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Anthriel Page 3

by C. R Corbin

  "Shit. We better find a way out soon. HEY!" she screamed into the rocks and banged on them but it was of no use. We were basically shut off without any way to pierce the rubble. I shake my head and rest a hand on her shoulder, she looks back and we share a glance before she pulled away and grabbed her bag.

  "Well.....looks like we better come up with a plan. Let's see what else I have in here." she muttered to herself, gently sifting through the clothes, the communicators, reaching through an assortment of gear before something occurred to her.

  "Hey don't you have weapons on you? Can't you use that to break through?" she asked me and I looked at my sack, there were probably some charges in there that I could use.

  "I'm not entirely sure that the integrity of the cave may hold if I attempt such a thing. The only way we're getting out of this is through a large drill with the scale of this collapse and none of the team has that on them." I said.

  "Well it seems like there's only one option if we can't reach them then.....Maybe we could wait?" she asked and I glanced further into the cave, the white rocks glowing and lighting a path for us.

  "There's old rumors that the caverns here are interconnected you know? Perhaps we could try finding a way out." I suggested.

  The old tales about being able to venture further and further into a web of caverns before stumbling upon another opening were proliferated through the colonies. There had been tales of collapses and disappearances but that was mostly chocked up to people disappearing while trying to find a way out. Scans of Medama had always told us the same thing, that the interior contained nothing of interest at all. The tales about the entire thing being an interconnected series of caverns were just rumors really, spread by some explorers whose integrity was in doubt. If we waited here they might be able to break through the rocks but that may take quite a while. They would have to call for a team with additional tools and then to have them delivered here and to have this entire cliff face drilled through would take....maybe a couple of weeks. The bureaucracy would hinder any real attempts to rescue us and with our water running low....well there wasn't much of an option now.

  "So let's do the math. We have maybe about 5 days of water between the two of us. The collapse is pretty bad and we have no clue as to how much of the cavern collapsed so they might not even be alive outside of here. Judging by the fact that no one can hear us I'd venture to say the collapse was pretty severe so that leaves us with only two options, wait or go further, of which venturing further seems like a better chance." stated Cassandra and I glanced her over, turning away from the rock, she was looking into our packs and taking note of every little piece of equipment.

  " I guess we're stuck like this then." I muttered and she nodded. Indeed we were.

  "Have you.....heard stories about these caves? They said that no one that ever ventures this deep survives." she muttered, her eyes fearful as she glanced further into the caverns. They were steep tunnels down into the moon, tunnels that could be littered those were just fairy tales, no way they could be correct.

  "I'm here. If you should fall into any danger I will protect you. That is my duty." I told her and she smiled, glancing me over and nodding.

  She blushed at my affirmation and bit her lip. I see her hesitate for a moment before taking her first step deeper into the cave and mutters "Let's go." I pick up the packs and follow her deeper, gripping my axe and keeping close to her. There was something deep inside of these caverns, something that disturbed me, that informed me that what we were about to endure was so much more than the minor discomfort that we had become acquainted with on the surface of Medama. Yet when I glanced at her....I got the strangest feeling, this strange comfort that overcomes me. Some part of me was happy that I got to get locked in here with her...maybe I would get a second chance to prove myself. A second chance to show her that I wasn't just a brute.

  We venture for what seems like a half a day on Medama before either of us begins speaking. I could tell that she was avoiding conversation due to how awkward our encounters over the past days have been. I shot glances at her to see if she was watching me as we walked, each time I was disappointed. Her long brown hair fluttered over her cheeks, her soft blue eyes surveying the white stones that glow to light our way. They flash and shine on her fair skin as I glanced deeper into the caverns, listening for any signs of life.

  "You have heard the rumors surely?" I asked her and she gazed at me, her eyebrow raising but eventually she gets the idea.

  "Of the caves? That there's something down here? Yes I have, don't put much stock into them though." she muttered.

  "Koghu told me before we left in an attempt to scare me. Not once did I think I would end up stuck in these caves." I said and she nodded.

  "Yeah something just about them you know?" she asked me.

  "Afraid are we?" I replied and she shakes her head.

  "No, no. I'm.....Well yes i'm somewhat afraid but can you blame me? We don't even know what's down here." she stated and I glanced further along our path.

  "I don't suppose I can. You're a researcher aren't you? What do you say? With your biological expertise what would you think a creature that lived down here would look like, if it existed?" I asked and she furrowed her brows, lifting her hand up to her chin and patting it.

  "Well they would have some exposure to light I presume due to these glowing stones so their eyesight would be serviceable, they skin would likely be pale due to the lack of sunlight here, don't know what they would feed on but it seems like they would feast upon the algae against the walls. They would most likely be quadrupeds." she muttered to herself, she did look cute when she was thinking hard.

  "Sounds frightening." I observed and she smiled.

  "Think you can take them?" she asked me and I patted the axe on my back, nodding and winking at her. "Think? I know." I replied.

  Eventually as we venture further along we come to various intersections where the paths split into two. She yells into each of the corridors to get a sense for how long they were, she always got the same answer of the choice not really mattering. We venture further and further until I sense that it was getting cold, very, very cold.

  "Oh my god...." she muttered, her body shivering as I gazed at the temperature readings. It was near the freezing point of water. The planet's surface was hot and desert like but down was damp, water constantly dripped from the ceiling and there was a moist, cool air pervading the entire place.

  "Are you alright?" I asked her and she nodded.

  "The suit should take care of any temperature abnormalities but....good god. I didn't think the temperature down here could get this low." she muttered.

  We would have to be stopping soon, perhaps we could build a fire with the tinder and the flint that we had. The current corridor we were in was large with various glowing rocks dotting our path. By my estimate it was wide enough to fit a small space craft in here, there weren't any more signs of new life, however. The same algae, the same droplets of water falling, at least we didn't have to worry about dehydration.

  We were taking a break at the moment although I would have called it the end of the entire day already. We had been venturing for quite some time and were nowhere closer to finding an escape than before. I had hoped that there would have been tools that we had packed to escape from the caverns but there were none, no sonar readers, no frills, nothing. I suppose that since every expedition usually ended up a success no one bothered to pack for the impossible, the last incident that occurred was nearly 20 years ago in Kanosian time scale at least. She sat on a small stone while I ventured around the corridor, never straying too far away from her and always keeping her in my line of sight as I walked up to the wall which was covered in these strange cells. I grabbed a cluster of them and glanced at her, raising an eyebrow.

  "Are these edible?" I asked her, pointing at the algae.

  "We have food." she stated and I nodded. "I know,
I just want to know." I said and she smiled at me, shrugging.

  "Technically yes. You can try some if you like, I wouldn't mind to see you be disgusted however." she stated and I grimaced. She wore this teasing grin, a facade that pestered me with its coyness. I grabbed some of the algae and stuck in into my mouth, frowning at the bitter tastes before spitting it out.

  "That tastes disgusting." I muttered and she laughed.

  "Come on....come sit by the fire. We have actual food." she stated and I nodded, stepping closer and closer, observing the flame that sparks from the small tinder tablet that she laid down. She glanced at me and grinned as I sit down across from her, glancing at the flame as it flickered and embers splashed onto my armor.

  "Aren't you tired of carrying that thing?" she asked me, pointing at my axe, I shake my head.

  "Hardly. A Kanosian's weapon is an extension of his soul, he should have it close at all times." I stated and put the axe down beside me as I warmed my hands near the fire. She pulled out two rations and handed me one, letting me place it near the flame and wait for it to heat up. It was this rectangular metal tin that had two buttons on the side. Heat and keep warm, there was a timer written on the back for when the food would decompose.

  "Your race. They value war then?" she asked and I nodded.

  "Battle, that is the true key to our hearts....although I suppose you don't want to hear about that do you? Last time I told of you of such endeavors you responded with disgust." I informed her and she shrugged.

  "Just the nature of how you said it. I don't really find warfare all that enticing to be honest, it disgusts me. Probably part of the reason I became a scientist instead of something a bit more exciting." she states as she scoops up some of her strange dish. There was a brown and red meat like substance along with green strands of some sort of vegetation, there was also an assortment of these brown grains.

  I glanced down at my own meal and admired its simplicity, a simple stew with a biscuit off to the side. In the stew was an assortment of meats and vegetation, a hearty meal for any warrior. I was curious about her's though, she caught me glancing and bites her lip as she spooned some of the food up.

  "Want to try some?" she asked.

  "You want to share with me?" I asked her and she shrugged. "If I get some of yours too the sure." she stated.

  I hand her my tray and spoon some of this strange dish into my mouth, savoring the taste as it runs across my tongue and my throat, it was salty and savory, perhaps a little sweet too. The texture was exquisite, I glanced at her and smiled in approval.

  "Yeah that was good. How's mine?" I asked and she spooned some of the stew up with the bread, smiling as she lifted the soaked biscuit into her mouth.

  "Yeah, wow this is delicious. You can keep mine, I think I want this one instead. If that's alright with you that is?" she asked me and I smiled.

  "Of course, it is of no trouble at all." I stated and she happily took the rest of it. I glanced down at my own dish and began eating, we sit there in silence and I looked at her to see if she was in the mood for conversation. She didn't seem to be too deep in thought so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to-

  "How old are you?" she asked me and I paused for a moment. That was a question that I wasn't expecting although I suppose she didn't know much about me, just my name and the fact that I was such a brute.

  "I'm...29 in terms of Kanosian years. You?" I asked and she smiled.

  "25 in Human years." She stated and I glanced over the stones that surrounded us, the fire glowing and shouting all the nearby stones in orange.

  "I'm not that old by my planet's standards actually. I'm actually a man in his prime if I had to say but....I don't know. People my age usually begin settling down, they begin the entire...well I know you don't want to hear any more about it." I said, she didn't pick up on what I was hinting at but probed no further.

  "Yeah. I got a couple more years until I have to worry about settling down so not in quite the same boat know i'm getting along just fine. Mom and dad were pestering me before this trip to find someone but i'm just sort of chugging along you know?" she asked and I nodded, smiling.

  "Koghu was telling me the same thing." I muttered.

  "Do you keep in contact with your parents?" she asked and I shook my head, my eyes suddenly glazed over with a layer of melancholy.

  "No, they perished in battle years ago." I stated and she nodded.

  "I'm sorry." she states and I shrug.

  "It's ordinary in Kanosian terms. We consider it an honor to perish in battle. That being said I would still rather avoid it." I quipped with a grin.

  "I don't know what I would do if my family died. I would be alone most likely, maybe Steph would be with me but.......We don't even know if they're alive do we? The entire cave could have collapsed on them and we're the on-" she began but I shook my head. We couldn't have grieving on our minds when we trying to find a way out.

  "Don't talk like that, it'll only slow us down if you worry about others. Focus on the mission at hand and nothing more." I said and she grimaced.

  "Easy for you to say." she spat and my gaze softened before she sighed and nodded.

  "Sorry, sorry. Still getting over the prejudices I suppose. You did good today, I can't believe i'm saying this but i'm...glad to have you at my side for this mission." she states.

  I glanced at her from across the fire, empty rations lay beside us and I could see the flicker of the flame in her blue eyes. Her lovely curves pressing against the jumpsuit and accentuated by the fire, her shadow loomed across the stone face of the walls and I smiled, she looked magnificent. I wanted to reach out and brush the lock of hair away from her face, to inform her that this feeling still burned quite brightly although I had a feeling that she suspected it.

  And even more so, I had a feeling that she felt something similar.



  The flame flickered over his handsome face, that soft warm light falling onto his blue skin as he gazed at the flame. His pupils dilated and he shares a couple of glances with me, perhaps I had been wrong about him this entire time. Perhaps this man deserves another chance, not to prove his worth as a partner exactly but as a friend.

  "You know I remembered my first night before the flame like this. It was a long time ago when I was younger. We were going camping, and the place that we were at was in the midst of the forest, it was really dark, and cold. My parents told me to stay near the fire, to never venture further out than I needed to. I only slightly probed the darkened woods, glanced at all there was and kept near the fire, kind of ironic seeing as now i'm actually venturing as deep into the void as I can I guess.....but that memory always jumped out at me. Something so primal about abandoning all of this space faring tech and sitting by the flame." I said and warmed my hands near the fire, gazing over at him as he slowly smiled, he didn't seem to be in the mood to do the talking so I continued to speak.

  "I grew up without much contact with Kanosians so I suppose that I never really got a feel for your culture. I suppose that showed when I rejected you in such a manner huh? What I want to say to you is....sorry about being kind of harsh on you. I really don't know that much about you is all but I understand if it's common practice for-" I began but he interrupted.

  "It's....not your fault. I was much too forward. To be honest all of this time I've been so focused on warfare that now I desperately hunger for that affection that my friends have longed for the entire time. That's why I sought you out, a mistake i'm sure. There are very few cases of such unions between humans and Kanosians happening and I can surely find another one back home. I let my emotions get the better of me and in a sense I too lacked an understanding of who you are so....I apologize." he spoke and I smiled.

  "So we're cool now? I don't really want any more awkward moments between us during the walks. It's getting kind of boring just listening to the drops of water and the silence of t
he cavern." I stated and he smiles.

  "Of course. And I'll try to not start with any more stories about war or battle...or mutilation. None of that. We shall speak of what humans adore like...well on that end I suppose you could teach me something." he muttered and I laughed before our small talk started up once more.

  The night goes on and our conversations continue for about an hour before I relent and allow myself to begin resting. My eyelids flutter and I reached into my pack to pull out the bedroll before laying it near the flame. I set up a border of clothes to prevent myself from rolling into the flame and relaxed as I glanced at him, he was keeping watch but it seemed like he was getting tired as well. I felt bad since he had to carry most of the cargo with him and was now having to watch over me.

  "How about you just take it easy? I can keep watch if you want, i'm not that tired. Honest." I stated and sat up, he shakes his head vehemently at the proposal.

  "No, no I'll be fine." he spoke and I scowled.

  "Come on, go lay down and rest. Honest I won't mess anything up or at least I'll try not to. I can keep awake, I have caffeine pills." I muttered and he tried to protest but a yawn came out instinctively and I laughed. He grimaced and made his way over to his own bed roll that he sets next to mine.

  "Fine, fine. Just wake me should anything approach alright?" he asked and I nodded.

  I glanced at him as he pressed a series of buttons on his armor and spoke a voice command before the plating falls to the ground beside him. It folds into a neat little disk that he set beside his bed before he lays down. I glanced him over and blushed as his rippling muscle was revealed. Underneath the armor he wore a tight fitting jumpsuit that accentuated all of that muscle. He was about 7 feet tall, as broad a man as I have ever seen, his arms tensed up as he lowered himself onto his bedroll, his pecs and abs tightening while I glanced him over and blushed. My eyes ventured to his crotch and....


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