Red Planet: The Revolt (Tamarians Book 2)

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Red Planet: The Revolt (Tamarians Book 2) Page 13

by Lauren Landish

  “It's just a little tired, I'll be fine,” Jensen says dismissively. “While you were getting ready I had the estate doctor give the leg a full scan, he says I won't even feel it tomorrow. Don't worry about me.”

  “Don't.... Jensen, how can I not worry about you?” I exclaim, the nervousness I've felt for the past four days coming out in a rush. “You nearly got yourself killed because of me! You nearly got yourself killed trying to protect me!”

  Jensen stops, turning and coming back over to me. Before I can ask what he's doing he pushes me against the wall, his lips crushing mine as he kisses me. I try to push him back for a moment, but his power is undeniable, and the emotion in his touch melts my resistance like butter in a fire. His tongue slips into my mouth and I moan, clutching him as he pulls me away from the wall, picking me up in his arms and carrying me to the table, my legs wrapping around his waist even though he carries me like I'm no heavier than a feather. Setting me down, Jensen strokes my hair and looks at me with something in his eyes I've dreamed of for months now.

  “Kelbara, I did what I did because you're special. Because I care about you. I realized that when I was lying on that hill, and I saw you fighting as hard as you could for me. I thought you were pretty before, but I protected you because I care about you. And if I had to, I'd do it again,” Jensen says, his voice quaking with emotion. “I need you.”

  “I need you,” I echo. “Please though.... if you're going to risk your life in this war, I need to be by your side.”

  Jensen nods, swallowing. “If I'm going to fight, then it will be with you by my side. Kelbara.”

  “Sir,” I growl, pulling him down and kissing him. Jensen pushes me back on the table, and I lay back, glad now for the freedom that a dress gives me. I understand the clothes at least, I'm feeling sexy now, enjoying the look on Jensen's face as he pushes the skirt of my dress up, his hands rough yet gentle on my skin. “Jensen.....”

  There's a trickle of fear in my heart as Jensen's fingers find the waistband of my underwear and pull them down, slipping them off my legs and setting them on the table next to me. “What about dinner?”

  “I'm Lord of this manor, they'll bring it when I say they bring it,” Jensen growls, his eyes greedy, possessive as he looks at me. “I want you first.”

  Jensen's hands hold my knees apart as he bends down, his head hidden by the bunched up skirt of my dress, and I tremble as I feel his breath on my inner thighs. I want to tell him, I want to warn him about what I am, but then his lips kiss my pussy softly, and pleasure greater than anything I've ever felt shoots up my body to explode silently in my brain, and I'm unable to form words.

  Jensen's breath whispers over my pussy, and I hear him hum as he licks his lips. “You're delicious.”

  “Sir.... yours sir....” I moan, the only words I can think of. Jensen's hands push my legs back, bending my back until my hips are off the table and the skirt lifts, and I can see him looking at me, my pussy just centimeters from his full, sensuous lips, and he's grinning at me.

  “Mine? Mine for as long as I want?” he teases, blowing air over the warm lips of my pussy. I'm naturally only lightly haired down there, my white-blond hair almost transparent, and I gasp as the coolness tickles my lips, which are red hot and almost oozing it feels so good.

  “Yours forever sir,” I promise, swallowing the fear. Maybe he's playing a game, maybe he isn't. I've heard about men who get off on being in charge, but to me, my words are dead serious, and Jensen pauses, studying my face. His grin softens, but the light in his eyes glows even more as he lowers his lips and kisses my pussy again. I watch in breathless amazement as his tongue comes out to trace my lips, ripples of sensation I've never felt before cascading out from between my legs to set my body on fire.

  I grab Jensen's hair, it feels so good and I want him, I need him deeper. I'm being guided totally by instinct, I just know that whatever Jensen's doing to my body is exactly what I need right now. Jensen's answering hungry growl as his tongue parts my pussy lips and he starts to lick inside me adds to the pulse racing up and down my body. I feel a side of me that's been locked away for almost nineteen long years start to open up, the side that wants a man.... wants this man.

  Jensen's tongue twists and curls inside the wet, hot walls of my pussy and my nerves sing, each one of them crying out that this is heaven, and the stars are right behind the next lick. A supernova starts to build in my stomach, the energy being fed by the tender but demanding stroke of Jensen's tongue on my sensitive flesh. His hand leaves my thigh to maul my left breast, pulling the strap of my dress to the side to give him full access to the soft handful and my nipple which hardens instantly at the first touch of his fingers. Jensen's tongue pulls out of my pussy and he raises his lips just a few centimeters before he drags his tongue up between my lips, my clit aching for his touch.

  The explosion starts deep in my stomach at the first touch of his tongue on my clit, like pressing the detonation on a bomb. My thighs clamp around his head as I lose control, my back arching as I cry out, the supernova tearing me apart from the inside from my stomach all the way to my toes and all the way to the top of my head. I'm being burned away, consumed by the energy that Jensen's giving me, being totally remade, no longer the Kelbara that walked in this room unsure of herself in a dress, but a new being. I can feel it inside me, I'm not totally there yet, there's still more steps in the future, but I know that this man is the man to complete my transformation.

  Coming is something that leaves me breathless, and when my hips finally touch the table again and I relax, I'm halfway spent, panting and sweaty, smiling gently as I run my fingers through Jensen's hair. He lifts his head up and pulls me up, kissing me tenderly. His mouth is tangy and spicy, and I realize that it's my own moisture on his lips, making me blush and chuckle at the same time. “What?”

  “You, sir. You're amazing,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him again. “Thank you.”

  Jensen chuckles, kissing me. “You say that like you've never done this before.”

  When I don't reply Jensen stops, pulling back a moment to study my face. “Kelbara?”

  I smile, wrapping my legs around his waist and not letting him go. There's no holding back now, and I'm no longer ashamed of who I am. “Yes, Jensen. I'm a virgin. And I want to celebrate, to give myself, to become a woman... with you.”

  Jensen swallows, and in this instant I know I've made the right decision. So many other men would have just said fuck it, let's go. They wouldn't have cared. Instead, Jensen looks deeply into my eyes, measuring me and measuring himself before nodding. “Agreed. But.... not here. This needs a better place than atop a banquet table while we're both somewhat dressed. Let's eat, and then.....”

  “Then I'm yours forever, sir.”

  Jensen nods, lifting me off the table. “I don't know if you understand exactly what you're saying Kelbara, but you will be mine.”

  Dinner is delicious, and I have to smile as Jensen didn't let my crush or my attempt at being feminine affect his choices, he knows who I am at heart. When the chef sets the platter of steak tenderloin in front of me, I lick my lips, my mouth watering. “This looks delicious. Best steak I've seen in... well, ever.”

  “The Lady flatters,” the chef says, but his smile is genuine. “Lord Jensen pays me too much for as few times I get to actually cook for him, so I do my best to have quality overcome the lack of quantity.”

  “Chef, you have never let me down,” Jensen compliments the chef, his genuine concern for his staff coming through in every word. “If you can bring the dessert in about a half hour, I think that would be just fine.”

  “Of course my Lord,” the chef says, bowing before leaving. Jensen watches him go, shaking his head in amusement the whole time until the door closes.

  “What's so funny?”

  Jensen picks up his knife and starts cutting his massive steak, still smirking. “The staff. One of my first rules when I took over here was that within th
ese walls, except in the presence of certain members of the Noble Council whose names I gave them a list of, I didn't want to be called Lord. Like you, I don't quite like the title. But all day today since we got back, I can't get them to stop. I don't understand it.”

  “You earned the title,” I reply simply. “I didn't realize it until Justine told me how much press our mission's gotten. I suspect Mogar's work.”

  “Most likely, the Gamesmaster does work in such ways,” Jensen says, cutting a slice of steak before stopping, offering it to me on his fork. “For you.”

  I smile, trying my best to not scrape my teeth on the fork as I take the meat and chew, relishing the flavor before offering him my first bite as well. “For you, my Lord.”

  Jensen's eyes sparkle as he takes my offering, chewing slowly before swallowing. I can see it, he wants to rush through dinner and take me wherever his mind has planned for our next lovemaking, but he told the chef half an hour. I'm wanting to rush too, but another part of me enjoys the slow seduction of the meal. “So what shall we talk about? By the way, where are my panties?”

  Jensen chuckles and pats his jacket pocket possessively. “Right here. Not a problem in the dress?”

  “No sir,” I reply, cutting another bite of steak and trying it with a bit of the root mash. Heavenly. “Actually, it's better, I don't have a seam pressing in places I'm not used to. So... what about tomorrow?”

  “We'll go on the mission, find Tauria and Ambaris, and then... well, we'll let Tauren decide what to do then if we can. I'll be honest, it's sort of nice to leave those sorts of decisions up to someone else when I can. When I was the Resistance leader, I didn't always have that choice.”

  “We don't now either, honestly. Ambaris won't surrender,” I reply, then shake my head. “Enough on that though, I want tonight to be positive.”

  Jensen nods, then thinks, smiling. “Actually, I have a thought that we need to discuss, I can't say if it's positive or negative though. I told Tauren I want you as my second in command of this commando unit he wants me to lead for the duration of the rebellion.”

  “Not too many commanders are seeing their executive officers the way that we're right now,” I counter, slightly worried. “Is this a problem for you?”

  Jensen shakes his head, setting his fork aside. “As long as we can agree on a few basic rules. First, what happens outside the mission, whatever this relationship between us turns into, cannot affect discipline on duty. I don't have a problem if you want to argue with me about decisions I make in our personal lives. I'll debate all sorts of things with you, and on missions I'll take your insight and opinion into consideration, but if I give an order...”

  “I'll follow it without a single complaint, and kick the ass of anyone who does bitch about it,” I finish for him. I smile, taking another bite of root mash. “I've been thinking about that too. I'll add a rule too. Right now, I have never in my life felt more feminine, more like a woman than I've felt since walking in the door of this room. But when we're on duty, you must treat me just like another one of your troops.”

  Jensen nods, then tilts his head. “I can promise that ninety-nine percent of the time. However, I'll hold back one percent, for if a time like on the hilltop ever happens again. I might just fight a little harder to protect you than I would otherwise.”

  I smile, watching as Jensen cuts into his steak again before I reply. “And I, sir, shall give you every fiber of my being. Now... what's dessert supposed to be?”

  Dessert happens to be lemon custard with an almond crumble, my favorite flavor, and chef swears that he didn't know. Still, between the perfect balance of sweet and tangy and the desire I'm feeling, I rush my dessert, knowing that while I might want to raid the kitchen for leftovers later, I want Jensen now. He teases me though, taking his time and forcing me to wait until I'm practically squirming in my seat like a child before he sets his spoon down, holding his hand out to me. “Shall we?”

  “Yes sir,” I breathlessly reply, slipping my hand in his. Jensen's smile at my use of the term sets my heart beating faster again, and we leave the dining room, heading through the now deserted hallways of his estate up to his chambers. I'm sure the staff knows what's going on, and they're giving us our space and privacy, but I don't mind. I want them to see the way Jensen looks at me, and the way I look at him. But it is special this moment, and I'm grateful as Jensen leads me into his chambers, his hand on the small of my back as he closes the door behind him and turns on the lights. The bed is enormous, easily three meters across, and I smile. “I see you kept some things of the previous owners.”

  “After I had it steam cleaned, it felt like a waste to just throw it out, and honestly, who has a three-meter-wide bed anyway? Besides me?”

  I turn and smile, biting my lip as I look at Jensen and caress his cheek. “Only you, sir. May I... may I undress for you?”

  Jensen takes my wrist in his grip and kisses my fingers one by one, nodding. “But Kelbara, while it turns me on to hear you call me sir, I'm not going to order you around. I don't operate that way, I respect and care for you too much to treat you like... like a plaything. You're no plaything.”

  I smile, my heart warmed as I step back, reaching for the closure on my dress. “To hear you say that just tells me again that I am doing the right thing right now. And I'll keep calling you sir for as long as it pleases you, and me.”

  I watch Jensen's face as I unfasten my dress and let it drop before undoing my bra and slipping out of my shoes, standing before him naked and hungry for his approval. I nearly faint in happiness when Jensen licks his lips unconsciously, reaching for the buttons on his jacket and peeling it off before stepping forward and taking me in his arms, kissing me tenderly. His lips are fire on my neck and shoulders as we try to get his shirt off, eventually succeeding before getting his pants and shoes off. “Thank the heaven and stars for indoor slip on shoes.”

  I step back as Jensen kicks his pants out of the way before pushing his underpants down, his cock springing out thick and hard. I've seen men's cocks before, living with mercs and dealing with them has shown me plenty of what men look like, but I've never seen one as appealing before as Jensen closes the gap between us and takes me to the bed.

  “Lie down, we'll take it slow,” he assures me. “Uh, I've heard that this...”

  “Can be a bit painful at first?” I reply, nodding. “I know. And yes, I am intact. But Jensen, it's okay. I trust you completely.”

  Jensen nods and kisses me again, trailing down my throat as his hands caress and knead my ass, warmth building and adding to the already immense wetness inside me. I've been on the edge of seduction again since minutes after he licked me to orgasm before, and now I'm caught in a dream, the perfect fantasy that feels so good that I almost wonder if I'm the one that got wounded on the hilltop, and I'm the one now trapped in a dream state while my body recovers from treatment. If it is, it doesn't matter, I want to live this dream either way.

  Jensen kisses his way down to my breasts, licking and playing with my nipples and causing me to gasp, laughing as he tickles me in between each amazing flicker of his tongue. “Sir.... I'm not too small?”

  “You're perfect,” Jensen replies honestly, adjusting himself between my legs. I can feel the head of his cock pressing against my opening, but Jensen doesn't thrust as much as he does kiss his way back up my body, so that when he finds my lips, I'm starting to be spread open, my pussy lips wrapping around his cock and coating him with my juices. He's taking care of me, being so careful, and I stroke his face, wanting to tell him that I love him, but now isn't the time, not yet. I don't want him to think that I'm just saying it because he has me in his bed.

  Jensen thrusts slowly, and I feel something that's amazing, breathtaking. There aren't enough words to explain how it feels to know that the transformation I felt beginning before is continuing, that it's Jensen that's giving me this gift, and that I want nothing more than to feel him inside me.

  He moves his hips in
short, gentle thrusts, each one slightly deeper until I feel him bump against something inside me, still half of his cock outside of me. He pushes again, and a little bit of pain tightens in me, and I know this is the moment. Jensen pauses, looking into my eyes. “Are you ready?”

  I tighten my arms around his neck and nod, forcing my legs to relax. “Yes sir. Please.... all the way in, next thrust?”

  Jensen nods, pulling back until just the head of his cock is inside me for a moment before he thrusts hard and deep. There's a flash of pain, a feeling of ripping, but then he's all the way in, holding himself still while I cry out, the pain already starting to wash away in the knowledge of what I've given to Jensen. He freezes, watching my face carefully until I nod, swallowing the pain. “I'm okay, Jensen. Really.”

  Jensen pulls back slowly, the feeling of his cock withdrawing acting like a cooling balm on the little bit of pain left, the last of it disappearing as Jensen slides in again, his cock filling me deeply. My fingers curl, hooking Jensen's neck as he bottoms out, a smile spreading as he pulls back and drives in again and again, each one slightly faster and harder. I never imagined it could be this good, this is even better than the dining room.

  My pussy squeezes around Jensen's thick cock as his hips slap against me, the shockwaves filling my body and adding to the pleasure. My legs wrap around Jensen's hips, urging him to fuck me harder, to not hold back. Jensen smiles and lifts my hips, pinning me to the bed as he starts hammering me, my pussy stretched over and over as Jensen pushes my body in ways that I've never felt before. I clutch at his shoulders, my fingers digging into the thick muscles of his back as he hammers my body into total and full submission. It's wonderful and amazing, my body crying out in time with my voice as he kisses me again, his lips crushing me and nearly sucking the breath out of my lungs.

  Our bodies are trembling, I'm so close to coming again, I never even though it was possible that I could come again in the same day, I thought I was like the guys, one time a night and I was done. But this, this is huge, bigger than before, and I urge Jensen on, wanting to give everything to him.


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