Love by Deception (Age of Innocence)

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Love by Deception (Age of Innocence) Page 8

by Debra Elizabeth

  The maids brought in dish after dish and soon the table was laden with delectable food. Lively conversations swirled around the room, but Colby had eyes for only Isabel.

  He leaned closer to Isabel. “Miss Knott, I do hope I’ll see you more of you this Season.”


  Isabel gazed into Colby’s startling blue eyes and her heart raced. He was the most handsome man she’d ever met, and she didn’t want the dinner to end. His voice vibrated against her skin like the strings of a fine-tuned violin and she found herself dreaming about kissing his full lips. What would it feel like? Pressed against those lips would be heaven on earth. She’d never been kissed before and she longed for Colby to be the first.

  “Miss Knott?”

  Isabel blinked, banishing her daydream. “Pardon? I’m afraid I did not hear your question.”

  “Oh dear, I must be boring you to tears.”

  “No, not at all. Please forgive me.” She couldn’t very well tell him that she was thinking about his lips. Those sensual full lips.

  “Nothing to forgive. I was wondering if I’ll be seeing more of you this Season,” Colby asked.

  “Would you like to?” she asked.

  “Very much indeed.”

  Isabel gave him a shy smile. “Well, then I hope our paths cross often.”


  Later that evening when they lay snuggled in bed, Isabelle turned toward Georgette. “Have you ever seen a more handsome man?”


  “Mr. Tisbury, Emily’s cousin. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. Don’t you think so?”

  “Yes, dearest. He seems the perfect gentlemen.”

  “Perfect indeed,” Isabel said. “I dare say I’m quite smitten with him.”

  “Really? You’ve just met him. I don’t want to see your heart broken if he does not share your infatuation.”

  “Georgette, it’s more than an infatuation. He talked with me all through dinner and sat next to me while Emily entertained us on the piano. I could have listened to his dreamy voice for hours.”

  Georgette patted Isabel’s hand. “I’m glad you like him, but please guard your heart, dearest. Many young ladies get their hearts broken over their first crush.”

  “I will.”

  “Tonight is only the first night in many, and you’re bound to meet other young men. Who knows? You may find yourself smitten with someone else.”

  “Maybe, but I think this could be more than a crush,” Isabel said.

  “Get some sleep and see how you feel about it in the morning. Goodnight, Isabel.”

  “Goodnight.” Isabel rolled over and snuggled down in the pillows. Her last thoughts were of Colby Tisbury and his startling blue eyes and full, kissable lips.

  Chapter 9

  The next few weeks flew by in a series of tea invitations and dances for Georgette and Isabel. At each dance, Colby was there to escort Isabel out on the dance floor. Each time they met, Isabel’s heart fluttered at the sight of him. Their lively banter only served to convince her that Colby was the perfect man for her. She would never want to marry a dull man, and Colby was anything but dull. Of course, it didn’t hurt that he was handsome, with a nice smile and those striking blue eyes that totally captivated her every time he glanced her way.

  Tonight they were attending a dance being held at the Larkinson home.

  The rest of their dresses had been delivered and they had several silk creations from which to choose from. Georgette ended up choosing a cream-colored gown with blue ribbon accents, and Isabel wore a light pink dress with delicate lace at the bodice.

  Rachel put the last flower in Isabel’s hair. “There you go. Do you like it?”

  Isabel glanced in the mirror, turning her head left and right to see what Rachel had created. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

  “Glad you like it, miss.” Rachel turned toward Georgette. “Are you happy with your hair, Miss Georgette?”

  “Rachel, you seem to outdo yourself for each dance. I love the bit of ribbon you've woven through mine.”

  “Good, glad that you like it.”

  “Well, we best be getting downstairs. We don’t want to keep Mrs. Quinn waiting,” Isabel said.

  Inside the carriage, Isabel couldn’t keep her curiosity in check. “Mrs. Quinn, do you know the Larkinsons well?”

  Iris sighed. “When my dear husband was alive, we spent many wonderful evenings dining with Florence and Henry, but as the years rolled by, I was less and less inclined to join them. Too many memories to contend with, I guess.”

  “Yes, sometimes that can be quite painful,” Georgette said. “I can see that you still miss your husband.”

  Iris nodded. “When you find your true love, you never stopped missing them even after they’re gone. One of the harsher realities of life, I’m afraid.”

  “I’m so sorry to have brought up a painful memory,” Isabel said. “Please forgive me.”

  Iris patted her hand. “Nonsense, my dear. I’m looking forward to seeing them again and also their daughter Kathryn. I haven’t seen her in years. She’s right around your age, Isabel, maybe a year older.”

  “I do hope we can be friends,” Isabel said. “It’s been wonderful meeting so many people so far. Everyone has been so nice.”

  “Yes, this is the perfect time for you girls to enjoy yourselves. Life will never be so carefree again, especially after you marry.”

  “Do you think we’ll find husbands?” Isabel asked.

  Iris looked between the two young women. “I don’t see any reason that you shouldn’t. You are beautiful young women, with grace and style to match any young lady being presented to society. What young man wouldn’t want that?”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Quinn,” Georgette said. “That is high praise indeed.”

  “You’re welcome, but I only speak the truth.”

  “Did you hear that, Isabel?” Georgette asked. “Style and grace, dearest. Those are the traits we should emulate, not boldness.”

  Isabel pushed out her bottom lip in a pout. “I dare say that Mr. Tisbury likes my boldness. I’m sorry I cannot be someone I’m not, but I will try to make you proud of me.”

  Georgette smiled at her sister. “I’m always proud of you.”

  Their carriage rolled to a stop in front of another grand home. The driver helped them out and the butler met them at the door and took their wraps.

  Every head turned when Georgette and Isabel walked into the ballroom.


  Kathryn Larkinson had spent hours getting ready for the dance this evening. She had selected an ice blue gown to wear with her hair pulled up to show off her shoulders. That should get Colby’s attention. She was pleased at his expression when he greeted her.

  “Good evening, Miss Larkinson,” he said.

  “Mr. Tisbury. I do hope…”

  She saw his head swivel toward the door. She wanted to stomp on his foot for his inattentiveness, but mostly especially when his face lit up with a smile. She followed his gaze and saw Mrs. Quinn enter the ballroom with two young women she’d never seen before. Who were they? And why was Colby so captivated with them? She didn’t like this turn of events and was determined to find out who they were.

  “Mr. Tisbury, who are those young ladies with Mrs. Quinn?”

  Colby never took his eyes off the trio. “That’s Miss Condiff on the right and Miss Knott to her left.”

  “I don’t believe I’m acquainted with them.”

  “They’ve been in town for barely a month. Mrs. Quinn is hosting them for the Season.”

  “Well, then. I must go and greet them.”

  Colby offered his arm. “Let me escort you.”

  She placed her hand on his arm, determined to let the newcomers know that Colby Tisbury belonged to her. They made their way across the dance floor where Kathryn’s mother was greeting Mrs. Quinn.

  “Iris, I’m thrilled you came tonight,” Florence said. “It’s been too long since we’ve seen y
ou. I have missed you, dear friend.”

  Iris kissed her on each cheek. “Thank you for the invitation, Florence. I’ve missed you as well.” She turned to her guests. “May I introduce you to Miss Georgette Condiff and Miss Isabel Knott. They’re staying with me for the Season. Ladies, this is Mrs. Larkinson.”

  Florence smiled at the young women. “How delightful to meet you both. Welcome to my home. I hope that you’re enjoying your stay in London.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Larkinson. Indeed we are,” Georgette said. “My cousin and I are so very pleased to be here this evening.”

  “Mother, I don’t know our newest guests,” Kathryn said as she walked up to the group.

  Florence turned to her daughter standing behind her. “Of course, dear. This is Miss Condiff and her cousin, Miss Knott. Ladies, this is my daughter, Kathryn.”

  Kathryn’s gaze rolled over each young woman. “Good evening.” She saw Isabel look beyond her and land on Colby. She was not pleased when a beautiful smile lit up Isabel’s face.

  She tightened her grip on Colby’s arm. “And this is Mr. Tisbury.”

  Georgette and Isabel curtsied to Colby. “A pleasure to see you again, Mr. Tisbury,” Isabel said.

  Kathryn’s head swiveled between Isabel and Colby. “You two know each other?”

  Colby nodded. “Oh, yes, I’ve had the pleasure of Miss Knott’s company on a number of occasions since she’s been in London.”

  “I see. You didn’t mention that, Mr. Tisbury.”

  He tore his gaze from Isabel and focused on Kathryn. “No indeed, I did not.” He turned back to Isabel. “Miss Knott, I do hope that you’ll save me a dance this evening.”

  A blush rose on Isabel’s cheeks. “Yes. Of course, I’d be delighted.”

  Kathryn tugged on Colby’s arm. “Mr. Tisbury, I do believe you’ve promised the next dance to me.”

  Colby bowed. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “Georgette, Isabel, I trust you girls will be fine by yourselves for a bit. I’d like to catch up with Florence,” Iris said.

  “Of course, Mrs. Quinn,” Georgette said.

  The two young women walked along the perimeter of the dance floor.

  “Do you think that Kathryn was holding onto Mr. Tisbury’s arm a little too tightly?” Isabel asked.

  “I didn’t notice. Perhaps they are well-acquainted?”

  “Perhaps, but I thought I saw anger flash in her eyes.”

  Georgette squeezed Isabel’s hand. “Dearest, why would she be angry with you? She’s only just met you. Do not worry about it and enjoy the dance.”

  “You’re right, of course. I’m probably reading too much into it.”

  “You like him a lot, don’t you?”

  Isabel leaned toward her sister and whispered in her ear. “Indeed I do. I think I’m falling in love with him.”

  “That’s wonderful, but does he share your interest?”

  “I believe he does. He’s been so attentive to me whenever we’ve met this past month and we have such lively conversations together.”

  “Well, then, you should enjoy the time you have in his company this evening and not worry what others may or may not be thinking.”

  “Georgette, I’m so happy you’re my sister. You always know the right thing to say to calm my nerves. I love you dearly.”

  When the dance ended, Colby parted from Kathryn and went in search of Dalton Hunt. It wasn’t long before he found the young man chatting with his friends along the far wall. “Excuse me, gentlemen. I’m afraid I’m going to steal away your companion for a bit. Dalton, come with me. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  Dalton nodded and walked in step with Colby. “And who may this fair maiden be, perchance?”

  “Who said anything about a fair maiden?”

  Dalton laughed. “Because I saw the twinkle in your eye. Come on. Spill it. Who is the young lady?”

  “She’s a real beauty, that’s for sure, although a bit on the delicate side for my tastes. Her name is Georgette Condiff and she’s cousin to Isabel Knott.”

  “Oh, I see. Keep the cousin busy while you make dreamy eyes at Miss Knott, is that about right?”

  Colby slapped Dalton on the back. “You’re a lot smarter than I gave you credit for, my man. Yes, you are correct, but believe me, Miss Condiff is quite beautiful and seems a lovely young woman.”

  “Well, then. Lead on and let me meet this lovely lady.”

  Both Georgette and Isabel were on the dance floor and when the music ended, they curtsied to their partners. When they reached the edge of the dance floor, Colby and Dalton were waiting for them.

  “Miss Condiff, Miss Knott, may I present Mr. Dalton Hunt.”

  Dalton bowed. “Good evening, ladies. I trust you are enjoying yourselves.”

  Both Isabel and Georgette curtsied.

  “Good evening, Mr. Hunt,” Georgette said.

  “Good evening, Mr. Hunt,” Isabel echoed.

  “Would you care for some punch, Miss Condiff?” Dalton asked.

  Georgette nodded. “That would be lovely, thank you. I am quite parched from the dance,” she said and took Dalton’s proffered arm. “Isabel, I trust you’ll be fine in Mr. Tisbury’s company.”

  Isabel nodded. “I will. Do not worry about me.”

  When Georgette and Dalton were out of earshot, Colby leaned toward Isabel. “I thought I’d never get you alone this evening.”

  “Why, Mr. Tisbury. Whatever do you mean?” Isabel asked in a teasing tone.

  Colby laughed. “My dear Miss Knott, you know perfectly well what I mean, but I’m happy to explain it to you if you’d like.”

  Isabel snapped open her fan to hide her smile. “Yes, why don’t you explain it to me.”

  “It would be my pleasure. Walk with me.” Colby led her to a secluded corner and took a step closer to her. He lowered his voice to barely above a whisper. “I can think of nothing but you. You drive me to distraction and I dare say you have me under your spell.”

  Isabel fanned herself faster. “I do?”

  “Yes, you do. If you don’t fancy me, please tell me now so I don’t embarrass myself further.”

  A lump formed in Isabel’s throat. “Oh, Mr. Tisbury. You must know that I fancy you a great deal. It makes me so happy that you feel the same.”

  Colby reached for her hand and pressed it to his lips. “Then, we are in agreement. I’m very pleased.”

  The orchestra began the next tune.

  “I do believe that you’ve promised this dance to me.” He extended his arm. “Shall we dance?”

  “Yes, I’d love to,” Isabel said as she placed her hand on his arm and they walked to the dance floor.

  When the couples lined up for the quadrille, Kathryn took the spot next to Isabel. She wanted another dance with Colby and this was the closest to him she’d get in awhile.

  The couples moved toward each other. When Isabel’s hand met Colby’s, he leaned toward her. “Meet me on the balcony when the dance ends,” he whispered.

  There was no chance for Isabel to respond before they broke apart again.

  Kathryn watched as Colby and Isabel came together. She didn’t like the way he was looking at her. How dare he look at her that way? He belonged to her and no one else. She had spent the last year trying to win his heart and she wasn’t going to let this out-of-town nobody try and steal him away from her.

  The couples moved back and forth across the floor in time with the music. When it was her turn to touch Colby’s hand, she gave him her prettiest smile.

  “I hope you’re enjoying yourself, Mr. Tisbury,” she said.

  “I am indeed.”

  Before too long the music ended and the men bowed while the ladies curtsied to their partners.

  Colby strode off the dance floor and went straight to the balcony for some fresh air.

  Isabel looked around room in search of Georgette. She desperately wanted to tell her what Colby had said, but when she spotted her cousin,
Georgette was deep in conversation with the very handsome Mr. Hunt. They looked quite smitten with each other and she did not want to disturb them, but she was torn. She shouldn’t meet Colby alone. It wouldn’t be proper. Perhaps, if she was careful, no harm would be done.

  While Isabel searched for her cousin, Kathryn never took her eyes off Colby. This was the opportunity she’d been waiting for. He was alone and heading for the balcony. She longed to have him all to herself before the night ended. Tonight was the night she wanted to show him how much she cared for him and she followed in his footsteps. “You’ll be mine before the night is over, Mr. Tisbury,” she whispered.

  Chapter 10

  Isabel worked her way around the perimeter of the dance floor on her way to the balcony. She was trembling with anticipation, but she decided she would be bold tonight and meet Colby on the balcony. His declaration of mutual admiration had unbalanced her momentarily, but it was what she had been hoping for since their first meeting at the Stanton dinner. He cared for her as much as she cared for him, and she couldn’t be happier about it. She smiled when she thought about him and could hardly believe her good fortune in finding such a wonderful man.

  It took her longer than she expected to reach the balcony doors because of all the couples lining up on the dance floor. She smoothed down her dress, pushed a curl away from her face and stepped out on the balcony. At first she didn’t see Colby, but when she took a few more steps forward, she couldn’t believe what she was saw.

  Her hand flew to her mouth as a wave of nausea rose in her throat. Standing in Colby’s embrace was Kathryn Larkinson, and they were sharing a passionate kiss. Her Colby was kissing Kathryn. How could he do that, especially after what he had told her earlier this evening? Was he playing with her affections? She didn’t want to believe it, but the evidence was like a slap in the face. Tears stung her eyes. She had been played for a fool.

  “Oh, no!” she cried before she dashed back through the balcony doors.



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