Night With a Dom (1 Night Stand Series)

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Night With a Dom (1 Night Stand Series) Page 4

by Casea Major

  Her jaw dropped, and she blinked repeatedly.

  “The night I saw you in that underwear…God, Mel. I put a fist through my office wall. I wanted you so badly. Thinking of you going home to him boiled my blood.” He stopped and took a deep breath, recounting the memory. “I wanted to force you to choose, even if only subconsciously. The night of his birthday, I gave you that project, a reason not to go, and you took it. You’d all but said he was proposing. When you didn’t rush home to him, I thought maybe….” He took another step toward her. She took another step back, holding the terry cloth in front of her.

  Jerking on the robe, she snarled, “Well, I guess the joke’s on me because, as usual, Nick, you got your way. Jason’s getting married, and I’m alone, setting up a one-night stand on New Year’s Eve with a sick pervert.” She gestured to his naked body as if it was an affront to her.

  He flinched. “It doesn’t have to be like that.” He pulled on his pants and continued his advance.

  She backed up, finally bumping into the wall. “Shit.”

  Cornered. He grinned and pinned her with a hand on either side. “Please let me love you, Mel. Let me at least try.”

  She turned her face from him.

  He leaned in. “I took early retirement and started my own business doing ad hoc consulting and graphic arts. You know I started out as a graphic artist.”

  Whipping around, she glared at him. “What does that have to do with me?”

  “I knew I couldn’t have you as long as I was your boss. And I was tired. Tired of the politics, the long hours, the bullshit….”

  Her features softened. “It always seemed like you thrived on the pressure.”

  “I did. To an extent. Working with you put joy back in my job.” He stared at the ceiling. “God, you could root out a market like no one I’ve ever met. You’re a talented analyst. But then it became more. You became more to me.”

  She glowered, but beneath the anger desire burned. “You think I should just forgive you?”

  He cupped her face and nodded.

  “Why does everyone think you’re married? You had pictures of your wife in your office.”

  “Those were pictures of my sister. I admit I led people to believe I was married. It eliminated gossip before it started and kept some of the prowlers away. I did what I had to do to secure my success.” He lifted his jaw. “And contrary to your sentiments, there are many women who would consider me attractive.” Bile rose in his throat. Was he actually whining? Fuck! This woman has me by the balls.

  “I never said you weren’t attractive.” She dropped her gaze.

  He pulled her close and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I wanted to give you a little time, waiting for you get over the breakup, but according to Cal you just kept spiraling down in your depression.” He tightened his hold on her. “So I came up with this idea a month ago. Asked Adam to do me a favor and steer you to Madame Eve. I knew if I could get you here….”

  She curled her lip. “You even had Cal and Adam in on this? Can I not trust anyone?”

  “Would you have ever admitted your feelings for me without me having to literally beat it out of you? No. You would have wallowed in guilt and denial forever. Even though Jason is better off. Why can’t you be better off, too?”

  She bit her lip and studied his face. Apparently, something he’d said struck a chord.

  He kept on. “I know you feel betrayed, but everything I did—I did because I love you.” There it was. Out in the open.

  “Love me? You humiliated me. You—you spanked me!” She sobbed against him.

  He smiled and caught his tongue in his teeth. “You wanted to be spanked, remember? I just gave you what you asked for.”

  “No. As I recall, you—” she poked him hard in the chest, “—did not give me what I wanted. Even after I so plainly spelled it out.”

  “Ahh. Even after the best orgasm ever, you’re still bitter about being left hot and throbbing? But didn’t I just make good on your specific request?” He cupped her face. “Will you let me make it up to you again?” He bent and kissed her. “And again?” He kissed her one more time then whispered, “Let me make everything up to you, Mel.”

  “And tell me exactly how you intend to make amends.” She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “Because the way I see it, we still have a score to settle, Palmer. Where is that paddle?”

  Chapter Six

  The look in her eye shot a chill through Nick. His shoulders tensed. “The paddle is back in my room.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I think I have something that’ll do.” She stepped to the bathroom and returned with her hairbrush.

  “You want me to paddle you again?”

  “No.” She smiled slyly. “You’re going to drop your pants and bend over this bed while I give you a piece of my mind.”

  He gulped. “That’s not how it works, kitten.”

  “If you want this kitten’s pussy tonight or any night, you’re going to pay the piper.”

  His fists balled at his sides. He was a grown man. A Dominant. Almost twice her age. He was not about….

  “You know you’ve got it coming, Palmer. Let’s see if you can practice what you preach. Or are you going to break down and cry?”

  Damn the woman to hell! But she was right. If he truly wanted to make amends and show good faith, he had to bring a peace offering. He’d known that from the beginning. He just hadn’t realized it would be a piece off his ass. “All right, Mel. I’ll allow this one time to make amends.”

  She popped the evil implement against her palm. “Drop your pants.”

  He scowled at her and turned his back to unzip his trousers.

  “No, no, no. Turn around. I want to watch you bare your jewels.”

  “Must you savor my humiliation?” He pulled his pants down with one quick stroke.

  She seemed genuinely stunned and pleased as she slowly raked her gaze over his more generous attributes standing in a full salute. She licked her lips. “It seems you’re savoring a bit yourself. Does the thought of discipline turn you on? What do they call people who can play either the part of the Dominant or the submissive and still find pleasure?”

  “A switch.” Fuck!

  She tapped her lips with her index finger. “A switch. Now that’s what I really need to spank you with. A nice, long switch, and with all those lovely vines outside, I bet we could find one.”

  The little minx is enjoying this way too much. “Can we get this indignity over with?” Apprehension rolled down his spine and settled in his ass.

  “You’ll address me as Ma’am during your discipline.”

  “Shit. You always were a quick study. My ass is in trouble, isn’t it?”

  She smiled, baring white teeth. “Well, it wouldn’t be real punishment if it didn’t hurt. Bend your luscious behind over the bed.”

  Goddamn it. He hated when people used his own words against him. He sighed and bent over. She ran her hand across his ass and the pistol fire of passion shot through him. To have her touch him was heaven. To know she was seconds away from—Whack!

  “Shit! That hurts.”

  Another wallop landed on his ass. “That hurts, what?” And another heavy blow.

  Christ. She must’ve been spending evenings at the gym. “That hurts, Ma’am.”

  “I know it does and perhaps next time you try to take someone’s girlfriend—” Smack. “You’ll think twice about underhanded—Smack—dealings and trickery.” Smack. Smack. Smack.

  He stomped his foot. “Oh, shit. Mel. Stop.”

  Smack. Smack. Smack.

  “This lesson will continue until you can address me properly.” Smack.

  “Ma’am. Ma’am. Goddammit. That hurts.” His eyes watered from the pain.

  “No amount of pleading can stop this spanking. And unfortunately, we never—” Smack. Smack. “—established your safe word.” Smack.

  “Sonofabitch.” Smack. Smack. “Ma’am.”

  She stopped for a
moment. Is she giggling? He rose from the bed, fury coursing through him and pain stabbing his ass like a flaming arrow. He had to be crazy to allow a woman to beat him. He was the goddamn CEO of his own company. Spinning around to meet her next blow, his rage softened at the sight of her beautiful face smiling at him. She threw her arms around him and knocked him to the bed. “I can’t believe you let me do that. You do love me, don’t you?”

  He brushed her chestnut hair behind her ear. “I love you, Mel. Can you forgive me? Will you have me?”

  “Oh, I intend to have you. All. Night. Long.” She punctuated each word with a kiss.

  He pulled her up onto the bed next to him and winced as his flaming ass caught in the covers. Based on the blows she’d landed, she hadn’t tempered her swats by any measure. In fact, her shoulder would be probably be as sore as his ass. Almost. He’d hit her firmly, but held back, not wanting to hurt her, only bringing enough sting to help her release the guilt. His chest tightened and a sick feeling hit his gut. He probably deserved more. “I’m sorry I deceived you, but I didn’t see any other way.”

  Tears sparkled in her eyes as she cupped his face. “You were a stinker, but you’ve paid with your hide.” She leaned over him to eye his throbbing cheeks. “Based on the shade of your ass, you’ll be feeling it a while. Besides, I needed what you gave me.” Raising her eyebrows seductively, she smiled. “The spanking over your knee was fun and erotic. Maybe we could do it again.”

  He growled and nuzzled into her neck. “Anytime, kitten.”

  She shivered. “But if I never feel the sting of that paddle again it’ll be too soon.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head against his chest. He sighed in relief. No amount of pain could’ve compared if she’d completely rejected him.

  “I do feel a sense of release, almost like I could fly.” She stared into his eyes.

  “And you, kitten, are about to soar.” He leaned over and kissed her.

  “Oh, Nick. I want to come again.”

  He grinned and licked his lips. Reaching over her to his pants on the floor, he pulled a wad of condoms from the pocket. They unfolded accordion style, the length of his forearm. “I intend to use every one of these, and with each one you will come gloriously. Is that understood, Miss Manning?”

  She smiled and bit her bottom lip. “Yes, Sir.”

  After rolling one on, he positioned between her legs and lowered across her, lightly pressing her into the mattress with a small portion of his weight. Brushing her lips, he exalted in the feel of their bodies molded skin on skin. Her hands skimmed the surface of his back and sore behind. He groaned and pressed his lips more urgently to hers. His cock pulsed and twitched, needing relief. He’d been hard for what seemed like hours. He slid against her pussy, rubbing the hard bud of her clit.

  She pulled from his kiss and arched her neck. “Oh, God.”

  He dipped his head to suck her sweet nipple. Then with a slow thrust, he pushed his cock into her. “Ahh. Kitten, your ass isn’t going to be the only thing that’s sore.”

  He lifted her hips and drove deep, his balls bumping against her ass. So hot and tight. Mine.

  She cried out.

  He stilled, worry halting his passion. “Did I hurt you?”

  She smiled. “It hurts. So good. Please don’t stop.” She thrust up and grabbed his ass.

  He winced and cried out. She grinned and panted. “See what I mean?”

  The exquisite combination of pleasure and pain sent him into an uncontrolled frenzy of fast, hard thrusts. In and out. “Oh, fuck. I’m coming….”

  His groin exploded with pleasure that shot back against his ass in a million pieces. She grabbed and pressed him deeper. He ground against her and she moaned, a loud guttural sound from deep in her chest, so wild it shook her—and him.

  Her pussy clenched his cock, milking their climax until they lay spent across the bed. He rolled them together, his back landing on the bed of petals.

  She sighed and swallowed loudly. “That was the best orgasm…ever”

  He laughed and tried to catch his breath. “Didn’t you say that before?”

  “But it’s true. I actually heard fireworks this time.”

  He raised his chest, his cock still buried hilt deep inside her. “It was fireworks, kitten.” He bent and kissed her sweetly. “Happy New Year.”

  “Oh. Happy New Year.” With sultry eyes that made him wish for instant recovery, she gazed up at him. “I think each time with you will be better than the last.”

  His mind and heart were settled, and he needed to take a chance. Take action. “Then I see no reason not to make this—us permanent. Marry me, Melody.”

  “Marry you?” Her eyes rounded and glistened with unshed tears.

  This woman was meant for him. “You know me well enough to know I don’t make decisions lightly. I love you and I want you. Marry me.”

  “I never realized before how much I’d allowed myself to compromise with Jason. With you I feel like I get to have everything I ever wanted— someone who loves me, my career, and a man who fulfills all my fantasies.”

  “Is that a yes?” He held his breath and studied her for any inkling of a response.

  After what seemed like eternity, a broad smile spread over her face. “Yes, Sir.”


  Prior to becoming a writer of romantic fiction, Casea Major worked in the legal field for a non-profit dispute resolution company for ten years. She is now a full-time mom to three preschool children with whom she and her husband live happily…most of the time. When she isn't chained to her laptop, she enjoys Cary Grant movies and crocheting.

  You can visit Casea at:

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six




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