Lineage (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 1)

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Lineage (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 1) Page 43

by P. S. Power

  "I need to go visit with my parents for the day. I'll see you this evening? After that... I'm nearly certain that we're all getting together to hunt some errant High Servants. You heard about that?"

  He nodded, since he was part of it, but didn't explain that part. Instead he smiled at her and let his eyes go slightly grim.

  "I should go dig Karen and Bill up for that. Some of the others too. This sounds pretty messy, doesn't it?"

  She laughed then, and touched his shoulder, resting her hand there.

  "Don't worry, life is almost always like this. It's always something or other. Most of it you can ignore. Though Karen will be glad to see that people care. I know that she feels like she's failed at her job with the High Servants, which... Well, she kind of has. It was being gone for so long. Trust me, if she'd been here, no one alive would be less than dutiful once they held that rank." The words held not one jot of doubt. In fact, there was just a tiny bit of blood thirsty admiration to it all.

  So far most of the High Servants had seemed more or less fine to him however. Sure, Straughan had some things to answer for, but as almost everyone had mentioned, he was really in trouble for not doing his job well enough, and maybe trying to take over the High Servants, or helping someone else do that.

  Coercing people into having sex, by saying they wouldn't be allowed to go to Harmony if they didn't pleasure him, well, that was creepy, but they could still all have said no, and walked away. As it stood they didn't even know if he really had been sending anyone away without a trip if they denied him. That would change what would happen to him, probably. If he'd laughed and sighed when they'd said they didn't want to, and booked their way for them, then even that was a much grayer area. Adults, and it did sound like he'd stuck to them for his rotten games, were expected to stand up for themselves if they didn't want to do something. Even if it was hard.

  That was what he was thinking when Karina looked around and then rose into the air, about four inches.

  "See you tonight?"

  "Sam's palace, at nine! Bring everyone. Or, you know what I mean." Her parents, and possibly her close friends if they were around.

  Not every noble in the Kingdom that wanted a free meal. That would be way too crowded, for one thing.

  It took a while to locate Commander Derring, but handily enough she was already setting up her plans. It was a familiar group there already working with her on it. Tor, Timon, Patricia, William Smythe, High Servants Erid and Johan, Kolb, and Squire Bill. He was guarding the door, and looked terrified when he saw Dare walking up. Even though he was inside the room, and the layout meant that almost anyone could see and hear the meeting, so it wasn't that big of a secret. There was a low wall around the sitting area, so while it did give it a slightly closed feeling, it didn't keep him from hearing Karen threaten to kill all the High Servants, other than the two with her, if they didn't shape the hell up.

  That moment. Possibly sooner.

  Bill stood directly in front of the door, barring him entry with his body. A scared expression grew though, and he fidgeted nervously. Finally Dare waved a bit, getting Karen to turn around and call out to him.

  "There you are! I was about to send Bill to the whore house to look for you. I hope she was good?"

  That got him to glare a bit, even as the others snickered at him. Not Bill, who just looked away and moved, since it was clear that Dareg was expected. The others though did, which meant he had to fight off a combat rage that showed well enough everyone froze.

  Except Bill again, who patted him on the arm, being reassuring, even as he reeled back a little from the disorientation aura.

  "They're just teasing. They don't really mean that you'd go to a place like that."

  There was a half nod from Tor, though Timon snorted, understanding more than the others got yet.

  "No one would get worked up over that. No, this is about something else. Obviously so. What where you doing?"

  He nearly blurted out that he'd been on a date, but that wasn't the issue, so he backtracked in his mind. Then he spoke through slightly clenched teeth.

  "Austra seems to think that I made up the whole thing about who my father is to force a poor and very beleaguered Tor to provide for me against his will. I got to put up with half an hour of not too subtle haranguing, and then saw that most of Austra feels that discussing my bastard-hood to be a good day's entertainment." Then he looked at Tor and shrugged. "You can have the coin back. I didn't ask for any of this."

  Then he had to close his eyes again, and shook his head. It took work, since the hard feelings came back, but he mastered that. Eventually. No one spoke. Not until he opened his eyes.

  Timon looked directly at him, even as the others held various expressions. Kolb looked a bit bored by it, and annoyed. That was at him though, he could tell. The shoulders were oriented his way, not at the wall really. So he, at least, didn't want to bother with the idea of Dereg having his little feelings hurt.

  Tor actually looked misty eyed, and after a bit, slightly angry. Not at him. That was really clear, too.

  Karen made a hard face, and had to wipe at a tear. When she took a deep breath, it shook, like it was an emotional issue for her, personally.

  Erid looked troubled, and was glancing away, so he didn't have to acknowledge anything in particular.

  Johan simply stood up, and smiled.

  "We can go and teach them how to be polite then? I image if we kill the first few dozen that spoke out of turn, the others will pick up the meaning. They share everything there, so should be able to see it happening." Then he started to take a step, only to have Timon laugh, and wave him back down.

  "I'll deal with this. It's... Well, I should have stopped that already. Frankly it hadn't crossed my mind that anyone would go in that direction this soon. Eventually, since almost everyone will consider it, sooner or later. Who wouldn't want to be the son of the richest single person on three planets? I don't doubt that we'll all see a few hundred claims being made now, after this." He didn't seem upset about it. "Luckily my brother hasn't been that busy. It will save on having to learn all those new names."

  Tor however did seem a bit put out, and shook his head several times. His voice was rough, like he was fighting tears back.

  "That... I'm sorry Dareg. I'd heard from Collette that it was a sensitive topic for you. She cried about her callousness in bringing up such painful things in front of you. It's my job to protect you, and here I go again, failing. I don't know what to do about it either."

  Dareg moved to a large sofa, one with Kolb on the other end, and sighed.

  "Well, Karina and I have a plan, after a fashion. We're taking a single group of Austran scientists to see Saturn in a few weeks. We went there for luncheon, and she sent pictures there, I think? Harmony, too? It was on her handheld, so I don't know how that works."

  Karen got hers out and tapped for a bit, then gasped.

  "Oh! That's lovely! Look at this, everyone." She passed the image around, but it wasn't nearly as good as the view he'd had.

  Kolb softened then, and chuckled a bit.

  "Good! Finally a plan that I won't have to mop up after with a bucket. If you aren't going to demand the deaths of thousands to assuage your hurt feelings, we should get back to the topic at hand. I believe you were going to take Karen to task for making death threats?" He looked right at Dareg, like that was his job.

  Which, technically, it was. There had been something about not going to war, if at all possible.

  "After a fashion. We need to take care of the guilty. The rest of them... Well, if they're really that bad, then we'll... I don't know, strip them of their office, and send them home in shame? Can you call them all together soon?" That would be hard, if they were in a lot of different places. "Get them to meet in a few locations, and we can just go to them? That way we can truth test them all, and see if they're in on the plot, and doing their job to the best of their ability. If they are, well, even if they aren't that good at it, w
e should keep them. If they kind of do their jobs, but aren't certain if it's really enough, well, that probably means that they're really making it happen and just push themselves unreasonably. If they really are failing though, we can cull the ranks, or give them a chance to prove that they can, and will, change?"

  It was a lot of work, and setting them loose was the best option, but he had to admit he sounded reasonable enough. At least to his ears.

  Karen sneered at him. It didn't look good on her. Worse than it would have on most people.

  "You think that will be enough? They took oaths. They swore to serve those in need, and have had years in some cases to get around to it. Isn't that enough rope to let them strangle on?" She'd gone from being near tears to looking ready to hit him, in about half a minute. That was kind of impressive he decided.

  Also, even though she was looking pretty again, not like her earlier disguise, he didn't really want to have sex with her anymore. Even while practicing earlier, and being hurt, that had been hard to fight. It probably meant she had one of Tiera's new magics on, like he did. It was a relief, actually. Dareg did like her, and would have sex with her if she ever wanted, but it was just a normal thing now.

  Not a feeling like he'd burst if he didn't have her.

  It meant he could tell her no, for instance, even as everyone else was subtly nodding at what great logic she was bringing to bear. Then, they knew more about the problem than he did, which might be a stroke of luck for the High Servants.

  He placated her a little bit anyway, since it seemed important to her.

  "You aren't really wrong, but if we can save lives, we should. Even if we feel angry about things. Even if we can go around murdering people, we probably shouldn't. Not most days. We need to save something for the special occasions."

  It was just what he'd always been taught, along with playing nicely with others, and not setting things on fire, but after a few moments the blonde Commander of the High Servants bowed to him, and held it.

  "You're correct. I shouldn't let my emotions control my actions. Thank you for the correction."

  Then she stood, and glared a bit, at the others. They didn't laugh however, since that would be really counterproductive.

  Erid stood and nodded then.

  "Right. I can set up meetings. Here, since the largest body of High Servants is located around this area. Then a few other major cities. Harmony too, though most of the people there have done a good job. I think so, anyway." He glanced at Karen, but if he expected anger over that part, he didn't get it.

  "Thanks. Here, Par, over in Tellerand... Harmony, but just to check for spies and traitors, and the encampment in Soam? I haven't heard much about them, really. The reports make it seem like they're all working hard, but so do all of the others. Lying on reports is nearly a tradition now. One that I would dearly love to change. So, Dareg, you're on to get everyone where they need to go? It might mean playing coachman for a while."

  He looked at her, and then held a hand up and wiggled it side to side, showing he wasn't certain.

  "I don't have an issue with the work, but I may not have time. We need to get Austra ready for Timon and Patricia to come. At least the port there." Really, he needed to see if Clarence Memes had his handheld yet. The Terry made one.

  The party had to come first, since he wasn't going to fall down on that, if he could help it. After all, he'd never given a party before. Even if Tor wanted to cut him off now, or whatever, he still needed to do that.

  It was tempting, after the day, to do that one the other way around and just send the man away, claiming that he wasn't his father. Yes, there were great perks that went with the relationship, but the name calling had hurt enough to leave him feeling raw, and more than a little stupid. Like throwing away that kind of chance in life over anger made sense.

  It didn't. It wouldn't either. No, he'd just have to suck up the shame, and pain, then go on. That was what life required of you sometimes.

  "Other than that, then yes? Or we can put that off, too. I don't think we should, but what they really want is you, Tim, not a shiny place for ships to land. That might make you look better on their screens, but that won't be the important part for them." They really did seem to want him there.

  In fact it was almost a bit creepy, the way they wanted him, as a group.

  Like they were crazy for him.

  The rest of the conversation shifted toward the topic of finding Kevin Straughan, who had been tracked by William Smythe, and Patricia, for some reason.

  It was the man who spoke, his voice deep and manly, though he only looked to be about nineteen or twenty.

  It was William that spoke, his voice rather self assured, but not full of himself, somehow.

  "We found a clear track on him yesterday, by examining the heavy transport records. From all indications he's run to County Ford, to the capital there. He has people near there, so it could be taken as a simple King's week visit. It may even be one. We should go and collect him soon, in case he is behind things as has been suggested. It might serve not to be too aggressive, however?" The fellow had mid-toned brown hair, but it was kept short and tidy. He looked hard, and not like a statesman in particular.

  Dareg nodded, and then yawned.

  "We can go first thing in the morning? I have to sleep tonight. I didn't yesterday."

  Tor looked at him, then nodded.

  "That sounds like a plan. We can meet after you have your lessons in the morning? About ten?" That got a look at Kolb, who smiled a bit and nodded.

  "At the tiny house up front. Now, I think that it's getting late enough that we need to get ready for Dareg's party?"

  It was about seven or so, which meant it was really about time for him to go and get ready, and help out where he could, if needed.

  It turned out that Sara really didn't need him to be there, having it all in hand already. She didn't even seem stressed, but did hug him when he walked by.

  "You should go get dressed. Medium level... Um, here... Let me change your clothing? You can leave it set?" Her hand came up, but she waited for him to nod at her before doing anything.

  Dare ended up in a suit. It was a deep gray, and a bit bland looking, but had a tight waist, and a broad green silk wrap around the waist.

  The shoes were just black boots, and had a nice shine, but that was all.

  His hair ended up being held back, into a tail. Not that he wouldn't want to comb it after he got a shower. For that he had to borrow a room there, since the streets were so crowded that walking to and from his house would probably take longer than he had left.

  Thankfully, they had the space, and he was able to get a room on the third floor.

  It was really nice, but he just needed to use the bath, not sleep there. He had a house, and kind of wanted to use it, if he got a chance.

  Working quickly he managed to get back down stairs about twenty minutes later. Then he found Sara again, in a very large, richly decorated room. There were chairs and soft places to sit along the right hand side, and very grand, gaudily colored blue, green, and red doors along the far side. They were huge things, and looked worthy of a players tent.

  "This is the waiting area. We'll eat, and be entertained, in there. Now all we have to do is stay here. The staff will lead people in. We don't have a majordomo on the door, so we need to be watchful. I want it to be more casual than that." If she was nervous it didn't show. Not even around the edges.

  Then, she'd flat out told him that if it flopped she was blaming him. She got the credit for it if people liked it however. That was a brilliant idea, he understood. Not the part where she'd said that, but the idea that she'd let him know that it could go either way. He wouldn't be surprised then if things went downhill.

  As it turned out, they didn't really have to worry. After decades or longer of being treated to fine dinners and formal arrangements, everyone seemed very happy to walk from the waiting area into what seemed to be a traveling circus tent. Complete with sta
nds for them to sit on, while they ate their greasy and too sweet dinners out of little wooden bowls, and off sticks. There was a group of people walking around and offering food to people, like vendors might at such an event. Then they had animals in to do tricks, along with players that tumbled and juggled a lot of different things.

  No one even acted like such childish things were beneath them, which was a bit different than he'd figured on. The King kept slapping him on the back, and smiling, and Connie hugged him more than a few times.

  On the last one, she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

  "This was charming, Dareg. How did you think of it? We'll have to try something similar sometime."

  He smiled, and blamed Sara for it with a wave.

  "All her. I mentioned an idea, but the execution wasn't me in the slightest. I think she's making sure that everyone understands that they really know how to have fun in the Martian Circle."

  After that he had to speak to everyone as they left, including the people that were staying there. That, as it turned out included Taman. Her sister the Queen's words haunted him as she moved in for a hug that was a little bit too warm to happen in public. She managed to pull back nicely enough however, and smile at him sweetly.

  She wasn't blasting him with her will, like before, so it was easier to take, though he still felt attracted to her. Aunt or not. The problem, or gift, there was that he couldn't actually think of her that way. She was just a pretty girl, not much older than he was, that clearly wanted him. Even regular hormones were enough to get him to kind of what to ignore what Tiera had told him.

  "Thank you for having us all, Dareg. I was wondering, can we speak? After the people clear out a bit. It won't take long."

  Tiera had said he should stay away from her, but not why. That, he realized wasn't going to go over well, if she just wanted to share news, or find out what his favorite color was. Being rude to a powerful wizard, or even a cute girl, was foolish. That she was far beyond being merely attractive was solidly there, too.

  "Sure? I'm going back to my place, after this, but I can-"


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