Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3)

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Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3) Page 11

by Needa Warrant

  Joy let her hands roam across his chest as she kissed him back. He nibbled on her neck while his fingers searched for her nipples. Finding one, he tugged on it—bringing a moan from Joy’s lips.

  She reached down and curled her fingers around his hard shaft. It was smooth and the skin was warm to her touch. Joy heard Jersey sigh in pleasure.

  “I’ve waited a long time for you, Blondie—so open your legs up. I wanna taste you.”

  Joy opened her legs up and watched as Jersey moved down the bed. His long dark hair was tickling her thighs as he got comfortable. Her pussy was clean shaven and his tongue flicked out and touched her clit. He slid a finger inside of her and wiggled it, making room for another as he sucked on her clit. Joy was moaning and he was making her so wet. She didn’t want to get off on his tongue—she wanted his cock and she wanted it now.

  “Jerz, I need you inside of me. I don’t want to come this way, just fuck me. Please don’t make me wait.”

  He lifted his head and smiled at her, “You’re ready, huh? Nice and wet, too. You’re on the pill, right? ‘Cause I don’t wanna share you yet with any kids.”

  “Yes, I’m on the pill. I don’t want to share you, either. Not with anyone—do you promise that?”

  Jersey was between her legs and ready to slide inside her, “Promise to be faithful to you always, Joyful. Do you want me to go easy on you or will you let me rip your pussy up?”

  “Rip it up, I don’t care. Just get inside of me.” Joy was frantic with need and wanted his cock now.

  She lifted her ass up and met his thrust halfway as he slid inside of her.

  “Oh, my God—that feels sooo good. Stay still a second.” Joy had a trick she wanted him to feel.

  Jersey held still above her as she flexed muscles in her pussy. She tightened around his cock and held it before letting go. He grinned at her and began thrusting in and out of her.

  He’d pull all the way out before pushing back inside and she would use her muscles to clench his cock. She was shaking and ready to get off and Jersey knew it. He thrust deeply inside and pumped out a load of cum that came dripping out as he withdrew his cock.

  Joy tried to smile at him as she was still riding her orgasm. “I think I love you, Jersey.”

  “You think? Hell—I know I love you, Blondie. Take a rest so we can do this again.”

  She cuddled next to him and felt his arms go around her. This was so unexpected and yet it felt so right. Fuck that bet, they were going to win it and Nailz was going to be paying up. Joy planned to use it to fix up the house a bit. Joy felt so contented and happy as she lay in Jersey’s arms and heard him snoring The last thing she thought of before falling asleep was that Jersey was an accountant…how odd that was. She wiggled closer to him.

  Chapter Twenty

  Elena opened her eyes and the first person she saw was Thorn. She wondered if he had stayed all night and knowing him, she knew he had. She felt awful and wanted something to drink.

  “Thorn—I need a drink, please.” She hated to wake him, but she hurt so much she didn’t want to move.

  Thorn woke up and looked at her. “Hey, mama—you have a beautiful daughter! Let me get a nurse because you had a C-section. Nobody told me if you can drink anything.”

  Thorn left the room and came back with a nurse who had a pitcher of water and cup for Elena. “Elena, please take small sips at first. I bet you’re feeling sore, but you have a beautiful baby girl who wants to see her mama. Would you like to see her?” The nurse was helping Elena to sit up.

  “Yes, please! I wanted to have her naturally and to be awake and I wasn’t. I feel so bad.” Elena felt as if she had failed her baby. The nurse assured she had done the right thing by having the C-section and left.

  “Thorn, I had this dream Hunter was here. He was so happy and told me he loved me. I was so happy and it was just a damn dream.” She sounded so damn sad.

  “Elena, let me move the chair next to you.” Thorn wanted to hold her hand as he told her it wasn’t a dream. “Hunter was here for the baby being born. He stayed the night and it wasn’t a dream. You and my dad even named the baby together. The birth certificate is filled out and he gave her his last name, made sure everything is all legal. You sure you don’t remember?”

  “It wasn’t a dream? Where is Hunter now? Why did he leave us? I don’t even know what name we gave her!” Elena was getting upset.

  Thorn held on to her hand and thought, thanks Hunter for leaving me to break her heart all over again. He hated this shit and didn’t know why his dad was such a stubborn fool. He should’ve been spending his last days with his baby and Elena.

  “Elena, the baby is named Rhiannon Dakota McQue. It’s a beautiful name. Hunter heard a song and said it reminded him of you. I think you suggested Dakota. I wasn’t asked my opinion. Hunter saw the baby and said she’s beautiful like her mama. He left shortly before you woke up. I hate to tell you this, but he isn’t coming back. He wants you to move on. I don’t know why the fuck he’s such a fool, but he is. You’ll get support for Rhiannon from him, too. Maybe he will want to see her, I don’t know. I’m sorry Elena—I wish I wasn’t telling you all this shit.” Thorn hurt for her, the sadness in her face was breaking his heart.

  “I didn’t expect even that much. It is fine, Thorn. I’ll be fine and so will Rhiannon. I’ve heard the song and it is a beautiful name. Could you give Joy a call for me and let Thrash know I’m here, please. Dragon and the other dogs need to be fed so tell Pete and Harry to care for them.” Elena turned her face so Thorn wouldn’t see her tears.

  “No answer at Joy’s. I guess she and Jersey aren’t back yet. I called the clubhouse and left a message for Thrash earlier. I let Kima and V know, too—and Nailz and Jo. Of course Tears will be by as soon as she can be. I hope you don’t hate me for telling you about Hunter.” Thorn felt like shit for giving her bad news when she should’ve been happy about the birth of her daughter, but at least he had made all the calls before she asked him.

  The door opened and a nurse was wheeling in a bassinet with baby Rhiannon inside. Thorn moved out of the way and looked down at his little sister. She was so beautiful and perfect. The nurse handed her to Elena who looked at her in awe.

  “I see you in her, Thorn. Look at all of this beautiful dark hair! Isn’t she just perfect?”

  A nurse’s aide walked in with a vase of pink roses and placed them on the night stand. She looked over at the baby and commented that she was indeed beautiful.

  “Who sent me pink roses, Thorn?” Elena wondered aloud.

  Thorn laughed at her. “I called the florist as soon as they opened. They’re for my sister.”

  They sat silently looking at the baby together. She was quiet and Elena held her close to her breast. She was swaddled in a receiving blanket and Thorn wondered how the nurses got her wrapped up like that. He was glad he and Tears were going to wait on having babies. It looked like far too much work in his opinion.

  Thrash came charging through the door, startling both of them.

  “Elena, I knew I should have stayed last night. I wanted to be here for you. Let me hold that baby.” Thrash was happy for Elena and he seemed a bit too bossy to Thorn. However, Elena handed Rhiannon over to him and he looked down at the baby with a smile. “What’s your name little one? Your mommy couldn’t decide on one.”

  Thorn couldn’t help himself, “Her name is Rhiannon Dakota McQue. Elena and Hunter both named her. My dad was here for Elena as he planned to be. Since Thrash is here, I’m gonna leave now. I need to get a shower and I’ll bring Tears back with me. You need me for anything else, Elena?”

  Thrash gave Thorn a chin lift and there was anger in his eyes, but Elena didn’t notice it.

  “Thank you so much for staying this long, Thorn. Please tell Hunter he can come and see the baby. I’ll tell the nurses he can hold her. Could you check on the farm? That would make me feel better knowing everything is okay—and try to let Joy know where we are. I want a kiss before
you go, too.” Elena was wondering why Thorn was leaving so abruptly, but she wouldn’t ask him why in front of Thrash.

  “I’ll do that on my way home and I’ll leave a note for Joy, too. As soon as I can, I’ll be back and I hope Hunter will come, too.” He leaned over and kissed Elena on her forehead. “Later, bro. Watch my baby sister for me.” Thorn didn’t wait for Thrash to reply as he walked out of the room.

  “What the hell was Hunter doing here? I thought he said the baby wasn’t his? I should’ve stuck around and not let Kat piss me off. Where is she? I called the house and there was no answer.” Thrash didn’t mean to sound harsh, but he did and Elena was taken back.

  “Hunter came because he has always known Rhiannon was his, Thrash—but he told me to move on. As for Kat, JJ said she wanted to go home with him. I’m not her keeper and I don’t need the hassle of her, to be honest. I don’t think it’ll work out with her living with me if she is going to be a problem child. Thank God Thorn was there because I had to have a C-section and I was bleeding. I will not deny Hunter his child, either. Whatever Hunter has on his mind, he isn’t sharing it—but he did the right thing for the baby. Now hand her back over to me, please.” Elena was a bit angry, but she stood her ground where Hunter’s rights were concerned. Why was Thrash so jealous of Hunter, anyway?

  “Elena, I’m just shocked Hunter did anything after the way he’s been treating you. I’m mad at myself because I had a feeling last night was going to be the night and I wanted to be there for you. Don’t you know I care for you?” Thrash looked at her, a bit shocked that he had said the words out loud.

  “You care for me how? As in being a friend to me or do you more?” Elena wanted to know what he meant exactly.

  Thrash took a deep breath. “I’m more than a friend and have been for years. Come on, Elena—you don’t see the way I look at you? I’ve wanted you for years.”

  Elena knew what he meant, but she wasn’t ready for this right now. “I do, but I’m not ready for more than being friends yet. I’m still getting over Hunter and I just had a baby, Thrash. Give it some time, please. I’m not ready to jump into a new relationship yet.”

  “As long as there is a chance for us, I’ll wait. As for Kat, she’ll behave if she wants my help. She’s old enough to decide where she wants to lay her head down, I guess. It was probably better she stayed with JJ. Now I’m going down to the gift shop to get you some magazines. I plan to spoil you and Rhiannon.” Thrash smiled at them and left the room, leaving Elena looking at him in disbelief.

  This was something she had never seen coming. Thrash having feelings for her? He had been screwing all the dancers she knew and thinking of that made her wonder if he planned to be done with them if she gave him a chance. She was attracted to Thrash and had been for years. Many times she would daydream about being with him when she was angry at Hunter. Everyone had believed things were perfect with them—even Thorn was in the dark about the bad times. Maybe Elena had looked at Hunter as a daddy figure in some ways because he was older and she couldn’t remember her own father. They had been able to make a decent relationship during the years they had been together, but there were times she had planned to leave him…with the barns and horses it’s always been easier to stay with him. Of course she loved Hunter and always would, but that love had changed over the last few years if she was being honest with herself. It did hurt he had tossed her aside, but she would’ve left him one day. It was a matter of timing and determination. That was another reason she had bought the farm with Joy. Being happy alone was better than settling just because she had once thought she was madly in love with Hunter. They’d become more like an old couple who were used to each other. Yes, they loved each other—but it wasn’t the kind of love that she wanted for the rest of her life. In the beginning she had been madly in love with him and she had hoped that would have come back when she had the baby. The months apart from Hunter had made her realize that wouldn’t happen and she had come to terms with it. She wasn’t going to jump into a new relationship until she was damn good and ready. Thrash might care for her, but she didn’t have the time now to even think about being with another man and it’d be a while before she was ready to try. Rhiannon was her first priority right now. She looked down at her baby and silently promised her that she would always come first in her life—that no man would ever come before her. She wasn’t going to be like her own mother. Rhiannon seemed to smile (but it was probably gas) and Elena smiled, thinking it was almost as if she understood her mother’s promise.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Tiny had gotten Stella and Lorraine into the basement of Nefarious’ clubhouse and they were two very unhappy women. Tiny wasn’t happy, either, Lorraine had bitten him hard on his arm and he was planning to get a tetanus shot as soon as he could. A few of the Nefarious MC crew were standing around just in case either of the bitches got free. Tiny wasn’t into this shit. The women he knew didn’t bite. They might smack or kick, but they sure weren’t evil demons from hell like these two. He was pissed that Thrash and Jersey left him with this hot mess until Tramp took them off his hands. One of the other bikers had gagged both of them and it was a good thing because his head hurt from them screaming and the way the two spit, it was disgusting. Nasty evil whores! He’d hated them when they first came around the club and was glad they weren’t likely to be coming back. He had a bottle of whiskey and poured some over the bite mark before taking a chug. Where the hell was Tramp anyway? He had better things to do then sit in this basement. He heard the door open and wondered if he was finally here.

  Tramp and his boys were with Hammer and Darko as they came down into the basement. Tramp took a look at Tiny and saw the huge man was in a foul mood. He nodded his chin at him and toward the stairs. Tiny had done well and it was time for him to leave if that was what he wanted to do. On his way out Tiny stopped. “Bro, those two bite. Just make sure they never come back to the clubhouse. I ain’t into hurting women, but those two ain’t women. Horrible hags from hell is what they are! I never seen women like them and never want to again. Watch out, you don’t get bit! You ought to take them two out into the woods and shove guns up their cunts and blow ‘em the fuck up!” Tiny was very serious and Tramp was trying hard not to laugh. If this huge man was so bitter toward those two bitches they must be—as he had called them—hags from hell.

  “Thanks, bro. I’ll keep that in mind, but they have some information we need first.” Tramp was still trying not to laugh as Tiny glared at Stella and Lorraine on his way up the stairs.

  Stella and Lorraine sat tied together looking at the bikers surrounding them. Both were from The Filthy Fiends MC and knew their time was limited. Both had known they might be discovered, but neither had much of a say when Skunk had told them to get as much information as they could about the clubs. It had been easy for Stella to cozy up to Crazy and stick around when he had disappeared. If they had pulled away back then, it would have been more noticeable. Plus Skunk wanted his information and he was known to be brutal if he was disobeyed.

  Tramp looked at them with scorn, “If we remove those gags, you gonna bite? ‘Cause I swear we’ll kick every tooth in your mouths right down your throats. We can do this easy or we can do this hard. Either way you two will be telling us everything we wanna know. Ya both know Skunk was once in my club, right? I’m the one who taught him every trick he knows. I could give a fuck if you’re women. You bite or do anything but flap your gums telling us what you’ve told Skunk—you’ll wish you died fast, but I’ll make sure you last a long time. Nod if you are willing to talk.”

  Stella nodded fast and Tramp pulled the gag from her mouth. Lorraine refused and glared at him with hatred.

  Tramp poured some water into Stella’s mouth. “Start talking Stella and you better be telling me the truth.”

  Stella coughed a bit. “We were supposed to meet with Skunk next week and tell him how many members you had. He wanted to know where you keep your guns and drugs, that kinda stuff. He�
�s got a girl in Nefarious, named Cindy-Lou. She hooked up with one of em. I passed stuff on to her when I danced. There is another girl named Beth who works for Darko. If I couldn’t find Cindy-Lou I was supposed to tell Beth. Look, I didn’t want to do any of this. I just want to go back home to Texas.”

  Darko was already on his way up the stairs to get the two girls she mentioned.

  Lorraine was struggling and Stella was crying. There’d not be any going back to Texas for her. However she didn’t know that….yet. She still had some hope left she’d be let go if she gave Tramp the truth.

  Hammer nodded to Twisted. “Give both those bitches a shot to shut them up. For God’s sake shove that gag back in Stella’s mouth. We’ll see what Cindy-Lou and Beth have to say before they go out to the coop.” Hammer and Tramp went upstairs to talk. Whatever the other bikers wanted to do to Stella and Lorraine was on them, but both doubted any of them wanted to touch those two foul women.

  Tramp asked for a bottle of whiskey and a glass. “I’d say give em back to the Fiends, but they know too much. Good thing I don’t have a conscience or I’d feel bad. Now I do have an issue about one of Darko’s dancers, Jules. She has my son and refuses to talk to me. I wanna do the right thing by her and my boy.”

  Hammer took a shot of whiskey. “Yeah, I heard. I also hear she doesn’t want to talk to you and Darko did give her his protection. Kinda puts my club on the spot. What did you do to her to make her hate your guts?”

  “Nothing, well I always liked Jules, but she was with Crazy…So we did threesomes. I guess she wasn’t into them, but I was fucking into her. You know the deal with Crazy. He treated her like shit. I didn’t know how bad it had gotten or I woulda stepped in. I like the chick a lot. I didn’t want to step on any toes, but if she won’t talk to me I’ll get a lawyer and take Jason—that’s my son’s name. I want to rent a place for her and she can stop dancing. I don’t want my son to have a dancer as a mother. I’m kinda hoping we can work something out. She should be caring for him full time, not dancing and leaving him with strangers, ya know? He’s my only son. Tell Jules that for me.” Tramp poured another shot and downed it.


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