A Chance On Love (A World Apart Book 1)

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A Chance On Love (A World Apart Book 1) Page 15

by Laura B. Martinez

  “Hey, you’re up,” Brooke says, when she hears me and pauses the show.

  “Yeah, sorry I conked out on you.” I brush my frizzy hair out of my face and sit beside her. “What you got there?” I ask, looking into the pot of Ben and Jerry’s.

  “Cookdoughiceream,” she mumbles around a mouthful.

  “What was that?” I ask laughing.

  “Cookie dough ice cream,” she repeats laughing.

  “Ah, never had it.”

  “What?! You gotta be shittin’ me?” She shouts looking at me like I’m from another planet.

  “Nope, I prefer Mint.” I shrug.

  “Go get a damn spoon, now.”

  “Okay, don’t get your knickers in a twist.” I get up.

  “Second drawer on the right.” She says. I nod following her instruction before re-joining her.

  “Here, this is better than sex.”

  “I doubt that,” I mutter thinking back to the mind-blowing sex I had just days ago.

  “Enough. Try it,” she urges handing me the half-eaten tub.

  I take a small amount and let it melt in my mouth. “Oh god! This is amazing, it’s second best to sex but it will quickly become first.”

  “I know, right? Now hand it back.” I look from her outstretched hand to the holy grail in my hand.

  “Feck no.”

  “Kait, I love you girl but I will cut you if you get between me and my cookie dough ice cream,” she says calmly with a straight face.

  I raise my eyebrows and turn away, willing to risk my life for this yumminess.

  Brooke lets out an appalling attempt at a war cry and jumps on my back, making me face plant the ice cream in my hand. I squeal as freezing ice cream falls into my lap.

  Brooke pulls back and lifts my head worried, but when she sees my face and lap covered in ice cream she bursts out laughing. Oh, it’s on.

  I quickly pick up a chunk of ice cream off my lap and throw it at her, I laugh as it hits her in the face.

  “Arh, that’s fuckin’ cold!”

  “I know,” I laugh getting up gingerly.

  “Here, let me help you,” she says, grabbing the tub and upends it down my top. I scream dancing around the room as the ice cream freezes my boobs.

  “Feck that’s cold, cold, cold. Me nipples are gonna drop off.” I yell, still dancing around.

  Brooke is doubled over, laughing hysterically.

  I think I need a hot shower before they drop off, I shiver holding my sodden top away from my body, causing ice cream to fall and splat on the wooden floor.

  “Me too, but you go first. You need it more than I do,” she giggles.

  “Pfftt,” I huff and run for the bathroom trying not to slip on the droplets of ice cream as I go.

  I take the hottest shower of my life trying to get feeling back into my nipples.

  When we’re both clean and warm we settle on the sofa with a bunch of food her mom made and watch Magic Mike on Netflix. Nothing like bonding over a little Mike, I smile and grab a second helping of enchiladas from the dish on the coffee table.

  I feel something nudge me, I swat it away and curl into a ball.

  “Are you in a sugar coma?”

  “Ugh, leave me alone,” I groan and cover my head with the quilt.

  “No, get your ass up before I give you a bed shower.”

  “No, I’m tired. I need sleepies.”

  “Sleepies? What the fuck are you, ten?” She laughs and snatches the quilt from my grasp.

  “Hey. The last few days have been shite. I just want to stay here where it’s nice and warm.”

  “Aww, c’mon. I wanna go see fifty…”

  “At this time in the morning?”

  “It’s after noon,” she sings jumping on the bed.

  “What?” I gasp sitting up and grabbing my phone. feck, it is. “Okay, I’m up.”

  “Yes, now go shower so we can go see Mr. Grey,” she jumps off the bed and swats my arse.

  “Hey, save the kinky shite for your new bloke.”

  “Oh, I will. Don’t you worry,” she sings wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Okay, fuck off so I can shower in peace.” I laugh getting up and shoving her out the bedroom door.

  After the quickest shower of my life with Brooke outside the door yelling at me to hurry up every five minutes, I grab my bag, phone and a banana before she drags me out the door and practically shoves me in the car. She drives us to the cinema in record time considering there was traffic. Let’s just say there was a lot of beeping and swearing involved.

  I sigh in relief when we park, Brooke’s driving may take some getting used to.

  “Come on, I need to see if he really showed his dick like I heard he was gonna.”

  “Wait. He’s gonna show his cock on the big screen?” I ask rather loudly as we wait in line for tickets. People turn to look at me, some even laughing like the bitch beside me. My face turns bright red. “I’ll, er, go get the popcorn, do you want a drink?”

  “Y-yeah, get me a diet coke and a small caramel popcorn.”

  “Got it,” I say and hurry away.

  I’m about to get served when my phone indicates an incoming Facebook call. I freeze when I see Leo’s name on the screen.

  “Maybe, you should talk to him? At least let him explain,” Brooke whispers before stepping forward to order our snacks.

  My thumb is dying to click answer, I have to physically hold myself back. I just want it to all be a bad dream, I want to hear his voice, kiss his lips, have him hold me again...just one more time.

  The call ends and tears fill my eyes, it’s so painful ignoring him. The thought of causing him confusion and pain has my chest hurting again.

  But he willingly hurt me so why shouldn’t he get a taste of his own medicine?

  “Why does it hurt so much?” I whisper.

  “Because you love him,” Brooke answers pulling me into her arms. I can’t even muster up enough emotion to care that Brooke heard me.

  “I know what he’s done but I miss him so much,” I sob into her chest.

  “I know and you will for a while. Come on, seeing some cock will cheer you up.”

  I let out a watery laugh. “Thanks.” I smile gratefully at my best friend.

  “Anytime. Really if you could swing it so I could see his cock anytime I want, that would be fuckin amazing.”

  I pick up my snacks and pop and push her ahead of me. The poor teenage chap behind the counter is blushing brighter than me.

  “Can’t take you anywhere,” I mutter, she giggles.

  “Did you see his face? His face was brighter than your hair,” she gasps holding onto the wall as her body shakes with uncontrollable giggles.

  “C’mon.” I say and lead the way into the theatre. We pick the back row, not because we want to kiss and hold hands but because we’ll be able to see better and we’ll be away from the squealers.

  Once we’re seated Brooke whips off her coat and hoodie and turns to me. Oh, my god. She has a shirt on that says, ‘Spanking is not just for children’. I laugh so hard I snort.

  “You like it?” She asks proudly, I nod because I love it. It’s so Brooke. ”If I’d have known you were coming I would have gotten you one.”

  “It’s feckin awesome.”

  “We’ll get you one. Now shh, it’s starting.”

  We leave the cinema and I’m a little disappointed about not getting to see his one-eyed snake. I was on a promise of seeing cock and I got abso-feckin-lutly nothing, aside from the woman’s tits and they did nothing for me. But other than that, I enjoyed the movie. It was fun seeing it with Brooke, she’s so expressive, sometimes too much, but I love her anyway.

  “I thought you said there was gonna be cock?” I ask quietly as we leave the cinema.

  “I know. Total disappointment on that score but at least we got to see some abs.” She sighs fanning herself.

  “Leo’s body is better,” I blurt and blanch.

  “You know it’s okay
to talk about him.”

  “No, it’s not, he has a wife and kids.”

  “I still think we’re missing something,” she says and starts the car.

  “Yeah, the part where he is married and has two kids,” I add sarcastically and turn to look out the window effectively ending the conversation.

  Chapter 19


  Having a BFF is awesome. Having a BFF who’s being stubborn as hell, is a challenge.

  Fifty didn’t help at all. As soon as we got to my apartment, Kaitlyn went to bed. I could hear her soft cries turn into sobbing.

  Yesterday I had an early shoot, so I had to leave her for a couple of hours. I asked my mom to go and keep her company, and maybe make her something sweet to make her feel better. My heart broke when I got home and saw Kaitlyn crying in my mom’s arms.

  “Sometimes life doesn’t give us what we want,” my mom spoke gently to her. “But it gives us opportunities to work for what we want.”

  My mom has always been wise and kind. She’s the best mom in the whole world and I’m very lucky to have her, but I feel even luckier to share her with my best friend. I know how hard it’s been for her especially because her family is shitty.

  Now, we’re on day four and I’m running out of ideas to make her feel better. It’s been raining today and I know that doesn’t help with the mood improvement. It also doesn’t allow for us to go out. “I just want to sleep.” She keeps telling me and I don’t know what to say anymore. I’ve tried every tactic to get her out of her sadness but like a wise person once told me, sometimes we just need to have fifteen minutes to be sad and then move on.

  So, that’s all I’m giving her, well maybe she’ll get a little more.

  I’m currently trying to cook her a proper English meal. Of course by ‘cooking’ I mean, I’m trying not to burn down my apartment. Cooking has never been my forte and living in the city that never sleeps, where you can order delicious food at three in the morning, I’ve never had a problem feeding myself.

  But this is different, I want to make something special for her, so first things first.

  “Alexa,” I call out. “Find how do you cook a British meal.” Don’t you just love technology? You can find anything at the tip of your fingers.

  “Sorry, I didn’t understand the question.” Alexa answers. What?

  “Alexa,” I repeat. “How. Do. You. Cook. A. British. Meal.” I make sure to speak loud and slow enunciating every word.

  “Sorry, I don’t know the answer to your question.” Fuckin’ Alexa.

  I grab my phone and go to Youtube, my favorite social media site, and type ‘how to cook a British meal’. I gasp when I see more than five million results pop up. Scrolling through the first few pages I realize I can’t do this shit.

  Change of plans, I’m sure Kaitlyn will appreciate if I just give her cereal and some tea. Those things I can totally make.

  After I put some water on a pot to heat for the tea, I pour some lucky charms and milk into a bowl. I know she’s never tried this one and I know she’ll love it. Who doesn’t love those little marshmallows, right?

  Walking through the hallway, I knock on the bedroom door where Kaitlyn’s staying, but she doesn’t answer.

  The door is unlocked so I peek inside and see she’s still asleep. Putting the tray with the bowl of deliciousness on the nightstand, I sit beside her and shake her until she opens one eye.

  “What is it?” Her voice is sleepy and sad.

  “Kait, you need to eat something, it’s almost three in the afternoon.”

  “I’m not hungry Brooke.” Oh, hell no. I’m gonna make her eat, even if I have to shove the charms down her throat.

  “But I made you something special.” I whine. Her head perks up.

  “You cooked?” She asks skeptically.

  “Yeah, well, sorta. C’mon, sit.”

  Sighing she does what I ask and I stand to grab the tray. When she sees the contents she asks, “What is that?”

  “Lucky Charms,” I beam. “One of the best non-healthy cereals in the whole world.” Kaitlyn laughs and I hand her the tray. “Try it, it’s life changing.”

  After the shock of her first spoonful of the cereal, she digs into it. I was making small talk when suddenly the screeching sound of my fire alarm startles both of us.

  “Oh fuck, not again.” I yell as I run toward the kitchen.

  “Well, there goes another pot.” I say to myself as I remove the now burnt pot away from the stove.

  The sound of laughter coming from behind me has me grinning. At least someone is having a good time.

  “I can’t believe you burnt water again,” Kaitlyn says.

  “Hey, it’s not my fault, I got distracted,” I grin at her.

  “You’ll burn down your apartment one of these days.”

  “Oh, maybe a sexy fireman will come to my rescue.” I fan myself for dramatic effect.

  “You’re bloody crazy.”

  “And you love me. Just the way I am.” I wink. “Since I burnt my attempt at tea, and since you’re out of bed. Let’s go get some coffee and cake.”

  “I don’t feel like going out.” Kaitlyn answers.

  “Dude, c’mon. It’s raining and it’s cold. We can both be gloomy on our way to grab the goodies.” I wiggle my eyebrows.

  “Fine, let me go change.”

  Kaitlyn goes back to the bedroom and my phone pings with another message from the pompous asshole AKA Leo DeLuca. The guy has been messaging me non stop and I’ve been trying to avoid giving him a piece of my mind.

  Pompous A-hole: Brooke, please I’m going crazy here, I can’t get ahold of Kaitlyn and I’m worried sick. Please tell me if something happened.

  I know Kaitlyn doesn’t want to know anything about the P A-hole, but there’s something bothering me about the whole thing. My gut tells me there’s more to what Kaitlyn saw. I’ve never met the guy but somehow I know there’s an explanation and maybe this is the time to make things right.

  Glancing toward the hallway, I make sure Kaitlyn is still in the bedroom. I’m about to break girl code and talk to the enemy. She might hate me for it, but it’s totally worth trying; sometimes we need a little push and this is what friends are for. If I’m right, and I hope I am. Things will get sorted out and Kaitlyn will be happy again.

  I type the message, and send a silent prayer to whoever listens that this doesn’t make things worse.

  Chapter 20


  Brooke: Kaitlyn’s okay, you need to leave her alone.

  “What the fuck?” I yell after reading Brooke’s message. She finally answered me but that’s not what I was expecting at all.

  Me: What the fuck, Brooke? What the hell is going on? Why isn’t Kaitlyn taking my calls or answering my messages?

  Brooke: Game over pal, she knows the truth, so like I told ya, leave her alone.

  I’m about to ask again what she’s talking about when I see the little dots jumping, so I wait.

  Brooke: I can’t believe you did this to her, dude, I know she told you about what happened with her ex fiance and her sister. How could you? What kind of man are you?

  Me: Brooke, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know something happened to Kaitlyn, I read her Facebook post. Please tell me what’s going on.

  Brooke: She knows you’re married.

  What the hell?

  Me: What in the world, Brooke? I ain’t married.

  Brooke: Dude, quit it. She saw you.

  Me: What?

  Brooke: Kaitlyn went to L.A. to see you, and she saw you leaving your restaurant with your wife. Oh, and your kids too!

  Me: Kaitlyn was here? Why didn’t she tell me she was coming? When was this?

  Brooke: Does it matter? Just leave her the fuck alone or I swear I’ll come to L.A. myself to kick your cheating ass.

  Then it hits me. A few days ago Chrissy stopped by the restaurant to drop the girls off so I could take them to the movies. I needed a di
straction from the shitstorm happening around me and spending time with them always cheers me up.

  Me: Brooke, listen, it’s not what you think, okay? I’m not married. Please tell Kaitlyn to talk to me, I’ll explain everything to her.

  Brooke: So, you’re not married?

  Me: No, I swear I’m not.

  Brooke: What about the kids?

  Me: It’s complicated but trust me, it’s not what you think.

  Brooke: Why should I believe you?

  Me: Because I love Kaitlyn. Because I was scared shitless not knowing what was going on and I was about to jump on a plane to Belfast so I could at least know she was fine.

  Brooke: Maybe I'm off my hinges, but I believe you. That's why I'm gonna let you go. I'm gonna give you till the count of…

  The message ends there and I smile getting the reference. After a few minutes pass and she doesn’t message I start to panic, maybe she doesn’t really believe me and now I’ll never get the chance to talk to Kaitlyn. I’m about to call when a new message arrives.

  Brooke: Kaitlyn is in New York, she’s staying with me. Shit, she’s coming, I gotta go. I’ll text you my address in a bit and you better come fix this if you really care about her, if not, leave her alone, for good.

  I’m an impulsive person by nature, I act before I give myself the time to overthink things, but this time I force myself to stop before doing something I’ll regret.

  My phone pings with a new message and I hover over the screen to see it’s from Brooke. I don’t open it though. I suddenly feel really tired so I drop on the couch and cover my face with my hands.

  “Leo? Everything okay?” Chrissy asks.

  “Not really,” I answer without uncovering my eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I screwed up, Chrissy. I’m such an idiot.” I straighten myself and I tell her everything that I just found out.

  “Why didn’t you tell Kaitlyn about the girls? About what you’re going through?”

  “Because,” I pause to try and find the words to explain her. “I was scared. I am scared.”

  “Because of what happened with Peyton?” I just nod.


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