Welcome to the Underworld (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 1)

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Welcome to the Underworld (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 1) Page 19

by Template, Con

  "I would have offered but knowing you, I knew you wouldn't have accepted."

  Yoori lifted a suspicious brow. "Knowing me? What are you talking about? You know nothing about me."

  "Hence the reason why I'm here. I don't like having a question mark next to a pretty face."

  Yoori grimaced after the recent round of flattery Ji Hoon threw in her direction.

  "Okay, this is really inappropriate.” She surveyed her surroundings, expecting Tae Hyun to pop out at any moment. All expected punishment from her quick-tempered boss aside, she felt a bit guilty. Being around Ji Hoon made her feel like she was cheating on Tae Hyun. They weren’t romantically linked, but it still felt like she was betraying Tae Hyun. He was her, albeit at times insufferable, friend after all.

  "I just want to talk to you," Ji Hoon added, his voice sincere.

  "I don't want to talk to you.”

  "Why not?"

  "Because." She couldn't think of a fast enough answer.

  "I just want to get to know you.”

  "I don't want to get to know you," she repeated with annoyance. She was tired of this game. She wanted to leave.

  "That's too bad. I'm an interesting person."

  "My loss, I suppose," she said sarcastically, turning on her heels to leave.

  Ji Hoon appeared enough like a gentleman for her to think that she could easily leave. She hoped that simply walking away would merit a graceful exodus. Her hopes were shattered when he caught her wrist. She nearly tripped over when he pulled her back to him.

  She fixed him with hardened eyes, oblivious that the trepidation she had for him had dissolved.

  "Are you a threat now?" she asked critically.

  Ji Hoon let go of her wrist. She assumed he was letting her go until his hands found the back of her waist. In a matter of seconds, he pulled her closer against his body. Yoori gulped when she processed that their bodies were touching.

  "What do you think you're doing?" she asked in a panic.

  "I'm not going to do anything to you," he said softly, tucking her stray bangs behind her ear. His face was angelic as it could be. "Just give me 10 minutes. Give a love-sick puppy a break?"

  The sensation of his fingers grazing her face reminded her of the warehouse and his out of character mode (which involved him calling her by another name). Her face grew unyielding. She had no intention of being someone's replacement.

  "I know you're only doing this because I remind you of someone," she said quickly, trying to break away from his grasp.

  Ji Hoon effortlessly held onto her. "I told you already that I made a mistake. The lights were dim and I was disoriented from the fight. Now that we're out in broad daylight, you actually bear no resemblance to her."


  Relief. Relief was what Yoori felt when she heard his answer. Though the better part of her knew that there was more to what he told her, at that particular point in time, she chose to ignore her instincts and believe him.

  She sighed. "And you're here now because?"

  She shook when he pulled her closer. They were so close that she could feel his heart pounding against his chest. She struggled to free herself but to no avail.

  "We met on a bad note. I want our first meeting to end on better terms."

  "Well, to be perfectly honest, if you haven't noticed, I really don't want to be around you right now."

  Ji Hoon smiled, his eyes twinkling a little more as he delicately stroked her face. "Believe me when I say that under any other circumstances, I'd be more than happy to oblige with what you want. But right now, with my interest for you at its apex, I really must say that your needs take a backseat to mine."

  "Forward much?"

  "I hate beating around the bushes."

  "This is all about you, isn't it?"

  "No. This is all about you."

  Her mind went blank. Why did he have such good comebacks?

  "Just 10 minutes," he repeated, his eyes gazing at her adoringly.

  "What are you planning to do in 10 minutes?"

  "Convince you that I'm not the bad guy."

  Yoori scoffed. "You're going to need more than 10 minutes."

  He feigned disappointment as he stared at her lips. "Have I done something to deserve such hostility?"

  "Were you not in the same warehouse?" she asked in disbelief. She angled her face away to remove her lips from his gaze.

  His focus returned to her eyes. "Tae Hyun was the one who set the ball in motion. I just went onto the court and joined the game." His voice stiffened upon the mention of Tae Hyun. He didn't seem to enjoy talking about him either.

  "Yeah, you definitely didn't provoke him by sleeping with his sister and leaving a voicemail chronicling the entire ordeal."

  Ji Hoon’s face went blank. A blanket of guilt overtook his countenance. He strained to keep a weak smile on his face. His hold on her softened. "It didn't mean anything.”

  The arrogant air that once surrounded Ji Hoon vacated, leaving him to uncomfortably turn away from her. It was apparently difficult for him to look at Yoori without feeling guilty. After several seconds, his eyes returned to her. His voice darker than before, he said, "What is your relationship with Tae Hyun?"

  "That's none of your business."

  "Isn't it?"

  "Why would it be your business?"

  "Because I've taken a liking to you as well."

  It took all her might to prevent anymore blood from rushing to her cheeks. Summoning all the strength at her disposal, she toughened her gaze on him.

  "You're only interested because you think I'm his girlfriend," she said without thinking.

  "Think?" Ji Hoon arched his eyebrow in interest. "Are you not?"

  Yoori paused. She probably shouldn't have said that.

  "It's complicated," she hastened to add.

  Funny, it really was complicated.

  He smirked knowingly. "Should I help make it less complicated?"

  "Don't even think about it."

  "I'd be a good boyfriend."

  "I'm sure your ten girlfriends in the picture right now would agree to that."

  "Other girls don't exist when I'm with you."

  “Who's Soo Jin then?" she asked casually.

  In the short amount of time that she had known Ji Hoon, if Yoori would give him credit for one thing, it was his ability to keep his composure. He was able to keep the smile firmly solidified on his face with every insult she threw at him and he did it well. The only times he ever really lost composure were when she called him out for sleeping with Tae Hyun's sister and whenever the name "Soo Jin" was brought up. True to form, Ji Hoon didn't disappoint this expectation. His eyes softened upon the mention of the familiar name. He appeared lost in contemplation as he stared at her silently.

  "A one-night stand," he finally answered, his face now an impenetrable mask.

  "What?" She expected him to say that she was a long-term girlfriend – or even a short-term girlfriend. But a one-night stand? Yoori glanced up unfavorably. "A one-night stand? You scared the hell out of me because of a one-night stand?"

  "She was a mesmerizing one," he chimed in with charm.

  Yoori scoffed again. So this was the big secret. The girl she reminded him of was a one-night stand. Her opinion of him dropped to an all-time low. This guy was really something.

  "I think your 10 minutes are up," Yoori said impatiently. Though she was sure, with her luck, that there was probably another minute or two left before that fact became true.

  "I actually have five minutes left."

  "I gotta tell you, I'm really not fond of you. I think we should cut this meeting short."

  "What do you see in him?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "Tae Hyun. What do you see in him?"

  Yoori froze, floored by the question. She studied his expression with uncertainty. The truth was that she didn’t really know what she saw in Tae Hyun either. She wasn’t even sure that she saw anything in Tae Hyun.

p; Tae Hyun. Tae Hyun. Tae Hyun.

  Images of Tae Hyun began to circulate in her head, ruthlessly reminding her that she shouldn't be standing here with Ji Hoon. Tae Hyun, regardless of his less than calm demeanor, was still someone that she surprisingly cared for. No matter how hard she tried to deny that fact, she knew that it was true.

  "He's a good guy," she replied, the unexpected verity in her statement surprising her. Though his recent actions and his current status as a crime lord would refute that statement, she really did believe that there was more to Tae Hyun than the surface layer.

  Ji Hoon's eyes sharpened on Yoori. He caught the brief warmness that shined through her eyes when she thought about Tae Hyun.

  "Do you even know him?" he began tersely, his eyes critical. "The type of person he really is?"

  The warm feeling she had pertaining to Tae Hyun vanished slightly. She eyed Ji Hoon distrustfully. Wow, she really didn't think Ji Hoon would result to bringing up piles of dirt to make her lower her opinion of Tae Hyun.

  "Don't try to bring up stuff to make him look bad," she said warningly, her anger spiking up. "I know that you killed his father. I know all about what you and the Scorpion girl did in that club." Her eyes bred hatred for him when she recalled the 5-year-old kids who were shot to death. Finally being able to push herself away from his clutches, she shot him a disgusted look. "You're despicable."

  "You know nothing about what happened that night," he said, taking a dangerous tone with her.

  "I know enough."

  Tense lines outlined his face. "No, you don't."

  "I know that she tortured and killed that family and that you were there to help. You're both heartless killers."

  What happened next startled Yoori. Ji Hoon grasped her shoulders and held her tight. He leveled his gaze with her, his eyes dark and angry.

  "It wasn't her fault!" he roared.

  Yoori gaped at him, horrified with the sudden change in his behavior.

  The severity in his eyes mitigated when he saw the fear in her eyes. He steadied his breathing. "She wasn't that type of person," he repeated quietly, his eyes boring into hers. He released her. "And don't you ever forget that."

  After being released from Ji Hoon's grasp, Yoori retreated in fear. She chastised herself for getting too comfortable with Ji Hoon. What was she thinking bringing up the Scorpion girl?

  Ji Hoon allowed a soft sigh to escape from him. The darkness that once inhabited his eyes faded. He looked at her apologetically, his eyes expressing regret for acting the way that he did. The regret, however, vanished almost as soon as it appeared.

  "Was Tae Hyun the one who fed you all of this hearsay crap?" he inquired, his voice calm but filled with subtle anger.

  "Hearsay crap?" she asked defensively, oblivious to the fact that she always forgot to watch her mouth whenever Ji Hoon brought up Tae Hyun. "Fine, the club one might be hearsay crap. But are you saying you didn't kill his father?"

  "I did."

  Yoori shook her head. There was nothing he could say to make himself look any better.

  The frustration was prevalent in Ji Hoon's eyes. He didn't enjoy the fact that Tae Hyun was in a better position than he was. He looked determined to change that fact. "Did Tae Hyun share with you who he killed in order to sit on his current throne?”

  Yoori felt a lost of air upon hearing Ji Hoon's question. She never once thought to ask Tae Hyun about who he had to kill.

  Silence claimed her vocal chords.

  Ji Hoon scoffed, taking her silence as an answer. "I figured. Bastard probably made himself sound like an angel in comparison to me, right?"

  Yoori's spine stiffened. She refused to allow Ji Hoon to put the Devil’s horns above Tae Hyun's head. "I know all about your unwritten rule about killing other gang leaders to be deemed the new leader. Whoever it is he killed, I really don't care – "

  "– Ho Young," he interjected.

  Yoori’s entire body went still. That name sounded dreadfully familiar.

  "Kwon Ho Young," Ji Hoon repeated, feeding on her reaction.

  Punched. At that point, it felt like Ji Hoon punched the living hell out of her. Every ounce of warmth left in her vanquished.

  "Tae Hyun killed his older brother and stole the Serpents throne," he continued slowly. "That's how good of a guy Tae Hyun is. I killed an enemy. He killed his own brother. That's the Tae Hyun you know."

  Yoori took a step back, finding it harder to maintain her balance. Pain, distraught, disgust, disbelief...all of it percolated within her. Tae Hyun killed his own brother to assume the Serpents throne? She breathed in roughly. What kind of monster kills their own family member?

  Her anger getting the best of her, she glared at Ji Hoon. "You just really had to bring that up, didn't you?"

  "He shouldn't have the upper hand because of information he withheld. He doesn't deserve you."

  She looked at him disparagingly. They had only just met but she was already sick of being around Ji Hoon. "And you do?"

  It seemed like he wanted to answer but he kept his mouth shut. His face grew impatient though. He couldn't let that question go unanswered. "In time, you'll see why I'm better than him."

  "He's still better than you," she added, even though she heavily doubted the truth in that statement.

  A wounded expression fell over Ji Hoon's face. He closed his eyes and regained his poise, determined to appear unruffled by what she said.

  They’re as bad as each other, she thought, aggravated.

  "Can I go now?" she asked suddenly. She knew that five minutes had long passed.

  "When can I see you again?"

  Yoori looked at him incredulously. Was this guy really still at it? "Why? So we can have more moments like this? I think I'll pass."

  "The next time will be better. I promise."

  There wouldn’t be a next time if she could help it. "Don't count on it.”

  Turning on her heels, she power walked home without any sign of slowing down.

  "Yoori, remember that you're better than him,” he called after her. “He doesn't deserve you."

  "Don't come near me again!" Yoori shouted, quickening her pace.

  She was resolved on getting away from Ji Hoon, Tae Hyun and everything related to this screwed up Underworld.

  “You can never forgive the ones who betrayed you.”

  17: The Attack

  Yoori breathed in exhaustion after she stopped a block away from her apartment complex.

  "Finally," she muttered in the greatest of relief. At long last, she would be able to relax at home. Her adrenaline running dry, she decided it was best to limp home. Anymore unnecessary pressure on her knees would screw her over more.

  Memories of her encounters with Tae Hyun and Ji Hoon replayed in her mind when she neared her apartment. Today was quite possibly one of the most horrible days of her “new” life by far. First, she got dragged to a warehouse where Tae Hyun decided to wage war with Ji Hoon. Then, her stupidity got the best of her and she tried to save Tae Hyun from getting shot by Ji Hoon. After that, she was held at gunpoint, again. Such a scene was immediately followed by Ji Hoon having a psychotic episode where he mistaken her to be someone else. And if the events that took place at the warehouse weren't enough, she soon found herself stalked by Ji Hoon, who conveniently chose to tell her that Tae Hyun really was the monster he portrayed himself to be. He executed his own brother to become the Serpents leader.

  She raked an agitated hand through her hair. "This day couldn't get any worse," she verbalized begrudgingly.

  Unfortunately for Yoori, the universe was intent on throwing a couple more curveballs her way.

  Her horrible day was just getting started.

  "My, my, my, look at Tae Hyun's new girlfriend walking down the street alone," said a voice that sounded menacingly familiar. "Doesn't she realize how dangerous the streets are?"

  The fine hairs on the back of Yoori's neck stood up. She stopped dead in her tracks and shot her head up toward the di
rection of the voice. She was horrified to find that the owner of the voice was exactly who she anticipated it to be: Jin Ae.

  Standing a few feet away from Yoori, dressed in a pair of denim blue jeans and a simple black tank top, Jin Ae didn’t look intimidating in appearance. Yet, the fact that she stood with three heavily muscled bodyguards behind her and a knife twirling in her hand rendered Yoori speechless.

  "You don't know who you’re fucking with," Jin Ae said calmly, her eyes heavily focused on the knife she was playing with. "I told you to stay away from Tae Hyun. You obviously didn’t listen. And now I find that you're flirting with Ji Hoon out in the open? You have some nerve going after the guys I've been with. I'll give you that much."

  Terror waltzed all throughout Yoori's body.

  "You have no idea how wrong you’ve got all this," Yoori replied cautiously. Her eyes darted from the knife in Jin Ae's possession to the bodyguards looming behind her. She'd be a fool if she didn't think bodily harm lurked around the corner for her.

  She swallowed tightly.

  Bodily harm and quite possibly death.

  "Don't talk back to me, bitch,” Jin Ae growled, finally raising her eyes to meet Yoori's. A sardonic smile played on her lips. She stopped twirling the knife. Her critical eyes scanned Yoori from top to bottom.

  "I wonder what Tae Hyun will think of you when I'm done with you," she said idly, hints of excitement in her voice.

  "He'll kill you," Yoori said at once, already anticipating what Jin Ae had planned for her. She highly doubted the validity of her own statement but she hoped Jin Ae wouldn't catch her bluff. As she watched a sneer take over Jin Ae's countenance, she knew her bluff was caught.

  "We'll see about that," Jin Ae said nonchalantly. She turned to the three men standing behind her. "Beat the fuck out of her."

  Her bodyguards started cracking their knuckles in anticipation.

  Jin Ae narrowed her vindictive eyes. "Since she's such a slut, do what comes natural after you're done beating the hell out of her."

  The three men smiled knowingly, their perverted gaze settling on Yoori with pleasure. They were happy to oblige with Jin Ae’s orders. As if already undressing her with their eyes, they began to approach her, each staring at her hungrily.


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