Saved by the Alpha

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Saved by the Alpha Page 3

by Jessica Snow

  With a single strong, smooth thrust, Keith buried himself fully inside Melanie's pussy. She barely held onto consciousness as he stretched her wider and wider, his massive power turning her mind to jelly. She finally found herself again when she felt his hips slap against her ass, and he started to withdraw. The sudden emptiness made her cry out in frustration, only to have the cry turn into a one of joy as he thrust inside her again, his cock filling her more than any man had ever done before. Here was her perfect lover, making her his with every thrust of his hips.

  She started to feel herself slip into a rhythm as Keith's thrusts in and out alternatively filled her and emptied her. Each time he thrust in she felt like she couldn't take another, and yet each time he pulled out she felt her body and her pussy screaming for more. She started to push back into him, her body begging him to keep going. Her eyes were almost all the way closed, as her entire mind turned itself to just the feeling of Keith and his massive cock wringing joy after joy out of her body. She was delirious with lust and felt another orgasm rising in her body. "I'm going to cum," she cried out joyously, hoping Keith was not far behind.

  She could feel Keith's thrusts speed up in response, as Keith's already fast breath grew ragged and hard. His hold of her waist grew almost painful as he thrust harder and faster, and Melanie screamed in pleasure as her orgasm overtook her again. She could feel her pussy muscles squeezing his cock, pulling it deeper inside of her, never wanting to let go.

  With an animal cry that sounded to Melanie's ears like a howl, Keith reached his own orgasm, his cock emptying spurt after spurt of hot cum into Melanie's body. The force of his climax triggered another orgasm out of Melanie's already taxed body, and she felt herself slipping into the blackness of oblivion, chased by her last incoherent moans as her body shook and shuddered under the earthquake like orgasms.

  Chapter 4

  "You know what you did might anger the other Clans."

  Keith stood in the hallway, his naked body covered in drying sweat as he looked down at Melanie's nude form under the black silk sheets of her bed. He had carried her there, placing her in tenderly, lovingly tucking the sheets under her, when he heard his sister behind him. "I am the Alpha Male of this Clan, Kimberly. What the other Clans think is not of my concern, nor should it be yours."

  "Perhaps, brother, but as you are the Alpha Male, I am the Alpha Female," Kimberly replied, walking up to her brother. She was wearing only a camisole, her pale hairless body in stark contrast to Keith's ruggedly furred form. "And that is my concern. You protect our Clan physically, yes. But I am the one to protect this Clan politically. How will the other Clans react when they find out you have taken an outsider as a mate? How am I supposed to keep the Thornblood Clan pacified when they realize that their daughters cannot become your First?"

  Keith gazed over at his sister, smirking. He could tell his sister was a tad jealous by his lovemaking with Melanie. Not in the romantic kind of way, but simply her position of power within the clan as a female leader could be threatened.

  "It isn't the first time our kind has taken an outsider as a mate, you know."

  "But it is the first time in over three centuries that a Clan Alpha has done so. The other clans might become nervous."

  Keith shrugged. "Then they shall be nervous, Kimberly. I am mated to Melanie. She is my First Mate. You and I can both smell it, she will soon carry my child within her. The other Clans will have to accept that. As for the Thornbloods, if they are still so desperate for a Clan alliance, their daughters will have to learn to be Seconds. Or perhaps their sons will have to learn to become the mates of a Clan Alpha Female?"

  Kimberly shook her head. "Never, Keith. You know where my heart lies. With our Clan, and our Clan only. Fine, I will do everything I can to deal with the Thornbloods and the other Clans for that matter. But I don’t envy what you have to do."

  "What is that, dear sister?"

  "Tell Melanie that she is now the First Mate to an Alpha Werewolf."

  Chapter 5

  Melanie sighed and stretched her arms over her head. The black silk sheets whispered over her skin, and she shivered with pleasure. Her body felt like warm putty, every muscle relaxed and languid. She smiled as her mind floated back to the gym, and the massage table. Keith had been so strong and powerful as they made love. She had never felt so much pleasure and never felt such a connection with another man. "Good evening, love."

  Melanie sighed. "Good evening to you too. How long was I asleep?"

  "Only a few hours. It's about 9 o'clock now. Would you join Kimberly and I for dinner in the kitchen?"

  "I'll be right there."

  Rolling over, Melanie was taken aback. She swore she had heard Keith just now talking to her, but where was he? The bedroom was empty, and she was certain she hadn't been talking to an intercom. Puzzled, she got out of bed and slipped an emerald green silk robe around her body. Cinching the belt tight, Melanie cautiously made her way out of the bedroom and down the hallway towards the kitchen. Inside, she found Keith and Kimberly both sitting somberly at the granite kitchen island, sipping coffees. While Keith's facial expression concerned her, she couldn't help but feel warmth and happiness at seeing her newfound lover again.

  "You never told me that your penthouse had an internal intercom," she said, sitting down on the empty stool across from Kimberly and next to Keith. "The sound quality is incredible. I thought you were right next to me until I opened my eyes."

  Keith sighed, and glanced at Kimberly. Kimberly nodded to her brother, who set his mug down. "Melanie, we have to talk."

  Mel felt her world start to crumble around her. Whenever a man said that to her, it usually wasn't good. "Is this the point where the conversation has such classic lines as 'It's not you, it's me,' and ends with me feeling broken and alone outside somewhere?"

  She could feel tears start to form in her eyes, and she blinked them back furiously. There was no way, not after all that she had been through over the past few weeks, that she was going to allow herself to break down crying over this. She felt her legs tense, preparing to flee from the room.

  Her fears were almost immediately doubled when she saw Keith's jaw drop in shock, as Kimberly hid a small smile behind her hand. "I told you that wasn't the way to start this," she smirked. "You've scared the hell out of her."

  "Will you please tell me just what the hell you are talking about?"

  Keith reached over from his stool and set his hand on top of hers. "First of all, no, at no point will you need to feel broken and alone. I am not here to break up with you or try to make you a one night stand. In fact, it's just the opposite."

  "But he might be able to work in a 'it's not you, it's me' if you ask him," Kimberly interjected, giggling momentarily before her face regained its serious composure. She looked at Keith, who was almost scowling at her. "Sorry, brother. I was out of place."

  Keith nodded, before turning his amber eyes back to Melanie. "Melanie, this afternoon was special to me. You see, I've never done that with a woman before."

  "You've never had sex before?" Melanie was shocked. She wasn't exactly super experienced, but she was sure Keith hadn't been a virgin last night the way he went down on her. She had never had a lover lick her so thoroughly or tenderly to such a mind shattering orgasm.

  Keith shook his head, frustrated with himself. "No, no, that's not what I'm trying to say. What I mean is.... well.... ah to hell with it. Okay, this is going to sound crazy, so I'm just going to spit it out all at once. Just please don't freak out, and at least think about what I'm going to say."

  "I'm a cop, Keith. Or at least, I was before becoming a fugitive," Melanie assured him. "I'm sure whatever you're going to tell me, I've heard crazier."

  Keith's eyes were filled with agonizing self-doubt, as he looked from Melanie to Kimberly, who just nodded her head once before taking a sip of her coffee. Keith seemed to go inside for a moment before he locked his gaze upon Melanie's again, and she could feel his amber gaze bore dee
p into her soul. "Okay. What if I were to tell you that some of the myths, some of the fairy tales you read as a little girl were true? What if I were to tell you that the night is filled with creatures, creatures that are normally consigned to horror movies alone? What if I were to tell you that I am a werewolf, as is my sister, and that this afternoon you and I went through our mating rite. We're now bonded, telepathically, emotionally, and eventually even physically, inseparable until our deaths. And to top it all off, that there is now about a 99% chance you are pregnant with our child?"

  For Melanie, the whole thing washed over her in a wave. Finally, she fell back on an old cop habit of hers. When confronted with the impossible, take a moment to ponder, then crack a sarcastic joke. She took a deep breath, picked up Keith's coffee, and peered inside. "You know Kim, you've gotta use a different blend of coffee," she said, sniffing. "Whatever you've put in here, I'm sure the DEA would find it chargeable."

  "You don't believe him," Kimberly replied, nodding. "I understand. But I will tell you this. This penthouse has no intercom system. Keith communicated with you in your mind alone. And in time, I will be able to do the same, since I am his blood relation."

  Melanie felt her inner doubts start to crumble at Kim's statement. She said it so calmly, so matter of factly. There were no hints of deception, no tell tale signs of a lie. And she was sure from talking to them the past two weeks, neither of the siblings were insane. But it had to be.

  Keith cut that defense down quickly. "You're thinking we are both insane," he said, the surprise of the statement causing Melanie to jerk her eyes towards him. "Let me prove at least one thing. If I cannot do that, you may consider my insanity."

  "All right, but if I think you two are insane, I want my Glock back."

  "It's always been available to you, you just never asked for it," Keith said, "and if you want it back at any time, it is yours."

  "Okay. Kim, please get my Glock for me."

  Without a word, Kimberly got up from her stool and walked out of the kitchen. She returned a moment later with Melanie's pistol, holding it barrel first. She handed the weapon to Melanie, who quickly popped the clip, confirmed that it was loaded, and jacked the slide, loading a round into the chamber. She then pointed the pistol at Keith, fear and hope mixing in her eyes. "You've got thirty seconds. Do what you want."

  "All right." Keith closed his mouth and eyes before his brow furrowed in concentration. Melanie wondered what the hell was going on before she felt it in her head.

  "Melanie, from the first moment I saw you in that alley battling those evil men, I knew I wanted you," she could hear Keith say, as his mouth and lips stayed unmoving. "I rescued you because I saw your courage, your heart, and your goodness. For the past two weeks, I have left every night because I had to hide my true nature from you, and the nights are very difficult for me to do that. But I don't want to hide any longer. I want you as my First Mate, and I love you with all of my heart. I know you can't feel my emotions yet, that will come with time. But please feel my words, and trust your heart."

  Melanie felt her hand loosen, and the pistol tumble from her boneless fingers. Keith opened his eyes, and his warm smile lit up his face. "My God, you aren't crazy," she whispered, the pistol clattering to the floor. "I had sex with a telepath."

  "Not just a telepath," Keith replied. "But a full werewolf. Although most of our kind prefers other terms. Recently the younger males of our kind have an affinity for the term Lycan, and some of the females prefer Shapeshifter or Shifter. Pop culture and all, you understand."

  Melanie laughed in spite of her misgivings. "So do you howl at the stars and turn into a wolf on full moons and such?"

  "Most of our kind do turn involuntarily at full moons, yes," Kimberly said, "Although as Alphas, Keith and I can control ourselves somewhat. And all werewolves can voluntarily turn, to varying degrees."

  "Alpha? What's an Alpha?"

  "Werewolves are arranged in family groups, often called Packs or Clans. Just like in nature, it's a very hierarchical structure, although much more complex than a normal wolf pack. At the top of each group is an Alpha Male and an Alpha Female. Normally, the Alpha Female is the First Mate of the Alpha Male. In our case, since Keith and I are twin siblings, I am the Alpha Female of our Clan."

  "And what does that make me?"

  "You are my First Mate," Keith replied, taking Melanie's hand in his. "You will be the bearer of our children, and they will become the future Alphas of our Clan. You will be respected and honored by all in our Clan, and every member of our Clan would die to protect you and our children."

  "And if I want more?"

  Keith laughed, realizing how old fashioned his speech came across. "You are not expected to merely be barefoot and pregnant in my kitchen."

  "Well, if you're right, I am barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen," Melanie ironically interjected, earning a chuckle from both siblings.

  "True. But I was saying, perhaps in my grandfather's time, if an Alpha and a non-werewolf had done what we have done, things would have been different. But you are too smart, too strong, and too intelligent to simply be a den mother. It will take you time, but I want you to be as involved with my life as you wish."

  "And what's this about a Clan? Just how many members are there?"

  "Currently, there are two hundred and thirty-six members of Clan Lockwood along the eastern seaboard, most of them within the tri-state area," Kimberly immediately replied. "There are other Clans within North America, but we can discuss that later. I look forward to your education on those fields."

  "That is because you have borne the stress of Alpha Female alone for far too long, Kim," Keith said. "But let's not overwhelm her tonight. I would like to celebrate."

  "Celebrate what?" Melanie asked, confused yet feeling Keith's enthusiasm wash over her.

  "My love, I said you are my First Mate. We are now the equivalent of married. If you don't mind, I'd like to celebrate our matrimony."

  Melanie sat shocked for a moment, then shook her head. She bent down from her stool and retrieved her Glock from the kitchen tile. "I love you, Keith, my heart knows that. But my brain needs time to think. It's time that I go out. Alone."

  Keith and Kimberly nodded. "Take all the time you need," Keith said. "But before you go, at least pick out some clothes and stuff to be ready."

  Chapter 6

  The night air was unseasonably crisp as Melanie strolled the streets. They seemed so different than just a month ago when things had made more sense. Sure, she knew there were corrupt cops, and her life was in danger, but at least there weren't werewolves to think about, as well as most likely being pregnant. What did you call werewolf children anyway? Pups?

  A bitter wind gusted and Melanie pulled her leather jacket and hoodie up tighter over her head. While she normally detested wearing hoods, she knew that with the entire police force was looking for her, she had to be careful. It was why she had chosen The War Zone for her walk. The notorious red light district was a haven for street hustlers, gangsters, pimps, prostitutes, and just about every other form of illegal activity in the city. If your tastes ran towards the illicit side of life, most likely The War Zone could cater to your desires. It was the most dangerous section of the city, and the cops didn't come down unless they were in serious force. Like SWAT team force.

  "Hey babe, you lookin' for some playtime?" A prostitute that couldn't have been older than 14 called to her, wearing fishnet stockings, a ripped skirt, and bringing gorge to Melanie's mouth, a Hello Kitty t-shirt tied up in a way to try and accentuate the girl's developing breasts. She was fish-belly white and looked like she was starving. Her dirty auburn hair was done up in pigtails, and she wore enough makeup that you could pretend she was 18 if you were drunk enough. "I can go a lot of ways, you know. I'm the best scissor in all The War Zone."

  "No thanks," Mel said, turning away. Why did it have to be this way? She had joined the force to protect children like this. And now she was running from the ver
y same force, after finding it corrupt. Why did humans have to be such evil bastards?

  Mel kept walking, her mind whirling with thoughts about her life, about Keith, about the whole situation. She knew that she loved Keith. To call it a whirlwind romance would be an understatement, but she knew she loved him, not just lusted after him. Suddenly, someone grabbed Melanie's arm, breaking her from her reverie.

  "Hey bitch, you weren't being very nice to my girl April back there," a greasy looking man scowled in her face. "She asked you for some playtime, real nice like, and you just walked off. That ain't polite."

  Melanie pulled her arm back, out of the pimp's grasp. "Fuck off, buddy. You don’t want to fuck with me tonight." The pimp looked closer under Mel's hood, and a cavity-ridden smile grew on his face.

  "Yeah, I bet so.... Detective. Although you picked the wrong night to go for a walk, lady. The way I figure it, you got two choices. You can give me every cent you got, or I call out that a cop wanted for child kidnapping and murder happens to be walking down the street, and someone should call your cop friends. I don't know who'd kill you first, the cops, or everyone else on this street." While The War Zone was nowhere near as busy as the more famous metropolitan districts such as San Francisco's Tenderloin or New York City's Times Square, there were still dozens of people within sight, all of them engaged in some form of criminal enterprise or another.

  Melanie twisted to the side, seeming to think for a moment, before whirling back to the pimp, her fingers already formed into a spear hand. She jabbed the pimp's throat and relished at the gagging sound he produced. His hands flew to cover his throat, and she used the momentary distraction to kick the exposed inside of his right knee with the side of her tennis shoe. His knee buckled outward, at least three of the major ligaments torn, but before he could even collapse, Mel followed up with a Thai knee to his solar plexus. The pimp hit the concrete with a mail sack thump, his eyes fluttering once before dropping unconscious.


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