Drawn to Him: A Romance Collection

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Drawn to Him: A Romance Collection Page 10

by Willow Winters

  “So, what do you say? Truce?” I stick out my hand. Jenn stares down at it with a torn expression. She takes a deep, cleansing breath then places her small hand in mine. After that she does something that tilts my world on its axis. She pulls me into a hug. I tense unexpectedly at first, but quickly relax and wrap my arms around her and squeeze. Holy fuck, is this really happening right now?


  “Mmm?” She lets go and steps back, brushing some blonde hair out of her face.

  “Did you spit in my soup?”

  The entire kitchen staff laughs. They witnessed the whole display.

  “No. Shane wouldn’t let me.” She crosses her arms, good vibes passing between us.

  “He’s getting a raise.”

  “I'm sure he’ll appreciate that. I know I will.” She smiles cheekily.

  “I'm glad we could finally come to an understanding.”

  “Yeah, I guess. You’re not going to make me hug you again, are you?” Now Jenn’s just fucking with me.

  “You know you loved it. I could feel the tingles.” Two can play at this game. Jenn rolls her eyes and shoves me, a wry expression crossing her pretty face.

  “Go back to your date,” she dismisses me.

  “I better. She may start to worry you drowned me in a stock pot.”

  “Don’t think I haven't considered it a time or two,” she muses.

  “I'm glad it didn't have to come to that.”

  Jenn stays silent, obliviously not sharing my sentiment. I glare at her. It isn't too harsh. She smiles again. She’s a tough cookie. But I guess you have to be when you run your own business and have to handle both Shane and Chase. There’s a reason they chose her.

  “Can I ask one more thing?” I pause.


  “Are conch fritters on the chef’s menu tonight?”

  Jenn’s face lights up. “Of course. They’re a house specialty.”

  “Sweet. Those things are like crack.”

  “They were Pop’s favorite,” she shares wistfully.

  I never met the man Jenn considered a father. I only knew him because his name was on the deed of the restaurant I needed to procure. Jenn did all the face-to-face dealings, and even back then, she was opinionated, obstinate, and bull-headed.

  I guess some things will never change. Just as long as we can keep the peace, I can deal with those qualities. I have been accused of possessing one or two of those glowing attributes myself.

  “Hey,” I call as Jenn heads back to the bustling line.

  “What's up?”

  “Got any relationship advice for me?”

  Jenn’s big, blue eyes narrow, and I swear they slice me with their sharpness. “Yeah. Don't be a fucking asshole.”

  “Poetic,” I mock as I head out of the kitchen.

  “It may not be pretty, but it's good advice!” she calls out from behind me.

  I wave my hand over my head in acknowledgment.

  Don’t be a fucking asshole. Right.

  In the dining room, I find Shane and Chase keeping Simone in good company. She’s laughing and smiling and being animated with her hands as she speaks. She looks different. Much more relaxed than when she’s with me. It pisses me off. I want to know that side of her. I want to know every side, but she puts a wall up, and I have to know why.

  I slip deftly through the crowded restaurant, not wanting to draw attention to myself. I don’t want to interrupt their conversation. I want to eavesdrop. I know it’s wrong, but Simone is a tough nut to crack. Maybe if I do some recon and gain some insight, I can find my way into her trust. Into her full trust.

  Her laugh echoes, it’s relaxed and carefree. For a split second I’m jealous of Chase and Shane, I want her to laugh just like that with me.

  “It was hilarious…” Simone speaks as her laughter tapers off. “This completely straight-laced-looking man, with glasses and a briefcase comes into the ER with abdominal pain. Turns out he had acute appendicitis. When we got him into the operating room and completely disrobed him we discovered his…” She erupts with giggles. “His pubic hair was dyed green.”

  “Green?” Shane scrunches his face.

  “Yes, green, but that’s not the funny part.” Simone takes a sip of water to compose herself. “Above it there was a tattoo that read ‘keep off the grass’.”

  “Oh, shit.” Chase chuckles.

  “When the surgery was complete, Dr. Kansas, who has a great sense of humor, wrote the guy a note on his dressing.”

  “What did it say?” Shane is completely invested, as am I. Simone is a born storyteller, she just captivates everyone when she speaks.

  “Sorry, had to mow the lawn.” The entire table rumbles with laugher, as do I. Simone has told me a few rare tales of her time as an Army medic and a volunteer nurse in a Charlotte ER. But none quite as funny as that.

  “Sounds like you have a colorful job.” Chase rests his elbows on the table, clearly comfortable in Simone’s presence.

  “It definitely has its moments.” She shrugs, retreating back to the woman I recognize. Reserved, with an understated, aristocratic air of confidence. “I really just like helping people.”

  “Extremely noble.” Shane comments.

  “Humbling, really.” Simone fiddles with her fork.

  “Well, you know what I think?” Chase shares his opinion. Oh, shit. “That you are the first woman Ty has brought around that I actually like.”

  I nearly choke. Is Chase out to cockblock me?

  “Has Ty brought a lot of women around?” Simone fishes.

  Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit.

  “A ton.” Shane gets in on the action.

  Motherfucker. Time to intervene. Just as I make my presence known, Jenn appears with a plate full of conch fritters. Now there’s one person I never thought would come to my rescue, but here she is shooing Shane and Chase away so Simone and I can continue with our date.

  “Thanks for keeping her company,” I eye Shane and Chase. They both look guilty as hell and I know why.

  “Anytime, man. You’ve got a keeper here.” Chase slaps me on the back hard. He’s much larger than both Shane and myself and can pack a punch when he wants to. Or slap, in this case.

  “So glad she has your seal of approval.” I mock.

  “My seal is most important of all.” He’s obnoxious.

  “I think my seal is way more important than yours,” Jenn feels the need to interject.

  “Hmmm,” Chase crosses his arms questioningly and gazes down at her.

  “Please, you all know my seal of approval is the only one that counts. I’m the designer.” Shane throws fuel on the fire.

  Someone save me.

  “Well, just as long as the three of you are in agreement, you can move along.” I try to chase them away.

  “We are.” Jenn affirms, her blonde head bobbing.

  “Good, now scram.” I sit back down in my chair, across from Simone. She’s smirking and her cheeks are rosy.

  “Make sure to keep him on his toes, Simone.” Chase rubs my shoulders, heckling me.

  “Oh, she does.” I steal a large sip of red wine.

  “I wouldn’t be any fun if I didn’t.” She flirts blatantly with me and I love it.

  “Enjoy,” Jenn places a hand on each of Shane and Chase’s hips, encouraging them to walk. Simone and I both watch the three of them walk away together, completely in sync.

  “I like your friends.” She confides when they’re out of earshot.

  “They certainly like you.” God knows I do, too.

  “The trinity seal of approval.” She jokes.

  “Yes, most definitely.” I reach for a conch fritter. My mouth is already watering. Whatever the hell Jenn puts in these things, it’s like crack. “You need to try this. It’s my favorite dish on the menu.” I place a small fried ball on her plate.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Simone picks up her fork and knife and digs in. I watch fascinated as she cuts in
to the breading, pokes a piece with her fork and brings the food to her lips. Is it wrong I get totally turned on when she eats? The way her mouth moves, slow and seductively. It sucks me right in.

  “Wow.” She rolls her eyes and chews indulgently.

  “Delicious, right?” I pop a whole fritter in my mouth.

  “So good.” She moans. Dear Lord, let me get through this dinner without coming in my pants.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Simone pauses, wide eyed, but eventually nods.

  “Will you tell me a story, a funny story.”

  Simone blinks at me bizarrely. I’m sure my request is strange, but I just want her to be as relaxed with me as she was with Shane and Chase. I want to hear her laugh and see her smile.

  “I can.” The corners of her lips turn up.

  “I’m all ears.” I settle in my seat, the sky almost black. Night is finally falling.

  Simone wipes her mouth daintily with her napkin as she thinks. “Okay!” she perks up. “This elderly old man came into the ER one night. Feisty old thing, giving all the nurses hell. He wouldn’t let them undress him, or examine him, or take his blood pressure. And since I had warzone experience, they thought it would be entertaining to send me in to try with him. So, I went in, but before I did I unbraided my hair and unbuttoned my blouse. Not much, just two buttons, but I figured maybe I could distract him.” Simone rolls her eyes like the idea was ridiculous. I can tell you, I’d certainly be distracted. All the tops I’ve seen her wear have been modest, and cover mostly everything, arms, chest, cleavage. But her shorts and skirts? Holy hell, they’re almost nonexistent. I can’t tell you how many times she’s caught me staring at her legs, fantasizing about them wrapped around me. That old man got a damn treat.

  So, what happened? Did your Femme Fatale act work?”

  “A little too well,” She laughs. “The elderly gentleman let me touch him all over. Then he proceeded to tell me that I looked like one of his ex-wives. And, of course, me being me, I asked him how many times he’d been married. He told me twice, and that he was currently looking at his third ex-wife.”

  I spit my drink some. “He proposed?”

  “The whole time he was there. He left me his phone number, his address, and the bottom line of his bank account before he was discharged.” Simone smiles fondly at the memory. She’s relaxed and open, just the way I want her, and receptive to me.

  That guy is a man after my own heart, because if I thought she’d say yes, I’d propose right here, right now.

  “I want to hear more.”

  “You like crazy nurse stories?”

  “Yes, and the crazy nurse who tells them.” I tease.

  “I definitely have my moments.” She playfully pops another piece of conch fritter into her mouth. My cock twitches.

  This goddamn woman is going to be the goddamn death of me.



  Tonight’s dinner was one of the best I’ve had in a long time. A really long time.

  Despite Ty’s aristocratic air, I enjoy spending time with him. He’s smart, funny, and surprisingly real. When all you know of a person is their reputation, and his is larger than life, you create an image in your head. You fabricate a personality, and although my fabrication wasn't that far off, I missed the humanity part. The realism of Ty. Adding that piece showcases him in a whole new light.

  I wish I didn't like him as much as I do. I wish I didn't like him at all.

  It would make my life so much less complicated.

  Uncomplicated. Life used to be that way. It used to be easy.

  I used to actually feel alive.

  I’d forgotten what excitement was like. What happiness does when it touches your insides. I felt it tonight. Chatting with Shane and Chase, enjoying Jenn’s delicious food, and smiling comfortably in return when Ty smiled. His expressions are infectious. He’s usually so serious, but when a little bit of enjoyment peeks through, it's like the sun popping out behind a dark cloud. It makes everything warm.

  I’ve been cold for over two years, and I’ve completely forgotten how to walk in the sunlight. I'm not even sure if I still can. If I can allow myself to open up and be half the person I once was.

  Ty wouldn’t stand a chance against the old me. I would’ve had him eating out of the palm of my hand. I would’ve played with him like a toy, tossed him in the corner when I got bored, and overly enjoyed it when he begged for my attention once more.

  I was mean. Well, maybe not mean, just noncommittal. Until Seth.

  Be he's gone, and so is the old me. Ty has nothing to worry about. It's me who has to worry.

  He has no idea who I really am. What lies beneath this pretty exterior. It's just a front. A tease. And I can't bear the thought of what will happen if he ever finds out the truth. If he ever sees the real me.

  Ty holds my hand as we step off the elevator. He’s always touching me. Somehow, some way. During dinner, in the car, on the beach, no matter where, our bodies are somehow connected.

  “Dinner was delicious,” I state nervously as we come closer and closer to my hotel room door.

  “Jenn is a talented chef. I’ve been trying to bribe Shane and Chase for her conch fritter recipe for months.”

  “They’re loyal to Jen. They won't give it up.” It’s even evident to me. Someone who only just met them.

  “Maybe Jenn will share it with me now. Our little conversation in the kitchen is giving me hope.” Ty lets go of my hand and slides his arm around my waist. My blood pressure skyrockets as he pulls me close then traps me against the door. Our chests touching, our breaths mingling, our hips bumping. His expensive cologne is utterly intoxicating. I could inhale it for hours.

  “It's good you two can finally make amends.” I fight for the comment to come out cohesive when my head is floating all around the hallway.

  “I have a way with women. I always get them to come around eventually.” He grabs my hips suggestively and dots seductive kisses up my bare neck. I unwillingly sigh, not wanting him to know exactly how much I enjoy that.

  “Oh, yeah? You’re a cocky bastard,” I accuse, my eyes nearly rolling into the back of my head from the feathery brush of his lips.

  “I know. You have to be in my line of work. It's kill or be killed in business.”

  “So I’ve been tol—” Ty clutches my face with one hand and swallows the last word of my sentence with a kiss. I crumble under the embrace. It’s been so long since I let my guard down, and even as I fight against myself now, Ty is swaying me to the dark side. His kisses are infectious. So powerful and raw they sometimes make me forget my own name, and all my hang-ups. The small, clutch purse tucked under my arm falls to the floor as I wrap myself around Ty. I just want to get swept away. I want to remember what it feels like to live. To actually be alive in the arms of another human being. Another human being who wants me, just as much as I want them.

  The temperature in the hallway reaches a record-breaking high as we become engulfed in each other. There’s no prudence, or sound judgment, or common sense, only reckless abandonment, as we paw and pull and grind against each other right in the public hallway. It’s like we’ve lost all control, at least I have.

  It’s happening all so fast, the heat rising, the pressure building, Ty’s eagerness, my insatiable need.

  A sudden tightness in my belly and an unexpected ache between my thighs seize me.

  “Ty.” A moan erupts as I latch onto him. The steel rod his cock has become is rubbing against the perfect spot. “Oh, shit,” I pant, and tense, and emotionally suffer as I come uncontrollably. I lose myself in the short, blinding moment, and when it passes, I find myself. I crack open my eyes, my limbs heavy, and almost burst into tears. Ty’s bright green eyes are wide and alive and hungry for more. He tries to speak with me still trapped in his arms, but I silence him.

  “No.” I cover his mouth as I squirm free. “Don’t. Just. . . don’t.”

  I have to get a
way. Escape.

  Swiftly, I pick up my purse from the floor and fish out my key card, with Ty’s voice someplace far in the distance.

  I don’t even comprehend what he says, I’m just focused on disappearing. What the fuck did I just let happen?

  I start to panic, my ears ringing, and my heart pounding in my chest like a sledgehammer. It’s a warzone all over again.

  “Simone!” Ty finally breaks through my mental wall, but it’s too late.

  “Please, just leave me alone!” I slam the door in his face then slide down to the floor. The tears following immediately.

  Ty pounds on the door for several, relentless minutes, but I can’t bring myself to face him. I let my guard down, and it was disastrous.

  I can never see him again.

  Getting close was the biggest mistake of my life.



  I still don't know what the fuck happened.

  One minute we were connecting on a whole new, eliciting, intimate level, and the next she was shutting down and slamming the door in my face.

  She locked me out. Out of her hotel room and her life. I haven't been able to get ahold of Simone in three days. Frustrating does not begin to describe what I'm feeling. Mentally frustrated and physically frustrated.

  That woman. She knows just how to reel me in and dangle me on a hook.

  I'm gasping for air, and she’s the only one who can put me out of my misery.

  That’s why I'm not taking her shut out lying down.

  She can run, she can hide, but I'll always find her. That’s where I'm headed right now. Charlotte, North Carolina, to find her.

  And when I do, we are laying it all out on the table. Simone Travers was made for me, and I am going to make her see it. Even if that means pitching a tent outside of her front door and forcing her to face me every day. I'll wear her down, because I know she feels the exact same way about me as I feel about her. She’s too scared to admit it. To confront it. And I'm determined to change all that.

  My family’s private jet touches down at a small airport right outside the city. If you can even call it that. I consider Charlotte more of an oversized town. It only has one high-rise. How does that constitute a city? Regardless of what I think, that “city” is home to two people I have to see.


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