Dog Days (BWWM/Interracial MMA Erotic Romance Urban Novella)

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Dog Days (BWWM/Interracial MMA Erotic Romance Urban Novella) Page 4

by Diana D. Jackson

  Diego landed with painful crash against the metal cage of the Octagon. His family, who sat near me, yelled for him to get up. His coach was yelling at him at the top of his lungs. His fans were losing their minds over the fall of their hero.

  He did not get up.

  The commentators said what everyone knew. “It’s over! It’s over! Diego is out cold!”

  “What a spectacular debut for Brendan ‘the Bulldog’ Douglas. Who would have thought he would win by knockout less than three minutes into the first round? A fantastic performance!”

  The commentary board was going crazy for this victory. “This guy is a bookie’s nightmare!”

  “We have a young champion in the making! Brendan Douglas is the winner in convincing fashion!”

  Diego’s crew went to help their fallen fighter to his feet to no avail. Breaking tradition, the referee went to the last fighter standing and raised his hand in victory. Brendan Douglas had just won his first UFC fight.

  With his free hand, he pointed straight at me in the ringside seating.

  The crowd cheered thinking it was a bit of showmanship from the normally reserved man. However, I knew he had fought for me. I couldn’t help but wave back at him along with the rest of his fans.

  Unfortunately, Brendan became entangled with the ceremony and media blitz that occurs after every major UFC fight. I had to leave for the hotel alone. I picked up Romeo on the way back. I went to sleep with the little bulldog slumbering at my feet on the bed.

  The man of the hour showed up in the following morning looking exhausted. I gave him a hug and a kiss. The man looked like a champion and I felt like one in his arms.

  “I could have gone a couple of hours against Diego,” he laughed, weary from the aftermath of the fight. “It’s just dealing with the press that takes the wind out of me. I can handle the fights but the media is another story.”

  I giggled. “Well, you’ll have some time to relax before going back the grind.”

  He sighed. “At least my next match is a few months away. I won’t have to deal with the media as much until then.”

  I grabbed a hold of his hand. “This calls for a celebration!”

  “Celebration?” he asked as I took him to the kitchen. “I already had enough celebration at the press conference to last me ten lifetimes.”

  “Nothing that crazy,” I said, showing him a chocolate cake on the counter. “I ordered it from hotel service. It’s time you treated yourself with something nice.”

  “That’s more cake than I know what to do with,” he said in exasperation. “And you’re talking about a guy who eats twenty pounds of cod in a month.”

  “I’ll help!” I laughed, getting out a set of plates and utensils. “You’ve earned it. Besides, it’s cheat day.”

  He smiled. “With you, every day feels like cheat day.”

  The two of us sat and talked in the kitchen. We didn’t say anything about the fight. I knew Brendan well enough to tell when he’d prefer to put a fight behind him. Instead, we talked about more mundane things, such as how the weather had gotten better.

  The dog days of summer were coming an end.

  Eventually, Romeo arrived in the kitchen and wanted something to eat. Since chocolate was bad for dogs, I got him some dog chow. It was the lean variety meant for dogs on a diet plan. He munched alongside us.

  “My life is going to change,” Brendan said out of the blue. The fighter looked somber as if coming down from the high of his recent victory. “And your life will change if you stay with me, Agnes. I can’t force-”

  I silenced him with a finger to his lips. “You can’t force me into anything, Brendan. I’d follow you anywhere and do it willingly.”

  Brendan began to pick me up. “And I’d follow you to hell and back.”

  “With how the weather has been lately,” I laughed as he carried me to his bedroom. “I think you’ve already done that.”

  The man became revitalized from our flirtatious teasing. “Well, let’s go somewhere a little cooler.”

  The man placed me on the bed before locking the door. We began haphazardly stripping each other of clothing. I was already wet and ready for him. The man’s mere presence was a turn on.

  Brendan, however, was patient as he kissed my ear and whispered. “I love you…”

  God, the man knew the right things to say to me.

  The man looked even more gorgeous than ever before. The past week of training had allowed him to reach the peak of human athleticism. He was bigger and stronger than he had ever been. This had been bad news for Diego but it was very good news for me.

  The man knew how to treat a girl right. During our time together, he had learned my desires and sexual peccadillos. He knew when I wanted to be fucked and when I wanted to be loved.

  His hand trailed to my pelvis and into my mound. His hand stopped as if to feel the heat radiating from my sex. Finally, he entered me with a finger. His thumb pressed up against my throbbing nub. I rewarded his efforts with a moan.

  I writhed in ecstasy under his skillful touch. My hands gripped his back and felt his powerful muscles in his body. While the man was savage in battle, he was sensitive in the bedroom.

  I gripped the man’s lower back while he brought a hand to my breasts.

  The two of us had started to fall into a pattern to our lovemaking. We found that we liked slow foreplay before an explosive climax. He would bring me to orgasm with his talented mouth and fingers. I would use some of the oil I kept in my kit to give him a sensual massage. Then, we would have slow, passionate sex.

  Now, I wanted a good fuck. “Brendan, please fuck me!”

  The man obliged.

  Brendan flipped me onto my back and entered me with a groan. By now, I had gotten used to his weight and power. However, the bed wasn’t as pleased. The frame of the bed rattle from his powerful thrusts. I hoped we wouldn’t leave damages for the hotel but those thoughts were far behind me.

  We locked eyes as he pumped in and out of me. His skin rasped against mine with delightful tension. We needed each other and just so much of each other. He had shared his soul with me and I had given a part of myself in return.

  Our bodies spoke a wordless conversation. He thanked me for my love and friendship. I thanked him for sharing his heart with me. Tears began to well up in my eyes.

  I could feel Brendan’s heart thunder as he neared his climax. His heart was usually a metronome, even during sparring. Now, our love had pushed is body to the edge in a way fighting never could. I yelled unintelligibly as my body surrendered to my ultimate orgasm.

  I flung my arms around my lover and kissed him. “I love you, Brendan.”

  The fighter rocked me in his arms. “I love you too, Agnes.”

  Our relationship began after I agreed to look after Romeo. Instead, I had taken care of Brendan and helped him find his place in the world. In return, I had my place in his arms. We held each other tight and drifted into sleep.

  “So long dog days,” I said, before sleep took us. “Here’s to a great autumn with the man I love.”

  I hope you enjoyed this erotically charged story! Email me if you have any comments. I would love to hear what you have to say about my writings: [email protected]

  Still not done yet? Then I have good news for you! Check out these stories for your fill of red-hot romance:

  Painkiller (BWWM/Interracial MMA New Adult Erotic Romance Novella)

  It didn’t help that the guys at college weren’t exactly the pick of the litter. They acted like they were even younger than the boys back at high school. You would think being a pre-med major would mean you would have some semblance of maturity.

  My mother heard the door ring. “Stay here, Jessica. I’ll get him.”

  I wanted someone who was mature and caring. From what mom had told me, my date didn’t sound like a complete caveman. Even if this Jason guy wasn’t a looker, having an actual adult to talk sounded pleasant enough.

  So I was pleasan
tly surprised when my mom opened the door and he came in.

  Scratch that.

  No, I wasn’t just surprised. I was so shocked that my heart seemed to pound against my ribcage. It was like a bomb had gone off in my chest.

  Jason was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. His reputation was an MMA fighter hadn’t prepared me for his size and physique. The man towered over my mother with his tall, muscular frame. This man wasn’t one of the out of shape, acne-ridden guys I associated with the college dating scene. Jason was as big and fit as they came.

  For that matter, the MMA fighter was a devastatingly handsome man. I could make out the powerful sinews in his body flex as he gently shook my mother’s hand. His dark, silky hair looked it had been combed but the wind had swept it away. His facial features were sharp with a somber smile on his lips.

  There was a certain power and authority in his step. His body held a grace and confidence that could only come from years of training. His piercing grey eyes were intelligent and alert as they cautiously scanned my home. Every movement of his seemed calculated as if deciding the best way to go from point A to point B. Jason seemed like a predatory jungle cat reborn as a man.

  Done Deal (Billionaire BWWM/Interracial Erotic Romance)

  She didn’t bother elaborating and instead went straight to business. “Betty, you’ve made the reservations for my upcoming anniversary this coming week, correct?”

  “Yes, I reserved a table for you and your husband,” I answered, barely following her train of thought. I typically helped Adele with some of her personal arrangements. I didn’t mind it since it was easy work and more interesting than regular paperwork. “It’s an eight o’clock reservation at the Chez Pierre.”

  “I’m sure they can pull up another chair for our chair on short notice,” she added, making me even more confused. It seemed like she expected me to tag along on her anniversary. “Betty, how much do you make in a year?”

  “About thirty-two thousand… before taxes,” I answered, panicking over her line of questioning. It wasn’t much considering that I worked at wealthy financial company. There was so much money moving in and out of the business that I wished some of it came my way. However, I was happy to be have a job and keep a roof over my head. In fact, I preferred to keep it that way if the alternate was putting my belongings in a box. “Is this about the raise I talked about with Carla in the break room? I wasn’t serious about that at all. I was just making conversation-”

  “No, Betty,” Adele said, shaking her head. “I want to make you an offer in exchange for your cooperation. I’d like to offer a year’s worth of your salary for a small amount of your time. In fact, just one night during my anniversary.”

  “An offer?” I gasped. My boss had just dangled a fortune before me as if it were pocket change. “You’ll pay me a year’s salary for one night at your anniversary?”

  “Yes, you’ll need to dress your best when you accompany us for the duration of our anniversary,” she explained. “However, we’ll pay for everything and provide you with transportation.”

  “What kind of work is it?” I asked, interested in the windfall of cash. “Would I need to be with you all night?”

  With what seemed to be embarrassment, Adele looked away. “Yes, we would require you to be with us… for the entire night.”

  This sounded like the easiest job she had ever assigned to me. “I’d be happy to work for you over the weekend, Adele!”

  I could swear I saw Adele blush when she spoke. “It’s not for me. It’s for my husband.”

  “Your husband? You mean Jason?”

  My boss struggled to find the right words. “My husband… he’s always wanted to be with a black woman.”

  “I-I don’t follow,” I replied, completely losing the plot. I didn’t know what being a black woman had to do with anything, especially for their anniversary. “What do you mean by ‘be with a black woman,’ Adele?”

  “He wants to have sex with you,” she continued, regaining her composure. “We’ve experimented many times before with other people. However, this came up after he met you. During out anniversary, I want you to have sex with him.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Y-your husband wants to have sex with me?”

  Beat Down (BWWM/Interracial Erotic Romance Novella)

  “Ben Attell?” Tom replied. “Everyone is always asking about him. He used to be a small time fighter that was going to go big time in the UFC.”

  “So what happened? Why is he still here and not some big shot on television?”

  “Don’t know,” he admitted sheepishly. “Apparently, he ran afoul of The Purity and had to call it quits. We like to respect Ben’s privacy so we don’t ask too personal questions.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “The Purity?”

  “Right, you’re new around town,” Tom said with a sigh. “The Purity is a hate group from around here. I guess you can tell what type of people those sons of bitches hate.”

  The apartment felt less and less like a steal. “Just my luck…”

  “Their bastards spread here like the plague. This white supremacy group deals in everything from drugs to racketeering. You can tell who they are from their tattoos. Not someone you want to get on the bad side of. A week ago, they beat a black man into a coma just for looking at them.”

  That sounded so appalling. “Well… at least the people working here seem nice.”

  “Just stay safe out there, Barb. I know you live in a part of town where a patrol car is as rare as a unicorn. Don’t be afraid to ask one of us for a ride home. The Purity likes to walk the streets and target people in broad daylight just to show everybody they can.”

  That sounded eerily similar to the people who had attacked me earlier. “T-Thanks for the offer. So what did they do to Ben?”

  “Nobody knows the details but Ben got on the bad side of one of the Purity’s leaders,” Tom continued. “He was supposed to be signed on for the big MMA promotional leagues but the Purity used their influence to torpedo the deal. Shame too since he was undefeated around the local circuit with almost all of the wins coming from knockouts. That kid’s a damn good fighter and a good man at heart.”

  That didn’t sound like the pushy bouncer I knew. “Really?”

  “I know he can be gruff at times but he cares about this place and the staff,” Tom replied. “We helped him get through his mother’s death and he’s been thankful for us ever since. It’s still too bad the kid couldn’t leave this place with the gifts he has. I would’ve loved to see him fight on the big screen at some Pay-Per-View MMA event. I guess if we’re lucky enough, we’ll see him bash some drunken heads one day.”

  The revelation softened my opinion of Ben. Perhaps I was too rash in judging him over our brief time together. “That would be entertaining.”

  With the light beer in hand, I returned to the table that had placed the order. They were a pair of two men who had been sitting at this table for hours before placing an order. I didn’t get a good look at their faces because one of them wore a hood and the other wore a baseball cap. “There you go. Tell me if you need anything else.”

  They didn’t answer me. I was about to turn and help some other tables when I heard them whisper to each other. “That’s her. She’s the one shoved him against the car.”

  That’s when I notice tattoos of skulls and various numbers under their sleeves. One of them spoke to me in a commanding voice. “You stay here if you want this to be quick and painless.”

  I walked backwards away from them in terror. I saw a dozen men standing up from their tables and approaching me. As they encircled me, I immediately knew that they were members of the Purity. I looked to Tom who saw that I was in trouble. He gestured to someone in the distance.

  I got a better look at one of the men. It was the one I had accidently smashed into a car. His was face was bandaged but I could see the pure malice in his eyes. He was here for revenge.


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