Philip's Rules (Bridal Discipline Book 1)

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Philip's Rules (Bridal Discipline Book 1) Page 15

by Golden Angel

  The worst part was when he finally stopped, leaving her bottom a fiery mass, and his fingers brushed over her womanhood and came away slick. Cordelia moaned in embarrassment, still unable to fathom why her body would have such a reaction. During the more fun spankings, the ones that tingled and burned without becoming truly punishing, she could understand - but now? It was incomprehensible, and she found the betrayal of her body more than a little shameful.

  At least she knew she wasn't alone. Philip's cock, which had been somewhat hard since he'd laid her over his lap, jerked to fully erect against her soft stomach as his fingers delved into her wetness.

  "Almost done, sweetheart," he said, his tender voice belying how unyielding his hand had been during the spanking.

  "Almost?" she cried out, wriggling again, trying to get her poor bottom away from him.

  "Four more with the hairbrush," he said firmly. "Since this is the second time we've had to talk about this."

  Before she could squeal or protest, the hard, flat back of the brush smacked against her already seared bottom and she shrieked. The next blows followed, just as hard and just as shocking.


  The last three came in quick succession, so fast she didn't even have time to draw breath, and then she was sobbing as the scorching blast of heat from where the hairbrush had landed sank in. Her toes curled as she struggled to assimilate how much more than Philip's hand the hairbrush had hurt. She hadn't even realized that was possible!


  Although it was perhaps not the most productive way of delivering his message, Philip couldn't stop himself from rubbing his hand comfortingly over the hot cheeks of his wife's gorgeous, cherry-red arse as he murmured soothing words to her. She'd been a very good girl and taken her spanking very well, she was very brave, and he was proud of her. Slowly her sobs softened as his hand stroked her, fingers getting closer and closer to the soft petals between her legs.

  Philip had no doubt she was wet. While a harsh spanking hurt and he knew she didn't enjoy it, her body's natural reaction to his dominance and her punishment was to prepare itself for him. It was truly delightful, and knowing that a spanking made her cream for him made him all the more aroused. She submitted beautifully to him, in a way that had his cock hard and ready to take her the moment the spanking was over.

  But, of course, he wasn't cruel. He would give her some time to compose herself, while he admired the dark pink hue of her arse against the pale cream of her skin.

  Besides, he still had a point to drive home.

  Dipping his fingers deep into her pussy, he nearly groaned as she clenched around him, her cream coating the invading digits. Pulling them free, he pressed them against her tighter orifice, making Cordelia squeal and try to pull free from him again. She truly did not like to be touched there, which made it all the more effective as a deterrent for the future. Philip could be completely sure he had her full attention as his fingers speared her bottom, two of them delving deep into that tight, little star.

  "Philip!" Her voice was husky from crying but still managed to get across her embarrassed outrage as her hole squeezed his fingers tightly, trying to dislodge them. She tried to put her hands behind her back, but it offset her balance, and she quickly placed them back on the floor.

  "I want to make sure I have your full attention, Cordelia," he said, his own voice hoarse with desire. He twisted his fingers back and forth, ignoring her adorable, little squeal as he stretched her virgin hole. "The next time we have to address this issue, both the outside and the inside of your bottom will be punished. Do you understand?"

  There was a long moment, and even though he couldn't see her face, he was sure she was nibbling on her lower lip, the way she did when she couldn't figure out what to say. She was probably wondering what he could do to punish the inside of her bottom. Philip thought it more prudent to leave her guessing; leaving a consequence up to a person's imagination could often be much more motivating than explicit threats.

  "Cordelia, do you understand?" he pumped his fingers a few times, savoring the feel of her tight hole as it quivered from the novel sensations.

  "Yes!" she cried out, trying to wriggle away again. This time he let her, letting his fingers slide from her body. She slumped in relief and then yelped in surprise as he picked her up, turning her so she was now bent over the bed, rather than over his legs.

  With her skirts still bunched around her hips, they made a nice frame for the glowing red cheeks of her bottom as she peeked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes were still a bit red and swollen from crying, her lips puffy, but there was definitely a spark of uncertain interest in her look.

  "Philip?" Her eyes widened in surprise, and then she dropped her head, lifting her chastised bottom up as if offering it to him. Between her legs, her pussy was slick with her cream, her pouty lips swollen.

  He was damn well blessed to have a wife who not only read his intent, but welcomed it.

  It was only the work of a moment to free his cock from his trousers, and then, without bothering to undress further, Philip pressed the seeping head to the entrance of her heat and thrust inward.


  They both groaned as he split her open with the one thrust, his groin pressing up against the hot cheeks of her bottom while her inner muscles squeezed his cock tightly. He gripped her hips, the heels of his palms pressing tightly enough against her reddened cheeks to make them white where his hands dug in.

  There was no foreplay, no gentle caresses, just the pressing need her spanking had awakened in both of them. Philip held her tightly, her body trapped between the mattress and his punishing thrusts, her red bottom bouncing as it slapped against his groin, her pussy clenching and massaging the length of his cock as he rutted her deep and hard.

  Everything about her made him lose control, and her body welcomed it.


  Despite the pain, despite the throbbing and stinging - especially as Philip's hard thrusts slapped against her already raw skin - Cordelia could feel an intense climax swirling in her belly. Despite... or maybe because of it, as if the jagged edges of discomfort somehow made the pleasure sharper, sweeter. Even the tingling of her more intimate hole, from where Philip had plundered with his fingers, and the lingering burn from being stretched seemed to feed into the chaotic need that was tightening her insides.

  She felt so small and helpless, bent over before him, and found that to be even more exciting as he had his way with her. Every part of her felt like it was on fire, but a much more pleasurable fire than the spanking had been.

  The rough thrusts of his cock gliding in and out of her body pressed against her nerves in the most incredible manner, finding a particular spot that had her jerking and sobbing again at the intense sensation. Her fingers dug into the mattress as he took her, and her imagination supplied what they must look like right now, with him playing the part of a stallion and her a mare, and the mental image sent her soaring physically.

  Her nipples ached, although they hadn't been touched, and her bottom hole tingled, her buttocks throbbed, and she screamed his name as her entire being stiffened around him - and then released.

  The climax was so intense it was as if all the blood rushed away from her head, leaving her dizzy, making her vision hazy as black spots and white lightning danced around it. She cried out again as she felt him thrust impossibly hard, burying himself inside of her, throbbing and pulsing as he filled her with his seed.

  Her legs and body felt limp as he rubbed himself against her, reigniting the fire in her bottom as he pumped every last drop of his climax into her channel. Cordelia whimpered as his body collapsed over hers, pressing against every heated inch of her. The after effects of her pleasure shuddered through her, leaving her tingling and sated.

  Philip's hands slid up her arms, and she moved her arms down so their fingers could intertwine as their breathing returned to normal. She could feel his chest moving against her back, his nose and lips nuz
zling against the back of her neck, and she hummed happily. And then winced as he shifted and her bottom protested.

  "I wasn't too rough, was I sweetheart?" he asked, concern laced through his voice.

  Cordelia was rather surprised he was asking. "Um... well the hairbrush was a lot more painful than I thought it would be."

  His body vibrated as he chuckled. "Not your spanking, darling, you earned every bit of that. But, after." He gave his hips a little roll as if to demonstrate, and Cordelia gasped as another shudder of pleasure went through her.

  Heat rose in her cheeks.

  "No, that was um... not too rough," she mumbled, blushing furiously.

  Her husband breathed a sigh of relief, stirring a bit of awe inside of her again. While Philip might spank her, she knew that he only did it for her own good, and otherwise, he took such incredible care with her. While her late husband had been utterly indifferent to the pain he caused her in their marital relations, Philip brought her to incredible ecstasy and then still worried he might have caused her discomfort. Although, if he'd wanted to cause a bit less discomfort to her bottom, she wouldn't have been opposed to that. Even if she did recognize she'd earned the punishment.

  Cordelia winced as she straightened up, her skirts brushing down over her sensitive bottom. Even the soft fabric of her chemise felt rough as it moved against her skin. She started to reach for her knickers, but Philip got there before her.

  "No, no knickers," he said, tossing them aside. "Maybe if I'd continued that rule, you would have paid better attention to all the others."

  She blushed, pressing her thighs together as a bit of fluid leaked down her thigh. "But-"

  "No. No knickers. No skipping meals. No hiding things from me. No neglecting your health. No more allowing Gabrielle to run you ragged. If it bothers you, you won’t forget that you’re not wearing any and you'll have less trouble remembering to follow the other rules as well."

  From the way her cheeks flamed - both sets now! - she knew he spoke the truth in a manner of speaking. Although titillating, it was also impossible not to be aware that she was bare beneath her skirts. It was certainly a very visceral reminder of Philip's rules - none of which were unreasonable.

  "Now," he said, offering her his arm. "Let us adjourn downstairs, and I'll have the servants bring us a snack."

  About to protest that she wasn't hungry, Cordelia took one look at her husband's face and swallowed her words. She didn't doubt he would consider a denial to be a flouting of the rules that he'd just reiterated. So she took his arm and went meekly with him. After all, eating a little something couldn't hurt. She'd barely had anything for breakfast, or the night before at dinner.


  They were in the drawing room, his wife firmly ensconced on his lap, while he fed her biscuits and tea by hand, when Gabrielle came storming in.

  "Cordelia! -" Obviously in high dudgeon, Gabrielle still came to a stumbling halt when she realized Philip was in the room as well. However she'd come by the knowledge of Cordelia's whereabouts, it was obvious she hadn't been informed that her stepmother wasn't alone. From the haughty, demanding tone she'd used upon her entrance, and her face when she saw him, was all the proof Philip needed to know that Gabrielle had been acting very differently when he was around versus when Cordelia was alone with her. "I ah..."

  Trying to wriggle off of Philip's lap, his wife hissed as her bottom shifted against his thighs. He wrapped his arm firmly around her. Gabrielle was old enough to practice common courtesy, including knocking, and not just rushing into the room and berating her stepmother. Besides, Cordelia wasn't finished eating, and he'd been enjoying feeding her while she was on his lap.

  Realizing that her husband wasn't going to release her, Cordelia straightened up, hiding a wince. If it wasn't for the blush on her cheeks, no one would realize that she was at all discomfited by the fact that she was on her husband's lap.

  "Yes, Gabrielle?" she said, as coolly collected as if she was properly seated beside Philip, rather than atop him. He was amused enough by his wife's reaction, not to mention pleased at the way she'd taken control of the situation, to let her handle this.

  Besides, it was probably good for Gabrielle to be handled by her stepmother. He was willing to spank the necessary behavior into her backside if he had to, but there was no way to force respect, and grudging acceptance was no real substitute for it.

  "I ah..." Gabrielle cleared her throat, obviously gathering herself together. When she spoke again, it was in a tone much less antagonistic than her initial approach. "The flowers for tomorrow have arrived, and they aren't the right color."

  She held out her hand in front of her, which was filled with a pink and cream bouquet.

  "They look correct," Cordelia said, sounding confused. Philip could have wished she had a little more confidence in her voice; he wasn't sure she even realized how often she phrased her words to defer to Gabrielle. On the other hand, spanking her every time she did it to relieve her of the habit was hardly the way to instill the proper respect in her stepdaughter. "Pink and ivory roses."

  "The pink is all wrong!" Gabrielle said, a touch of panic in her voice. She was staring straight at Cordelia now, as if she could pretend Philip wasn't there at all, although at least her tone wasn't insulting, the way he was sure it would have been if he hadn't been there. "It's too dark."

  "It's too late to order new ones, and I think the dark pink will be lovely against your dress," Cordelia said gently, squirming slightly again on Philip's lap, as if she wanted to get up. He wasn't inclined to let her and tightened his grip on her waist, just a touch.

  Gabrielle threw the bouquet down to the floor. "You just want my whole night to be ruined!"

  She turned to run, and Philip's voice thundered out. "Gabrielle!"

  Freezing, almost as if she'd forgotten he was there, Gabrielle slowly turned her head, her body still angled towards the door. She looked very much like a deer who had just recognized a predator in its vicinity.

  Cordelia turned her head towards him too, whispering urgently. "Philip, please... she's just nervous, it's a big night for her. Possibly the biggest of her life. It’s understandable that she’s frightened and acting out. Just this once… please."

  Gritting his teeth, Philip swallowed down some of his anger. Not because he truly believed Gabrielle deserved the leniency - she needed to learn to control her behavior - but because he wanted to prove to Cordelia that she could come to him and trust him to take her wishes into consideration when he gave her his support.

  "You know that what you just accused Lady Dunbury of was both unfair and untrue," he said sternly, wrestling inwardly with his temper. "Apologize. Now."

  To her credit, Gabrielle actually managed to sound sincere, her lower lip wobbling a bit. "I'm sorry. I do know you don't actually want my night ruined."

  The apology actually made Philip think a little better of her.

  "I don't, and it won't be," Cordelia said, smiling at Philip and then turning her smile to Gabrielle. Which made him feel like the king of the world, that he'd managed to please her. Even if it chafed him. "I really do think the dark pink will look well."

  "Thank you," Gabrielle said softly, turning to go again.

  "Gabrielle," Philip said, his voice holding a note of warning. She paused in her step, her head turning slightly, although she didn't turn all the way back around to look at him. "While you might be anxious, you must still behave as a lady. Another display of temper like that and you'll receive a much less pleasant reminder of that."

  Nodding her understanding, Gabrielle scampered from the room as Cordelia turned doleful eyes to him.

  "Did you have to threaten her like that? She's just insecure and probably a bit frightened about tomorrow."

  "Which doesn't excuse her behavior," he said firmly. "I followed your lead just now, as you asked, but she should know that continuing in such a manner will have consequences. That's part of a partnership. You think I'm too harsh, and I th
ink you're too lenient, so if we both get our way it should be a perfect balance."

  He tapped his finger on the end of her nose, startling a giggle from her. Shifting on his lap, she winced again, and he knew her sore bottom was paining her. As if it reminded her how effective Philip's methods were, she wrinkled her nose and sighed.

  "Very well, Philip."

  Chapter 11

  The dinner before Gabrielle's debut was just as nerve-wracking for Cordelia as it was for Gabrielle. Although, at least she'd managed to eat something during the day so that she didn't feel faint. Well, really, Philip had fed her. He'd dragged her away from the preparations, giving her a swift swat to her still-sore bottom when she'd protested - to ensure that she did. For some reason, he took great delight in having her on his lap while he held the food up for her to eat. It had been adorable yesterday, today she'd wanted to kick him because there had been so much to do and she'd felt quite pressed for time, but once supper time arrived, she'd been grateful for it. If he hadn't, she didn't know if she'd have made it through the arrival of all their guests.

  The dinner was a rather exclusive affair of only fifty guests, whereas five hundred invitations had been issued for the ball, over four hundred of which had been accepted. To help with both Cordelia and Gabrielle's nerves, the dinner invitations had consisted of close friends and family.

  Philip was seated next to Gabrielle, with Hugh on her other side. Cynthia was across from her between Lord Hyde and Lord Irving, all men Gabrielle had at least met and should feel comfortable with. Cordelia had been pleased Philip had taken such an interest in the seating arrangements - although she knew his main motivation had been to surround Gabrielle with people he trusted. Still, he'd agreed when Cordelia had insisted Felix not be one of Gabrielle's dinner partners. While Cordelia found him quite charming, after their last fiasco of a meal together, it was obvious Gabrielle did not.

  Instead, Felix was beside Cordelia, with the Earl of Spencer on her other side. Across from her was Marjorie, between Lord Brooke and Walter Hood, the middle brother in Felix's family. The elder Mr. Hood was as alike in looks to his brother as if they'd been made from the same mold. He had the exact same dramatically dark hair and eyes as Felix; although, unlike his younger brother, he evinced no interest in fashion or gossip; he had his own measure of charm even if he was a bit more serious-minded than Felix. But despite the intimidating dark looks of the Hood brothers, Lord Brooke was even more formidable.


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