the lash?” he asked, incredulous.

  “He said that’s what all parents did to bring up children right, sir. I learned my lessons quickly, or at least, I really tried. I almost always get things correct at the first try now, sir, really I do.”

  The anger emanating from him was incredible, and he looked like he could have punched through a stone wall. I nervously took another step back before he seemed to sense my fear.

  Instantly he softened, holding out his hands. “Come here, little one. I’m not angry with you.”

  I slowly took the four steps forward to stand before him, extending my trembling hands. He held them gently, looking into my eyes with a softness that I would never have expected from what I assumed was a hardened criminal.

  “Your father is a bad man,” he said quietly. “I want you to know that you’ll never be punished here. If you make a mistake, we’ll correct you by simply telling you. The lash is reserved for men who steal from their mates, or act truly dishonorably. Do you understand?”

  I didn’t dare speak, just nodded.

  “I don’t want you to fear me,” he continued. “You’re mine now, and no harm will come to you.” He reached out to cup my cheek in his large hand. I was deeply affected by the simple gesture. I tried not to let him see the shudder that ran through me as I realized I’d never been touched by a kind man.

  “Do those cuts and bruises hurt?” he asked, his gruff voice soft.

  “Not much. I’m used to it, sir.” I noticed the corners of his eyes twitch, as if he couldn’t stand the thought.

  “Tomorrow you’ll ask Larry for the salve, and have him rub some onto your back. His scar was much worse before we treated him.” I nodded. “Do you need any more help with your dress?”

  “No, sir. Thank you.”

y, change quickly then.” He turned away as I pulled off my dress, then the petticoats, and tugged on his giant shirt. “May I turn back?”


  Sure enough, it was nearly a dress on me, but much more close-fitting than those fashionable ruffles. I realized that he could almost see the outline of my knickers right through it. I realized now that my frame was showing, my narrow waist was clear, which made my breasts and hips look curvier. Looking up shyly, I saw the Captain seem to tear his gaze away from my bosom.

  He pulled back the blankets. “Get in.” I obeyed immediately, slipping into his bed. It was actually softer than the one I’d had at home. But it wasn’t very wide, and I realized with a flash of nervousness that it would be close quarters indeed.

  He tugged off his shirt, and I found myself unable to look away for several blinks. That tan skin, broad chest, and layers of firm muscle all made me feel strange deep inside. The yearning to touch him was nearly overwhelming. He caught me admiring him just a second before I glanced away.

  I remembered that it was my staring that had brought all of this about in the first place. He started to remove his pants, then paused, and seemed to change his mind.

  Sliding in beside me, he tried to give me as much room as possible. “Snug as a bug?” he asked.

  I liked that he wasn’t nearly as fearsome as he looked, and was quick to laugh. “Yes, thank you.”

  “Do you have everything you need?”

  It was odd that he was actually treating me like a guest. I was a possession, bought and paid for. Surely he couldn’t be that generous, no matter what he said.

  “Yes, but um... sir, is there anything you need?”

  “What do you mean?”

  I could feel my cheeks burning, but felt the question must be asked, even though it was barely a whisper. “Well, um... do you wish for me to… serve you in any way? To earn my keep?” I tucked my head so that he couldn’t see me blushing, but forced myself to add, “Twenty gold pieces is an awful lot of money, sir. You must expect something in return, and it is my duty.”

  He turned toward me, leaning on his elbow. “My precious lass, they really mixed up your noggin, didn’t they?”


  He shook his head. “Nobody should buy and sell people, sweet girl. We’re pirates. Criminals. Or, we used to be. Yet even we know how revolting that is.” He sighed heavily. “You were born in the wrong village, apparently. If you had better parents, in a different place, you’d be the girl who all of the men fought to court. You’d be the girl every other girl wanted to be. But your piece of shit father has bent your mind into thinking you’re less than common.”

  My mouth fell open. No man had ever used that sort of language directly in front of me. He noticed my shock. “Dammit, I’m sorry. My tongue gets loose when I’m angry.”

  I nodded, hoping that he’d continue. My head was swimming with the thought that maybe I wasn’t the lowest girl in the village for being an unmarried seamstress at nineteen. Was that even possible?

  He smiled warmly. “I don’t expect you to serve me in any way, lass, beyond being a useful member of the crew.” He leaned closer, his thumb brushing a stray hair from my forehead. “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said softly, staring into my eyes.

  I couldn’t speak. I felt a strange pressure in my chest, and a nervous pull toward him. He was so striking, so ruggedly handsome. He was the Captain of this great ship. Yet he seemed to have special feelings for me. It made no sense.

  “You have every right to say no, little Flora, but I cannot resist asking. May I give you a kiss goodnight?”

  My head bobbed too eagerly. I wondered if he could see that I was overwhelmed, stunned, and still a bit shaky. He brought his lips to mine gently, holding them there just for a moment before pulling away. My eyes fluttered back open, surprised by his tenderness.

  “Goodnight, lassie,” he said, turning over so his back was to me.

  I turned the other way, pressing my lips together. Never in all my life would I have dreamed that my first kiss would be to a pirate Captain out on the open sea.


  I woke up feeling a large hand gently stroking my hair. I released a soft sigh, curling against the warm body under me. My eyes slowly opened and I looked around, realizing where I was.

  “Good morning, lassie,” the Captain whispered.

  I blinked awake, startled, then realized I was snuggled against his chest in a very familiar manner. “Oh,” I gasped, sitting up and quickly shifting to the edge of the bed. As soon as I moved away, I wished I hadn’t. His body against mine felt so… I didn’t have the right words, just a huge mess of swirling feelings in my stomach.

  The Captain laughed, completely unoffended. “Apparently in your sleep, you decided that my chest was softer than your pillow. I’ll have to start hauling more barrels to toughen up.”

  I was appalled until I saw the gleam in his eye. He sat up and cupped my cheek in his palm. The touch caused my heart to race, as my eyes traveled up his powerful arms, and across his strong shoulders.

  Noticing his eyes wander downward, I realized that the top button of the shirt I was wearing had unfastened in the night. He was taking in the view of the tops of my round breasts. Without even thinking, I leaned back a touch so that he could get a better look.

  His eyes narrowed with a saucy glance. “Lassie, I’ll admire you every chance I get, don’t you worry. But right now I’m going to go check the ship’s position. I’ll turn away so that you can dress quickly and I’ll button you up.”

  I jumped out of bed, pulling on my dress, but not bothering with the petticoats. They were cumbersome, and I didn’t know what would be required of me today. “Okay, I’m ready.” He turned back, grinning when he saw I was wearing only the dress. “Much better,” he said as he buttoned me up quickly. “This is not the place for fancy ladies. We might have to get you some true sailor’s togs.”

  I nodded, feeling a light tap on my shoulder. “Done. You get down to the galley and help McGee with the food, alright?”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, darting out the door. As I carefully made my way through the dimly lit hallway, I found myself grinning. This would be my first full day on the ship, and I’d actually begin working to earn my keep.

  It was all so exciting I felt like my heart might burst.

  ~ Chapter 6 ~ The Captain ~

  * Breakfast *

  “Larry, a word if ye will,” I called across the deck.

  My first mate trotted over, always quick for such a big man. “Aye, Cap’n?”

  “I just wanted to see how you thought Flora was doing so far. Speak freely, you cannot offend me.”

  Larry grinned, turning his weathered face from severe to friendly. “I think she’s a fine girl, Captain. We spoke a bit, and she knows a lot about sewing. She's eager to teach me things as well. I like that she wants to learn history, and more about the ship.”

  “She’s getting on with the other men?”

  He nodded. “Aye. They’re trying to mind their tongues when she’s about, but she hasn’t seemed offended by the saltier curses. I like that she offered to help with the dishes without being asked. She’s a proper lady in some ways, but not too proud to get dirty.”

  I was clearly pleased. “Thanks, Larry. I appreciate you helping with her. It might be good having a woman on board to tidy us up a bit. We’ve been becoming a pretty coarse lot. Now that we’re down to the crew who is looking for more respectable trading, it might be better for us to pull up our bootstraps.”

  Larry nodded, pondering. “That makes sense, I s’pose. You’ve never mentioned bringing a lady on board before though. If you don’t mind my asking, Cap’n, why now?” He flashed a saucy grin, knowing he was the only crew member who could get away with saying, “Aside from the fact that she’s exactly your type, of course.”

  I lifted the back of my hand, but he didn’t flinch, knowing that I was merely teasing.
/>   Then I shook my head in frustration. “He was selling his daughter to strangers, mate. If I had refused, can you imagine what some honorless ruffian would have done with her? She may have become the toy of all manner of rough men.” My jaw clenched, beyond furious at what I’d seen last night. “There are wounds on her back where her father lashed her. Can you find what’s left of the salve, and put it on for her?”

  The larger man looked uncomfortable. “You want me to touch your lady?”

  “Think of it like fixing a broken piece of the ship.” I clapped my first mate on the back. “You’ll be fine. See you in the galley.”


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