Right Girl

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Right Girl Page 2

by Lauren Crossley

  “No, you don’t understand.” I interrupt him hastily. “You’ve got it all wrong.”

  “What do you mean? You just said I’m going to be a dad.” He points out, sounding confused and a little angry with me.

  “I said you’re a dad already.” I remind him, making sure he understands what I’m trying to tell him.

  “So… you’re not pregnant?” He asks, raising his eyebrows up at me.

  “No, I’m not pregnant.” I confirm, trying to ignore the disappointment on his face.

  “Then what do you mean?”

  “I saw Rachel today. I saw her this afternoon and she had a baby with her, your baby.”

  I watch him closely, wondering how he’s going to react to my confession.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?!” He yells, jumping up onto his feet.

  The chair he was sitting on falls over, capturing the attention of a few people nearby.

  “She didn’t have an abortion, Zack. She lied to you about that.”

  He starts pacing back and forth, raking his fingers through his hair as his agitation increases.

  “I don’t believe this… I won’t believe this.” He murmurs, refusing to stand still in front of me. “There’s no way she would do something like that and not tell me about it.”

  “I think you should speak with her about why she did that but I know what I saw. You have a baby girl and she’s beautiful.”

  He stops, whirling around to face me as his mouth falls open in shock.

  “A girl?”

  “She looks just like you.” I tell him. “She has to be yours.”

  “How old is she?”

  “A couple of months or so.”

  “This is really fucked up.” He groans, closing his eyes for several seconds. “This can’t be happening.”

  “There’s… there’s something else.” I add, knowing I need to divulge everything before it’s too late.

  “What is it?”

  “Rachel was with someone when I saw her today, someone I didn’t think I’d see again.”

  “Who was it?” He snaps. “Your mum?”

  “No, it was Harry.”

  It takes Zack a few moments to process what I just told him. I’ve disclosed so much in such a short space of time, I just don’t know how he’s going to handle everything.

  “Your uncle who…?”

  “Yes.” I murmur, lowering my gaze towards the ground beneath my feat. “My uncle who abused me as a child. I guess Rachel’s come around to the idea of him being her dad because that’s what she called him right in front of me. They were out shopping together which makes it obvious that my sister believes my mum over me. She told Rachel I was lying about what harry did to me all those years ago and she’s somehow managed to fool her.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that the sick pervert who hurt you is close by?” Zack whispers, struggling to control his rage and disgust.


  “Which means he’s around my daughter?”

  “I guess so.” I agree, nodding my head slowly.

  “Jesus Christ, I’m going to kill him!” Zack roars, slamming his fists against the table’s surface in front of him.

  He storms off before I can stop him, shoving people aside as he makes his way towards the main exit of the hotel.

  “Zack, wait! Please, Zack!” I cry, chasing after him.

  “Don’t touch me, Samantha. I’m not responsible for who I hurt right now and I don’t want to lash out at you by mistake.”

  I ignore his warning and grab hold of his arm, pleading with him to turn around and stop what he’s doing.

  “We can talk about this, ok? Let’s go upstairs and discuss what we do next.” I beg him, forcing him to stop and acknowledge me.

  “The only thing I plan on doing right now is finding that evil monster. I’m going to tear him apart and there’s nothing you can do about it. You think I can just ignore the fact that he came near you today? You think I’m actually going to walk away and let him get away with what he did to you as a child? Samantha, I can’t have him anywhere near my daughter. I have to make sure he can’t hurt her.”

  “She’s his grandchild.” I say, trying my best to calm him. “He wouldn’t hurt her.”

  “And you’re his niece.” He murmurs, closing the narrow space between us. “And he still hurt you.”

  I realise he’s right and cover my face with my hands. The thought of Harry hurting another human being is unthinkable and I can’t help but feel responsible for it.

  “What are we going to do?” I ask, looking up at him for answers.

  “Come with me.” Zack commands, taking hold of my small hand in his. “We’re leaving right now and I’m going to go and get her.”

  “Amber?” I blurt out, forgetting that Zack doesn’t even know what she’s called yet.

  “Is that her name?”

  “That’s what Rachel said.”

  “I can’t believe you’ve known about this all day and didn’t say anything to me. How could you lie to me like that?”

  “I didn’t know how to tell you!” I sob, shoving my hands against his chest so I can push him away. “I was absolutely terrified and I just freaked out.”

  “Did you tell Audrey?”

  “I had to tell her. She could see how upset I was when I arrived at the café.” I explain, folding my arms across my chest.

  “You should have told me.” He points out, grabbing hold of my wrists so he can pull me back towards him.

  “Fuck you, Zack. Stay the hell away from me.”

  I break free from his grasp and run away from him, racing up the stairs so I can reach our hotel room.

  “Where do you think you’re going?!” He shouts after me, trying to block my path.

  “Back upstairs so I can get my things.”

  “Good. We’re leaving in five minutes.”

  “You’re seriously deluded if you think I’m going anywhere with you.” I retort sharply, sounding cold and detached.

  “Samantha, I’m not letting you out of my sight. I’m not leaving you alone when I know he’s out there.”

  “Go and find your baby, Zack. That’s all you’re really bothered about.”

  He inhales sharply, stunned by my surprisingly spiteful comment. I know it was uncalled for but I couldn’t stop myself. The envy I’m consumed by has taken over, controlling what I say and how venomous my voice sounds now when I converse with him.

  “How can you say that to me?” He asks, breathing heavily. “You think I would actually stop caring for you because I’ve found out I have a child?”

  He places himself in front of me so I can’t enter our hotel room, forcing me to make eye contact with him when I don’t want to.

  “Nothing compares to the love that you will soon have for that baby.” I inform him, speaking clearly. “Believe me, I know.”

  Silence falls between us and I exhale slowly. Zack reaches out for me once more but I pull back, desperate to remain strong by myself.

  “I’m so sorry.” He murmurs, watching me intently. “I… I wasn’t thinking about you or how you must be feeling when I said all of those things.”

  We both know he’s referring to the abortion I had when I was eighteen. The one which haunted me for so many years and the true reason behind my reluctance to have children. The terror which consumed me back then still looms over me, a constant fear which controls the terror I still have about falling pregnant again.

  “Just go.” I implore him, closing my eyes so I can’t witness his heartbreak when I tell him this. “Go and see Rachel so you can find out the truth. I need to be alone.”

  “I’m not leaving you.” He replies, defiance glaring back at me.

  “I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait here so you know I’m safe.” I assure him, trying my best to sound convincing.

  “But I want you to come with me.” He says, lowering his head. “I need you by my side when I face this because I can’t do this withou
t you.”

  “Rachel won’t speak to you if I’m there.” I explain, needing him to realise why he must do this alone. “You need to do this by yourself.”

  “Then I won’t go. I don’t need to find out anything.”

  He shrugs as though it’s no big deal, eager to persuade me he can go through with this.

  “Zack, she’s your child. You owe it to yourself to find out the truth.”

  “If she is my baby… we can still make this work. This is something we can fix, right? We’re going to be ok, aren’t we?”

  The desperation in his voice almost causes me to break down. Unshed tears which have built up start to fall and I wipe one away before Zack can notice.

  “I won’t make you any promises I can’t keep.” I reply sombrely, remaining detached when I announce this.

  “You can’t leave me. I won’t let you leave.”

  He takes one step forward, forcing me to take one back. I’m pressed against the wall behind me, struggling to free myself from his confinement.

  “Zack, I need to be alone and you need to find Rachel.” I advise him, placing my hands against his chest so I can keep him back. “I presume she’ll be staying with my mum so you can always start there.”

  “How am I supposed to walk out of here without you?”

  “You can do it. You have to.”

  “Promise me you will still be here when I get back? Promise me, Samantha?”

  I meet his gaze and try to ignore the frustration in his eyes, challenging me to make him this vow.

  “I’ll be here.”

  “You mean it?” He asks me, lowering his lips towards mine.

  He’s still doubtful and know he needs my reassurance, craving the comfort of my touch more than ever.

  “I mean it because I love you.” I soothe him, needing Zack to know how sincere I am.

  He grazes his lips against my own, accelerating my heartrate within seconds. Zack smiles weakly, stroking his finger down the side of my face before he leaves. I’m about to enter our hotel room when he stops me, calling out to me from halfway down the corridor.

  “One day it will be us… I promise you.”

  I watch him turn the corner and disappear, relieved that he won’t be able to hear my response to something he’s so certain about.

  “I doubt that.” I whisper, entering our hotel room with a weary heart. “I doubt that very much.”

  Chapter Four

  I’ve been waiting for an hour, pacing back and forth as I wait for Zack in our hotel room. I have no idea when he’ll be back and don’t think I can wait around much longer.

  I know I promised him I’d stay here but all I want to do is leave. The memories I still have about the first time we came here still haunt me, swirling around inside my head until I can’t make sense of anything but my turmoil.

  The abrupt sound of my phone startles me, yanking me out of my deep contemplation while I search for it. Scrambling around inside my handbag, I finally locate it and don’t even check the screen before I accept the call.

  “Hello?” I answer, sounding breathless.

  “Hey, Sam. It’s Aaron.”

  “Aaron? Why are you calling? Is everything ok?”

  I continue to fire questions at Zack’s brother, wondering why on earth he would be phoning me so late.

  “Were you expecting someone else? You didn’t seem too happy when I told you it was me.” He chuckles, joking around with me light-heartedly.

  “No, it’s just… I’m waiting to hear from Zack.” I inform him, taking a seat on the edge of the four-poster bed.

  “He’s not with you? I thought you were spending the whole day together.”

  “Something came up.” I explain, realising how lame that makes Zack sound.

  “Must have been pretty important?” Aaron enquires, wanting me to elaborate.

  “You could say that.”

  “Come on, Sam. You know you can tell me anything. You can confide in me if you need to.”

  I wait a few moments, debating whether or not I should be honest with him. Aaron has been so supportive over my relationship with Zack these past few months, I feel as though I owe him this. When Zack’s parents told him they didn’t want anything to do with me, it was Aaron who chose to defy them by standing by us both. It’s safe to say they were disgusted with us when they found out about the affair we had been having behind my sister’s back and even more so when they thought the trauma of her breakup had forced Rachel to end her pregnancy.

  They blamed me for everything and a part of me doesn’t blame them. I just wish they would be more open when it comes to repairing their relationship with Zack. His family mean the world to him and the fact that he’s not speaking to his mum and dad because of me is something I’m not at all comfortable with.

  “It’s Rachel.” I disclose, closing my eyes in an attempt to keep myself from crying.

  “What about her?” He demands, awaiting my response.

  “She’s back.”

  “And she’s trying to cause trouble?”

  “Not exactly…” I falter, trembling uncontrollably. “She had the baby, Aaron.”

  He’s silent for a few seconds, stunned by my revelation.

  “She what?”

  “She didn’t have an abortion.” I clarify. “She lied about that.”

  “I’m actually speechless.” He says, exhaling slowly. “You’ve only just found out?”

  “I saw her this afternoon and she had the baby with her.”

  “So where’s Zack now? Why isn’t he with you on your birthday?”

  “He went to find Rachel. He needs answers and wants to see his daughter.”

  “So you’re alone?”

  His voice is incredulous, surprised that his brother would run out on me on my birthday. I really don’t want Aaron to think badly about his brother and rush to defend him.

  “It’s not like that, Aaron. He just found out he has a child, what was he supposed to do?”

  “I’m so sorry, Sam. I don’t even know what to say to you right now.”

  “I don’t know what to say either. I can’t really believe this is happening.”

  “This is crazy.” He whispers, clearly bewildered by my news.

  “Tell me about it.”

  “I really am sorry.” He apologises sincerely. It sucks this all came out on your birthday.”

  “Let’s hope next year will be different.” I murmur, praying that my wish will come true.

  I fall asleep as soon as I end my phone call with Aaron, collapsing onto the bed with exhaustion. I don’t know how long I’ve actually slept but the sound of someone entering the room must have woke me.

  I’m still a little dazed but I can make out Zack’s tall silhouette at the end of the bed and I watch him undress, observing him through my half-closed eyelids.

  I fight against the urge I have to bombard him with questions, needing to know if he spoke with Rachel or managed to find his baby. He must be desperate to just climb into bed and forget… needing that escape just like I did before I slept.

  Expecting him to crawl in beside me, I roll over in bed. I wait for him to come closer but he doesn’t move, standing at the foot of the bed for several minutes.

  He eventually lifts up the covers and joins me, placing his strong hand on my right thigh before he squeezes it possessively. I can’t help a soft moan releasing from my lips, whimpering with desire as he continues to massage my inner thigh with his fingers.

  “W-what are you doing?” I ask, still dazed and drowsy from my slumber.

  “Shh… it’s ok.” Zack soothes me, speaking softly. “Let me do this.”

  “Do what?” I demand, wondering why he’s acting so cryptic and strange.

  “Make you feel good.” He replies, vanishing underneath the covers. “Please let me.”

  He separates my legs, widening them so he can place himself between them.


  “Because I want to.” He murmu
rs, inhaling sharply. “Because I owe it to you.”

  His reaction makes it obvious that he’s noticed. He can see how turned on I am and how aroused I am for him. I’m dripping wet and my panties aren’t enough to disguise the fact that I want him so badly.

  “You don’t owe me anything.” I object, fighting against my uncontrollable urges.

  “I owe you everything.” He growls, distributing one single lick against my scorching centre.

  “Zack, you need to tell me what happened.” I argue, attempting to stay focused.

  A part of me doesn’t want to give into him, a part of me is determined and resolute when it comes to overcoming these desires… no matter how unstoppable they might seem.

  “Not tonight.” He mutters, battling his own control as he struggles to restrain himself. “Tonight is about us. Tonight is about you and me.”

  “But we have so much to talk about.” I object, attempting to make him see reason once more.

  “That’s for tomorrow… but this is for tonight.”

  He plunges his tongue deep inside of me, causing me to cry out with pleasure and arch my back.

  “Please don’t stop.” I beg him. “Please.”

  “Oh, so now you want more?” He asks, taunting me with his voice.

  He looks up at me with a mischievous smirk on his face. The salacious gleam in his eyes turns me on even more.

  “I-I can’t help it.” I stammer, clutching the quilt beneath my fingers.

  “It’s a good job I have no intention of stopping then.”

  He continues to pleasure me, caressing the most sensitive part of myself with his tongue. He’s so gentle and attentive, as though there’s nothing in this world he’d rather be doing than this. He places soft kisses right against my clit, sucking gently when I respond to his exquisite consideration and diligence.

  “Zack.” I wail, begging him to help me reach my climax.

  “You like it when I do this to you, don’t you?” He taunts me once more, enjoying my discomfort as well as my fulfilment.


  It’s all I can say, unable to locate anything more significant in my vocabulary.

  “How about… when I do this?”

  His tongue dives inside me once more, purposefully penetrating me like he would if we were making love. It’s enough to tip me over the edge and I reach for his hair, grabbing it roughly.


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