A Chance On Love (A World Apart Book 1)

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A Chance On Love (A World Apart Book 1) Page 17

by Laura B. Martinez

  A few minutes later the courtroom starts to fill and I turn as I feel my dad’s hand squeezing my shoulder, letting me know they’re all here, supporting me.

  I smile until I see Madison’s parents walk toward the plaintiff’s table. Their lawyer is already there and is looking the same way as Jake, too fucking calm.

  After the guard calls for Judge Vivian Forrester, I brace myself for what she’s about to say but Jake stands and calls for her attention.

  “Your Honor, I know this isn’t how we usually start hearings but I would like to ask your permission to hear a statement from someone involved in the case.”

  Judge Vivian turns to look at the plaintiff’s lawyer and asks. “Any objection?”

  The lawyer stands and says. “No, your Honor.”

  “Very well, I’ll allow it. Call your witness counselor.”

  “Thank you, your Honor. I call Chrissy Hartley to the stand.”

  Gasps of surprise fill the room and I turn to look at Chrissy, sitting on my side as she stands up.

  “Chrissy, what are you doing?” Her father asks when she passes them and goes to take a seat.

  The Judge turns to look at her and smiles. “You can begin whenever you’re ready.”

  Chrissy nods. “Thank you, your Honor.” She turns to look at me and smiles.

  “I’m here to kindly ask my parents to drop the complaint against Leo DeLuca.”

  “Chrissy, what are you doing?” Her father shouts.

  “Sir, I won’t tolerate this behavior in my court. Counselor, please make sure your client remains calm or I’ll have him escorted outside. His lawyer nods and talks to her father.

  “Please, continue,” the judge tells Chrissy.

  “A few years ago, our family suffered a great loss, my parents lost their beloved daughter. I lost my sister and my best friend, but we weren’t the only ones who lost someone the day Lorenzo and Madison DeLuca died. My nieces lost both their parents. Since that day, Leo Deluca made providing Sophie and Bella whatever they needed to heal, his priority. He loves them as if they were his own daughters. He changed his life for them. He left his home, his family,” she turns to look at me as she says, “he gave up and continues to give everything up without hesitation. For them.”

  Speechless and not even sure of what’s happening, I turn to look at Jake, who’s looking at Chrissy in a weird way.

  “Mom, Dad, I love you. Madison loved you both so much. But I understand why she made the decision along with her husband to make Leo the twins’ guardian in case something happened to them. You’re both wonderful parents, but you always expected me to be like Madison, in your eyes she was perfect and I was always the one getting in trouble. Madison never made me feel bad about being myself and she tried to make you realize that I wasn’t her.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing and I can’t for the life of me close my mouth.

  “The girls remind me of Madison and me when we were younger. One is a girly girl and the other one is a daredevil who’s always looking for adventure.” She wipes her eyes and looks in the direction where her parents are. “And neither of them are Madison. You have to understand that. Leo treats them both equally and he cares and encourages them to be themselves.”

  Chrissy turns to the Judge who’s listening attentively. “Your Honor, Sophie’s accident was my fault. They were jumping on a trampoline on my watch, I got distracted for a minute and when I realized it, Sophie had her arm wrapped around her body and I took her to the emergency room as soon as I could. Leo joined me there even though he’d just come back from a trip and he didn’t even blame me for not taking good care of them.”

  Chrissy turns to her parents and starts to sob. “It was my fault, please don’t punish Leo because he hasn’t done anything wrong.”

  That’s it. I stand up, go to Chrissy and hug her as she keeps repeating. “I’m sorry.”

  “It was an accident Chrissy, Sophie’s okay.” I pull her away so she can see my eyes. “She loves that pink cast and all the drawings you’ve made on it. She’s not hurting, she’s fine.”

  “Your Honor can we call on a recess?” Jake asks.

  The judge nods. “We'll be back in thirty minutes.”

  As I help Chrissy off the stand and turn, my eye catches a glimpse of red hair and I freeze. Kaitlyn.

  We all leave the courtroom and I turn in every direction until I spot her a few feet away.

  I run to her and almost tackle her to the ground as our bodies collide, but I don’t care. I want, no, need to feel her in my arms again.

  “You’re here,” I mumble as I take in her delicious scent.

  “I’m here,” she answers holding me tighter.


  “You have a very persuasive friend,” she giggles, “I guess that’s why he’s a lawyer.”

  I pull away from her just enough to kiss her. My kiss isn’t gentle, I’m devouring every part of her mouth, enjoying her taste.

  “Ahem,” a voice startles us both. Breaking our kiss I turn to see Vin standing behind me.

  “What?” I growl.

  “Trust me, I didn’t mean to interrupt but there’s a little person who’s dying to meet Ariel, I mean K.O.” Vin winks at Kaitlyn.

  I laugh when I see Kaitlyn’s expression at the mention of Vin’s nickname for her. Then a little head peeks behind Vin’s legs.

  Taking Kaitlyn’s hand in mine, I squeeze it and say, “I would like you to meet two very important people.” I gesture for Sophie and Bella to come out behind their hiding spot.

  “Kaitlyn, these are my nieces, Sophie and Bella.”

  “You weren’t lying Sophie, she is the little mermaid.” Bella says excitedly.

  “I told you,” Sophie says rolling her eyes. “Are you really a mermaid?”

  Kaitlyn laughs. “Well, my name isn’t Ariel but I live in a place where there’s a huge ocean. You girls know how to swim?”

  They both nod and Kaitlyn tells them maybe someday they’ll be able to visit her and they can go swim together.

  My heart skips a beat, from the moment both of my worlds are finally together or from Kaitlyn’s words, I’ll never know.

  “You talk funny,” Bella giggles and Kaitlyn laughs.

  “And you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen,” she turns to look at me. “Just like your uncle’s.”

  “C’mon girls, who wants to go get some ice cream?” Both girls run toward where my family is watching and I see Gabs crying. Oh boy.

  “Gabs and I will take them for ice cream and then she’s taking them to the restaurant,” Vin claps me on my back. “No matter what happens, we’ll enjoy a meal as a family, you’re welcome to join us K.O.”

  “Why are you calling me that?” Kaitlyn asks.

  “Because you knocked him out,” Vin points at me.

  “Ha ha, very funny, man.” Now I’m the one who’s rolling his eyes.

  “Just keepin’ it real, brother.” He says as he walks away laughing.

  “He’s something alright.” Kaitlyn says.

  “I’m so happy that you’re here, I’m sorry for what I said.”

  She presses her fingers against my lips, shushing me, “It’s okay. I get it now.”

  I take her hand and press a kiss on her palm. “Can you forgive me? For everything?”

  “There’s nothing to…”

  “Please, forgive me?” I ask again. She smiles and nods.

  “I want you to meet my mom and dad and my crazy sisters, after this ends I want to show you the restaurant and…” I stop talking when her smile drops.

  “I can’t stay, Leo, I’m going back to Ireland. I came to wish you luck and to say goodbye.”

  My knees go weak but I force myself to stand still.

  “I know everything will work out, you have a great family. You’re very lucky.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m sorry, I…”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about, Kaitlyn.” I pull her to me
and hug her tightly, one last time. “I love you, you know that right?”

  She hugs me back as she says. “Yes, and I love you too.”

  I slowly pull away from her, willing my senses to remember how she feels, her scent, her taste. “Thank you so much for coming here to support me. It means a lot to me.”

  She nods, “I have to go back, I.”

  Now I’m the one who silences her with one last kiss. “I understand. Please let me know that you arrived home safe.” Kaitlyn left after that.

  Ten minutes later, Jake informs me that Chrissy’s parents are dropping the complaint. The judge calls us back and we settle an agreement about the custody, assuring I’ll never take the girls away from them, and that they can have them anytime they want. Twenty minutes later, the entire DeLuca clan, who now includes Chrissy’s parents, are on our way to the restaurant to celebrate.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to have my girls for as long as they want to keep me. But as I look at my whole family gathered and enjoying the happy moment, I realize what I told Kaitlyn is true. My heart might be with me but it belongs to her, and always will.

  Chapter 21


  I understand? That’s it? What about sweeping me off my feet and professing his undying love for me? Oh yeah, that only happens in movies. While his stance is nonchalant, his eyes...the eyes that haunt me, plead for me to reconsider, to stay…but that’s nothing compared to the devastation on his face.

  I cry the entire drive to the airport, thankfully, Brooke leaves me to my misery. By the time we pull up outside my eyes are sore and red, it was painful leaving him again, almost too painful. My head is telling me I need to go home but my heart is telling me to turn around and run back into the arms of the man I love.

  “Ready?” Brooke asks, I can’t see her eyes but I know she’s teary eyed too.

  “I think s-so,” I hiccup wiping my eyes.

  We grab my bags and walk into the airport silently, not only am I leaving the man I love behind I’m also leaving my best friend, my sister.



  We both say at the same time and laugh, I nod for her to go first.

  “I was going to say, I’ll come visit you soon,” she croaks lowering her head. I pull her into a tight hug as her shoulder starts to shake.

  “I’m going to miss you so much,” I whisper, my chest aching.

  “I’ll miss you too, but I’m looking forward to not sharing my cookie dough ice cream,” she says and I laugh squeezing her tighter.

  When I hear the woman call my flight my heart drops, not only do I have to let go of Brooke but Leo didn’t turn up like I’d hoped to stop me from leaving.

  “I’ll let you know when I land.” I pull back and my heart breaks seeing her face wet with tears.

  She nods unable to speak and lets go of me. I smile weakly, pick up my bags and walk away my heart protesting the whole way.

  I barely notice takeoff, my head is burried on the pillow I was given, I eventually fall into an exhausted sleep.

  I dream that Leo came running into the airport wearing a prince charming outfit and sweeps me off my feet, before proclaiming his love for me and we ride off into the sunset together…when I say ride off I mean on a motorcycle.

  I have no idea how I got home safely because I drove in a daze of heartbreak and tears. With it being too late to collect Mr. Willy I leave my bags in the car, locking it and open my front door.


  It no longer feels like home, everything has changed. I used to love living alone, now I’m back here alone and I hate it. Well, not exactly alone because I’ll have Mr. Willy back tomorrow but even he can’t fill the hole left behind by Leo. I have no idea what I thought was going to happen, I mean he lives in L.A. for god’s sake. I had stupidly deluded myself into thinking we would get our happily ever after despite the distance between us. I don’t know what I was thinking giving my heart away to a man who, it turns out has more to lose than his business.

  To say I was shocked when he explained about the twins and how he came to be their guardian in the first place is an understatement. I thought he was a good man before, but after hearing that story and seeing the heartbreak on his face as he described losing his twin, and how important it is for him to be there for the girls. He is just too good to be true. How the hell could Peyton or whatever her name is walk away from such an unbelievable man?

  I know that’s what I did but there is so much I have to think about. I have a job, Mr. Willy, my house and I don’t even know if he wants me there. Sure he introduced me to the twins, they were so cute. They asked if I was a mermaid, which was just adorable. I can see the bond between them, I can’t and I would never ask him to uproot them, they’ve had enough upheaval in their lives.

  After torturing myself thinking over it all, I decided to go straight to bed. I just want to curl up and have the ache in my chest disappear if just for a little while.

  I send Brooke and Leo a quick text telling them I’m home and crash.

  The shrill ring of my phone wakes me, I groan and bury my head in the pillow.

  “Hello?” I answer sleepily after it rung off three times, must be important.

  “Hey, where are you?”

  “Who is it?” I ask my sleepy brain unwilling to help.

  “Sean, did you not get me email?”

  “Er, no. I just got back from America last night. What was it about?”

  “Oh, I thought you’d be back before now. It’s about a new assignment for you.” His hesitant answer puts me on edge, especially after what happened last time.

  “Okay? Can we not do it over the phone?” I ask, not wanting to be around anyone right now, unless Leo appears at my door that is.

  “We may as well do it in person, and have a catch up.” I sigh, I knew this would happen, I was just hoping I could avoid it and spare his feelings.

  “Well, I don’t feel like going out, so I guess you could come here?”

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he answers quickly and hangs up. I cringe hoping I didn’t just make a bigger mistake and get his hopes up.

  Sighing, I get up slowly and brush my hair out of my face. I really can’t be arsed to entertain or to get dressed, I don’t want to change out of Leo’s t-shirt. I know it’s gross and probably needs washing but I want to feel close to him right now and this is the only way. So, Sean will have to deal with seeing me in another blokes shirt and looking like, well this.

  Yawning I pad downstairs and into the kitchen realizing I have no milk or bread, so I grab the last of my cereal and eat from the box. Hey, desperate times and all that.

  I take the box into the living room and curl up on the sofa with my snack. Unlocking the screen of my phone I open messenger seeing three messages from Leo.

  Leo: Hey, thanks for letting me know. I hope you’re okay.

  Leo: You must be asleep, call me when you wake up.

  Leo: I miss you…

  Reading the last message shatters my heart and tears leak from my eyes. I miss him too.

  Me: I’m…this sucks. I miss you so much.

  I sigh rubbing my chest where the ever constant ache throbs.

  Leo: I wish you were still here. I wish things could be different.

  I pause not knowing how to answer that. I want to be able to work it out but we’re a world apart.

  Me: Me too.

  Leo: Watching you walk away…it ripped my heart out. Please tell me we can at least keep being friends?

  Can Leo and I really be just friends? My doorbell rings ending our conversation.

  Me: I have to go, Sean just arrived.

  Leo: Sean?!

  Shit. I never told him about Sean. I’m about to explain when the bell rings again. I groan and get up to answer it.

  “Jeez, hang on.” I snap and yank the door open.

  “Sorry, I thought you’d fallen asleep…” His voice drifts off as he takes in my disheveled state. “
I thought you just got back from the states?”

  “I did,” I say opening the door wider and spot the cups, and then the heavenly smell of bacon hits my nose, my belly growls loudly making Sean laugh.

  “Hungry?” He asks stepping inside. I nod and take the bag he holds out for me. “One of those are for me,” he laughs as I attack the bag. “You look paler than you normally do.”

  “You know what the Irish blood is like, we don’t do well in the sun.” I shrug trying to play it off as we sit on the cramped sofa. It doesn’t feel intimate like it did with Leo. I squish myself into the corner.

  “So, what’s the new assignment?” I ask around a mouthful of bacon and fresh bread.

  “Eat up first,” he says and takes a huge bite out of his own sandwich.

  We eat in silence, uncomfortable silence on my end though he looks comfy spread out. When I swallow my last bite and wash it down with a swig of tea I sit back clutching the cup between my hands.

  “So, how did it go in the states?” Sean asks sitting back with his own cup. Ah, small talk…

  “It was, eventful. How’s work?”

  “Good, by eventful you mean?”

  “It went well,” I supply not wanting to get into the details.

  “So, what are you gonna do? Will he move over here?”

  “I don’t think so,” I croak as tears simmer in my eyes.

  “Hey, don’t cry I’m sure you both will sort it out,” he whispers pulling me into his arms as the first sob breaks free.

  “I don’t know what we’re gonna do, h-he can’t leave L.A.”

  “Then why do you not go there?” He asks as if it’s that simple.

  “I have a house, a job, Mr. Willy…”

  “Who?” He chuckles pulling back.

  “My cat.”

  “Ah, poor cat,” He laughs, “well, you can give this place up and the others can go with you. If you love him then go be with him,” he adds and I can see that it cost him to say that to me.

  “I can’t just drop everything and move there.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, what if…” My throat closes refusing to utter that thought.


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