Naked Delirium

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Naked Delirium Page 6

by Sommer Marsden

  “OK,” Laura said firmly, sitting down naked on a battered red velvet sofa in the dining room. “Sit your pretty little ass down here beside me.”

  It was cooler in the seldom-used room and both of their nipples were painfully erect. As she sank into the soft velvet of the settee, Gilinda realised that they were facing the huge speckled mirror that Laura had bought from an antiques fair in Keswick. The heavy brocade curtains were drawn against the morning sun, and only a soft lamp illuminated them, making their reflections in the glass seem detached, like it wasn’t really them, but instead an old erotic film being projected on the faded cinema screen of a derelict theatre.

  Laura kissed her softly. A lover’s kiss. Gilinda wanted to melt into her and become as one, but she had quickly learned to keep sentiments like these to herself. So she simply returned her lover’s kiss and whispered her name.

  “Alright,” Laura said eventually, leaning back and spreading her legs, her big gold and pink pussy aroused and open, all of her sugar-pink marzipan labia glistening with moisture. “This is how this works. I want you to sit like me, that’s right, but I’m not going to look at you or touch you, we’re just going to watch the dirty film of those two gorgeous girls in the mirror. That’s right, one’s already showing us her big honey pot, now the other one’s opening her legs to show us her slit too. Beautiful. No one touches the other, we only touch ourselves, and we’re both going to tell a story…”

  “What kind of a story?”

  “An old story, the story of our cunts, where they have been, what they have done…”

  Gilinda watched transfixed as the mirror blonde’s fingers gently parted her own pussy and started teasing her clit.

  “I’ll start, shall I?” Laura’s voice whispered out of the darkness, and the mirror woman nodded and squeezed her glossy little pussy with pleasure.

  Chapter 4


  The Story of Laura’s Cunt

  When I was eighteen I took a summer job as a camp councillor at the old activity centre up beyond the valley. We were supposed to teach cannoning and kayaking and all that stuff, but it rained all summer and none of the kids wanted to bother with anything other than watching TV in the common rooms, so mostly we just sat around smoking and talking.

  Most of the other councillors were graduates from physical education colleges, and they’d all worked here every summer for the last three years, so they were a bit of a clique. But there was an attractive brunette called Maureen who was the same age as me. She was there for the first time too, so we shared a cabin and became friends.

  I was an only child and Catholic-school-educated, so I was pretty naïve when it came to the ways of the world, and I used to blush scarlet when any of the boys talked to me. There was one boy in particular, Jed, who always had a smile for me, a tall dark-haired lad with long muscular legs and wiry arms, I think he was a football player. Needless to say I was hopelessly in love with him before the season was out, although I’d only spoken about ten words to him if I was lucky.

  Anyway, it was the last week of summer. There was an early tinge of fire orange to the leaves, and the caretaker had started work on tarring the canoes and burning piles of deadwood. I was already packed and getting ready to leave to start my university course, but I was sitting on the front step of our cabin with Maureen when Jed came past with one of his friends – a cocky blond-haired American called Leo. They stopped to talk and then, out of the blue, asked us both to the end of summer dance that night.

  “Oh my god,” Maureen whispered as they left. “They’ve asked us to the dance! Do you know what that means?”

  “They want to dance with us?” I ventured. But Maureen just made an exasperated noise and dragged me inside.

  “If an older boys asks you to this dance it means he wants to fuck you,” she hissed. “They’re inviting us to go and lose our virginity and you’ve gone and said yes. We’re going to have to go through with it now.”

  “I don’t think…” I began, but Maureen hushed me.

  “It’s OK, don’t panic, we can handle this,” she said, thinking aloud. “We can smuggle in some drinks to loosen ourselves up and let them do most of the work, it can’t be that hard to get fucked, can it? What have you done with boys so far anyway?”

  I looked at her helplessly. “Nothing,” I blurted out. “I’ve never even had a boyfriend.”

  “Oh…my…god,” Maureen swore. “OK, it’s not the end of the world, we can do this, we’ll have to give you a crash course though, so you’re not clueless. Come on, get undressed!”

  “What?” I said.

  “Have you ever kissed a boy? Or seen one naked? No, of course you haven’t, so do you want to freak out when Jed lays a hand on you? Of course not, so you need to practice. Come on, it’s three o’clock already and the dance starts at eight. Oh look, come here and I’ll show you.”

  I thought she was about to push past me, but instead she took me in her arms and kissed me softly, holding me very close so that our breasts touched and our pussies flattened themselves against each other. I had never been kissed before, and it wasn’t at all how I’d imagined my first kiss to be, but I loved it all the same. It was as if my knees had gone weak and my cunt was on fire, and I stood there gasping for breath when we finally broke apart.

  Maureen was panting too. She was a tall Jewish girl with olive skin and very dark brown hair cut in a pageboy fringe, long tanned legs and big tits, and, if I was honest, I’d sneaked more than a few glances at her over the summer as she dressed in the morning, hoping for a glimpse of her nipples or maybe even her curly bush.

  “OK,” she whispered. “Now kiss me back and give my ass a grope or two.”

  Maureen’s breath was coming out of her in hard gasps, and she was holding me very tightly and pressing her cunt against my thigh, and though I’d never done anything like this before I knew instinctively what was about to happen.

  She’s wanted to do this all summer, I thought suddenly. She doesn’t care about the boys or the dance, this is just the excuse she’s been waiting for to get into my pants! It was a strange thought for me, and well beyond my years, but I knew instantly that it was true. The lovely Maureen was gay and had set her sights on the fat girl from convent school. I was both flattered and uncontrollably horny.

  I pulled her close to me and buried my face in her hair, inhaling her scent and planting little fiery hot kisses on her neck as my hands moved cautiously downwards, tracing the buttons on her spine.

  “That is soooo good,” she breathed. So….so nice… No, don’t stop, go lower, oh, that’s so wonderful…”

  I had her pert little ass in both hands by now and it felt amazing, like I was harnessing all her sexuality in those two handfuls of firm flesh, and I suddenly felt a wave of heat in my pussy as Maureen’s hands moved round and touched me in the same place, her long skinny fingers expertly caressing my big round bottom.

  “Kiss me,” she gasped and I obliged, our lips locking as I leaned into her, my tongue in her mouth, tasting her for the first time. I had always hated the way that girls in teenage books went from being bible-class virgins to meeting a boy and fucking him without so much as a squeeze of his cock first. But one kiss from Maureen was enough to know that I wanted to go all the way here and now, and without a word I pulled off her T-shirt and pushed her down on the bed.

  “You know, don’t you,” she whispered, kicking off her shoes and lying back so I could haul off her shorts. “You know what I am and you like it, don’t you.”

  “Shut up and kiss me,” I said gruffly, evading her question. But my hot wet pussy said all that needed to be said on the matter, and it wasn’t long before my clothes had joined Maureen’s on the floor.

  We kissed and touched for what seemed like an age, then Maureen finally put her hand inside my bra to feel my bare breast. I felt like an electric current had passed t
hrough me as I reached out for her and pulled her little panties straight down to her knees, lifting my ass for her so she could do the same for me.

  “My bra too,” she begged, raping my exposed pussy with her eyes. “Take it all off, strip me naked,” and I needed no further urging. I had her denuded in seconds and she quickly reciprocated, pulling off my remaining garments with a barely concealed ferocity, and we just lay there for a long moment, bare-assed naked and drinking in the delicious sight of each other’s quivering nude bodies.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” she said quietly, tracing a finger gently down my breast and around the nipple, then down my abdomen and round and round the heavy mound of my pussy in ever decreasing circles.

  I was aching to touch her but I held back for a moment, luxuriating in the sensation of having my pussy stroked by another person, and the sight of Maureen naked was the eighth wonder of the world.

  Her tits were large but pert, not broad and squashy like mine, and her nipples were so dark they were almost black. She was sporty and her body showed it, lean and muscular, her belly flat like a washboard with a cunt to die for. Her pussy hair was delicious, dark and sleek but short and curly, and a fine down of it twined up serpentine to her navel.

  Her fingers had moved through my bush by now and were stroking and teasing my very wet slit, and, seeing me looking, she parted her legs for me and gave me a glimpse of glistening pink inner lips amidst the chestnut of her pelt.

  “Come on in,” she whispered. “The water’s lovely…”

  I didn’t know anything about being a lesbian and at eighteen I certainly didn’t know what lesbians were supposed to do, but I did know that I wanted my first time with Maureen to be something really special; not just a mutual, if passionate, wank between two best friends. So, letting my animal instincts drive me, I just took her in my arms and kissed her again.

  “I’m going to go down and kiss your pussy and I want you to kiss mine,” I whispered in her ear as I rained down burning kiss after burning kiss on her beautiful swan’s neck. “Will you do that?”

  She looked a little uncertain for a moment and then nodded, and I slipped down the bed, kissing her all over as I went and bringing my big pussy up level with her face.

  “Do you know what to do?” she asked, planting a little kiss on my bush and making me feel like I’d died and gone to heaven.

  “No,” I whispered back. “But I think that if we kiss and maybe lick each other the way we touch our own pussies with our fingers when we, you know…do it ourselves, we shouldn’t go far wrong…”

  She nodded and gave my snatch another kiss. “You’ve got a beautiful cunt,” she said, kissing it again and inhaling the intoxicating scent of my arousal. “Do you like mine?”

  “I’ve thought about it all summer,” I confessed, starting to kiss around her sweetly fragrant jungle. “Now, no more talking when we could be kissing.”

  Maureen didn’t reply, but I felt the tentative tip of her tongue make fleeting contact with my clit and, with my cunt dripping wet, I immediately stretched out my own tongue and sought out her honeyed oyster.


  We argued later that night when I said I still wanted to go and meet the boys and, to cut a long story short, I ended up going to the dance alone. Jed and his friend Leo were standing outside drinking from cans of beer when I got there, and I heard Leo whisper, “For fuck’s sake, it’s just the fat one.”

  I don’t know if it was the fight with Maureen, or the desire to wipe the smug grin off his face, or maybe I was just horny. But before I knew it, I’d taken a can from them, downed it in one, and said, “So are you two going to fuck me or what?”


  I kissed first one and then the other in the darkness of the boathouse, the sound of the dark water lapping outside. They tasted of beer and whiskey, as if they had been getting up their own courage, but their hands were everywhere as we embraced, and I could feel their big hard cocks through their jeans as they pressed themselves against me.

  “How do you want to do this?” Jed asked, breathless and uncertain. “Take turns or what?”

  This morning I had never even kissed a boy, this afternoon I’d had had my pussy licked repeatedly. I was ravenous for sex, and it looked like I wasn’t the only one about to lose their virginity tonight.

  “You’ve never done this before, have you?” I asked, suddenly emboldened, and he nodded shamefacedly.

  “How about you?” I said, turning to Leo, but he just blushed and said nothing.

  “OK, then we’ll just have to teach each other,” I commanded. “Leo, undo my dress while I kiss Jed again.”

  He looked at me quizzically and I shook my head in exasperation. “It’s not difficult,” I said slowly. “We’re all virgins so if we show each other what to do we won’t fuck up. Now, I am going to start things off by kissing Jed and I want you to unfasten my dress while I do it. Can you do that for me?”

  He nodded and I took Jed into my arms again. I had been kissing Maureen all afternoon and the boy’s lips felt rough and hard after her softness, but it was nice nevertheless. Besides, I had a nagging itch that badly needed scratching. Jed made a happy noise and squeezed my breast, and I pulled him hard against me and kneaded his tight little ass while he ground his stiff dick into my thigh.

  Meanwhile I could feel Leo’s trembling hand struggling with the fastening on my dress, and then a rush of cool air as the zipper came down. There was a quick gasp and then Leo’s hands slipped inside. I felt his hands slide up and around me, coming between me and Jed, cupping my big boobs inside my bra. I broke from Jed and turned to embrace his friend, my dress falling to my feet as I did so.

  The evening was warm and I only had a bra and pair of very small and revealing panties on under my clothes, no tights or stockings, and as I melted into Leo’s rougher kiss Jed’s hands undid my bra and tentatively explored my big tits again as he ground his huge cock into my ass. Leo was dry-humping me hard on my front, his hands clawing at the waistband of my tiny panties, and I knew it would only be moments before they had me completely and deliciously naked.

  “OK,” I said, pushing them off and lining them up against the rough wood of the boathouse wall. “Before I take these off, it’s time you two showed me some cock. Come on, I’m waiting.”

  Leo grinned arrogantly and unzipped his jeans, the head of his big circumcised member peeping over his waistband.

  “Nice,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady as I gazed at its bulbous purple head, fat like a big hard plum that was already sticky with the sap of pre-cum. “But I need to see more…”

  He smiled and undid the stud of his jeans. “How far?” he asked, watching my face like a predator.

  “To your knees, smart ass. Jeans and underpants too,” I whispered and he obeyed, letting me see it all. Unrestrained, his cock arched straight up, hot and hard, the unprotected head glistening and inflamed. His undercarriage was covered in thick light-blond hair, not quite as fair as mine, but matted so deep it looked dark around his big veiny shaft and small tight balls.

  Jed had been staring at my big bare tits. But he tore his eyes away now to look hungrily at his friend’s nakedness, and I could see him mentally comparing his own hard-on to the huge dick that stuck out so stiff and proud beside him.

  “Now you,” I said quietly and he looked uncomfortable for a moment.

  “Will you go first?” he whispered, suddenly looking very young and vulnerable. He stood there playing with the button on his Levis and I nodded, taking a deep breath and then letting my panties fall to my feet.

  They both stared at my naked pussy like schoolboys. I think I must have looked quite ravishing standing there all naked with my huge bare tits, nipples stuck out like tent poles, and my unprotected pussy all wet and aroused. Leo’s big wet cock twitched with excitement and seemed to grow and extra inch, and both our
eyes turned to the still clothed Jed.

  “Alright, my bonny lad,” I said with a little smile. “Now it’s your turn. Take that T-shirt off for me...yes…that’s nice, and now undo your jeans and take them down to your knees like Leo’s done but leave your underpants where they are… Oh my god, that’s beautiful.”

  Jed was tanned and muscular and his body was covered in thick dark hair which grew in a neat V on his chest and tapered down to his belly where it spread all over his tight stomach like charcoal moss. He had on tiny pale blue underpants made out of shiny synthetic fabric, and they were doing nothing to conceal his huge erection, the head of which protruded over the elastic.

  Leo and I both looked at him in awe, the sight of his near nakedness somehow hypnotising, while his cock stretched and kicked like a trapped rabbit in its nylon prison under our scrutiny.

  Jed looked agonised. “I can’t stand this,” he whimpered. “Strip me, look at me….touch me…”

  I looked at Leo. “Pull his pants down for me,” I commanded, and after only a second’s hesitation he obeyed.

  He did it slowly, teasing us both, like he was unveiling a statue, and I watched amazed as inch after of Jed’s beautiful cock was revealed to me. First the big round head, slick with jism and only half covered by the inadequate foreskin, fiery red and brown with tinges of purple, then the big knobbly shaft, so thick and wide I wondered how I’d ever fit it all in my pleading pussy. Then the underpants were gone and I saw his balls, long and low and covered with thick black hair, his bush dense like an animal pelt, his legs and abdomen furry like a beast.

  Leo relaxed and stood beside his friend, looking from Jed’s stiff, swollen member to his own, the two of them so huge with wanton desire that their cocks stuck out and then curved up like old Greek statues of satyrs. They both looked so stiff that you’d think they had been carved from marble.


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