Hot Stuff

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Hot Stuff Page 2

by Weston Parker

  “That’s good, honey. You be good and play, and I’ll check on you later. You know you can call if you need anything, right?”

  She let out a dramatic sigh and gave me a sassy look. “Yes, I know.” She ran over and hugged my legs, and I bent down to hug her neck and steal a kiss.

  “Good girl. I love you.”

  “Love you, Daddy!” She ran over to her toy box and grabbed a teddy bear to put in the chair I’d been in. I guessed that was my stand-in. I gave a chuckle and hurried out before she gave the fluffy guy my crown and boa.

  On my way downstairs, I passed Helen, who turned away when she saw me. “I made sure she cleaned up her mess.”

  “Yes, sir, but I just cleaned the uneaten portion of your food from the sink. Please inform your daughter that we don’t have a garbage disposal.” Her attitude had taken a turn for the worse since Ollie had come into our lives. And it was going to take me to turn it back around.

  “Helen, I know you weren’t around me when I was a child, but I’m sure you’re familiar that they tend to need a little guidance. So, I suggest that when you see my daughter, you tell her that yourself.” Her eyes widened. “I’m asking for a little patience. It’s bad enough I don’t want to go into the office these days.”

  Helen let out a breath and met my eyes. “Then don’t. You’re the head of the company; you have a nice office here. Trust me, I know. I clean it whether you use it or not. So why not do what your father used to and work from home?” She gave me a pat on the back and then went to the kitchen.

  She had a point. Maybe that was the solution. It wasn’t as if I was needed at the office to keep things running there. Hell, I’d spent most of my time out of the country before the crash.

  I’d been so determined not to let the crash do me in completely that I had started using my old office, but retiring sounded like a good idea. Let someone else deal with the headaches.

  Like everything else, I’d think it over. It wasn’t like me to make a decision in haste.

  Chapter 2


  Craig wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, nestling against me so that his rigid length teased my ass. “You’re insatiable. I’m so glad we had this time, finally. I know it’s been hard for you with the divorce still so fresh.” His divorce had only been finalized for a few weeks, and while I usually didn’t date men who were on the rebound, much less men who were my boss, but his story had tugged my heartstrings.

  “I’m glad, too. There’s still so much to be worked out, with her still getting her things from my house. But I promise it will settle down soon. With a kid and her father in the mix, it makes it a very sensitive matter, as well.”

  “I understand. You’re a good man; I don’t see how you put up with it.” He’d done so much to save his marriage, but in the end, she’d tried to take everything. He’d told me so much about her, how she’d broken his heart, how she’d left him to take care of the baby alone while she’d gone out with other men, but with her father being one of our biggest clients, he couldn’t confide in just anyone. I had been there for him while he had to keep it a secret from everyone else and pretend like nothing was happening.

  “It will pass, and when it does, I’ll be free to be with you forever. You’re so good to me, waiting for me. Not many women would do that.”

  “Well, when it’s all over, we’ll have so many mornings like this one.” I snaked my hand behind me and stroked his hard shaft with my fingertips. We’d had a wonderful night of making love, and I’d even learned a little about his kinky side. I rubbed my sore nipples with my free hand and turned to kiss him over my shoulder.

  We were just getting into it, hot and heavy, his cock pressing between my legs from behind and stroking hard against my tender slit as I ground against him. His hand slipped down to my clit, stroking when his phone buzzed out a sound.

  “Shit,” he said, as he rolled away from me. He gave me an apologetic look and then stepped away. “I’ll be just a moment.”

  I deflated on the bed as I turned over and glared up at the ceiling. I was so worked up, and while I understood his job was important, he was always slipping off after his phone rang out that same specific buzz.

  He hurried into the room and began gathering up his clothes. “Baby, I’m so sorry. I forgot about a meeting with my ex-wife’s attorney. I had a few more papers to sign about the house. I’ll see you this afternoon, I hope?”

  “Yes, as long as my boss doesn’t mind me showing up to the office a bit late. I’d like to have lunch with Chloe today. It’s been so long since I made time for her. Someone’s been keeping me busy for lunch.” Lunch had taken on new meaning and should have been referred to as happy hour, since he and I had gradually escalated to breakfast over the past month and a half. We’d started out making out in the office; then we moved to hotel rooms once he’d signed his papers to make it official and convinced me that I wasn’t just a rebound for him. This was the first night I’d been brave enough to bring him home with me, and it was our first morning together after a full night in each other’s arms.

  He stepped into his pants, his cock still semi-hard, and once he had them pulled up, he walked over and planted a kiss on my mouth. “Go have your fun, baby. I’ll see you later, and we’ll finish what we started.”

  “It’s a deal, sexy.” I gave him a playful wink, and he hurried out after slipping on his shoes and shrugging into his shirt.

  I lay on the bed a moment longer, enjoying the sun shining through the window, and then I got to my feet and hurried to the shower. Not only had things been crazy for him, but with my father’s death two months earlier, my life had taken a turn as well.

  No longer was I daddy’s girl, and perhaps at first, I was seeking comfort from Craig as a coping mechanism for losing a powerful man in my life. I really was crazy about him, but I knew once my brothers found out, especially Noah who I was the closest to, they’d flip out.

  He’d warned me about relationships with men like Craig, and while I tended to agree with his reasoning about their usual motives, Craig’s situation was different. He was a victim, the poor guy. His wife had treated him like shit and stomped all over him. He deserved a better life, a better woman, a better love, and if I could manage, I was going to give it to him.

  Once my father’s estate got settled and I gained my inheritance, I wanted to see if Craig would buy a home with me and start our own firm. He’d complained to me about the others in the building, and I felt this was something he might just go with.

  I took my time getting ready and arranged to meet with my bestie at our favorite little diner across town.

  When I arrived, Chloe was already waiting and waved me over to the table. “Oh, wow! You look wonderful, Lauren. Love looks great on you.”

  I threw my bag into the booth and slid in beside it. “I’m not sure if it’s love, but I can’t disagree.”

  “Please, it’s love. The two of you are moving so fast; you’ll be married before the ink’s dry on his divorce.”

  “No, we’re trying to take it slow, trust me. I’ll just be glad when everything gets settled, and I can tell people we’re together. You know I’m not supposed to have told you anything.”

  The waitress came over and took our orders, and as soon as she walked away, Chloe tossed her blond hair over her shoulder and leaned closer to the table. “Don’t you think that’s a little strange?”

  “Not really. I mean, I know it seems that way because I can’t tell you everything that’s been going on with him and his ex, but trust me, it’s going great. Once everything is settled, and after last night, I have a feeling we’ll be making things official and very public.”

  “That’s good. I just thought he already finished the divorce.” She smiled at the waitress as she brought our coffee.

  “He’s got a son to think about.” I stirred in some sugar and brought the cup to my lips.

  Her eyes widened. “Wow, you’ll be like that kid’s stepmom soon. Isn
’t that weird?”

  “Whoa, cowgirl. That’s jumping the gun. We’re not getting married or anything soon; we’re just going to pursue a relationship and see where it goes. But yes, if he were to ask me, and I happened to become his kid’s stepmom, I’d be good with that. I love kids.”

  “But you’ve always wanted a daughter.”

  “He can give me a daughter, or we could have fun trying, or who knows? Everything isn’t going to work out as I’ve always dreamed. And besides, when I told you all of that stuff, we were in college.” I couldn’t believe she still remembered the things I’d told her back then, especially since she spent a lot of that time in a fog.

  She’d always been my best confidant, and I hers.

  “Have you thought about what you’re going to tell Noah?” Her mention of my brother sent my heart to my throat.

  I choked down another sip of coffee. “You had to bring him up, didn’t you?” I sighed and thought of how I was going to ever tell him. He was not only going to be disappointed in me, but he was going to give me a lecture. If I survived that portion of his wrath, I still had to worry about what he’d say or do to Craig. If we both survived to have anything, it would be a miracle.

  “Remember when you had that crush on your professor? He nearly flipped, and it wasn’t like you were going anywhere near the guy. Once he realizes you’re in deep with your boss, he’s going to react. You know he will.”

  “I’m hoping he’s too busy with his own life now to care so much about what I do. He’s got his career, and I’m older now.”

  “You were twenty-two before, and he told you that you’d always be his baby sister no matter how old you got. I doubt that being thirty-one will matter to him.”

  “You’re killing my buzz, Chloe.” I sipped the coffee and wondered if I should order an espresso. I needed a charge.

  “I’m just saying. Look, you know I’m happy for you, and I really hope that this is your Prince Charming, but don’t wait too long to tell your brother. The longer you do, the worse it will be. Trust me.”

  I knew she had a point. Noah and I were very close, and we’d always looked out for one another. I knew once I explained things, he’d understand, but I had a feeling nothing I could say would make it okay that I didn’t come to him with it all sooner.

  “I’ll tell him when the time is right. I promise.”

  “Good, because I like you around. And I’m not sure he won’t make good on that promise to lock you in a convent for the rest of your life.” We shared a laugh, remembering when my brother flipped out about the professor. He’d said he’d make me be a nun.

  “Sister Mary Lauren,” she said with a giggle.

  “More like Sister Mary Jezebel.” I turned my eyes up to the heavens. “That’s what he’ll think.”

  Chloe gave me a hard look. “Now wait a minute. Noah might think a lot of things, but he’d never think badly of you. He loves you. I wish I had the type of relationship you guys have.”

  “Thanks, Chloe.” The waitress brought our food, and we spent the rest of our time laughing and talking about shopping, which was good because I’d had enough heavy stuff for one day, and the way Craig had run out earlier still had me a bit shaken.

  When it was time for me to get to work, I pulled into the parking garage and into my usual place. I took my time getting out and going to the elevator. The thing stopped on the first floor, and when I stepped out, laughter brought my head around.

  What I saw gutted me. The shrill laugh was from a tall brunette, and she was standing with Craig, her arm locked in his. He was turned to the side so he couldn’t see me, but I’d recognize him anywhere. I stopped a moment and watched as she leaned in and kissed him full on the mouth, and I had to know what was going on.

  “Excuse me?” I walked across the expanse. When his head turned, I stepped out of the shadows, and his eyes widened.

  “Lauren, I’ll meet you upstairs. I was just telling Marissa goodbye.” Marissa was his wife’s name. Now I was really confused.

  I gave him the side eye and stuck my hand out. “You’re Craig’s ex-wife. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  She looked at it like a snake that might bite her. “You’re mistaken, Lauren, is it? I’m not his ex. I’m his wife.” She turned her head sharply at Craig who looked like I had just handed him a live grenade. “Who is this woman, and why would she think we’re divorced?” She looked as confused as I felt, but then that confusion was suddenly replaced with anger.

  “I’m the woman he spent the night with, but don’t worry, it was the last time.” I gave him a glare and turned on my heel to storm down the hall to the next set of elevators between me and my office.

  I didn’t let the tears spill until I was well out of their sight. Not only was I not going to sleep with that lying piece of shit any longer, but I’d have to find new employment.

  As I packed up the things I wanted from my small desk, I vowed to myself that Noah could never know about it.

  Chapter 3


  I held my daughter’s hand and brought her to her bed where I lifted her up and tucked her into the covers. “Daddy, will you read me a story tonight?” Ollie’s big blue eyes bored into mine; then she did that little fluttering thing that made me want to stand on my head and hand her my credit card, the car keys, and the deed to the house, although I didn’t think she’d know what to do with them. I was really going to be in a pickle when she turned sixteen, but I just couldn’t help myself.

  “Of course, but I’m a little too tired to make all the motions.” She’d had me not only doing different voices for all of the characters, but she wanted me to act out their lines, too.

  “But why, Daddy? I wanted you to do the monkey book. You’re funny, Daddy.” She giggled and then slapped her hands on the bed. “Monkey book!” She hopped out of the bed before I could stop her and ran over to the bookshelf as my phone rang.

  “Get back in the bed, Oll.” I glanced down to see that Noah was the one to save me. “Hello, brother.”

  “Oh, now I’m your brother, am I? Good, I could use a name change right about now.”

  “Trouble in the Patrick family? That doesn’t sound right.”

  “It’s nothing; I’m just bitter because the old man knows how to show his favoritism even in death. At least once this will had been read, it will be the end of it.” He let out a breath on the other end, and I could hear the exhaustion in his voice.

  “Did the old man cut you out?” I knew things had been a little strained with him and his father, but nothing that would lead to him being disowned or disinherited.

  “No, but you know the cabin out by Wade’s Creek? He left it to Lauren.”

  “Ouch. I guess there goes our retirement plans.” We had always talked about me building a home close to him out there, and we’d both spend our days fishing in the creek.

  “Well, I am her favorite brother, so maybe she’ll let me use it. But hey, speaking of favorite brothers and best friends who want to do all they can for me, I need a favor.”

  “Monkey book, Daddy!” Ollie tugged my shirt tail, and I bent down to help her back into the covers.

  “Sounds like you’re busy. I can call back later.”

  “No! Don’t hang up.” I looked down at Ollie. “Daddy has to take this call, and I’ll be back in a bit. If you haven’t gone to bed yet, I promise I’ll read the monkey book, and I’ll do the voices and the actions.” There was no way she’d still be awake. She’d been yawning for the last hour and a half and nearly nodded off eating her dinner.

  “Okay, Daddy. It’s a deal.” She held out her little hand. I gave it a shake and then leaned down to kiss her.

  “Daddy will be right back, okay?” I turned and walked down the hall to my own room. “Okay, are you there?”

  “I’m here. What’s with my favorite kid?”

  “She’s got me performing nightly plays in her room, and she’s hooked on this monkey book. I made the mistake of doing it onc
e, and now it’s all she wants. I nearly lost my voice the other night, and I stepped on one of her damned Barbie shoes. That thing hurt worse than fucking Legos.”

  “You’re exaggerating; nothing hurts worse than that. But I’ll get down to business so you can go do your one-man show before the little angel falls asleep.”

  “Take your time, please. I need a break.” The guy wasn’t going to cut me any slack. “Remember how we said we’d never let a girl come between us? That goes for my daughter, too. No choosing her side.”

  “Doesn’t count, man. Sorry. She’s too irresistible.”

  “Yeah, well how about you go ahead and ask that favor?” I could say no, too.

  “It’s about Lauren. There’s something going on with her. She’s acting strange and won’t answer when I call, which is when I know she’s not working. She’s even responded with a text a few times, which isn’t her thing. I think it’s because she’s not alone, and she doesn’t want me to hear the man in the room. If she’s seeing someone she can’t tell me about, chances are it’s some dirtbag, in which case, I’m going to have to kill somebody.”

  “She’s going to have to grow up sometime. Besides, she’s thirty now.”

  “Dude, this is my little sister we’re talking about. You know how much I care about her. I wouldn’t even let you date her, and I love you.”

  “I never asked to date your sister. She’s like my own.” I’d known Lauren my whole life, and while she had grown into a gorgeous woman, I knew better than to cross Noah.

  “You sure told me enough how hot she was once she hit high school. It’s because of that I had to prepare myself for the assholes who were going to be hitting on her.”

  “I was just telling you so you’d be prepared. But that was for when she was young and needed your protection.”

  “She’s my baby sister; she will always need my protection. Do you think Ollie will stop needing her daddy just because she’s grown?”


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