Saved by the Alpha

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Saved by the Alpha Page 16

by Jessica Snow

  Keith nodded, touched. He held out his hand and clapped Edward on the shoulder at the same time. "Kimberly's going to like you. I don't know what else might happen between you, stranger things have happened before, but she's going to like you. Come on, there's a hot tub with your name on it inside."

  * * *

  Later that night, after a light dinner, Keith and Kimberly sat up, sharing some tea while they discussed the day's events. Edward, stating that he had been up since five that morning, had gone to his room to rest and sleep. The fire pit in the middle of the living room crackled lowly, giving the siblings more than enough light to see, and something to lose their thoughts in as they let part of their minds wander, releasing the stress of the day. "He seems nice, at least," Keith said, "and he didn't seem too keen on the idea of an arranged Mating either."

  "He has been very polite," Kimberly replied. "I don't think he's going to be as bad as I had feared. He's not as bear-like as I had thought he would be."

  "Oh, and what did you expect?"

  Kimberly waited until Keith had started to sip at his tea before replying. "You know. Shaved head, handlebar mustache, leather, and a penchant for buggery."

  The resultant spray of tea into the fire and coughing from Keith was worth the effort, as he choked on his tea. Finally, after composing himself, Keith smiled at his sister. "He's a Bear, not a bear," he finally said. "Besides, none of that has anything to do with what he can help us do."

  "I know," Kimberly said. She took another sip of her tea and sighed. "It's going to be strange, though, being Mated."

  "Yeah, it is," Keith replied. "I mean, I always knew it was going to happen some day. You're far too special to remain single for your whole life unless you chose to do so. I’ll admit that the way it’s coming around is very unexpected."

  "So was yours," Kimberly replied. "Or did you think I expected my brother to show up one night, bleeding, carrying a regular human woman in his arms and within just a few days not only falling in love but Mating with her as well?"

  Keith nodded. "You love her too, though, so you know how special Melanie is. Who knows? Maybe this will work out for you. I mean, the last time you had a serious boyfriend, George Bush was President."

  "Which Bush?" Kimberly joked. "I don't remember having anyone serious during the Dubya years."

  "You were too young for the HW years, you were still in high school then," Keith said with a snicker. "But it’s going to be weird. Part of me still doesn't want it to happen."

  "Why?" Kimberly asked. "I mean, beyond the obvious reasons."

  "I guess I've gotten a little spoiled, and a little greedy," Keith admitted. "I mean, I have the perfect Alpha Female and the perfect Mate. I have a sister that I'm closer to that I feel like we're just extensions of each other, and you getting Mated just feels a bit like that's going to change. I don't want to lose you, that's all."

  Kimberly laughed and took another sip of her tea. "You know, I hate to tell you, but I felt the same way a few months ago. You had brought Melanie into our life, and all of a sudden I wasn't the most important woman in your life any longer. I was a bit afraid of being pushed out, even if we had agreed I would remain Alpha. Then, something wonderful happened."

  "What's that?" Keith asked curiously.

  "I came to love Melanie just as much as you do. Sure, she and I don't have exactly the same relationship you two do, I don't swing that way, but you know what I mean. And what I discovered is that we didn't take a single thing away from our relationship by adding Melanie, if anything we've strengthened it. Now, we've got Edward. Who knows what happens in that regard, but I promise you, I’ll never let anyone diminish our relationship, no matter what."

  "Thank you, Kimberly," Keith said. "How would I ever get along without your wisdom?"

  "Probably not too good, but I do think Melanie would work in a pinch. She's smart."

  “Edward seems to be as well, beyond all that brawn.”

  Kimberly shrugged. "Perhaps. We’ll see."

  Keith nodded. "All I'm saying is, he's already proved his strength, and he seems intelligent and kind as well. Although he does have a bit of a temper, I bet if any woman could keep that in check, it would be you. Who knows, maybe you two can be friends?"

  Keith finished his tea and gave his sister's leg a pat. "Just think about it. I'm going to get on the computer, see if our network has given us any new information about Melanie's whereabouts. Akiko Thornblood sent a message before dinner saying she was expecting something from one of her people soon."

  "Okay. Keith, I know this may not be the right time, but I have to say this" Kimberly said. "You might want to consider forming a closer alliance with Lady Thornblood. She proved herself quite adept while I was out of action that day of the attack."

  Keith stopped in the middle of getting up, turning to look at his sister. "What do you mean?"

  "I mean that she is now a widow. Her Clan needs an Alpha Male. Perhaps you might consider filling that role, if she would be willing to accept a Second Mate position. I know Melanie is always your First."

  "I'm not sure I like where this conversation is going, Kimberly. You know my stance on Second Mates. Besides, do you think a Clan Alpha Female would accept a Second Mate position? Not to mention the fact she's thirty years older than me."

  Kim nodded and sipped her tea. "And you know mine on arranged Mating in general. However, in this time of crisis, sometimes compromises must be made. I'm not saying you need to make a decision now, it is just something to keep in mind. First, we get Melanie back, and then you two can discuss it, or not if you wish. My job is to advise and protect, and that’s what I’m doing. Yours is to make the final decisions."

  Keith finished standing, then sighed. “All right, I won’t rule it out, but I don’t like it. Good night, Kimberly. Try and sleep well. I think Edward would appreciate the two of you having some personal time tomorrow. Maybe you can take him shopping for clothes like we talked about in Canada. He does look a little woodsy for this city at this time of year."

  Kim nodded and took a sip of her tea. “I’m not getting him any leather, though. Regardless of if he is a Bear or not."

  Keith chuckled and headed off to bed, leaving Kimberly behind. Once she was alone, she reflected on her situation, and for the first time since she had made her decision in the parking lot of the diner, she let a single tear trickle down her cheek. The strongest prisons are the ones we make of our own choosing, she whispered to herself before finishing her tea.

  Getting up from the couch, she carefully set her teacup in the sink of the kitchen before quietly going to the guest room where Edward was sleeping. She was surprised to see a dim light on through the crack in the doorway and opened it slowly to see Edward lying in bed, still reading. "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," she said, stepping back.

  "No, please, you didn't disturb me at all," Edward replied quietly, setting his book aside. "It was just, after the bath I did want to take a nap, but to be honest, after a little cat nap I just couldn't seem to find a comfortable position. This is a fine bed, but I'm used to a much larger mattress, usually on the floor because I have broken frames before. So I decided to read a bit, it tends to relax me, and I could hear you and your brother talking. I thought you two might need some time to talk things through. Come on in.”

  Kimberly thought, then nodded, walking into the room. She remarked to herself that the last time a guest had used this room, it had been Melanie in the immediate days after Keith had rescued her. "Okay. So what are you reading?"

  "How to code in Python," Edward replied, showing her the book. "I enjoy this stuff, but I rarely get to do it.”

  "Really?" Kim said, brightening. "Me too. I'm more on the hacker/cracker side of things, though. It's been very useful at times. When did you start?"

  "Back in the days of dial-up Internet," Edward replied with a chuckle, setting his book aside. "But it's been mostly a hobby only. My father insisted that I do something he called 'useful' with
my time, which to him meant learning agriculture, specifically everything I could about forestry and logging. Thankfully he didn't mind me spending my spare time playing around, so I was able to learn a little here and there. What about you?"

  “Mostly I just gather information for my brother. Nothing too business related, although I have poked around in the DoD and IRS databases. Mainly I use my knowledge to keep an eye on our enemies. You know how that can get."

  "A bit," Edward said. "With so few of our kind, we don't have to play the same political games you Lycans do. Although there are a lot more independent Bears than there are lone wolves, I think. We didn't inherit the same pack mentality. Mostly we just lay low, deal with the Kenai, and run our logging business and other little side businesses. It's quietly profitable, at least according to my father."

  "Perhaps," Kimberly noted, thinking how dull Edward's prior life sounded. Still, it was peaceful, and there could come a time she would desire peace more than excitement. "So you heard me and Keith talking?"

  Edward sat up, and Kim was shocked to find that under his blanket, he wasn't wearing a shirt. His chest came into view, the blanket pooling around his lap, and she could feel something stir within her. He was covered with a light covering of black hair, heavier in a triangular dart shaped patch that started just below his collarbones and angled downward to his belly button. In the soft light, she could see that despite his massive size, he wasn't fat at all, but rather rolling in functional muscle and strength. She wondered again just how strong he was, and a little voice inside her wanted to feel that strength herself. She was so distracted she missed Edward's answer. "Sorry, what did you say?"

  "I said that I heard your voices when I got out of the bath, and just did a fade back to here. Anyway, there's no reason you shouldn't have your privacy. Has there been any news on where Melanie is?"

  "Not yet," Kim replied, coming further into the room. She wanted to sit down but didn't know where yet. It seemed inappropriate to sit on the bed next to Edward, and besides, she wasn't sure if she could trust her body if she did. Finally, she remembered a chair that was in the hallway, and stepped out quickly, bringing it inside to sit down next to the bed. "We're trying our best, though."

  "I thought that Lycans could speak to each other over long distances mentally, though," Edward said, confused. Suddenly, with Kim sitting so close, he realized his state of undress. "Sorry," he mumbled, reaching over and grabbing the undershirt he'd been wearing earlier. "The bath was nice, but I was too warm after getting out. By the way, Keith was right, the bathtub is just right for me, I was able to relax quite well. I appreciate that it wasn't all stone and metal, his taste for the organic look really is nice. I'll remember to wear a shirt next time."

  "Don't," Kimberly replied, reaching towards him. She stopped, realizing that her words could have many meanings. "I mean, you don't have to. You were warm, it happens. Keith tends to use his exercise room shirtless too. Besides, I've seen plenty of naked men, we do have to be nude to avoid tearing our clothes when we fully change."

  Edward chuckled and nodded, setting his shirt aside. "Okay, thanks. It's going to take me a while to get used to this warmer city. But what about this mental link?"

  "The Link develops over time and strengthens the same way you would strengthen a muscle, with time and repeated use. While Melanie, Keith and even myself share that bond, it's not something that is on all the time. Thankfully we can choose to isolate ourselves from others in our bond if we want to. Also, it is distance dependent. So far, the farthest I think I've been able to mentally communicate with Melanie was about ten or eleven miles, and even then it was more like an internal compass than anything else. Eventually, that could extend to a thousand miles or more, but it takes time, that's all. Keith is stronger, of course, since they are Mated."

  Edward nodded, pondering. "What do you mean by thankfully it's not on all the time?"

  Kimberly blushed, then decided it was harmless to tell. "Do you think I want to be in their heads when Keith and Melanie are in bed together?"

  Edward realized what Kimberly meant, and it was his turn to blush. "Oh, uh, yeah. I guess not. That would be.... weird I guess. Is that even possible?"

  "I suppose, but when I feel them getting amorous, I just mentally check out for a while. Although one time I had to leave the building and go for a drive, get far enough away that I wasn't getting any backwash. It wasn't their fault, though, our bond is getting strong faster than a typical bond, and most bonds don't have the same amount of sibling strength. Twin Lycan babies are pretty rare, and we've been Linking with each other since even before we were born, at least that was what Mother and Father told us."

  "I see," Edward said. He looked around the room, not wanting to focus on the subject of lost parents, and changed the subject. "Kimberly, is this normally your room? I just detect a sense of femininity that doesn't quite match up with your brother."

  "Not quite. I actually have an apartment of my own in Lockwood Towers, as well as a suite at the estate. I do frequently stay here, though, as Keith and I have grown up together our whole lives, sharing our beds even until we turned eight years old. But that’s going to change with our.... arrangement. My mother had the floor below this one, as the Dame of our Clan. With my betrothal, and my mother's death, it would be expected of me to take over those quarters."

  Edward watched Kimberly's face work, the amber eyes flashing with emotion, and couldn't resist taking her hand in his, trying to comfort her. A part of him thrilled at the feeling of her soft hand in his, and the touch of her graceful fingers on his palm. "Kimberly, I know this is strange, and I... I'm sorry for your loss."

  Kimberly squeezed Edward's fingers and nodded. "Thank you, Edward. Just promise me one thing."

  "What's that?"

  "That you'll do your best to make sure there is no more loss."

  Edward nodded, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. He had never felt skin so smooth and beautiful before and never wanted to stop. "I promise I'll do my best. You will have your Sister back, on my life if need be."

  Kimberly smiled and leaned forward, kissing Edward on the cheek. The urge had swept through her suddenly, but she didn't regret it, especially after seeing the look in Edward's eyes after she sat back. "Thank you. Now get some rest. Tomorrow I'm taking Keith's advice and taking you shopping. You're going to need city clothes and tactical clothes, if you want to take part in this rescue."

  Edward nodded dumbly, still thunderstruck by the kiss. Kimberly got up and left the room, a little smile playing on her lips as she left. Despite the crisis, it was nice to know that she still had that sort of influence on a man. Especially one who was as attractive to her as Edward.

  Edward, for his part, lay back in bed after Kimberly closed the door. He picked up his book on Python again, but set it aside, frustrated after a few minutes. The code, which just a few minutes earlier had made sense, just seemed like total gibberish now. Every time he tried to focus, all he could feel was the soft warmth of Kimberly's lips on his cheek, and the look in her eyes when she had stopped him from putting his shirt back on stirred deep within him.

  Get your act together, Edward, he muttered to himself, staring at the ceiling. She’s not even into you, she’s just agreeing to the arrangement to better her Clan.

  Still, his mind wouldn't let it go. She was so beautiful, there was no way it would ever work, but he couldn't let it go. He saw the way her brown and black hair flowed around her shoulders, framing a face that to him was more beautiful than any angel in heaven. The fine arch of her eyebrows over her amber eyes, which suggested that buried within that intelligent gaze was a sense of humor that would leave him in stitches any time she wanted.

  What was even more frustrating to him was the rest of her. The perfect curve of her shoulders leading down to the swell of her breasts, which flared out before narrowing down to a waist so small he thought he could encircle it with his fingers if he tried before flaring out to hips and legs t
hat stirred desires within him that he rarely felt. She was all curves, all of them working in harmony, and all of them causing his throat to go dry whenever he saw her move.

  Groaning in frustration, he looked down, where the blanket covering his lower body was bulging in a very embarrassing way. For fuck's sake, you have a mind of your own, don't you? Well, just can it, dumbass. It’s just political. Just go down and go to sleep, dipshit.

  His erection had no answer to him, but as he lay back and stared at the ceiling, he still couldn't help but feel the brush of her lips against his cheek, and the smell of her hair in his nostrils.

  Chapter 29

  Melanie sat carefully in the center of her cell, her eyes closed. She didn't know if she was doing it right, she didn't know if what she was doing would work at all, but she hoped that her daily meditation was helping. Clearing her mind, she focused on Keith, making a picture of him in her mind. She saw the brown and black streaked hair, the amber eyes, and the way he smiled when he was happy. She put all of her mind onto Keith, and the love she felt for him.

  She didn't know if the time of day affected the bond, but she did know that the full moon was approaching, and she wanted to take advantage of the effect. She knew that Keith was stronger when the moon was approaching full and that their bond felt stronger, at least in her mind.

  Now, at what she guessed was nearly two in the morning, she hoped that this time, it would work. Taking a deep breath, she formed the words clearly in her mind. Keith, it's me. Come for me, Keith. I'm south, I think in Mexico or someplace like that.

  She repeated herself, filling her mind with images of where she was, over and over until she was exhausted, and couldn't concentrate any longer. Sighing, she let her mind focus back on her body, and the numb feeling in her feet and lower legs. Extending them in front of her, she waited for the pins and needles to work their way out of her body before she tried to move.


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