The Black Bruins: The Remarkable Lives of UCLA's Jackie Robinson, Woody Strode, Tom Bradley, Kenny Washington, and Ray Bartlett

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The Black Bruins: The Remarkable Lives of UCLA's Jackie Robinson, Woody Strode, Tom Bradley, Kenny Washington, and Ray Bartlett Page 34

by James W. Johnson

  Bartlett, Vincent (father), 12

  Bavasi, Buzzy, 172, 209

  Beavers, George, Jr., 2

  Belafonte, Harry, 178, 179

  Bell, Madison, 48–50, 117

  Berkley, Tom, 36, 66, 69, 122

  Berry, Leroy, 164

  The Birth of a Nation, 17

  Black, Joe, 206, 229

  Black, William H., 220, 221

  Black Jesus, 183

  Black Panthers, 225

  Blake, George V., 112

  Blewett, Jim, 93

  Boetticher, Budd, 184

  Borgnine, Ernest, 183

  Borisoff, Norman, 49

  Bostic, Joe, 157–58

  Boston Red Sox, 136–37

  Bradley, Crenner (mother), 19–20

  “Bradley effect,” 216, 235

  Bradley, Ethel Arnold (wife), 105–6

  Bradley, Lee (father), 19–20

  Bradley, Lorraine (daughter), 217

  Bradley, Tom, xii, 161; achievements, 216; becomes active in politics, 163–64; colorblind, 166–67, 211; death of, 219; declines to seek six term as mayor, 218; defeated for governor 1982 and 1986, 214–16, 217; defeats Yorty for mayor in 1973, 166–68; discrimination in police department, 131–33; early life, 18–21; elected to City Council, 164–65; first black mayor of Los Angeles, xiv, 211; fraternity, 68; heart attack, stroke 1996, 218; joins Los Angeles Police Department, 104–5; leaves police department, 163; legacy, 231–32, 235–36; loses race for mayor in 1969, 165–66; migration to Los Angeles, 1; passes bar examination, 163, Polytechnic High School, 27; racial discrimination, 161–62; recruited by UCLA, 65–66; re-elected mayor 1981, 213–14; rejected by Coast Guard, Army Air Corps, 131; relationship with Robinson, Washington, and Strode, 36, 67; Rodney King riots, 218; Sphinx of City Hall, 212; sports, interest in, 21–22; track at UCLA, 67–68; waived by draft board, 131

  Bragan, Bobby, 189

  Branca, Ralph, 199, 229

  Branch, William, 222

  Brazil, Bob, 180

  Briley, Pearl, 21

  Brisbane, Arthur, 41

  Brookings, H. H., 164, 165

  Brooks, Richard, 184

  Brower, William A., 111

  Brown, Cheryl, 237

  Brown, Edmund G. “Pat,” 133, 215

  Brown, George, 226

  Brown, Jefferson, 32

  Brown, Joe E., 26

  Brown, Paul, 141

  Buckley, Bill, 225

  Bunche, Ralph, xiii

  Burke, Bessie, 15

  Bush, George W., 234

  Cabot, Bruce, 171

  Cagney, Jimmy, 65

  Cairo, Georgia, 7, 198

  Calleia, Anton, 165

  Campanella, Roy, 200, 201, 202

  Campanis, Al, 157

  Campbell, Blanche, 71

  Campbell, Bob, 71, 73–74, 103

  Cannon, Jimmy, 192–93

  Canote, Terence Towles, 237

  Cantor, Izzy, 78

  Carter, Jimmy, 216–17

  Carver, George Washington, 68

  Casey, Hugh, 189

  Chambers, Mike, 94

  Chandler, Albert Benjamin “Happy,” 154–55, 190

  Chapman, Ben, 195, 196, 199

  Cheatham, Leon, 219

  Chicago White Sox, 61

  Civil Rights Act, 225

  Civil Rights Movement, 181, 232

  Clark, Jane Forbes, 227

  Clemente, Roberto, 189

  Cobb, Ty, 46

  Cohn, Milt, 104, 108

  Communist Party, xiv, 4, 37, 41, 136, 138, 167, 225

  Connolly, Will, 154

  Connor, Bull, 227

  Cosby, Bill, 171

  Count Basie, 94, 145

  Cozens, Fred W., 30, 31

  Crain, Jeanne, 171

  The Crisis, 40

  Cromwell, Dean, 41–42

  Crosby, Bing, 112, 200, 223

  Curb, Mike, 214

  Daily Bruin, 37, 49, 86, 89, 116, 122–23

  Daley, Arthur, 191

  Danzig, Allison, 96

  Davis, Bette, 65, 171

  Davis, Edward M., 213

  Davis, George T., 124

  Davis, Glenn, 124

  Dedeaux, Rod, 53

  De Havilland, Olivia, 65

  DeMille, Cecil B., 177, 184

  Deukmejian, George, 214–16, 217

  Dickerson, Eric, 84

  DiMaggio, Joe, 53, 201

  Doby, Larry, 187, 189, 200, 208

  Dorn, Warren, 173

  Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 171

  Douglas, Kirk, 177, 185, 237

  Downs, Karl, 13, 136

  Drake, Elvin “Ducky,” 66, 68–69

  Du Bois, W. E. B., 1

  Duckett, Alfred, 222

  Duffy, Hugh, 137

  Dunlap, Sam, 32

  Durante, Jimmy, 65

  Durocher, Leo, 137, 169–70, 190, 192, 208

  Dyer, Braven, 76, 77, 91–92

  Dykes, Jimmy, 61, 128

  East-West game, 108–9

  Eastwood, Clint, 184, 185, 237

  Edmonds, Jefferson L., 1

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 223

  Elkins, Billie, 21

  Ephebians, 29

  Erskine, Carl, 201

  Farrakhan, Louis, 217

  Feller, Bob, 153, 226–27

  Fenenbock, Charlie, 77

  Fentress, Cullen, 56, 96

  Finch, Frank, 78

  Flamming, Douglas, 3

  Flynn, Errol, 65–66

  Follis, Charles, 111

  football revenue, 75–76

  Ford, Gerald, 165

  Ford, John, 80, 178, 179, 183, 184

  Frankovich, Mike, 171, 180

  Frick, Ford, 154, 197–98

  Furillo, Carl, 189, 190

  Gates, Daryl, 213

  Gengis Khan, 180

  George, Gorgeous, 175, 236

  Gephardt, Dick, 197

  Gilliam, Junior, 206, 229

  Gilmore, Buck, 90

  Glick, Shav, 102

  Gold, Sid, 176, 180

  Goldenberg, Charles “Buckets,” 109

  Goldfarb, Lyn, 236

  Goldwater, Barry, 225

  Gone with the Wind, 17

  Gonzalez, Fredi, 208

  Goodlowe, Alfred, 21

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 232

  Gordon, Jack, 57, 60

  Gore, Al, 219

  Grange, Red, 90, 143

  Great Depression, 3

  Greenberg, Hank, 197

  Groomes, Mel, 142

  Guenther, Adaline, 105

  Halas, George, 110, 140

  Harding, Halley, 141, 176

  Harmon, Tom, 107, 126, 143, 146, 169, 176

  Harridge, Will, 154

  Harrison, Rex, 171

  Hartsfield, Arnett, 67

  Haynes, Marcus, 136

  Hayward, Susan, 183

  Hazzard, Norman, 192

  Henderson, Edwin Bancroft, xii, 39, 41, 42

  Heston, Charlton, 180

  Hickey, Red, 176

  Higbe, Kirby, 189

  Hill, Herman, 61, 141

  Hill, Melvin, 219

  Hirshon, Hal, 51–52

  Hitler, Adolf, 46

  Hodges, Gil, 201

  Holden, William, 183

  Holland, Brud, 111

  Hollingbery, Babe, 48, 126

  Hollywood Anti-Nazi League, 42, 95

  Hollywood Bears, 114, 128, 130

  Hoover, Edgar J., 225

  Hopper, Clay, 155–56, 159

  Hornsby, Rogers, 152

  Horrell, Edwin C. “Babe,” xi, 64, 71, 83, 85–86, 90, 93, 98, 99, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121

  Housing covenants, 5

  Houston, Norman O., 176

  Howell, Dixie, 159

  Hume, Helen, 94

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 225

  Hyland, Dick, 118, 143

  Illegal benefits, xiii, 63, 70–74

  Ives, Hank, 62

  Jackie Robinson Foundation, 233

  The Ja
ckie Robinson Story, 171, 204

  Jackson, Bo, 124

  Jackson, Jesse, 229

  Jackson, Samuel L., 237

  Janss, Ed, 71

  Jefferson High School, 24, 43

  Jethroe, Sam, 137

  Jim Crow racism, xiii, 1, 3, 8, 133, 136, 138, 139

  John Birch Society, 167

  John Muir Technical High School, 23

  Johns, Wilbur, 101–3, 122

  Johnson, Hugh S., 42, 54

  Johnson, Lyndon, 224, 225

  Johnson, Rafer, 172

  Jones, Howard, 43, 52, 63

  Jones, Sam “Sad,” 205

  Jordan, Vernon, 198

  Kahn, Roger, 103, 137

  Kawai, Shig, 58

  Keeler, O. B., 42

  Kennedy, John F., 221, 222, 224

  Kimbrough, John, 118

  Kiner, Ralph, 186

  King, Martin Luther, 221, 224, 227, 232–33

  King, Rodney, 218

  Knight, Goodwin, 176

  Kubrick, Stanley, 184

  Ku Klux Klan, 5, 140, 201

  Lacefield, 66, 69

  Lacey, Sam, 97, 199

  Lancaster, Burt, 171, 181

  Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 61, 137

  Lansdell, Grenny, 97

  Leahy, Ed, 28

  Le Gon, Jeni, 112

  Levin, Blair, 211–12

  Lillard, Joe, 111, 140

  Lindsay, Gilbert, 164

  Lloyd Charles, 131

  Long, Michael G., 222

  Look magazine, 209–10

  Los Angeles Bulldogs, 126, 128

  Luisetti, Hank, 102

  Luke, Sherrill, 37

  LuValle, James, xiv, 66

  Mack, Connie, 154

  Macker, Gordon, 144

  Mackey, Clarence, 85–86

  Major Dundee, 180

  Malloy, Tom, 57

  Manchel, Frank, 181, 183

  Mann, Bob, 142

  Mantle, Mickey, 195, 203

  Marshall, George Preston, 110, 142–43

  Martin, Charles H., 86

  Marvin, Lee, 181

  Mathews, Ned, 50, 89, 98, 120

  Matthews, Charles, 163

  Mature, Victor, 171

  May, Gloria, 151

  Mays, Willie, 209

  McAdams, Dean, 88

  McBain, Carl, 104

  McBride, Joseph, 179

  McClendon, Lloyd, 208

  McClintock, Brandon, 233

  McCoy, Horace, 49

  McDonald, Henry, 111

  McElhenny, Hugh, 62

  McGovern, George, 226

  McPherson, Don, xiii, 98, 117

  Metten, Carl, 101

  Meyer, Dutch, 85

  Milestone, Lewis, 177

  Miller Earl J., 73

  Mills, Billie, 164

  Mondale, Walter, 217

  Montgomery, Jack, 77

  Motley, Marion, 141, 187, 238

  Mulleneaux, Carl, 109

  Murray, Jim, 16, 46, 231

  Musial, Stan, 198

  Naison, Mark, 137

  National Association of Colored People (NAACP), 1, 40, 95, 220–21, 223

  National Youth Administration (NYA), 125–26

  Nevers, Ernie, 143

  Newcombe, Don, 172, 187, 202, 229, 232

  Neyland, Bob “Major,” 96

  Nixon, Richard, 171, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226

  Noren, Irv, 186

  Obama, Barack, 236

  Occidental College, xii, 31, 33

  Oliver, Tex, 87, 92, 120

  Olivier, Laurence, 177

  Olson, Culbert L., 108

  O’Malley, Peter, 228

  O’Malley, Walter, 204–5, 206, 207, 228

  O’Rourke, Frank, 181

  Owens, Jesse, 41, 42, 54–55

  Paige, Satchel, 154

  Parker, Dan, 196

  Parker, William H., 165

  Pasadena, discrimination, 4–5, 8

  Pasadena Junior College, 24, 54

  Patterson, Ellis E., 108

  Patterson, Floyd, 227

  Pearl Harbor, 127–28, 129, 131

  Peck, Gregory, 177

  Peckinpah, Sam, 189

  Pennock, Herb, 194

  Pepper Street Gang, 11

  Phelan, Jimmy, 88

  Phoenix Junior College, 58

  Pickens, Larry, 57

  Plasman, Dick, 126

  Podres, Johnny, 207

  Poitier, Sidney, 178, 179

  Pollard, Fritz, 48, 111

  Pomona College, xii, 31, 33

  Pork Chop Hill, 177

  Poulson, Norris, 166

  Powers, Jimmy, 109

  Price, Nibs, 102, 123

  The Professionals, 181

  Promised Land, 5, 8, 14

  racial conflicts, 35–37, 40–42, 95

  racial nicknames, 84, 90–93

  Rampersad, Arnold, 36

  Rank, Adam, 238–39

  Rapoport, Ron, 228, 232

  Rawhide, 184

  Ray, Bob, 121

  Reagan, Ronald, 217, 234

  Reese, Pee Wee, 188, 189, 192, 194, 196, 201, 206, 229

  Reeves, Dan, 141, 142, 146

  Regner, Bill, 120

  Reiser, Pete, 134

  The Revengers, 183

  Rhames, Ving, 237

  Richards, Ray, 92–93

  Richie, Bert, 43

  Rickey, Branch, 138, 141, 146, 150–55, 158, 170, 187–88, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 200, 201, 204, 205, 208, 227, 231

  Rickey, Branch, Jr., 152

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 46

  Riordan, Richard, 219

  Rivera, Mariano, 230

  Roberts, Bill, 215

  Roberts, Dave, 208

  Robeson, Paul, 48, 111, 204

  Robinson, David (son), 230

  Robinson, Edgar (brother), 8, 10, 221

  Robinson, Edward, 141

  Robinson, Frank (brother) 8, 54, 64, death, 82

  Robinson, Frank (player/manager), 209

  Robinson, Jackie, xii, 66, 76, 84, 100, 104, 142, 143, 149, 169, 172, 173, 191, 219; 1939 football season, 84–98; 1940 football season, 116–22; arrested, 82–83; Boston Red Sox tryout, 136–37; court martial charges, 134–35; establishes bank, 223; baseball at Pasadena Junior College, 56, 60; baseball at UCLA, 103; basketball at UCLA, 101–3, 122–23; breaking baseball color barrier, xiv, 111; busts, 56; coaches basketball at Samuel Huston College, 136; College All-stars, 126; compared to Red Grange, 90; death of, 229–30; death of son, 172; diabetes, 221, 228; Dodgers win World Series 1955, 207; drops out of UCLA, 123; early interest in sports, 11–12; early life, 7–11; elected to Baseball Hall of Fame, 226–27; football, basketball discrimination at Pasadena Junior College, 57–59, 61, 62; golf, 82, 223–24; hatred for Pasadena, 63; high school sports, 23–24; Honolulu Bears, 127; inducted into Army, 128–29; joins Chock Full O’Nuts, 220; legacy, 231–35; on managing, 207–8; marries Rachel Islum, 155; mentors, 13; migration to Los Angeles, 1; at Montreal, 157–60; Most Valuable Player 1949, 203; number retired, 228–29; Olympics (1940), 81, 101; opening day 1947, 192; plays in Negro leagues, 136; pro basketball, 186–87; racial harassment in Philadelphia, 195–96; racism in military, 133; recruiting, 63–64; refused food at Stanford, 89; retires, 209–10; Rookie of the Year 1947, 199; signs with Dodgers, 149–55; spring training in 1947, 187; track at Pasadena City College, 56–57, 60; traded to Giants, 209; TV baseball analyst, 227; Vietnam War, 224; writes for New York Post, Amsterdam News, 222; writes I Never Had It Made, 222; years at Pasadena Junior College, 24, 54

  Robinson, Jackie, Jr. (son), 172, 228

  Robinson, Jerry (father), 7

  Robinson, Mack (brother), 8, 23, 46, 173; in brother’s shadow, 56; busts, 56; diabetes, 221; discrimination after Olympics, 55–56; Olympics, 54–55; track at Pasadena Junior College, 55–57, 60

  Robinson, Mallie (mother), 7–13, 124, 227

  Robinson, Rachel Isum (wife), 4, 9, 123–24, 149, 155, 156, 173, 186, 197, 201, 204, 207, 221, 227, 228, 229,

  Robinson, Sharon (daughter), 230

  Robinson, Willa Mae (sister), 8, 10–11, 12, 23

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 225

  Rockne, Knute, 32

  Rodney, Lester, 137–39, 232

  Rose Bowl controversy, 95–97, 99

  Roybal, Ed, 133

  Rozelle, Pete, 171

  Ruck, Rob, 137

  Rudd, Irving, 229

  Russell, Bill, 229

  Ryan, Robert, 181

  Ryland, Johnny, 50

  Sanders, Deion, 124

  San Francisco Clippers, 130

  Saperstein, Abe, 187

  Sayers, Gale, 84

  Schramm, Tex, 140

  Schultz, Howie “Stretch,” 191, 196

  Seminick, Andy, 199

  Sergeant Rutledge, 178

  sharecroppers, 7

  Sharif, Omar, 189

  Shatford, Hank, 92

  Shaughnessy, Clark, 118, 120

  Shaw, Buck, 94, 117–18

  Shaw, Frank, 5

  Sheridan, Ann, 65

  Shotton, Burt, 192

  Sieber, Dick, 57

  Sifford, Charlie, 223

  Simpson. O. J., 62, 84

  Slater, Duke, 111

  Slaughter, Enos “Country,” 198

  Smith, Red, 150

  Smith, Wendell, 200

  Snider, Duke, 60, 62, 203

  Snipes, Wesley, 237

  Snyder, Bob, 142, 145–46

  Sonenshein, Raphael J., 2, 5, 211

  Sotomayor, Alison, 236

  Southern Methodist University (SMU), xiii, 40, 48–50

  Spartacus, 177

  Spaulding, Bill, 23, 44, 50, 52, 64, 79; hired as football coach, 32–33; last year coaching, 76

  Spink, J. G. Taylor, 138

  Stack, Robert, 178

  Standlee, Norm, 119, 120

  Stanford Daily cartoon, 119

  Stanford University, 33, 89

  Stanky, Eddie, 188, 201

  Starr, Kevin, 235

  Staubach, Roger, 62

  Stengel, Casey, 208

  Stephens, Kent, xi

  Stewart, Jimmy, 179

  Stiles, Maxwell, 51

  St. Mary’s College, 35, 53

  Storey, “Sad Sam,” 35

  Strode, Baylous (father), 14

  Strode, Baylous, Jr. (brother), 14

  Strode, Kalaeloa, Luukialuana (wife), 79–80, 146, 184

  Strode, Kalai (son), 237–38

  Strode, Tina Tompson (wife), 184

  Strode, Tollie, Jr. (nephew), 181

  Strode, Woodrow Wilson Woolwine “Woody,” xii, 16, 26, 53, 65, 66, 69, 70, 75, 76, 79–80, 84, 113–14, 172, 175, 176, 204; 1937 season, 46–53; 1938 season, 76–80; 1939 season, 84–98; academics 44; acting career, 176–81; breaking pro football color barrier, xiv, 140–47; Canadian football, 147–48; Civil Rights Movement 181–82; death of, 185; discrimination by opponents, 48–50; discrimination by teammates, 45; drops out of UCLA, 105–6; early years, 13–14; inducted into army, 129; illegal benefits, 63, 70–74; Jefferson High School, 24–26; legacy, 231–32, 236–38; military discrimination, 115, 125, 129–30; Olympic hopes, 46–47, 106; physique, 46; racial composition, 14; on racism, 4; recruited by UCLA, 25–26, 43–44; wife dies, 184, wrestling, 129, 175–76, 179–80


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