Saved by the Alpha

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Saved by the Alpha Page 22

by Jessica Snow

  "Yet you are still as beautiful as a woman a third your age," Melanie said. It was true. Despite being seventy years old, Akiko still looked like she was in her early to mid-twenties, with only the gravitas in her eyes betraying that she was older. "Keith, I'm going to go get a snack, I'm ravenous tonight. I believe your son is going to be quite the eater when he comes out. I'm quite glad we can afford it."

  Melanie walked off, leaving Keith and Akiko alone in their corner of the main hall. Some of the guests had already left, and Ben Stormstout was entertaining some of the others. "And then, I decided that if I was going to have to fight a moose, that I'd at least make it a fair fight, so I turned back into my human form," he said, boasting. "The fire I needed to roast the bastard was nearly as difficult to make as actually fighting him."

  The two Alpha Lycans ignored the loud speech, and quietly addressed one another. "She's a great First Mate," Akiko said as Melanie maneuvered around Stormstout's group and headed towards the table of appetizers and snacks that had been laid out. "Beautiful too. I didn't think so at first, she is still short for a Lycan. But her heart, her spirit, and her mind are as noble as any Lycan I've met. You chose well, Keith."

  "I was lucky. Akiko, thank you again for the Thornblood's assistance. I know this wasn’t easy for you, and your internal Clan situation must be in flux right now."

  "It is what it is," Akiko replied. "Although if you are trying to ask, I could use some assistance."

  "How can I assist?" Keith asked turning to look at Akiko directly. "You know I owe you a great debt, regardless of what you think you owe me. You brought my son back into my life."

  Keith knew he was opening himself up, but if there was a way for Akiko to ask, it was this way. He had discussed it mentally with Melanie, and she'd just confirmed it again. He knew her position. Better to get it done soon than in the future. "Akiko, I'm serious. What can I do to help you?"

  She finished off her champagne and looked him in the eye. "You are wiser than your years, Keith, although you have a long way to go on learning how to be circumspect. It’s a trait that would serve you in good stead if you ever meet my original Clan. My older brother is very, very Japanese, and will take a long time to speak clearly his desires. He sees directness as being rude."

  "I know, but I’m not dealing with him. I'm dealing with you, and you are far more than just a normal girl from Namba, Osaka-born a few months before the war ended."

  Akiko smiled at the fact Keith had taken the time to learn her birthplace. "You know what I need. Clan Thornblood law is clear and very outdated. I cannot rule as Alpha Female by myself. My clan must have an Alpha Male. My son is dead, however, and I wouldn’t elevate one of the lower rank members to take Nioclas' place, they are unworthy of the status. I can’t even change the rule since only an Alpha Male can institute such change to Clan law."

  "So you need a strong male to become the Alpha," Keith said. "Melanie, Kim and I thought that might be the case."

  "Was my maneuver so transparent? Hmmm, I must be losing my touch," Akiko said. "My brother would be disappointed in me."

  "You’re hardly transparent, but you are very honorable and dedicated. You’re also rattled. You were Mated with Nioclas for many years, and it was easy to see that you loved him very much. If it wasn't for Kimberly's clear head, I doubt I would have seen your offer for what it was."

  Akiko nodded somberly, then set her champagne flute down. "Then I shall not bother you anymore. Good evening, Lord Lockwood."

  "Akiko, wait," Keith said, stopping her in her tracks. "I didn't say no, did I?"

  Akiko blinked, shaking her head. "But, your Mate, and the way you talked..... I must have had too much champagne because I don’t understand."

  "Come with me, just to the garden outside," Keith said. "I think our conversation should not be heard by some in this room, even by accident." Keith gave a pointed look to some of the other Alphas in attendance and Ben Stormstout, who again reminded him of a Southern politician, braying like a donkey while at the same time hearing every whisper within range. While Keith was certain he could trust Edward, he didn't trust Ben Stormstout beyond knowing that the Bear would do what was best for himself. He dismissed the thought from his mind for later consideration and led Akiko through the back door to the garden.

  As they walked along the garden path, Keith waited until they were out of sight of the main hall before talking again. He realized as he did that he had led her to almost the exact same spot that Kimberly had overheard Morrigan Thornblood betray the Gathering to the silberjagger, and wondered if fate was playing a role in healing the wound. "Akiko, just to let you know, I'm letting Melanie listen in on all of this. She is, and will always be my First Mate. That can’t change, no matter what."

  Akiko nodded. She turned and looked out at the river, rubbing her hands over her slender arms. She had work a sleeveless dress for the ceremony, in the traditional Thornblood colors of red and black. "I can accept that, on one other condition."

  "What's that?" Keith said, curious. He had to give her credit, she was a wily negotiator. He seemed to hold all the cards, and yet she had the brass to negotiate. She could be a very powerful ally, he heard Melanie say in his head. She knows more about Clan politics than even Kimberly.

  "If I become your Second Mate, I retain Alpha Female rights to Clan Thornblood. There will be no merging of Clans during our generation," Akiko said. "The Clan Thornblood name will not die out under my watch, that I swear."

  Keith hummed, impressed. "So I'd be the Alpha of two very uniquely laid out Clans. That could be quite a headache, honestly. It hasn't happened in a very long time if I remember right. You do realize that if you are Alpha Female of Clan Thornblood, Kimberly will remain Alpha Female of Clan Lockwood? You may not always agree on things, and I cannot always get in between you two. As Alpha Male, I am sworn to advocate for my Clan, both Clans. I cannot favor one Clan over another."

  "I know, and I can accept that. In fact, I want it that way. I promise, any disagreements between Kimberly and I will be worked out in private, respectfully, and the two of us will bring our joint solution to you together so that you can serve both Clans well. As for the next generation, well, that will be up for discussion when we are both much older, at least thirty years or more. Perhaps then, your son would be ready to assume leadership of both Clans. Or perhaps you would have another child who could take over one clan, while your son takes over the other. Or maybe Kimberly or I could.... well, in any case, there are many possibilities."

  "With a shared Alpha Male, we would be almost always in alliance, even if you and Kimberly don't always see eye to eye," Keith said. "You do realize this may anger some of your current allies?"

  Akiko shrugged. Changing alliances were something she was used to, and nothing surprised her very much. "Even as weakened as you are now, the Lockwoods are the strongest Clan in North America economically, and nearly the strongest in terms of manpower as well. Our combined strength is more than enough to secure both our positions and would even challenge some of the European Clans if they ever wanted to start something," Akiko replied. "I've been trained to expect the worst in that regard. Besides, having Kimberly to mentally spar with should be quite a welcome challenge. She's young and smart, but this old wolf still has a few tricks to show her about how to be the best damn Alpha Female she can be."

  "I see," Keith replied, "and I’m sure Kimberly would enjoy a bit of friendly sparring from time to time too, although I would hardly classify you as an old wolf. Well then, I accept, on one personal condition of my own."

  "What is that?"

  “I’m loyal to Melanie only. If you want to produce another heir, I can’t fulfill that wish. That part isn't negotiable.”

  Keith could feel the surprise over his Link with Melanie, and he forced himself to ignore what she said for the moment. He focused on Akiko, who nodded. "I accept. When should we declare this joining publicly?"

  "At the Gathering would be best, I think, althoug
h we can disseminate it through our Clans before then. So tomorrow, we can sit down, you, me, Melanie, and Kimberly, and discuss the details. Until then, I offer you the full use of the Manor, and will instruct all of the servants to defer to your judgment on matters."

  "Thank you, Kei.... Lord of the Lockwoods and Thornbloods," Akiko said. She smiled and nodded, her spirits lifted. "Now if you’ll excuse me, I must make some phone calls on our Clan's behalf. There are a few upstarts I need to put in their place. Clan Thornblood has a proper Alpha Male again, and some of these pretenders need to get a fucking lesson."

  Keith laughed and patted Akiko on the shoulder with great respect. “You know, I’m glad that I never had a fight with you. I think I might have lost. Please, go, and I'll see you later, or in the morning, whichever you wish."

  Keith watched Akiko go, his mind reflecting on just how complicated things were getting.

  Well, you didn't expect life to be boring and pedestrian, did you? Melanie thought.

  Keith smiled and chuckled. Not at all. Life of an Alpha Lycan never is. How is the food?

  He could feel the laughter over their Link, and he was puzzled. I only grabbed a bite, and then left the party. I instructed the servants to start herding everyone out or to their rooms, this isn't the damn Gathering. I'm upstairs in our quarters, and if you want a taste of dessert, you better get up here quickly.

  Keith barely kept himself from running up the stairs, he was so energized by Melanie's message. The last words had come over their Link with a warm, heady wash of arousal, and he knew exactly how she felt. Since the rescue, they had barely had a chance to shower and sleep for a few hours, let alone be intimate. Other than holding hands during the drive from the airport or talking over their Link, they had little time to be together, and they were both far overdue for it.

  Slowing down just enough to not tear the door off to his quarters, he found Melanie lying back on the bed, wearing just a silk robe that was open almost all the way to her waist, and holding a bowl of strawberries. "I swiped these from the kitchen on the way up," she said, her eyes glinting. "And this."

  Reaching over on the table, she held out a bowl of heavy whipped cream, which had been done by hand using real cream from a nearby farm. "Other than a cheeseburger the size of my head, the only thing I've really been wanting is fresh fruit like this. Think you can help me with it?"

  "You bet your ass I can," Keith growled, his amber eyes flashing. "I've missed you so much."

  "Well, here I am, my love," she said, taking a juicy strawberry and drawing it up her body, over the swell of her belly and between her breasts before popping it in her mouth. Sucking on it sensuously, she teased Keith with her moans and sighs, finally swallowing the berry and looking at him. "What are you waiting for? Your pants are still on."

  Keith realized he had been mesmerized by the sight, and peeled his clothes off at something approaching the speed of sound, his tie actually making a cracking sound as it whipped off his neck. Tossing the materials aside, he ran to the bed before stopping and carefully crawling over his Mate, his long tongue extending to lick up the trail of juices from her stomach all the way to her lips before they kissed.

  "Mmmmm, I like strawberries this way," he said in between pecks on the lips. "Think I can try the whipped cream now?"

  "If you like," Melanie replied, handing him the bowl. She watched as Keith scooped up a large dollop of the sweet white cream on his finger and held it out to her. She sucked it into her mouth, running her tongue around and around the digit, pulling back and slowly bobbing her head up and down until it was spotless and glistening. She could see the arousal in Keith's eyes from her little pantomime, and grinned. "Well, you offered."

  "I bet," Keith replied, dipping his finger again, this time drawing abstract designs on her skin before finishing with a large heart over her left breast. "Now my turn."

  Starting at her right shoulder, Keith followed his designs with his tongue, swirling around and around her upper body until coming around to her left breast, licking the entire heart off before sucking her nipple into his mouth. The caress left Melanie gasping and moaning, her nipple hard and aroused in Keith's mouth.

  "Keith, I need you," she said, reaching out to find his cock. She could feel the chiseled muscles of his body, missing it and reacquainting herself with every inch of him. She wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing it lightly as he continued to suck. "Please, I need you."

  Keith pulled himself from her breast to kiss her lips, reaching over for another strawberry. Placing it between his teeth, he bent over her lips, feeding her the strawberry slowly. “I’ll give you all of me," he said once she had taken the berry from him. "But I want to take our time, it's been so long."

  Melanie took a deep breath, controlling herself, and nodded. "I should probably take it slow anyway. The belly's a bit in the way of how we normally make love."

  "We'll adjust. The doctor said it’s fine anyway,” Keith said. "Now turn on your side for me."

  Melanie smiled and nodded, rolling to her side as Keith moved behind her. Starting with her shoulders, he rolled his thumbs slowly, kneading the tense muscles of her back. "I know the extra weight must make your back ache. And you know I love the feel of your skin."

  "Only if you snuggle that wonderful cock of yours against me while you do," Melanie said, pushing her hips back until she felt him nestle against her. "God I missed Mating with you."

  Slowly, Keith worked his hands up and down her back while Melanie felt his cock against her ass. She started thrusting her hips, back and forth, feeling the smooth skin slide against her. Cocking a leg, she pulled forward enough to let his cock come between her legs before pushing back again, this time his cock rubbing against her pussy. They stayed that way for long minutes, letting the slow build up of their passion soak through every fiber of their being.

  Finally, Melanie couldn't take it any longer. Reaching between her legs, she found Keith's cock and angled it upwards, guiding him inside her. With a single silken motion, he slid inside her all the way until she could feel him all the way inside her. "Yessss...." she hissed, keeping her leg up for him. "I love you."

  "I love you too," Keith said, kissing the back of her ear. His hips moved faster, both of them feeling the heat building inside them.

  Reaching around Melanie's hip, Keith found her clit with his fingers, rubbing the tender button and sending ripples of pleasure through her body. Whimpering in need, she pushed back into him again, frustrated as Keith slowed down the strokes of his cock, teasing her. "Give it to me," she begged. "Please."

  "Oh, the magic word," he replied with a chuckle. His fingers dragged over her clit again, and he whispered in her ear. "You know that will work wonders for you."

  "Please, please," she repeated, the single word becoming a mantra as Keith moved faster, his fingers and his cock working together to send waves through her. Turning her head to look back at Keith, they kissed for a moment before another wave washed over her, and her eyes lost focus, her mouth dropping into an open O of amazement.

  For Melanie, time had no meaning as she felt Keith open himself up to her, and she to him. She felt and heard every sensation, every nerve ending inside both of them firing with each movement. She had two hearts, two minds, yet one soul that was bonded to both bodies.

  A feeling of pure, clean, amazing energy built within their bodies, compressing and growing at the same time until it was glowing brightly. It broke and expanded, filling both of them with its loving build, and Melanie left her body. She almost floated over the bed, watching as her body convulsed along with Keith, her mouth open and howling her joy into the night air, their reconnection complete.

  "What was that?" she asked once she could speak again, opening her eyes to see that she was still lying on her side, Keith holding her from behind, his arms wrapped protectively around her. "That... I just... what?"

  "It was the next stage, from what I understand," Keith said. "When our energies and s
ouls are so intertwined, we feel and live within each other, and sometimes we can even leave our bodies."

  "Like astral projection?" she said, holding his hand against her belly. "I didn't know that was possible."

  "In most couples it isn't," Keith said. "Only when Mates are in perfect harmony. There's more on it in the Library, I'm not an expert on it. The Lycan version of the Kama Sutra isn't exactly required reading so far in my life."

  "Tomorrow then, we can check it out. But first, after we cuddle some more, I need your help."

  "What with?" Keith mumbled, kissing the back of her neck again.

  "A shower. I'm covered in whipped cream, strawberry juice, sex, and sweat. Not how I want to sleep, I'm going to wake up all crusty and sticky in the morning. Total yuck," Melanie said with a giggle. "Think you're up for that?"

  "Only if you don't mind if I try and seduce you again in the shower," Keith said.

  Chapter 39

  "Did you sleep well?" Akiko Thornblood asked as Melanie came downstairs to the dining room the next morning. She was already dressed for the day, and although she looked more relaxed than Melanie had ever seen her in black slack and a wine colored cable knit turtleneck, she still looked elegant and composed.

  Melanie smiled and nodded. The way Akiko was standing, and the tone of voice were so eerily similar to the way that Kimberly had in the living room of Lockwood Towers her first time after Mating with Keith, it was uncanny. Even the fact that Melanie was wearing casual pajama pants was similar, the only difference being she was wearing a sweatshirt instead of summer wear. "Why is it that every time a Lycan woman comes into my life, the first thing she asks me the next morning is if I slept well?"

  Akiko tapped her wrist where a watch would be and smiled. "You tend to sleep in by Lycan standards. Or maybe go to bed too early. A lot of us are night people who like to go to bed about the time you get up in the morning. Would you join me for breakfast? Just the two of us for now."


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