Double Bear Chase: Werebear BBW Menage Romance (Hockey Bear Season Book 3)

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Double Bear Chase: Werebear BBW Menage Romance (Hockey Bear Season Book 3) Page 12

by Anya Nowlan

  The place was filled with smoke when she stepped in, the TV turned way up, with at least ten of Vince’s shady friends milling about, drinking and smoking. Two of them had been doing lines of coke off her marble kitchen counter, particles of white powder still visible next to a discarded credit card.

  That had been the last straw for her. She had been trying to call it quits for a couple of weeks before that, as Vince was becoming more ill-tempered by the day, shouting at her for the smallest things. But when she yelled at all his friends to get the hell out of her place, she finally saw his true colors.

  He had been so enraged from being ‘embarrassed’ in front of his guys, it was like he wasn’t even human anymore. That’s the night she ended up driving herself to the hospital with a broken wrist and bruised ribs.

  Shaking herself out of that particular recollection, she looked over to Finn, who was looking at her very intently. Obviously, more of what she had been thinking about was showing on her face than she had intended. She quickly continued her story, not wanting to give him a chance to ask any questions.

  “Anyway, I broke up with him. He didn’t take that well. Some guys can’t handle rejection. He’d show up, banging in my door in the middle of the night. Or he’d come over to my work and scare my patients.

  “Eventually, I had enough, and since the restraining order I had out against him didn’t seem to deter him much, I decided to take things into my own hands and start over somewhere else.”

  Garret’s house was now visible through the trees, the porch lights glowing and spilling light on the ground. Looking up at Finn, he had a very serious expression on his face as he took in what she’d just told him.

  “You mean this asshole scared you out of your own home?” he asked, his voice sounding more like a growl.

  “Please, there’s no need to get upset,” Hanna tried to smooth things over. “What’s done is done. I’ve moved on from it, and I’d rather focus on the future than the past.”

  Finn seemed to be struggling accepting that, looking tense. But finally, he took a deep breath and seemed to relax a little.

  “Okay,” he said through gritted teeth. “I appreciate you telling me all of that. And it’s a nice change of pace from me always being the one spilling my guts,” he said, forcing a smile.

  “Fair’s fair, right?” she smiled back as they stepped out of the tree line and approached the house.

  Foster’s face was the first thing she saw when they opened the door. He had probably heard them approach with his shifter hearing and all. Garret popped his head out of the kitchen, giving Hanna and Finn a once-over as well.

  “And where did you two disappear to?” Foster asked, hands crossed.

  Telling the truth suddenly became the last thing Hanna wanted to do.



  Foster knew he was being somewhat hypocritical with his jealousy. Hadn’t he been the first one to disappear with Hanna when he woke her up this morning? Still, having Finn show up with her after they had been gone for more than an hour didn’t sit well with him.

  The reason for that was something he didn’t want to think about too much. He had been avoiding it for a while now really. It was now painfully obvious both he and Finn were seriously interested in Hanna, way beyond her just being gorgeous and sexy and someone fun to flirt with.

  Being shifter twins, being so into the same woman was a somewhat frightening thing. Could it be just some weird coincidence that they were developing these feelings for her, or was there something bigger at play? Could Hanna be the one, could she be their mate? Foster wasn’t sure he was ready for that answer.

  Is it something you can ever be ready for, though? he wondered.

  All he knew was being close to Hanna made him happy. Wasn’t that the important thing? Having been so unhappy ever since mom’s death, didn’t he deserve to grab on to something good for once?

  After that kiss they’d shared, it was all he’d been able to think about. He wanted more of her, all of her, and the need was overwhelming.

  Hanna was like a glimpse of something better in his future. He could already imagine how happy he could be with her, and that wiped all the remaining doubts from his head. This thing between him, her and Finn deserved to be given a real shot.

  “I needed some air,” Finn shrugged, still standing near the door.

  Hanna looked markedly uncomfortable beside him, seemingly unable to decide where to look.

  “You could have said something before just disappearing,” Foster replied, but there was no edge to his tone anymore.

  He’d had his time alone with Hanna, and he couldn’t exactly blame Finn for wanting the same thing. In fact, he was surprised to realize he was actually kind of glad for his brother. Finn had been pretty upset earlier on, and now he seemed a lot calmer. He was sure Hanna had something to do with it.

  She’s good for us both, he thought.

  Garret walked over from the kitchen, a dish towel still in his hands.

  “Don’t be so hard on your brother,” he said to Foster. “He’s a grown man, he doesn’t have to tell us his every move.”

  “Dad, I want to apologize,” Finn said. “I was a real jerk before. You didn’t deserve that from me.”

  “Don’t sweat it, kid,” Garret said, clapping Finn on the shoulder. “I kind of sprung that whole thing on you anyway.”

  “No, no. I want to hear more about him being a jerk. Continue with your apology,” Foster interjected, turning to Finn.

  “Alright, very funny,” Finn rolled his eyes at him. “Like you aren’t a jerk on a daily basis.”

  “Fine, you’re both jerks. Now get cleaned up for dinner,” Garret interrupted.

  Foster, Finn, Hanna and Garret were all pretty much done with dinner when Garret’s phone suddenly rang from the other room. He excused himself to go get it, leaving the others sitting around somewhat awkwardly.

  “So you went to the old treehouse,” Foster commented on what they had been discussing before dad left. “It was still standing?”

  “Yeah, it’s held up pretty well, actually,” Finn replied.

  Hanna was being unusually quiet as she sipped her water, having focused on her meal mostly through dinner and only stealing glances at the brothers when she thought they weren’t looking.

  “What did you do up there, exactly?” Foster asked, his question almost cut off by the sound of Hanna choking on her water.

  “Are you okay?” Finn rushed to ask as she coughed into her napkin.

  “Peachy,” she got out, sounding a bit raspy.

  Once she’d stopped coughing, she gave them both a brief smile.

  “I’m fine, really.”

  “Alright,” Foster replied. “So what did you get up to at the treehouse?” he repeated his question, holding back a grin at the obvious blush on Hanna’s cheeks.

  “Oh, nothing much,” Finn spoke up, giving him a quick glare. “What about the ice rink, did you and Hanna have fun?” he asked in return.

  On her part, Hanna looked like she was ready to slide off her chair and hide under the table. Her reaction told Foster exactly what he wanted to know, and he could see Finn was making his own conclusions, as well.

  Garret chose that moment to come back into the kitchen.

  “I totally forgot I’d promised to meet Bobby for drinks today. But since you’re here, I cancelled,” he explained, holding his phone in his hand.

  Foster immediately seized the opportunity to have his father out of the house, throwing Finn a side-eye glance meant to relay, Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

  “No, dad, don’t blow off Bobby because of us. We’ll be fine on our own,” he said.

  “Yeah. Go have some fun. We’ll clean up here,” Finn chimed in, gesturing toward the dishes on the table.

  The blush on Hanna’s cheeks was gone. Instead, she looked extremely pale as she listened to the conversation unravel.

  “Okay, then. I’ll call Bobby back to s
ay we’re still on,” Garret replied, strolling back out of the room with his phone pressed against his ear.

  “Seems like it’ll be just the three of us tonight,” Foster said, leaning back in his chair and looking over at Hanna.

  “What a turn of events,” Finn nodded.

  “We should get started with these dishes,” Hanna suddenly exclaimed, all but jumping out of her seat and grabbing plates left and right.

  “What’s the hurry? We can take our time,” Foster winked at her.

  And just like that, the blush was back. He grinned to himself, satisfied. This was going to be a fun night, he just knew it.



  Foster was doing the dishes on one side with Hanna drying them. Finn was on the other side, taking them from her and putting them away. Garret was already putting on his coat and shoes near the front door.

  “See you later!” he called out, before the door opened and then fell shut.

  That’s it. I’m now actually alone with them, Hanna thought, feeling herself grow nervous.

  From how the brothers were acting, and the little comments they’d made, she was pretty sure the cat was out of the bag – she’d kissed both of them, and now they knew it.

  What now? she wondered, absentmindedly toweling a plate and handing it to Finn when she was done.

  The brothers seemed to be having fun teasing her, with no trace of the jealousy she’d sensed before. Were they mad at her and had decided embarrassing her was the best punishment? It was all too confusing. Add on the fact that they were shifters, with their own social codes and relationship rules, and she had to admit she was out of her depth.

  She was aware of the concept of mates, as that bit of information was more widely known. But other than that basic knowledge, she didn’t have a lot to go on. Vince definitely hadn’t told her much, not that she’d been that interested.

  Deep down, she had to have known her and Vince’s relationship wasn’t some serious, long-term thing, so she hadn’t bothered getting that invested in shifter traditions.

  Lost in her thoughts, she automatically reached out for another plate from Foster, and jumped a little when he took her hands in his instead.

  “We’ve been done with the dishes for a good minute now,” he commented, before kissing the backs of her hands.

  “What were you thinking about?” Finn asked, sliding up behind her, close enough for his breath to fall on her shoulder.

  “Nothing,” she quickly replied, very aware of how flustered she was all of the sudden.

  Foster’s fingers started tracing up her arms as he fixed her with a look that made her stomach fill with butterflies.

  “Didn’t look like nothing. Maybe you were thinking about our kiss this morning,” he suggested.

  Hanna almost gasped when Finn stepped even closer to her back, with his hands now on her hips. Pressed between the two brothers, their massive frames dwarfing her as they played whatever game they were playing with her, she felt too overwhelmed to even speak.

  “Or maybe she was thinking about our kiss instead,” Finn said, before trailing kisses up the curve of her shoulder.

  Slightly swaying on her feet, Hanna felt the urge to let go, to let Finn and Foster do whatever they wanted to her. She had a feeling she would enjoy every second of it. But there was still that nagging voice in the back of her head, trying to convince her this was insanity.

  “What are you doing?” she asked weakly, her cheeks growing hot and her heart beating fast.

  “You liked when we touched you separately,” Foster replied.

  “So you’re going to love this,” Finn continued, brushing her hair to the side so he could kiss her neck.

  With a thousand different thoughts running through her head, Hanna couldn’t focus on a single one as she leaned against Finn’s hard chest instead. Foster’s clear blue eyes were all but hypnotizing as he stared at her, his lips slightly parted. When his hands moved from caressing her arms to gently running over the tops of her breasts, she couldn’t help but moan softly.

  “I think we’re on the right track,” he commented, and Hanna could feel Finn nod from behind her.

  “Are you messing with me?” she asked, her hard nipples rubbing against her bra and making her insides clench.

  A small part of her was hoping this was just some joke they were pulling on her, in response to her making out with both of them. But to even her own surprise, a much larger part was hoping this was real.

  That they both wanted her, so they were both going to have her. The thought sent a thrill through her, making her blood pulsate and boil in her veins.

  “You think you have to choose between us, but you don’t,” Finn whispered into her ear.

  “Let us show you what we mean,” Foster added, leaning in to kiss around her jaw.

  Hanna was trembling in their hands at this point, overcome with lust and pushed to face the fact she wanted these men like she’d wanted nothing else before. All the fantasies she’d suppressed didn’t even come close to how this felt, to what they were drawing out of her.

  With Foster’s hands sliding underneath her shirt and slowly trailing up, and Finn still kissing her neck while he moved to cup her ass, Hanna felt herself melting away. She felt so safe in their strong, capable hands, yet the thrill of what was happening kept her wired and on-edge. It was a heady combination, making her head spin and her thighs clamp together.

  “Yes… Show me. Please,” she moaned, swept away in the flood of desire rolling over her.

  Foster groaned against her skin, his fingers now dipping beneath her bra and squeezing her sensitive nipples. Finn’s hard bulge was pressed against her back while his hands kneaded her ass.

  “Just what I wanted to hear,” Foster said, swallowing up her moans with a kiss.

  Hanna’s head fell back as Foster consumed her entirely. They made out like hormone-fueled teenagers, until her lips were raw and swollen and her clit throbbed in a way she couldn’t ignore. Before she could even attempt to get her bearings, she was swirled around, her mouth now claimed by Finn.

  He was gentler, teasing as he slowly probed her with his tongue, while Foster was already busy unbuttoning and pulling down her jeans. She didn’t even have to step out of them, as Finn suddenly lifted her up into his arms. Foster tugged her pants off, still clinging to her ankles, and then she was carried up the stairs, with Finn’s mouth still firmly on hers.

  The bright lights of the kitchen fell away as she let Finn move her into his bedroom. Moonlight streamed in through the curtains, illuminating the two gorgeous men in front of her as Finn dropped her onto the bed.

  There they stood, each on one end of the bed, looking at her like she was the only thing they wanted. It was intoxicating, and emboldening, to the point she got up on her knees and made a show of pulling off her shirt and bra.

  “Beautiful,” Finn commented, his words coming out as a sigh.

  “Your turn,” she replied.

  The men didn’t need to be told that twice. Before she even knew it, they were undressed, their bodies on full display. She took a moment to stare at them, to admire the long, lean lines and the taut, rippling muscles. And then there were their cocks, rock-hard and huge, jutting out from their bodies in a way that made her gulp.

  “See something you like?” Foster asked with a grin.

  Her nerves had suddenly disappeared, with nothing but need spurring on her actions. Leaning back against the cool pillows behind her, Hanna trailed a hand up the length of her body, stopping to circle a finger around one of her breasts.

  “Do you?” she countered, her voice nothing but honey.

  A low growl filled the room as the brothers climbed onto the bed, their eyes glowing in the dim light. Finn sidled next up to her, his body pressed against hers, while Foster settled in between her thighs, slowly spreading them open.

  Hand tangling in her hair, Finn kissed her again, soft yet demanding. Rubbing her tongue against his, Han
na sighed into his mouth as Foster licked his way up her inner thighs. Her panties were already soaking wet when he removed them and started kissing around her pussy, making her back arch.

  With Finn massaging her breasts, Foster spread her pussy open with his fingers. And when his mouth finally came down on her clit, her whole body shook. Swirling around her swollen nub with his tongue, Foster slowly slipped one finger into her pussy, and then another, working them in and out in a rhythm that made her want to scream.

  Clinging to Finn, she bucked her hips as Foster pushed her closer and closer to the edge until she felt like she couldn’t fit in her skin anymore. Nothing mattered except this moment and the way she felt, wild yet at peace, with everything making sense.

  This was always where she was going to end up. In a way, she had known that the moment they both showed up for their first joint session.

  Now all that was left to do was enjoy the ride.



  Finn’s cock throbbed as Hanna mewled and moaned into his mouth, her body convulsing as Foster drove her toward her climax. The scent of her arousal was all around him, making his bear roar impatiently. He pulled away from her when she came, her head falling back as she whimpered in pleasure.

  Easing up his touch, Finn softly traced the outlines of her breasts and kissed her shoulder, giving her time to come down from her high. Her lips and cheeks were red and her eyes hazy as she turned to look at them both with a smile.

  “That was something else,” she sighed.

  “Night’s not over, yet,” Finn murmured, brushing her hair off her forehead.

  “I was hoping you’d say something like that,” she grinned, sounding slightly out of breath.


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