Teasing Jonathan

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Teasing Jonathan Page 6

by Amber Kell

  “The non-romantic kind,” Jonathan replied. “Chris is so relaxed I’d be forced to kill him if we were involved. I don’t want to get together with anyone I know I’d end up nagging all the time.”

  “Good.” Kai’s jealousy should’ve been a turn-off since they weren’t even in a relationship, but Jonathan had to admit he kind of liked Kai’s possessiveness.

  “Go ahead and have a seat. I’ll get you something to drink. Soda or booze?” Jonathan offered.

  “A beer if you have it,” Kai said.

  Jonathan nodded. “I think I’ve got a few bottles.”

  He headed to his fridge, pulled out two beers and a plate of cold appetisers and headed back to the living room.

  “Oh, food!” Kai’s face radiated pleasure.

  “Callum food. These are left over from a party he catered last night. These were the rejects.”

  Kai tilted his head. “He gives you his rejects?”

  “No, he leaves them in the middle fridge in his condo. It’s sort of a first come, first served deal. I had to fight Dave, Sin’s driver, for these because I love the fig prosciutto things.”

  “Middle fridge?”

  “Don’t ask.”

  Jonathan popped off the bottle cap and handed over the beer before doing the same to his own.

  Kai examined the tray’s offerings and chose an olive stuffed with something. The noises Kai made while eating had Jonathan’s cock hardening.

  “Oh man, that’s amazing. I don’t even know what I ate, but I want a billion more of them,” he said enthusiastically.

  Jonathan laughed. “I know, right? I swear I don’t know half the stuff he pushes at me, but it’s all good.”

  Kai’s eyes sparkled as he grabbed an olive and pressed it against Jonathan’s lips. “Here, try this.”

  Jonathan opened his mouth and accepted the food inside. He licked Kai’s fingers as he accepted the olive. The combination of spicy herbs and creamy cheese had him groaning.

  “You keep that up and I’ll come just from the sound of you eating,” Kai said.

  Jonathan coughed. “Don’t say things like that when I’m chewing,” he scolded.

  “Sorry.” The curve of Kai’s mouth didn’t reflect his apology. If nothing else, he looked amused.


  “No really. I should’ve waited at least until you swallowed. It’s only polite.” Butter would not only melt in Kai’s mouth, it would burn away completely in a few seconds.

  “Are we still talking about the olive?” Jonathan asked suspiciously.

  “Maybe,” Kai countered.

  Encouraged, Jonathan leant forward. Kai tilted up his chin to accept Jonathan’s kiss. The spice of the olives still lingered on Kai’s lips. Jonathan lapped at the oil and tang before delving into Kai’s mouth and plundering the flavour on a more intimate level.

  Kai gripped Jonathan’s shirt, yanking him closer. If Jonathan had thought the olive-eating noises were filthy, the sounds Kai made now could’ve starred as the soundtrack in their own porn video.

  Jonathan slid his hand around Kai’s back and pulled him closer while tilting his head for a better angle to plunder Kai’s sexy mouth. He might be a bit obsessed about Kai’s lips. With the events over the past few days, he needed to keep a close watch on Kai. What better place than wrapped around him?

  Kai didn’t remain a passive partner. He sucked, licked and bit at Jonathan’s lips with equal ferocity.

  When Jonathan finally lifted his mouth so they could breathe, they had to pant to regain oxygen in their lungs in order to talk.

  “Wow,” Kai whispered.

  “I think we’ve established that the sexual attraction is alive and well between us,” Jonathan said. If it were any hotter they’d probably set off his smoke detectors.

  Kai nodded. “I think that’s a safe analysis.”

  Trying to regain his equilibrium so he didn’t come before they’d even started, Jonathan returned to his side of the couch and took a long drink of his beer. The cold flavour of hops soothed him a bit and took the edge off his passion. “I shouldn’t pounce on you. You’ve been through a rough time today.”

  Guilt nibbled away at his lust like an angry mouse.

  “Hey.” Kai poked Jonathan in the side.

  He jolted, almost spilling his beer.

  Kai’s eyes widened. “You’re ticklish.”

  Jonathan shrugged. “Maybe a little.”

  He wouldn’t admit to more. He wouldn’t.

  Kai reached out to poke again and Jonathan grabbed his hand. “If you don’t want me to retaliate, you’ll stop that now,” he warned.

  “I’m not ticklish.” Kai shrugged.

  “Not at all?” How could that even be possible? Surely everyone had at least one ticklish spot?

  Kai shook his head. “I think my sister tickled me too much as a child. She broke my tickle zone or something.”

  “You can’t break someone’s tickle zone,” Jonathan argued, amused.

  “Suit yourself, but I’m not ticklish.” Kai scowled as if Jonathan was being the odd one.

  Jonathan reached over and wiggled his fingers into Kai’s side.

  Kai looked placidly back at him without even a twitch.



  “You can take it up with my sister when you meet her. Tell her she destroyed my one chance at happiness because I can’t be tickled.” Kai nodded wisely. “It would serve her right. She used to tickle-torture me when we were children.”

  “I’m an only child,” Jonathan confessed. “I don’t have any childhood memories of siblings. I wanted them when I was younger, but my mother was forty-two when I was born. It just wasn’t in the cards.”

  Kai shrugged. “I think it can go both ways. I know people who would do anything to have been only children, and I’ve met people who love their siblings very much. I wouldn’t trade Jeni for the world, but she does annoy the fuck out of me sometimes.” Kai’s fond smile detracted from his statement. Jonathan knew Kai cared to enough to want his sister to be safe.

  “I think that’s pretty normal.” From what he’d observed with siblings most people had a love-hate relationship with their brother or sister.

  “Jonathan, please don’t take this the wrong way, but if you don’t fuck me today I will be forced to take drastic measures,” Kai warned.

  “Like what?” Jonathan asked, curious. He had to admit he’d love to see what Kai considered drastic.

  “Seduce you,” Kai said with a straight face.

  “Oh, that would be horrible.” Jonathan shook his head sadly. “I’d hate for you to resort to such tactics. That would be a terrible burden.”

  Kai nodded. “I know. I’m hoping I can persuade you to take me back to your bed and fuck me into the mattress. What do you think my odds are?”

  Vulnerability flashed in Kai’s expression and Jonathan could hear the thread of uncertainty in his banter. Jonathan slid back over, eliminating the distance between them. Jonathan cupped Kai’s face between his large hands, framing Kai’s masculine beauty with his fingers. He could tell Kai desperately needed to reaffirm that he was still alive. After being shot at in his own office, Kai had held together pretty well. If he needed sex to make him feel better, Jonathan wouldn’t deny him.

  Jonathan kissed him softly on the lips. “You don’t have to worry about seducing me. I’m yours for the taking.”

  He stood up and offered his hand.

  A luminous smile crossed Kai’s face. “Actually, I was hoping you’d do the taking.”

  “That can be arranged. Come on. All the supplies are in the bedroom.” Jonathan tugged Kai with him down the hall. He didn’t want to delay any further. He’d make this so good for Kai that he’d never want to leave Jonathan’s side again.

  “Oh nice,” Kai said as they entered Jonathan’s bedroom.

  A large four-poster bed sat in the centre of a fairly large space with an old oak dresser and little else.

bsp; “You are probably the tidiest bachelor I’ve ever met,” Kai said, his gaze scanning the room as if in search of a pair of dirty socks.

  Jonathan shrugged. “Part of being in the military. I’m used to putting things away. I guess I never got out of the habit.”

  Kai yawned. “Oh, I’m sorry, I guess the day is catching up with me. It’s no reflection on you.”

  The blush crossing Kai’s sculpted cheeks made Jonathan grin. Kai was truly embarrassed by his yawn.

  “It’s okay. Why don’t we just go lie down together and see where it takes us? If it leads to something more, good, and if it doesn’t, that’s all right too.”

  Kai nodded. “I’d like that. It’s been a long time since I’ve been held.” He took off his shoes, then pulled off his socks and tucked them into his loafers. He turned to face Jonathan.

  “I think you should strip off your shirt and pants too. You can leave your underwear on if you want, but I think you’d be more comfortable without all that clothing,” Jonathan coaxed. He didn’t want to push, but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see as much of Kai naked as possible.

  “What about you?” Kai nodded to Jonathan’s clothed body. “There are two of us still with our clothes on. I’m pretty sure after I have a little nap I’ll be more than interested in what’s beneath all that fabric.”

  Jonathan slipped off his jacket and hung it in his closet. Pulling off his tie, he placed it on the tie rack fastened inside. Next he stripped off his shirt and undershirt and put both of them in his dirty clothes hamper. He looked up to find Kai staring.


  “You’re gorgeous,” Kai said.

  Jonathan could feel the blush rising on his cheeks. Great—first he was ticklish and now he blushed like a schoolgirl.

  “Why are you still dressed?” Jonathan asked. Hadn’t it been Kai’s decision to take an almost naked nap?

  “Oh right.” Kai snapped into action as if he’d been frozen and now put on fast forward. Clothing flew everywhere as he quickly stripped down.

  Anyone else and Jonathan would’ve snapped at the mess, but he was too distracted by the smooth skin being revealed.

  Completely smooth.

  “You wax?”

  Kai nodded. “I hope you don’t mind. Some men like it. Some don’t.” He shrugged as if he couldn’t understand the minds of people who didn’t. After seeing Kai’s smooth, hairless body, Jonathan put himself firmly in the group of people who liked the waxing. If anyone had asked him before, he would’ve denied wanting a lover to be smooth. He generally liked the brush of hair against his skin. However, Kai’s silky chest beckoned Jonathan to touch, feel and play.

  “I’ve never been with anyone who waxed,” Jonathan said. His mind stuttered over how all that smooth skin would feel against his hairier parts. Would the sensation send shivers through Kai’s body? Would Kai come from the texture of Jonathan’s bristly hair sliding across his skin? A wave of self-consciousness flashed through him as he wondered what Kai preferred in his lovers. “Do you mind that I don’t?”

  Kai licked his lips. “Not at all. I only like waxing for myself. I like to feel my lover’s furry chest across my skin. It’s part of my kink.”

  “Oh good.” Relief had Jonathan taking a deep breath because frankly, if waxing were a requirement, he might be double-thinking their whole relationship. There were parts of him he didn’t want hot wax anywhere near.

  Kai laughed, his eyes glowing with understanding. “You just had horrible visions of hot liquid and your privates, didn’t you?”

  “Absolutely,” Jonathan agreed.

  “You definitely have to find someone you trust for the job,” Kai agreed. “I’ve been going to the same person for years.”

  Jonathan slid his right palm across Kai’s chest. His hand met nothing but silky, warm skin. He cleared his throat. “She does a great job.”

  “He,” Kai corrected.

  A fierce stab of jealousy almost choked Jonathan. “He? You let some guy touch you all over?”

  “Not all over,” Kai corrected.

  Jonathan couldn’t stop his gaze from dipping down. He couldn’t see how far the waxing went with the boxers blocking his view.

  Kai sighed. “I guess there’s no point in protecting my modesty.”

  “None at all,” Jonathan agreed. They both knew sex between them was a matter of hours, not days.

  Nodding, Kai dropped his underwear. Jonathan smiled at the neatly trimmed hair at Kai’s crotch.

  “I wax my balls and hole, but I don’t like the look of a completely naked crotch. It’s too prepubescent for me,” Kai explained his reasoning.

  “I have to agree.” He didn’t touch, no matter how much he wanted to. Kai needed comfort right now more than sex, despite the erection teasing him to taste.

  Jonathan walked over to the bed and flicked down the covers. “Climb on in. Maybe we can redeem some of this day.”

  Kai shook his head. “You still have on clothes.”

  Rolling his eyes, Jonathan removed the rest of his outfit, including his briefs, and put them in the hamper.

  “Happy now?” Jonathan held his arms away from his sides and turned slowly around so Kai could get a good view of his entire body.

  Kai quickly scrambled under the covers. “Come here.”

  Jonathan smiled and slid between the sheets. He scooted over until Kai’s body rested against his. Before he could say anything more Kai wrapped his fingers around Jonathan’s erection. “You are a good handful, aren’t you?”

  “I’ve never had any complaints,” Jonathan agreed. He gritted his teeth to hold back a moan. It unnerved him how much he desired Kai’s touch.

  Kai’s grip tightened. “I don’t want to hear about other men touching you.”

  Jonathan tilted up Kai’s chin to look into his eyes. “I’m not going to pretend I’m a virgin,” he said firmly. “But I’ll respect that while we’re in bed together.”

  Kai pressed a kiss to Jonathan’s mouth. “I accept that compromise. I’m sorry I got all possessive.”

  “That’s all right. I don’t want to hear about other men touching your smooth skin either.” Jonathan had to admit that the thought of anyone else stroking Kai’s magically hairless body made him want to get out his gun.

  “Can I suck you?” Kai asked.

  Jonathan licked his lips. “I don’t think that’s a question you ever have to ask, Kai. You can just assume I’m going to say yes. Are you sure about this? I thought you wanted some rest.”

  “I can rest after we come,” Kai said.

  Kai slid down beneath the covers and hot wetness surrounded Jonathan’s cock.

  “Oh no, I have to see this.” No way was he going to get his first blow job from Kai and not watch those amazing lips wrapped around his cock. Lifting the bedding, he groaned. Kai’s dark eyes looked up at him with a desperate hunger. Jonathan almost came right then.

  “Oh fuck. I’m going to come.”

  Kai slid his fingers across Jonathan’s balls, stroking, cupping him and driving him crazy with a knowing touch.

  A scream ripped from his soul and echoed in the room as Jonathan spurted his load down Kai’s throat.

  Kai’s fingers continued to pet him even as he slid up the bed. He stroked Jonathan’s stomach, sides and, as Jonathan scooted over to cuddle him close, his back.

  “Has it been a while or am I the god of blow jobs?” Kai asked.

  Jonathan kissed Kai before answering, conveying all the pleasure he’d received into the embrace. “I think it is a combination of desperately wanting you and your amazing blow job. Crap, I’m supposed to be soothing you.”

  How had things spun around until Kai had taken control and been the one pleasuring Jonathan?

  Kai laughed, lighting up his face. He looked so fucking happy that Jonathan wanted him to keep that expression long as he could. “Trust me, honey—you did an excellent job making me feel better.”

  Exhaustion from another sle
epless night began to drag him under. He struggled to stay awake.

  “Take a nap, my sweet.” Kai stroked Jonathan’s hair.

  “What about you?” Jonathan asked.

  “I’m not a kid. I can wait until you wake up,” Kai continued petting Jonathan until he slipped into peaceful darkness.

  Chapter Five

  Kai woke up from his nap wondering where the hell he was. The room didn’t look familiar at first, but the sight of the man beside him warmed his heart. Jonathan might be a hardened soldier, but he had a sweet vulnerability that Kai wished to wrap himself around and protect. His new bodyguard might be there to physically protect Kai from an unknown killer, but he had a feeling Jonathan needed gentle handling too.

  A jolt from the man beside him startled Kai.

  Jonathan shivered in the warm room before tossing about as if in the hold of a horrible dream.

  Should I wake him?

  Kai watched for a moment, undecided.

  “No!” Jonathan shouted.

  That did it. Kai shook Jonathan’s arm. “Hey, Jonathan, wake up.”

  Bolting upright, Jonathan let out a shout.

  “Shh, shh, I’ve got you.” Kai wrapped an arm around Jonathan’s shivering body.

  “They’re dead. They’re all dead,” Jonathan whispered. Whatever dream had gripped Jonathan had yet to release its hold.

  “It’s just a dream,” Kai said. He didn’t know if it was or not, but he didn’t like the frighteningly blank expression in Jonathan’s eyes.

  Finally, when he was beginning to wonder if he should call someone, Jonathan’s eyelids fluttered and his foggy gaze sharpened onto Kai. “Hey. Sorry about that. I have nightmares sometimes,” Jonathan confessed.

  Kai thought it might have been more than just a bad dream, but he bit back his words. He didn’t want to embarrass Jonathan. “It’s all right. I was awake.”

  “Hey, how are you feeling?” The timbre of Jonathan’s rough voice slid through him like aural sex. Kai’s cock perked up as if trained to react to the sound of his lover.

  “Better. I’d feel even more amazing if I was here for reasons other than my safety.”

  Jonathan kissed Kai’s bare shoulder. “I’d have you here even if I didn’t need to protect you. Maybe not so quickly, but you’d be here.”


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