Sunlight and Shadows

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Sunlight and Shadows Page 15

by Christine Cross


  His life or your money?

  Mindy hid inside the covered wagon. Bruce was still with his hands in the air, trying to stay calm. A gang of people was cackling on the outside. She tried to figure out how many they were by the sound of their voices. There must be three. Only three. If they don’t find me here, then they might let Bruce go.

  A rough, sinister voice spoke out to Bruce. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? A farmer?” Bruce didn’t answer to him. “Oh, we have a silent one here. Maybe if I point this gun at your head you will start singing. What do you think?”

  He was addressing someone next to him, another thug. He just cackled and stammered. “Just shut up. It’s not funny. You know, we’ve heard that the Red-Haired Thief escaped from one of her heists on a covered wagon, just like yours. Usually, we don’t spend our time stealing from farmers because we know they ain’t worth our time. But, if you are hiding her back there, then it’s tough luck for you buddy.”

  He started laughing again. Mindy’s mind was racing, trying to find a way out of this mess. She could just run away from the back side, but where could she possibly go? On the one side, prison awaited her in the end, and on the other side, the gang would probably kill her and Bruce, if she left. No, not Bruce. I have to do something. Maybe the trick with the fake gun would work? But they carry guns too, real guns that’s it, and I’m sure that they’ll know the difference. No, I must think of something else.

  In the meantime, Bruce was observing the three men who had held him up. One of them had shaggy black hair hidden under a big, brown hat. He looked dangerous in a way that Mindy could never be. Breathing in slowly, Bruce observed the next of the three, a blond lad in his teens, with a small hat, and worn clothes. The other man was brown haired, tall and brawny. He was the most silent of them all, and probably the most dangerous.

  Bruce thought that he had better answer them if he wanted to make them go away. Surrendering Mindy to them was not an option. He could not leave a woman with three ruffians like this, no matter how irritating and untrustworthy she was.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Bruce, finally. “Who is this Red-Haired Thief? It’s the first time I’ve heard that name.”

  “Oh, really? So, if I get one my henchmen to look inside your covered wagon, then it would be empty?”

  “No, it’s not empty. I keep my goods there.” Bruce’s voice was calm, and still. He was stalling, but his panic was rising. He did not know what to do.

  “Well, I think you’re lying. Search the wagon!”

  At this command, the blond youth pointed his gun at Bruce while slowly getting closer. The other outlaw quickly moved on the back side of the covered wagon, his gun in his hands. The only thing that remained now was for Bruce to stay calm.

  A muffled thud came from behind, and the brunette man suddenly fell on the ground, unconscious. Mindy quickly grabbed his gun and pointed their leader with it. It was too late for Bruce, though. The blond guy was faster, and he had already tied him up.

  “Well, well, well. Look what the wind blew in. The Red-Haired Thief, the most dangerous woman in the west. Or should I say, the canniest? I haven’t decided yet.”

  “And you are?”

  “Oh, no one of importance. Just someone that wants to take advantage of you. I assume that I’m not the first one.” The blonde guy muttered and laughed again.

  “Be quiet! It’s not funny I said. Look gal, I don’t have the time for games. As I see it, you have two choices. One, you shoot me and my man shoots yours. It doesn’t end well; too much blood and you don’t know who might be listening. Two, you give us your gold and then we leave you alone with your man to do what you want. It’s either his life, or your money. So, tell me now, what will it be?”

  “And who tells me that after I give you my money you going to leave us alone? What if you’re lying?”

  “Well, you’ll have to trust me on this, gal. You don’t have a choice.”

  Mindy slowly moved to the back side of the covered wagon and grabbed the bag with the gold coins. It isn’t worth it. Bruce was kind to me and it would be unfair to let him die for a bag of gold coins.

  Without giving it a second thought, she just tossed the bag on the ground. “Here. These is all the gold. Take it and go.”

  The leader of the gang picked up the bag, weighed it in his hands, and then opened it. He frowned. “Are you kidding me? Did you think that you could trick me, you red-haired witch? There are not enough coins in here even to share them with my guys. Where are the rest?”

  “I swear, these are all. You can check in here, or my pockets, or anywhere. There are no more coins around here.”

  The black-haired man shot a bullet in the air, startling Mindy and Bruce. The blond-haired guy was still laughing. “I don’t believe you. But you know what? You don’t have any more chances. This time, your boyfriend will pay for your incompetence. Get him here!” He shouted at the top of his lungs, his face red with anger.

  Mindy couldn’t believe what was going on. Just minutes ago, they were having a good time getting to know each other, and now Bruce getting dragged into her world, the world of thugs and thieves. It is unfair. He didn’t do anything. He was always kind to me and this is how I repay him.

  Bruce was still calm, refusing to show any kind of weakness. He knew what was going to follow, but he didn’t regret a thing. At least she is safe. At least he won’t have to go through this herself.

  As soon as they knocked him on the ground and started kicking him, Mindy turned her head away, unable to watch. Her eyes watered, and her hands started shaking. Soon, Bruce lost consciousness, but they both knew that it was just the beginning.

  “Enough, enough. I’m bored. He’s been passed out for some time now. I believe that it’s her turn now. What should we do with you?” Tears were running down her face. She didn’t care anymore. The only man that ever treated her right was lying on the ground, badly beaten up. It’s unfair. That’s the only thing she kept saying in her head.

  The two men continued moving closer to her, laughing at each other. Mindy had completely surrendered. Her limbs felt numb. She knew that there was nothing she could do if she wanted Bruce to stay alive. The gun fell from her hands, and she was ready to give in to them, when something caught her attention.

  Bruce was standing on his feet, a gun in his hand pointing the two thugs. “You’re not the only thief around here Mindy,” he said and blinked his right eye.

  He shot at their feet, making them drop on their knees. How is he still conscious? Just then, Bruce also fell in the ground, unable to walk anymore. Mindy rushed to his side. She helped him get on the covered wagon. Then, she appeased the scared horse. With all these gunshots, it was difficult to calm her down, but she had to try.

  “Come on Aridna. I know that you’re scared, but Bruce’s life depends on you. Can you please help me? I beg you.” Tears returned to her eyes, until she felt the horse calming. “Good girl. Good girl,” she muttered.

  Bruce was in a really bad position, bruised everywhere, blood running from his head. I have to make it. It’s up to me to save him this time.


  Would You Do Everything For Me?

  Bruce suddenly woke up, gasping for air. His back was aching, and his head was pumping. He didn’t know where he was, or how he got there. The only thing that mattered was that he was lucky—lucky to lie on a smooth bed instead of the cold, hard ground; lucky to be alive.

  “Oh my God, you’re awake!” A black-haired woman exclaimed next to him, her eyes full of black circles bellow. She seemed exhausted.

  “Can you talk? Do you want me to get you something to eat? To drink?”

  Bruce was still struggling with remembering who that woman was. She must be someone that really cares for me. But who is she?

  “Water...some...water...” he whispered, unable to speak any louder.

  “Yes, yes. Of course. Back in a moment.”

  He tried turning his head to watch outside of the window, but his back sent jolts of pain throughout his whole body. What happened to me? Did I have an accident? Where is Aridna? Mindy will probably know. Mindy...I remember! Suddenly everything started making sense. The thugs looking for her, stealing the gun from that outlaw to help her, going through all that beating without passing out to save her. Everything for her. But, where was he? And how did they get here?

  “I’m back,” said the black-haired woman. “Here, I got you some water and a bowl of warm soup. I bet that you can’t eat meat right now, but maybe later we’ll give it a try, what do you think?”

  It was still difficult for him to talk, so he just nodded and grinned. She’s here. She’s still here and she’s safe. All that beating wasn’t for nothing after all. He tried lifting his back against the bed’s head, but the pain was too much for him to do it alone.

  “Here, let me help you. Put your weight on me and I’ll lift you. Okay?”

  For the first time that day, Bruce carefully observed her. She was wearing a blue, plain dress, one that highlighted her eyes more than that black-shout of hair in her head. Black? Wasn’t her hair red?

  “Did you do something to your hair?”

  She smiled. “Your first words after all this time and the first thing you say is if I did something to my hair? You boor, of course I did. I dyed it black.”

  “But...why? I liked the other color more.”

  “Well, get used to it. No more red hair for me. That life is over. Now, it’s just Mindy Rowe, off to see the world—even if I have to work for many years in an honest job.”

  Bruce grinned. “No more robbing banks?”

  She shook her head twice. “No more. Just a plain, simple life for me now.”

  “And what made you change your mind?”

  “Well, a friend of mine got beaten up badly because of my deeds. He protected me, and lied for me, and even stole a gun for me, but the only thing I could do was stand still and stare him while he was getting beaten. So, in the end, I decided to pay my debt to him by following his wish.”

  “Really? And how did you know what that wish was?”

  She laughed again, this time more relaxed. “You’re a handful, do you know that?”

  “Yeah, I get that a lot. You didn’t answer my question though.”

  “Well, I don’t know. I thought that if you didn’t like thieves, then I didn’t want to be a thief anymore. That’s all.”

  Mindy blushed. She had forgotten how it felt to feel the blood climbing to the top of your head while your heart skipped a beat every time your loved one stared at you. She had the same feeling with Bruce.

  “Well, good call. It was like you read my mind.”

  “Boor. Now, you have to sit back and rest for another week. I’m paying the hotel bill. After that, you’ll probably have to go. Also, Aridna is in the stables. I paid a stablemate to take good care of her this week. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have been able to save you.”

  Mindy stood on her feet, straightened the wrinkles on her long dress. “So, it was nice meeting you Bruce Jackson. I really hope we could have met under different circumstances. And I hope you have a good life.” She blinked her eyes, gave him a big smile, and opened the door before he was able to answer.

  She was leaning against the door of his room for half an hour already, unable to take the next step. Mindy was doing her best with trying to contain her tears, but it seemed that however hard she tried, it was an impossible task. Come on, come on you boor. Get on your feet and come after me. If you do that I’ll stay with you. Give me another chance to prove myself.

  But, no matter how much she waited for his door to open, it was clear now that he wasn’t feeling the same thing—not anymore that is. Mindy was sure that she had seen his eyes sparkling under that starry sky. But it seemed it was too much to hope that he would be able to forgive her so fast. She was the reason that he got hurt so badly after all.

  The maid was standing outside the room, ready to help her. She said, “Excuse me, Miss Rowe, do you need anything?”

  “No, no. Thank you. I was just leaving. Please, take a good care of Mr. Jackson. And thank you for everything.” She grinned and walked down the hallway.

  That’s it then. I can’t stay here any longer. It’s still possible that someone might recognize me. Now, where to? Maybe visit my mother after so long?

  Bruce was trying to get on his feet for some time now. He knew that if he didn’t make it, Mindy would run away from him. Even so, his whole body was a reminder of what happens to people around her. Maybe it’s for the best. After all, she did have a change of heart, but was it permanent? Maybe she would just run off to rob another bank. But what if she’s actually changed? What if she wants to get away from me to keep me safe?

  Doubts, his mind was full of doubts, thoughts that he couldn’t shake off. He didn’t mind getting beaten to a pulp by a gang in the middle of nowhere if it was to help Mindy Rowe, but what if he helped the Red-Haired Thief? He would not be able to live with himself. Now, I have to know.

  Finally, he got on his feet, got dressed, and moved towards the door. Outside he heard the maid talking to someone, a woman she referred to as Miss Rowe. What is she still doing outside? Bruce waited to hear her footsteps drawing away from the door, towards the exit. Quickly, he moved outside, pumping into the maid.

  “Mr. Jackson, is that you?”

  “Oh, hello,” said Bruce.

  “You’re still very much injured, sir! You should rest. Is something wrong? You want me to get you something?”

  “No, no. It was just...Miss Rowe forgot something in my room and I was trying to get it to her before leaving. Do you know where she’s gone?”

  “I’m not sure. She said something about a bank just before leaving, but I don’t know. Maybe she needs money for her journey.”

  Journey? Bank? Oh no, things don’t sound so good. “Oh, okay. Where is my horse stabled?”

  “Sir? You shouldn’t—”

  “Where’s my horse?!”

  “Follow this hallway and then turn right. Then go straight ahead until you smell the muck. You’ll be there.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  Bruce limped all the way to the stable. The stablemate was in the middle of grooming Aridna’s hair. She looked in fine condition. “Excuse me, can you help me saddle her up? And then also help me mount her? I’m in a hurry.”

  The man looked at him puzzled, not knowing what was going on. “I’m Bruce Jackson and this is my horse, Aridna. Miss Rowe probably paid you to take care of her?”

  The man nodded. “Okay, can you help me now? I’m really in a hurry.”

  Five minutes later, Bruce’s back was killing him, and he was already feeling saddle-sore. But, he couldn’t stop now. He had to know if she had really changed.

  “Giddy up Aridna. We have a thief to catch!”

  “Now, where is this bank? It’s supposed to be around here.”

  Mindy took a quick look around, looking for the big sign with the word bank on it. Usually, I can almost smell them out. I really must have changed. I must be careful though.

  “Excuse me sir, do you know where the bank is?”

  The kind man gave her the right directions, helping her find it in no time. Soon, she was standing outside, her hands in her purse. But where did I put it? Stupid, stupid woman! Always forgetting the most important things. She sighed and just then, after moving some things she had forgotten she had in there, she found it. Okay, let’s get this over and done with. I have to go before night falls.

  Mindy walked inside, her purse dangling from her shoulder, a comfortable smile in her face. Oh, the smell of a new bank. I’m sure that their safe will be stuffed by now. Her grin deepened and she moved to the counter. Two women were working today and seemed to be busy counting a pile of coins.

  Suddenly, she had the strangest feeling, like she was in a dream, or more precisely,
like she had lived the same thing before. But, it quickly faded. One of the two young women smiled at Mindy, ready to be of help.

  “Hello. Please, come closer. Would you like to make a deposit, or a withdrawal?”

  Right at that moment, she just giggled. “I would like to deposit a large sum of money.”

  “Okay, right away. In what name?”

  “Bruce. Bruce Jackson.”

  Bruce was doing his best to stay on the saddle and not fall on the ground. Even though this town wasn’t big, the bank was not close to the hotel. He had a way to go. His injuries kept sending jolts of pain throughout his body. It was like he was riding on a rough patch of the road, every step feeling like an earthquake trying to throw him down.

  Soon, he saw the big sign hanging above the entrance of a new building. As soon as he got closer, a gunshot frightened Aridna, making her jib. “What the…? I thought that gun of hers was a fake.”

  He got off the saddle, and tied her on a tree nearby. He limped as fast as he could inside the bank.

  “Put your hands in the air or the next shot will be for one of you ladies.”

  A man wearing a black cloth on his head, with two holes for eyes, was pointing a gun at everyone inside the room. Mindy was also one of the hostages, although she didn’t seem like it.

  “Mindy, what are you doing here?” Bruce suddenly said, walking in with his hands up in the air.

  “Bruce! Oh my God, you came! I was just making a deposit for you. I planned to give a note to the maid later, to pass it on to you.”

  They both grinned at each other, until the robber suddenly shot again in the roof. “What’s wrong with you two? I’m in the middle of a heist.”

  Mindy and Bruce went silent.

  The man continued threatening the bank clerks, but Mindy and Bruce couldn’t stay silent. Instead, they started whispering.

  “I thought you would be the one doing the robbery, not this man.”

  “You thought wrong. I wanted to leave some money for you, to compensate you for disrupting your trade. Everything inside the covered wagon was destroyed.”


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