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Cowboy Sanctuary (The Dixon Ranch)

Page 9

by Michelle Hughes

  “I really wanted to discuss this face to face, but I guess this is as good a time as any. I want you to marry me and raise the boy. I know you care about him, and with me working so much, this would be the best thing for us.”

  Derrick’s words horrified me. What kind of person did he think I was? In my mind, he’d killed Danielle, no matter what the jury said. That being true was the ultimate reason I’d never agree to his proposal, but he physically disgusted me. Not that he was ugly on the outside, but on the inside? He was a monster!

  “Why don’t you just let me adopt him?” This was the logical conclusion since it was obvious Derrick wasn’t comfortable raising Jeremy on his own. The thought of ever being his wife made bile rise in my throat.

  “Don’t be stupid,” he hissed. “I’m offering you a chance here. I suggest you take it. Your sister was a beautiful woman, and you look just like her. At least you can keep your legs shut except when I need attention.”

  I’d always known he was a piece of shit, but this? Marry the man who killed my sister? Over my dead body!

  “That’s crazy. You were married to my sister!” I cried. Panic set in, making me forget that all we really needed was a few days, and we would prove Jeremy belonged to Brock. All I could see was red, and I wanted to destroy any thought Derrick had of using me as my sister’s replacement.

  “Listen, bitch, I’m trying to be nice about this, but you will be mine,” he threatened. “I know you have feelings for the little brat. You get your ass home in two days or I’ll charge you with kidnapping. Don’t make me show you my other side. I promise you won’t fucking like it!” He hung up, and I dropped my phone like it was on fire.

  Hugging my arms around my waist, I fell to my knees and gasped for breath. I lost all sense of reality as stars met my eyes and I felt the world spin on its axis.

  That was the last thing I remembered until I woke up on the bed cradled in Brock’s arms and heard Jeremy crying uncontrollably.

  I tried to wiggle out of his warm hold, but Brock didn’t relent. “Just sit still, sweetheart. You fainted. I called my mom. She’s on her way over, and we’ll get you to the hospital.”

  “I don’t need a doctor. My system was just overloaded.” I felt my heart race again with the memory of what Derrick had said but knew I had to keep calm. “We need to take care of Little Man.”

  Brock scooted me over on the bed, then stood and walked over to pick up Jeremy. Instantly the baby reached for me. I’d probably scared him to death, and I forced a smile, hoping to let him know I was fine. He was having none of that. Those chubby little arms reached my way until Brock sat down with me again and we held him together.

  “I’m fine, really,” I said. Real life wasn’t supposed to happen this way. A husband shouldn’t murder his wife, then try to coerce her sister into marriage. I knew being a fugitive was going to happen if those test results didn’t come in the next few days because I’d rather have rotted in jail than let that jerk get his hands on Jeremy.

  “We’re going to talk about what just happened, but not now. Are you sure you’re all right?” At any other time, the concern in Brock’s eyes would have warmed my heart, but right now all I could think about was putting a plan together.

  I managed a nod at his words, but I was already thinking about how I could make this work. Best case scenario: those results came in and Derrick wouldn’t have any option but to give Jeremy to Brock. Worst case? I was going to have to take Jeremy and run until those results came back. I couldn’t let Brock get in trouble for breaking the law. I no longer mattered. This was all about the two people I loved the most.

  Oh. My. God! I loved Brock. When had that happened? Obviously I was attracted to him. Since he was the only man I’d ever agreed to sleep with, that was a given, but love? That was what made me willing to sacrifice my own life to make sure he wouldn’t go to jail, even if it was only for a short time. You couldn’t kidnap your own kid, so we just needed those test results.

  “OK. That’s it. You’re going to the ER,” Brock instructed.

  I guess I’d zoned out while thinking about my newfound feelings for him. “I told you, I’m fine. I just realized I loved you.” Had I meant to say those words? No. But I felt it.

  “You sure you didn’t hit your head?” Brock smiled at me like the happiest man on earth, telling me he wasn’t angry about my confession. It was too soon, and he probably didn’t feel the same way.

  His mom and dad walked in, stopping any further conversation, and I felt horrible that they’d come out here so late because of me.

  “Is everything OK? We were so worried,” Mary said, sitting beside me on the bed. She hugged me tightly. I was beyond moved that this woman who hardly knew me cared enough to be concerned. Brock really was a lucky man to have such a great family.

  “My sister’s husband called, and I’m afraid it was a little too much for me to deal with.” I didn’t consider myself weak, so passing out, even though Derrick’s words had been unbearably cruel, was unacceptable.

  “Why don’t we take the boy and let you get yourself together. We’ll wait on you downstairs.” Crawford’s words were clipped, and I could tell Brock’s father wasn’t happy about the news I’d given. I realized I was also very underdressed to be having company. Glancing down, I was glad that Brock had at least buttoned up his shirt I was wearing. What must his parents think!

  Jeremy was eager to go to his grandmother, and they walked out of the room, leaving me alone with Brock. He went over to the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and shirt then helped me dress even though I told him I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

  “At least I get to look at that beautiful body again. Don’t think I forgot what you said either. We’ve got so much to talk about,” Brock said.

  I pulled a bra out from the dresser and turned my back as I pulled up my shirt to put it on. He’d already seen my breasts, but I wasn’t the type to go flaunting everything around.

  “We shouldn’t leave your parents long. It’s really late.” I wasn’t actually avoiding the conversation, since I didn’t know if he was talking about my confession of love or what Derrick had told me. It was just that being in the room with him alone made me want things that shouldn’t have been high priority considering where we were.

  “Lead the way then.” Brock’s eyes were brimming with sexual hunger, and I knew his mind was in the same place.

  “Fine, but could you please not look at me that way? I’m already fighting against myself to not beg you to kiss me again.” I said the words bravely as I raced out of the room, his deep laughter trailing behind me.

  Being around his parents helped me gain a little self-control. After promising them I really was all right, I explained what Derrick had said. The atmosphere in the room went from concern for my well-being to barely contained anger. Brock stormed out of the room, and Crawford followed. I sat down on the couch with his mom, not sure what else I could say.

  “That man must be the devil.” Her words were soft as she bounced Little Man on her knee, but I could see the anger in her gaze. “We won’t let him mess with our family, Dana. Since my son is taken with you, I already consider you part of ours. You have my word Jeremy will be safe too.”

  I was shocked to see that she wasn’t the sweet little old lady I thought she was, but I wasn’t disappointed. I guess raising all those sons had made her tough. “Thank you for saying that. I won’t let him take him, no matter what I have to do.” My words were vehement but softly spoken because I didn’t want to upset my nephew. Thankfully Jeremy seemed blissfully unaware of the precarious situation.

  “You aren’t alone in this,” Brock’s mom reassured me. “If need be, we’ll block off entrance to the ranch and dare Derrick to come onto our land.”

  My eyes widened hearing the sincerity in her voice, and I knew she was one tough cookie. “I can’t let you do that,” I replied. “If it comes to it, I’ll just take Jeremy somewhere and hide until those results
come forth.” I probably shouldn’t have given away my game plan, but I felt like she was trustworthy.

  “Honey, my son would never let you do that. For that matter, neither would I or any of the men. You are family now, and we take care of our own. I can tell that boy is head over heels for you already.” She gave a knowing grin, and I flushed.

  “He’s a good man.” I wasn’t about to talk to Brock’s mother about my feelings when he and I hadn’t had a chance to have a conversation.

  “Yes, he is, and I see the way you look at him too. It’s all right if you’re not there yet, but you have my blessing.”

  Brock and Crawford returned, both looking like they were ready to tear the house down.

  “Let’s get you home, darlin’,” Crawford told his wife, holding out his hand. He grinned my way, and I took Jeremy from her arms. “You don’t worry about nothing, little lady. We’ve got this.” He spoke to me, then gave a quick nod to his son as he led his wife out the front door.

  “I called Travis while we were outside, and he’s going to see what he can do on his end.” Brock joined me on the couch, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, and I could feel the tension in his muscles. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that tonight. It won’t happen again. If Derrick calls, you give me the phone. He won’t be dealing with you ever again.”

  I loved that Brock wanted to protect me, but I was made of stronger stuff than that. “He’s not going to talk to you,” I asserted. “If we’re going to try to reason with him over this stupid marriage proposal, it’s going to have to be through me.” I wasn’t sure he could be reasoned with.

  “Oh hell, no, he didn’t try and blackmail you into that shit. He won’t ever get the chance to try that again. I won’t have you getting upset. It’s my job to make sure you’re safe, and my little man too. Don’t be pigheaded on this. You’ll find out I don’t do well when I feel my woman is threatened.”

  Holy crap, his woman? What year did he think we were living in?

  “I appreciate that you want to protect me, but I’m very capable of taking care of myself.” I didn’t want to argue, especially not while holding Jeremy, but there needed to be an understanding between us before things went any further.

  “You passed out on the floor! I know you women want to be equal to men, and I’m all for that in some ways, but this? Dealing with a man like him—that’s something you don’t need to be doing, and I’m going to put my foot down!”

  “Maybe I should just get down on my knees and beg you to protect me then?” I replied. He was really making me mad, and Jeremy was getting fussy in my arms, more than likely feeling my frustration.

  “Don’t be silly. The only time I want you on your knees has nothing to do with me taking care of you. Although I do like that visual.” Brock’s cowboy grin normally charmed me, but I wasn’t in the mood for it right now.

  “I’m going to bed. Just remember one thing: I’ve been taking care of myself my whole life, and nobody, not even you, is going to come in and try to tell me what I can or cannot handle,” I said defiantly.

  Maybe I was being unreasonable, but between the weakness I felt at passing out earlier and his chauvinistic mentality, I was done for the night. If that was how life would be with us, then maybe I needed to think things through a little longer. I was no one’s little lady!

  Standing up with Jeremy in my arms, I stalked off without looking back. To his credit, Brock didn’t follow me. I wasn’t sure I could hold back my temper. I’d almost slept with him tonight, and would have if Derrick hadn’t called. I was definitely calling what happened tonight a blessing. We had so much to learn about each other.




  What in the blazing hell was that all about? I’d never seen a woman lose her temper over something so stupid before. All I’d done was try to protect her. She acted like I was talking about keeping her barefoot and pregnant. Not that it was a bad idea. She’d look beautiful with my baby swelling in her belly. Letting her cool off seemed liked the right thing to do, but it wasn’t easy.

  Our relationship, although very important to me, couldn’t be where my focus was right now. Two days wasn’t enough time. Even when I got those test results back, I was going to have to file for legal rights to my son. I didn’t know much about family law, but I was going to see our lawyer first thing in the morning. One damn thing was for certain: my boy wasn’t leaving this land no matter what the court said. If that piece of shit city boy stepped on my land, someone would be praying for my soul because I was taking him out.

  Sleep didn’t come easily, and when Jeremy woke up right before the sun rose, I quietly went in to get him before he woke up Dana. The thought of losing him made my heart physically hurt, and as I cooked him breakfast I was determined it wasn’t going to happen. I wanted to spend every waking moment with him until he was legally mine. Truth was, I was terrified that Derrick would find a way to rip him out of my arms if I didn’t, even if for a short time. For a man like me, admitting fear was like setting my ranch on fire.

  I was raised to be a strong man who took care of problems when they arose. Not sit around and whine about it. Logically I knew the prick couldn’t force Dana to marry him, but the thought that she would to save Jeremy pissed me off. I would kick Derrick’s ass seven ways to Sunday if he put his hands on her. Problem was I wanted to wring his slimy neck for even thinking about it, and that put me in a frame of mind that wasn’t good for anyone.

  After Jeremy had eaten, I took him into the living room and we played around until Frank arrived. I explained the situation to him, and he agreed to take over until things were back to normal. Frank looked a little too damn happy to do so. That was just me being bitter. I was very hands-on, and the thought of relinquishing control didn’t sit well with me.

  A few hours later, Dana came downstairs looking a little more reasonable than she had before bed last night. As much as I hated it, our relationship had to be put on a back burner until this custody thing was over. She deserved a man who could give all his love, and right now I wasn’t that man. Last night had told me we’d moved too fast. We had great chemistry, but what we didn’t know about each other could fill several books.

  “Morning. I left some breakfast on the stove for you.” Even to my own ears, my words sounded distant. The way Dana nibbled on her lower lip said she was picking up on it.

  “Thanks. You should have woken me. I know you’ve got work to do,” she said hesitantly, and my first instinct was to comfort. I wasn’t sure how I could do that, though, when I needed a little space until things settled down a bit.

  “I handed things over to my foreman until this mess is over. I’m gonna run into town to see my lawyer soon. I think it would be a good idea if you watched Jeremy over at my folks’ place,” I suggested. I didn’t want to make it an order, but I wasn’t leaving them here alone. That city boy probably didn’t know where she was, but taking that chance wasn’t going to happen on my watch.

  She nodded, making me glad there wasn’t going to be any argument. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, but I’m sure Jeremy would love to hang out with his grandmother.”

  Dana amazed me at being able to read the situation. I wished we had more time to talk about things, but hopefully that would come later. “It will give me a little peace of mind, so thank you.” I didn’t mean to seem standoffish, but my heart and mind were somewhere else. My thoughts revolved around this small little boy who’d stolen my heart.

  “What time are you leaving?” she asked, sitting down on the floor to play with Little Man, and I think I fell in love all over again. Dana was so good with him, and I knew she’d be a perfect mother to my son.

  “After I grab a shower and get dressed. I don’t care too much for monkey suits, but I know Mr. George expects me to be respectable.” It was one thing to be out on the ranch working in jeans, but you didn’t walk into a lawyer’s office that way unless you wanted a dres
sing down.

  She smiled and I had no idea why, but I returned it. “I’ll keep an eye on him while you do that then.”

  That sweet look on her face made me long to have her in my bed again, so I stood and walked upstairs without saying another word. Keeping my needs in check with her was almost impossible. There was my control issue again, and I didn’t like one bit that I couldn’t keep myself from wanting her that way. There was too much at stake to be thinking with my shaft!

  A shower and a monkey suit later, and my mind was in the right place. The damn tie almost choked me when I put it on, and I hated that my cowboy boots weren’t on my feet because these stiff dress shoes made my toes ache. Walking back downstairs, I felt like I was going to Sunday school instead of meeting the man who could decide the fate of my kid.

  Dana’s eyes roamed over me and she seemed to like what she saw, which didn’t help my mood at all. Nothing like a dollop of sexual frustration and nerves to put me off kilter. “We should go,” I said, my words harsher than needed, and I could see the fire in her sky-blue eyes heating up. “Please,” I tacked on with a little more reserve. Dana’s lip tightened as she picked up Jeremy’s diaper bag.

  I lifted Little Man into my arms, and my heart felt lighter. His smile did something to my insides, and I needed it to keep the sick feeling in my gut at bay. Arranging him in that car seat was worse than wrangling a wild horse, but I managed. Dana sat primly in the backseat not looking at me, and I knew she was still ticked off. We were gonna have to talk, but I needed this out of the way first.

  My mom picked up on our emotions as we walked through the door. She gave me her patented look—the one that said she wanted to grab my ear, pull me to another room, and give me a good scolding. She wasn’t a woman to be messed with, and growing up my brothers and I had learned to give her the respect she deserved. Not that she’d been cruel, but raising three boys when you were shorter than all of them meant you had to be tough.

  Folks might think my dad was the disciplinarian, and he was when it came to whooping an ass for crossing a line, but I think my brothers would all agree that being torn up wasn’t as bad as Mom’s talks. She could make you feel like you’d just slapped a kitten around by the time she’d finished with you. We’d learned to treat her right at an early age.


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