“What would you rather be doing?”
“I like making furniture. I’m good at it, too. I just don’t have the promotional or marketing skills to build it into a profitable business.”
Jenna nodded. “Something we can work on together. I know you need some time to think, but Antony is right, you do need training before he leaves. But you need to understand something. Life here is usually more vanilla than we’ve lived this weekend. Sure we run around the house naked and there is sex and orders, rewards and punishments, but this weekend was a crash course in the D/s lifestyle.”
Gentry nodded. “I probably came off as a complete idiot this weekend, just standing around and waiting for you to tell me what to do.”
“No, sweetie, you didn’t. You were innocent and trusting and willing to learn.” Jenna leaned in and kissed him gently. “If you really want to leave, you may, but I wish you would stay. I think you will make an excellent submissive and would be honored if you would place your trust in me to see to your training, both before Antony leaves and while he’s gone.”
“What happens then?”
“What happens when Antony comes back? Will you kick me to the street then?”
“No way!” Antony broke in as he joined them. He wore a pair of black boxers with multicolored paw prints on them. He sat down on the coffee table in front of them. “Buddy, this is not a temporary fix. We want you to join our family permanently.”
Gentry looked to Jenna for confirmation.
She smiled. “That’s right, Gentry. If you agree to join our family, it’s forever or until you decide you don’t want to be here with us any longer. Maybe it would be best if you did go home.” She held up her hand when both men opened their mouths. “If you want to come back, you are always welcome. Right now you need to decompress. You need to go back to your life and look around before deciding to give it up for us. When you are ready, you can return. If you wish to continue your training, you will call me Mistress at that time. ”
Leaning forward, she kissed him. The long, passion-filled kiss made his cock surge to attention. When she finally released him, she ran her hand down his chest and patted his erection. “If you decide to come back, arrange to take the next month off so we can begin your training.” She stood and walked toward the bedroom. “Oh, and Gentry?”
“I love you, too.”
Her words sank into him and filled the hollow place next to his heart that he’d always known the right woman would occupy.
Before he could respond, she disappeared into the bedroom and closed the door behind her.
“Come on, I’ll walk you out,” Antony said.
As he stepped out the backdoor of the club a few minutes later, Gentry blinked in the bright sunlight. He drove home on auto-pilot. His thoughts remained centered on the previous day and a half he’d spent in a life so very different than his own. A life he had enjoyed. A life he now wanted for his own.
Though he had no thoughts sexually toward Antony, he had enjoyed sharing Jenna with the man. She was a tiger, and he loved the way she took command of them both in bed as well as out.
By the time Gentry walked into his one-bedroom apartment, he’d made his decision. He tilted the mini-blinds on all the windows so the neighbors wouldn’t be shocked. He turned on the television for noise, then stripped. He tossed them into the almost full combination washer-dryer machine in the kitchen and started the load. This was, after all, why he’d come home, to return to his life and deal with his weekend chores.
Once that was taken care of, he went looking for his cell phone. He’d forgotten to take it with him to work on Friday, as he did about half the time. He found it on the coffee table under Friday’s paper, right where he’d left it. When he tried to turn it on, he discovered the battery had died. He plugged it in, powered it, and checked for messages. He wasn’t surprised when there were none. No one ever called him.
Sitting on the couch, he ran his hands over his body, feeling his skin, reveling in the fact that he could sit there naked and did not feel weird about it. Until now, he’d never been comfortable with his body or being naked. He had Jenna and Antony to thank for that, as well as for so many other things he’d learned about himself.
Gentry sat and thought through the weekend. He ran through all he’d seen and all he’d experienced. He considered how he felt, both the good and the bad. Gentry knew where his future lay by the time the dryer clicked off.
* * * *
Jenna found herself growling as she stalked across the apartment to the front door. Whoever was on the other side was going to pay dearly for interrupting her Sunday afternoon. To her, Sundays were sacred even if she had not been inside a church for services since her high school graduation.
Antony had strict orders to keep everyone away from her on Sundays. But Antony had left a few minutes before to pick up the Chinese food they’d decided on for dinner. She had to deal with this herself. Which meant someone was going to be hurt.
She thought she’d finally broken Taurus of popping over unannounced. What could he possibly want now?
“No, Taurus, we don’t want to come over and eat, so stop bothering us,” she snarked as she flung open the door. She was surprised that Taurus was not standing there. No one was. It wasn’t until she dropped her eyes that she found the intrusion on her Sunday afternoon peace and quiet. “What the hell? What are you doing here? And where are your clothes?”
Chapter 10
“I’m here to beg Mistress to take an unworthy submissive under her control. I made a mistake this morning. I never should have left. Please, Mistress, please let me come home.”
Gentry bowed his head even lower, fearful of rejection. He’d met Antony in the foyer downstairs, and it was his best friend’s suggestion for him to make his appeal in this fashion.
As the seconds stretched out, Gentry began to worry. Had he blown his chances by leaving? Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, then released it on a sigh. He would get through this. He’d just have to call his boss and apologize for calling him a tight-fisted prick with no heart or imagination. It would take some groveling, but he could get his job back. If not, there were always other jobs for carpenters. Since he hadn’t told his apartment manager he’d moved out, that was no problem. He’d just move back in again.
“Look at me, Gentry.” Jenna’s tone was soft and controlled but missing the thread of power it held when she was in Domme mode.
He blinked several times before lifting his gaze to hers.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Mistress. I knew it as I drove away but fought the feeling. By the time I finished the laundry, I knew for certain my place is here, with you and Antony. I love you, Mistress. Please don’t send me away.” He knew he was begging but couldn’t stop himself.
“Stand up.”
Gentry moved easily, though his muscles were sore from packing and moving everything he owned after all the sex they’d shared over the past forty-eight hours. As soon as he was on his feet, he found himself holding an armful of quivering woman.
“I was going to give you until tomorrow night to think. Then we were coming for you to demand you return. Antony even started working on a speech. What about your job?”
“Um, well, about that. I don’t have one. I called my boss and asked for a month off, but he refused. So I quit.” Gentry bent his knees so he could wrap his forearms under her ass. He straightened, lifting her easily into his arms. “I thought, if it was okay with you, I could try my hand at making custom sex furniture. Once we finished my training, that is.”
His fear dissipated like early morning dew in the sun when Mistress smiled in approval. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. Where are your clothes?”
She wrapped her arms and legs around him, then shifted higher, her clit riding up his steel-hard shaft. With a shift of her hips, the head of his cock eased inside her entrance. They both sighed as he lowered her until s
he held him fully within her warm, wet cunt. After kicking the front door closed, he carried her farther into the apartment. He walked slowly across the living room, each step moving her on his cock. That combined with her relaxing and contracting around his shaft made it hard to answer her question.
“In the elevator. Antony said he’d bring them in when he got back. Where did he go, anyway?”
“Chinese food. Go to the bedroom.”
“Whatever you wish, Mistress. Whatever will make you happy.”
Once inside the bedroom, Gentry stopped. “Where?” he panted.
“Anywhere I can get you. For now, sit on the bed. We need to talk.”
Gentry moved to the bed and sat, fighting back the groan that built from having this woman wrapped around him. Once they were both comfortable, his hands went to her hips.
Mistress shook her head and held herself firmly in position, their pelvis bones pressed together. “No, babe. We’re talking now, not fucking.”
Gentry sighed. “Yes, Mistress.” He turned his head to look across the room, hoping she wouldn’t see his disappointment.
“Eyes on me, babe,” she said softly as she caressed his cheek with her palm.
His eyes went to hers, and he saw love, joy, and fear in her Coke-bottle-green eyes. She was scared? Of what?
“Mistress?” He ran a hand up her spine and wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck.
“This is a special moment, but I need to tell you some things. First of all, while I will collar you, it will not be a locked collar. Not yet. We’re taking this slow and easy, in baby steps. Later, when we both feel there is sufficient trust between us, then, and only then, will the collar be locked in place.”
Gentry nodded his understanding and remained silent.
“These next few weeks will be a learning period for all of us. You’ve never been a slave before. I’ve never had two men at my disposal before. Antony has never had to share my attentions. It will take patience and communication on all our parts for this to work.”
Gentry nodded again. “Communication is key,” he whispered.
“Yes, it is. That being said, I want you to know that I am truly honored. To put yourself under my control is a beautiful gift. I welcome you into my house, my bed, and my heart,” she smiled, “but if I ever find you messing around with anyone else without permission, it’s over. You’ll be on the street in whatever you are, or more likely are not, wearing. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress, I understand. And thank you. I’ll try not to disappoint you.”
Jenna leaned in and licked up his face from chin to the tip of his nose, which she then kissed. “Oh, you’ll mess up on occasion, but that’s what training is for. All I hope is that you try hard and learn from your mistakes.”
Gentry grinned. “I can do that. I’ve always been a fast learner.”
“Good. Now fuck me, babe.” Her voice grew stronger, and the joy shifted to a look of sexual power that sent a shivery thrill through Gentry.
“Do you wish to ride me, Mistress?”
“No, I wish for you to fuck me however you wish.”
“Consider this a reward for coming to your senses and returning home where you belong. If you’d made me come after you, I would be imposing punishment and not a reward.”
Gentry nodded.
Lifting her off of his now throbbing cock he pointed to the head of the bed. “On your back, limbs spread,” he said, his voice hoarse. When she turned to crawl up the bed, he smacked her left ass cheek.
She glanced over her shoulder, one eyebrow cocked higher than the other. “Don’t push it, babe. You don’t want to earn yourself a punishment instead, do you?”
Gentry froze. “No, Mistress. I’m sorry.”
“Just remember. I give punishment, I don’t take it.” She settled on the bed and gracefully spread her arms and legs.
“Absolutely, Mistress.”
Gentry crawled up between her legs, kissing the shapely limbs as he went. First one ankle, then the opposite calf, back and forth. He worked his way to her thighs where he began to trace circles with his tongue.
Mistress moaned in appreciation as he closed in on her wet, hot apex. “Oh, yeah,” she breathed as his tongue brushed over her open, wet entrance, then higher between her puffy lips to cover her clit.
Gentry took his time playing. Though this was his reward, his pleasure came from making sure Mistress was fully engaged and happy. He continued playing until her entire body began to quiver. Though a few hours before he’d thought he would not be able to get hard for days, his cock throbbed in time with his sped up heartbeat. All at once they were both too close to the edge.
Needing a minute to regain control, he shifted higher and laid his cheek on her belly. Her skin felt so soft against his. He thought she murmured a protest but could not discern her words. When he was able to continue without fear of shooting off in the next five seconds, he lifted his head. Glancing up, he found her eyes closed and her fingers clenched in the comforter at her sides.
Moving higher, he kissed his way up her body. When he reached her breasts, he paused to savor the generous mounds of flesh. Licking and nibbling at one nipple, he rolled the other stiff tip between finger and thumb.
“Babe,” she breathed, sounding just a bit desperate.
“Mistress,” he murmured as he shifted even farther up over her until the head of his cock brushed her entrance.
“In me. Now.” The thread of steel was missing. In its place was a need so deep he couldn’t help himself.
With one sharp forward thrust of his hips, he slid into her fully. Then he froze and lifted his head to look down at this woman who filled his heart with joy.
“You okay?” he whispered, brushing his thumbs around the outer edges of her ears.
“I’d be so much better if you would stop screwing around and fuck me,” she said with an expression that contradicted her almost whiney tone.
Gentry grinned at her, sliding out halfway before sliding deep again. “But I don’t know when I’ll get this chance again, and I really don’t want to rush it.”
“Oh, God, I’ve created a monster, and he’s not even trained yet.” Mistress groaned as her hands came up to cover his ass, her fingers clenching just enough, the nails pressed into his flesh.
Gentry groaned at the nip of pain in his ass and slowly began to move. He pulled out until only the head was left inside, then slowly eased back again. Blood was pounding in his head, his chest, and his cock, but he refused to be rushed. He had a plan, and he wished Antony would hurry the hell up and get back.
Just then, he heard the rustle of plastic from the other room. Continuing his slow thrusting, Gentry lifted his head to call over his shoulder. “Antony, get your ass in here.”
“What’s up?” Antony appeared in the doorway wearing only boxers.
“Mistress is giving me a reward, and I thought I’d share it with my best friend.” Gentry wrapped his arms around Jenna’s and held tight as he rolled them so she now sprawled across his chest. “Lube up.”
“Ooh, Mistress sandwich.” Antony dropped his boxers and crossed to the nightstand.
Chapter 11
Jenna glanced from Gentry to Antony, then back again. She froze as an old, forgotten memory reared its ugly head.
It had been ten years since the last time she’d been in such a similar situation. A decade since two men had fucked her at the same time, making her the filling in their sex sandwich. Difference was, at that time, she had not been in charge. She had been their victim.
She’d been young and drunk and wild. The frat brothers had moved fast, whisking her from a party in the basement up to their third-floor room. Before she could fight them off, they claimed her together. The pain from sex without proper preparation cut the drunken haze and overrode any pleasure she might have found with them.
Though traumatized by their actions, she never told anyone about that night. She did learn
the most important lesson of her life—to stay in control. From that point on, she’d remained in charge, dominating any man she shared herself with. That night had changed her, and until this moment, she had always, always, always been in control of everyone’s actions.
Because of that, she rarely got off easily. Not until months after Antony entered into her life and pledged himself to her pleasure had she relaxed enough to orgasm. Now, with their little family expanding even further, Jenna wondered for a brief moment what it would be like to be taken by these two men who were here for her pleasure. Could she allow them to do this?
Jenna looked at the man beneath her. As Antony crawled across the bed to join them, she took a deep breath and relaxed. “It’s all right, babe.”
“You’re scared,” he observed with a look of concern.
“I’ve only done this one time before,” she admitted softly. “A long, long time ago. It’s wasn’t much fun.”
Antony settled in next to them so he could see her face as well. “We don’t have to do this, Mistress. You can just ride Gentry, if that’s what you would prefer. This is, after all, his reward.”
Jenna smiled down at both men. They were so dear, so caring. All at once she realized she needed this. She needed to put this fear behind her.
“No, sweet pet. This is a good thing. We’re always talking about expanding boundaries. I think it’s time I pushed my own limits a little.”
“Are you sure, Mistress?” Gentry asked before lifting his head and brushing his lips along her jaw line.
Jenna’s breath caught as his warm touch shot through her. Her entire body clenched in response. “Yes, babe, I’m sure. Just take it…”
“Slow and easy,” the two men finished.
“Stretch me, Antony. Take your time,” Jenna said as she pulled her legs up so her knees were close to Gentry’s armpits. This opened her fully to what was about to come.
“Yes, Mistress,” Antony said. He sat up and moved behind her.
Minding Mistress (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 6