Naked Delirium

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Naked Delirium Page 11

by Sommer Marsden

  Scalding tears slipped from her closed eyes and she cursed them — and the man who made her cry with an eternity of pain. He seemed unmoved by her weakness, neither comforting nor opportunistic. She had expected him to turn predator, but he only stared with an odd, absent-minded expression. Finally, drawn to Eve in ways even she could not explain, she looked away from Adam. Let him watch, she thought with a rush of intense feminine satisfaction. He wanted her. He denied it, but she knew the truth of his longing. Could feel it in the steadiness of his gaze. Whatever magic of her own Eve possessed, she controlled Adam now just as surely as Lilith herself had controlled him earlier.

  “Stay with me in this moment,” Eve said, cupping Lilith’s bare mound and squeezing hard. “Be with me. Be mine.”

  A jolt of desire so strong it made her gasp coursed through Lilith’s body. Nothing existed now but Eve and the sensations she coaxed from her. “Yes!” she cried out in answer to both the longing of her body and Eve’s demand.

  “So warm, so wet,” Eve mumbled against the hollow of her shoulder as she stroked her. “You like that, don’t you my beautiful temptress?”

  Lilith nodded against the top of Eve’s head, breathing in her unique scent and tumbling through space and time back to the moment when she’d met Eve and declared her to be the enemy. This was not the enemy. This was unequaled desire unleashed upon the history of all mankind. Incoherent in her desire, all Lilith could do was cling to her lover’s body and climb to her release. Eve’s thumb strummed her engorged clit while two fingers pumped inside her narrow channel, urging her closer and closer toward orgasm. She gasped when Eve’s lips closed over one swollen nipple and sucked in time to the rhythmic fingers inside her.

  Every muscle strained taut, so ready for release that she began to whimper from the emotions roiling inside her. Eve held her close, her hot mouth on her breasts, her fingers driving into her faster and deeper until Lilith came apart with a soul rending scream.

  “Let go,” Eve soothed as she stroked her cunt, milking every last sensation from Lilith’s body. “Let go, my darling, my love. I will keep you safe now and always.”

  Lilith clung to her, gasping and whimpering, tears squeezing from under her eyelids and streaming down her face until finally, finally, the sensations began to fade.

  “Thank you,” Lilith whispered. “Thank you, thank you, my wonderful Eve.”

  Had she ever thanked another, in all of her existence? Had she ever been truly grateful for what she had been given — or had she only taken what was hers? She felt shattered, her very existence destroyed and recreated, brought to life. Laughter bubbled within her, a lightness she had never known flowed through her like so much magic she could only hope to possess.

  She looked up into Eve’s radiant face, the bone structure reminiscent of some of the finest art works in all creation. She knew Eve inhabited a human body, a body that was but a manifestation of the ancient creature she was, but the essence of her true self shimmered beneath the surface. She was more herself — her real self — than Lilith had ever seen her, with the exception of the times she was between hosts.

  Something tickled in the recesses of her memory, something…forbidden. So much knowledge had been lost to her, not only the heavenly kingdom and the man who was her soul mate and the woman who was her love, but more. Knowledge of her real power. She could feel it humming through her, her body brought to existence through sheer force of will and a desire for life. Now where had that thought come from? She was here through the grace of the maker and should be searching for a host body, not caught up in her base desires for the one created in Adam’s image.

  She looked into Eve’s eyes, captivated by their blue-green depths, so much like this world through which they walked. There was some hidden truth there, some wisdom that she herself did not posses. Had she underestimated sweet, passive Eve? And by how much?

  “Yes,” Eve whispered, as if responding to her question. But then she added, “Yes, Adam. It’s what I want.”

  Confused, Lilith looked to Adam, who still watched her with the stillness of a snake about to strike. But it was she who was the snake in the garden, wasn’t that true? Wasn’t that her legacy for all time?

  “Are you sure, my sweet?” he asked in their original language. They were the only three in the world who could speak the language of the maker. It was forbidden to do so, like so many other things forbidden to them, but he seemed unconcerned.

  Lilith found her voice at last and the question rumbled from her with a force of power that rattled the windows. “What is going on?”

  Eve stroked her hair, attempting to soothe her, apparently. “Oh dear Lilith, for so long you have borne the brunt of Adam’s wrath. Isn’t that right, Adam?”

  Adam looked away as Eve petted Lilith lovingly.

  “You mean the maker’s wrath,” Lilith whispered, feeling as if she were coming apart again beneath Eve’s knowing touch. “I am a demon, she-devil, evil incarnate. I deserve to be destroyed but exist only at the maker’s mercy.”

  She looked into Eve’s eyes and watched the tears roll down her flawless cheek. There was something here she did not understand. She looked to Adam, his expression as impenetrable as before, but…was he always so beautiful? This body he inhabited appealed to her greatly, but he seemed different somehow.

  “Tell me!” she shrieked, sounding more like an irritable infant than the she-devil she knew herself to be.

  “Eve wants us to have a child,” Adam said at last.

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “She is with child, so she gets her wish.”

  Her intention had been to steal the child, of course. Adam knew that, and Eve, even in her naivety, must have known as well. Was this some elaborate plot to lure her to their bed and then destroy her? But how?

  Adam shook his head. “No, not she and I. You and I.”

  Lilith’s body — this body that came into being only when she was in need of a new form — quaked. “What…? What?”

  She looked to Eve. Her nemesis. Her replacement. Her love. The woman she had admired from afar for all of human existence. The woman she had attempted to destroy, to conquer, to own. The woman she dared not trust. She looked to Eve and asked, “What does he mean?”

  “Lie with him this night and you will conceive a child,” Eve whispered against her temple.

  Lilith shook her head, feeling the brush of Eve’s lips against her fevered brow. “It is not possible. It is forbidden.”

  “I am the mother of all creation, I know what will be.”

  Lilith knew the truth of her words as soon as Eve uttered them. It was as if the very earth beneath the foundation of the house recognised the truth of who she was and the power she possessed. Energy shifted around them, reorganizing itself and settling back into a familiar hum and cadence.

  “All this time,” Lilith whispered, letting herself be enveloped in Eve’s arms and guided back against the bed, “I thought I was the one with the power.”

  Eve’s laugh was the laugh of mother earth herself. “My power is your power, Lilith love. Yours and Adam’s. We three are the bond of all humanity. And from this night forth, we shall forever be powerful equals.”

  Adam had been silent through this exchange, but now he reached out a hand to Eve. The two of them touched and the very air in the room crackled with life. Eve moved Adam’s hand to her extended belly, then reached out to take Lilith’s hand in her own.

  “Tonight we will both become mothers of creation, as it should have been.”

  Lilith looked to Adam. “Tell me you want me,” she demanded, though the words were more a plea for acceptance than an expectation of acquiescence.

  Adam’s true self flashed in the human face before her. So beautiful, so powerful. Hers, at last?

  His words confirmed her heart’s naked longing. “I want you, Lilith. Now and always.”

“So it shall be,” Eve said, her body between them, her hands coaxing them closer. “This night, it shall be as it always should have been. The three of us, together.”

  “Forever,” Lilith whispered, reaching to grasp Adam’s thick shaft in her hand. “Forever.”



  Energy sparked in the air, pure and violent life force in need of release. Eve watched her two loves, for Lilith was surely as much her soul mate as Adam had always been, and smiled. She stroked her rounded belly, anxious to be free of this human shell and walk the world as her true self, pregnant with her own child. Adam’s child.

  And Lilith’s too.

  It had taken a thousand years, more perhaps, for the truth to be revealed. The reason why they were allowed to exist at all, even with hosts. The reason why Lilith, who was deemed so evil as to be unworthy of Adam’s love, was allowed to walk the earth and risk destroying humanity. As societies had evolved and the nature of man had become more adept at destruction, Eve had questioned why the maker had cast Lilith out but done nothing about the evils of the world. Why? Just as during her brief time in the garden, Eve’s curiosity had caused her to wonder and question…and her need for knowledge made her stronger. Fearless. She felt herself — her true self — becoming more powerful with each new host body she inhabited. And when she conceived she had known it was truly her child conceived with Adam, not the child of the woman whose body she inhabited. Their power had manifested into the creation of life. And this was their power…not His power. Eve knew Lilith’s force to be stronger than Adam and her combined. It had always been so…just as she knew the three of them were destined to be together for eternity. A family like no other. They could not be destroyed. And they would never destroy each other. They were the life’s blood of all civilization.

  And tonight they would create another life.

  She stroked Adam’s flank, his warm flesh so familiar and beloved regardless of what form he took. She could see the question in his gaze — silly man, thinking he had the power here — but she simply urged him to cover Lilith’s body with his own.

  Dear Lilith, so maligned and misunderstood, cursed by man and maker alike, she longed for love, for acceptance, for family. Eve knew this because, in a way, they were two of a kind. Brought into existence to be partners to Adam, but never quite able to step from his shadow. She clasped Lilith’s hand in her own. Separately, they were stronger than he could ever hope to be. Together, they were all-powerful. But she didn’t wish to conquer Adam, she wished only to love him and Lilith the way she was always meant to. Mother of all living things. Mother of all existence.

  “I have longed for you for all eternity,” Adam whispered to Lilith.

  The tremor in Lilith’s voice was palpable. “As have I, my darling.”

  Eve smiled. There was no room for jealousy this night. Her body was the vessel for all creation and tonight she was joining her essence with the only creatures who even came close to matching her power.

  Eve stretched out on the bed beside their prone bodies, touching them, stroking them. She could feel the potential for humanity. Lilith was ripe — she could smell it on her. Had smelled it even before she awoke in the night. A child of her own. Eve cried freely for Lilith’s longing about to be realised. She could not move away from them, their forms together were like two halves of the world surrounding her, the molten core. She touched herself between her thighs, wetting her fingers with her juices that still ran freely, stroking herself to arousal, knowing that when Adam was finished with Lilith, Eve would have her turn again with both of them.

  Adam reared up over Lilith, braced on his hands and knees. “I have to fuck you,” he said. “And it won’t be gentle.”

  Lilith’s laughter tinkled like broken glass on metal. “I don’t want you to be gentle,” she said. “Ever.”

  “Take her, Adam,” Eve whispered, reaching between their bodies to find him hard and heavy in her hand. “Fuck her now. Let me.”

  They both gasped as Eve stroked the length of him and then guided the tip to Lilith’s wet entrance. She had prepared Lilith for this with her mouth and her words, but the intensity of the first stroke left the three of them crying out. Adam flexed his hips and his cock glided between Eve’s fingers and disappeared into Lilith’s wetness. Eve kept her hand there, encircling him, pressed against Lilith’s entrance, the three of them connected profoundly. Eternally.

  Lilith’s body curved up and around Adam, drawing him down into her. Eve had no choice but to retract her hand, but she could not stop touching them. She knelt on the bed, running her hands along Adam’s muscular back, drawing the moisture from his skin down to the cleft of his buttocks, fondling his swollen testicles as he drove into Lilith.

  Adam was a rutting beast, fucking Lilith with the intensity of an animal ravaging its prey. He was never so rough, so uncontrolled with Eve and she sensed it was because he saw her as weaker, softer. Lilith he saw as a fair match — one able to take all that he had to offer. Eve would show him she was equally as strong, stronger even, but now was not that time. They had all of eternity to learn and relearn each other and the prospect thrilled her. Sensual creatures, they need only satisfy their own pleasures and Eve fully intended to know every pleasure ever denied to them.

  She could feel the blood coursing through Adam as she knelt behind him, stroking his buttocks. Lilith screamed her desire and the sound thrilled Eve, but she could feel her own blood beginning to sing in longing. The three of them were meant to be together, of this she had become most certain. But her impatience drove her to rake her nails down Adam’s lower back. She wanted him, too. And she could not wait.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered when he paused at her assault. “Now, quickly. I need to feel you inside me.”

  Lilith cried out in pain and Eve knew it was as much emotional as physical.

  “Fret not, my love,” she soothed, pressing herself to Lilith’s body when Adam left the V of her spread thighs. “He will come back to you. I just…need. You understand, my dearest? Yes? Please say yes?”

  Adam knelt behind Eve, poised to enter her even while she lay atop Lilith.

  “I say yes,” he said with a satisfied grunt, driving his cock — still wet from Lilith’s depths — into her.

  Eve gasped in pleasure, feeling suddenly and completely filled. Adam’s strokes were as animalistic and forceful as they had been with Lilith and this pleased Eve immensely even as she fought to brace herself on her hands and knees. But Lilith only wrapped her arms around her and pulled her down against her damp body.

  “I understand,” she whispered to Eve. “I know. I need him, too. I need you both.”

  Eve felt as if every atom of her human body shifted and reconnected in a new way. This was what she had craved for all of existence. This.

  Adam fucked her with all the raw power he possessed in human form. He gripped her hips in his hands as he rode her, showing her no mercy, using her body as he had used Lilith’s. Eve cried out, her host body quivering under his onslaught. She could feel them slipping their human forms, becoming their true selves. That knowledge propelled her higher into ecstasy, pushing her to her release almost unwillingly. She clung to Lilith, her face pressed against her cheek as she cried out in the agony of an orgasm so powerful it made her belly cramp painfully.

  She had a moment of panic, fearing for the babe she carried, but it subsided with the knowledge that nothing could harm her child. Nothing. Her human form might be fragile, but the life she carried within her was as immortal as she. And soon, soon Lilith would be in the same way.

  “Enough,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from her screams. “Lilith has waited too long. Take her again, Adam. Find your release in her. Give her a child.”

  Adam freed himself from the tangle of their legs long enough for Eve to crawl across Lilith’s body and stretch out beside them, a pleasant ache betwee
n her thighs. Then he was on Lilith again, filling her with a moan, her answering gasp making Eve’s skin tingle with the power she possessed.

  The intensity of their coupling could not last. Adam had been long denied this night and he was soon shouting his release even while Lilith left her own claw marks in his back. He would have scars to show for their night of pleasure, Eve thought.

  No, not him. His host. Again, that feeling shimmered across her human skin and she knew the time was coming. With the dawn, she guessed, which wasn’t far off. She had woven her earthly magic to slow the approach of the sun, but she could not stop it. Nor did she want to. It was time.

  Adam collapsed atop Lilith’s receptive body, the two of them breathing hard with their physical release. Almost without thought, they both reached out at the same moment to touch Eve. It was then that the earth opened up and swallowed them whole. Or at least that was how it felt.

  Eve had the sensation of falling from a great height. When she settled at last, she was across the room in her original form — her true form — staring at the sleeping form of her host body. Likewise, Adam stood beside her in the form of his creation, his host body curled over Lilith in sleep.

  Lilith moved from beneath the weight of the sleeping human and rose to join them. “What happened?”

  She sounded genuinely bewildered, which answered Eve’s questions as to whether Eve possessed the knowledge of what would become of them should they both find themselves with child by Adam.

  Adam shook his head as if clearing the cobwebs, taking Eve’s hand. “Did you do this, Eve? Or was it the maker?”

  “We did it,” she said triumphantly. “We are free of our host bodies forever.”

  The truth of her words registered in Adam’s eyes. “Are you sure?” he asked, though she knew he could feel it, too.

  “Yes. We can be together now as we were always meant to be.” She entwined her free hand with Lilith’s. “We will both bear children now.”


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