Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

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Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Page 6

by K E Osborn

  “Miss Taylor?”

  “Yes, may I help you?”

  “I spoke to you earlier. I’m Benjamin. Mr. O’Connell’s PA. Mr. O’Connell is otherwise engaged. He asked me to come and collect his Aston Martin.”

  I smile, trying not to look overly disappointed. “Nice to meet you, Benjamin.” I put out my hand for him to shake. His hand is soft, and his nails are well manicured. Not at all like the guys who work here; their hands are rough and dirty.

  “You too, Miss Taylor.”

  “Oh, please call me Jeni.”

  He nods. “Thanks, Jeni.”

  I take the deductible payment for the repairs and lead him to the front parking lot where the Aston Martin is parked.

  “He lets you drive this beauty then?”

  “Not often, I take the opportunity whenever I can.”

  “I’d love to drive one of these things, a V12. The biggest I’ve driven is a V6,” I say, and we both laugh.

  “She’s a beast, not a beauty, let me say that.” He has the biggest grin on his face, and I like him instantly. He opens the car door and sits in the driver’s seat.

  “Oh, I nearly forgot. Mr. O’Connell would’ve killed me if I had.” He hands me a note in an envelope.

  “What’s this?” I ask with curiosity.

  “A note from Mr. O’Connell.”

  “Oh. What’s it say?”

  He lets out a light laugh. “I’m not sure. I don’t read his personal letters.”

  I bite my lip. Personal letter sounds intriguing.

  He starts up the car, and the roar of the engine ignites. I smirk at the look on his face; I can tell he loves driving Aiden’s car.

  “See ya.”

  He waves his hand out the window as he reverses. “Bye, Jeni.”

  He drives out of the gates and onto the road, and the chauffeured vehicle follows.

  I head back into the reception area, feeling disappointed that Aiden didn’t come but glad that I met Benjamin. I sit down at my desk with the envelope. On the front, very neatly hand-written, is the word Jenifer. I stare at it. “He even spelled my name correctly.” I hold the envelope up to the light to try to see through, and then I realize that I can open it. “Duh, blonde much,” I say to myself. I try very carefully not to tear the envelope as I open it. I pull out the card that’s inside.


  I apologize for my absence this afternoon; unfortunately I’m held up in important meetings. I’ve made sure that my schedule is clear this evening so we can spend some time together. I’m looking forward to it.

  Moronic Smart-ass Man.

  I feel like I’m floating. Floating in soft white clouds with harps playing in the background. I’m in heaven. I lean back in my chair and hold the card to my chest. I breathe in and out, feeling elated. Mel walks in.

  “You okay, Jeni?” she asks with a smirk on her face. I sit up in my chair and put the letter on the desk.

  “Yep, feeling a bit, um, dizzy.” That’s the best I can come up with?

  “Have some water.”

  I take a sip of my water. “Thanks, Mel,” I say as she walks away with a knowing grin. I pretend to sort some papers. When she’s out of sight, I slump back into my chair and let out a sigh.

  “Subtle, Jeni,” I murmur under my breath, shake my head, and let out a small chuckle. I look up at the clock. Three thirty. I have to make sure I’m out of here at exactly four thirty p.m. I get on with my work. After some time, I look up again. Four twenty p.m. I start to pack up, turn off the computer, and put on the answering machine.

  “See you Monday, Mel,” I call out.

  “Uh-huh,” is all she can manage. She must be drinking a coffee or something. I head out to my car, jump in, and turn the ignition. I reverse out of the parking lot, and as I do, Fun’s “Some Nights” plays on the radio. I love this song. Sarah and I call this our “happy song” because no matter how I feel, when I hear it, it makes me happy. I sing along as I drive home.

  I park my car in the driveway, turn off the ignition, and grab my bag to head inside. I walk down the hallway to my room. I throw my bag on my bed, grab my robe, and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and shower. I put on fresh lingerie, matching black with little sections of lace, not that anybody will be seeing them, but it always makes me feel sexy. I get ready by applying makeup, and I settle on soft curls for my hair. I add one more touch, a black headband with a small bling rectangle, matching the belt on my dress.

  Perfect, I think as I look at myself in the full-length mirror. I head back to my room and grab a small black sequined clutch and place my necessities into it.

  Hmm that will do. There’s a knock at the door, making me jump. I see Sarah is standing in the doorway.

  “Hey, are you getting ready?”

  I motion for her to come in. “Yup,” I say as I exhale.

  “Nervous?” she asks as we both sit on the edge of the bed.

  “You have no idea.” My stomach starts to churn as my breathing escalates.

  Sarah can sense the shift in mood, and she puts her arm around my shoulders. “You know I’m so proud of you!”

  “What for?” I ask. I think that she means for actually going on this date tonight, the first one in three years.

  “Because you put on that makeup by yourself, and it’s not half bad.”

  “Hey!” I smack her leg. She laughs, and then I notice she has something in her hand. She looks at me lovingly.

  “No, I’m proud of you for being you and being the most beautiful person I know. I got you something for tonight.”

  I look at her. She really shouldn’t have.

  “Hold out your hand.” I do as she says. “Close your eyes.” I laugh. “No, I’m serious, close your eyes.”

  I close them. Then she puts something in my hand; it’s cold and small.

  “And open.”

  I do as she says. It’s a diamond bracelet. Not real diamonds, but they look it. “I love it, Sarah.”

  “It’s good luck for tonight. I was wearing it when I met Chris,” she says as she places it around my wrist. “I have another present for you.”

  I glare at her. “Sarah!”

  “Last one I promise. Now close your eyes.” I shake my head but do as she says. She puts something in my hand, and it’s rectangular in shape, as though it’s packaged. Maybe perfume? “Open,” she says, laughing. I open my eyes to find a packet of condoms in my hand.

  “Oh, Sarah, as if,” I say, slapping her on the leg again.

  “It’s better to be safe than sorry.” She laughs hysterically. I throw the packet on the bed and stand up.

  “Let’s get you into that new dress.” She jumps off the bed, pulls the dress off the hanger, and hands it to me. She helps me, trying not to ruin my hair and makeup. Sarah stands there, staring at me.

  “What? No good?”

  “No, you look stunning.” Sarah pulls out her cell phone from her pocket and snaps a photo.

  “Say Mr. Car-Crashing Flower-Giver!” I laugh, and she snaps the photo. It’s a nice one, and she sends it to Chris. A few moments later, Chris replies. Sarah shows me the message.

  OMG! She looks so beautiful. Tell her good luck from me.

  “What a sweetheart.”

  “I know, right?”

  I take a final look in the mirror. Even I think I look good. I look at the time, five twenty.

  “Right, ten minutes. Last minute checks. Teeth?” I smile, showing my teeth. “Check. Handbag?” I hold it up in my hand. “Check. Shoes?” I look down.

  “Oh crap, what shoes should I wear?”

  “I can’t believe we didn’t check your feet.”

  I start to worry, but Sarah soon puts that to rest.

  “How about my black heels? They are low and have little bling buckles. They’ll match your headband and belt.”

  I look at her. “Is that a bit too much bling?”

  “There is no such thing as too much bling.”

  I laugh as she
goes to her room to retrieve her shoes.

  I step into them as I hold her arm. They are a little higher than I’m used to. I walk around the bedroom trying to get used to them. Sarah watches me intently.

  “You’ll be fine. You’re having dinner, so you will be sitting at a table, not standing.”

  “They do look amazing.” The doorbell chimes. “Oh my god,” I whisper.

  “You look perfect.”

  “I don’t think I can do this.” I start to fan myself with my hands. I feel hot.

  “Yes, you can. You’re a strong, passionate, beautiful young woman. I’m certain you can handle something as simple as a date.”

  I take in a breath. “Should I answer the door or should you?”

  “I’ll answer the door and say, ‘she’ll be right with you.’ Then you can walk down the hallway, making a grand entrance. He’ll be like ‘oh my god, she’s stunning’, and then he will sweep you off your feet and kiss you,” she says excitedly.

  “Okaaay, I’m answering door then.”

  She frowns. “My idea is better!”

  I laugh, walking to the front door, closely stalked by Sarah. As I get to the front door I turn around. “Well?”

  She looks at me in all seriousness and says, “Amazing.”

  I exhale, turn, and open the front door. Standing in the doorway is the chauffeur from this afternoon.

  “Oh,” Sarah says with disappointment, staring at the middle-aged man with a brownish-gray beard. He’s dressed in a suit, wearing the same hat as earlier.

  “Is that him?” she whispers. I let out a small laugh that almost sounds like a snort and shake my head subtly.

  “Hello, Miss Taylor. My name is Mike. I’ll be your chauffeur for this evening.”

  “Ooh,” Sarah exclaims loudly.

  “Hi, Mike. Um, is Aiden here?”

  “Mr. O’Connell is waiting for us at our destination.”

  “Damn,” Sarah says, sounding disappointed. I know she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Mike gestures toward the car. Sarah and I both follow him to the driveway to see a pink Cadillac.

  “Oh my god,” Sarah squeals like a child. Then I remember my message to Aiden, You can pick me up in a Cadillac and his response, I hope you like pink. Now it makes sense. I can’t believe he took what I said seriously. Mike walks to the car, opens the rear passenger door, and gestures for me to get in. Sarah gives me a big hug before I get into the car.

  “Have a great time, and remember...”

  We both say in unison, “Play it cool.”

  “I will. Thanks, Sarah, love you.”

  “Love you too. Now go get yourself some testosterone-filled eye candy.”

  I laugh and get into the car. Sarah is standing in the middle of the driveway, waving and watching as the Cadillac exits and pulls into the traffic.

  Chapter 8

  I start to wonder why Aiden didn’t come to pick me up personally. I quickly remove that thought from my mind. I feel myself starting to get angry. After all, this is the second time today he has not shown up. “Hey, Mike? Where are we going?” He looks into the rearview mirror.

  “Mr. O’Connell said to tell you it’s a surprise, Miss Taylor,” he politely replies.

  I huff. “I thought the Cadillac was my surprise.”

  “Just one of them, Miss Taylor.”

  I sit back, confused. “Just one of them? How many has he got planned?”

  “Of that, I am unsure, Miss Taylor.”

  “Hey, Mike?”

  “Yes, Miss Taylor?”

  “Please, call me Jeni.”

  He looks at me in the rearview mirror. “Yes, ma’am.” I let out a small laugh at his reply. I think he’s spent most of his life speaking to people formally, but I don’t want him speaking to me that way. I see him as my equal and definitely not below me. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no need for Miss Taylor or ma’am. I’m just Jeni.

  * * *

  We pull into the botanical park. Mike drives up the long, winding road where visitors are watching and pointing at the car as we drive past. I shuffle down in my seat, feeling self-conscious. Finally, we pull up. I sit and take in the view. It’s all very lush and beautiful. I see a cobblestone path with greenery engulfing its surroundings, but I can’t see Aiden anywhere. Mike gets out of the car and opens up the door for me.

  “Miss... I mean Jeni. Mr. O’Connell is at the end of the path waiting for you.”

  I take his hand and step out of the car onto the cobblestone path. “Thank you. Do I look okay?”

  “Very lovely, miss, um ... Jeni.”

  I let out a small giggle. “Thanks, Mike.” I take in a deep breath and start down the path. I turn back and look at Mike. “Aren’t you coming?”

  He smiles, shaking his head. “No. It’s a party for two, Miss Taylor ... sorry, Jeni,” he says.

  I take a step back toward Mike and hug him. He’s quite tense but eventually succumbs to the hug and pats me on the back softly. I laugh. “Have a good night, Mike.”

  “You too, Jeni,” he says, tipping his hat at me.

  I take another deep breath and start my trek down the path. Sarah’s shoes make it difficult to walk, but I manage somehow. I walk along the path, putting my hand out to touch the ferns on the side of the hill. Glimpses of sunshine glimmer through the lush treetops. The smell of greenery is all encompassing. There is a sound in the distance of water gushing. “Must be a river,” I say to myself. The path takes a turn ahead, and I wonder what will be around the corner. I slowly walk, taking in the perfume and soaking up the fading sun. For just one moment, I forget why I’m here and feel the serenity and outstanding beauty that surrounds me. I turn the corner, still in a daze, looking at the splendor around me. Then I see him. He’s standing on a deck that’s set over a pond, and he’s gazing at a striking waterfall in the background. On the deck there is a table set for two. A small vase of flowers sits in the center. Two single candles sit on either side of the flowers, lit and flickering in the mild breeze. I inhale at the sight. Those horrid butterflies flutter around in my stomach with a vengeance.

  I don’t want to disturb him, as he seems far away in his thoughts. I try to make my way silently to the table, but my heel gets caught in between two stones. I try to pull it out, and the commotion causes Aiden to turn around. His eyes meet mine, and a beaming smile crosses his face. He’s wearing suit pants, a light blue pinstriped shirt and a suit jacket, no tie. I act cool and slowly pull the shoe out of the stones, using some force. My shoe comes free suddenly, making me stumble and fall onto the deck. My clutch falls, opens up, and my things fly out everywhere.

  “Oh my god,” I mutter under my breath. Next thing I know Aiden is helping me up.

  “Jeni, are you okay?”

  I stand up and look at him. “I’m falling for you already.”

  His face lights up, and he shows me those perfect pearly whites.

  I dust myself off and say, “How embarrassing!”

  “Here, let me help you,” he says, gesturing to my clutch and its contents. I pick up my clutch and lip-gloss, and he picks up my cell phone. He clears his throat as he picks up a couple of condoms. My face goes bright red as a smirk crosses his.

  “I didn’t put those in my bag. It must have been my housemate, Sarah. She plays tricks on me like this all the time. Not that I go out on dates all the time or anything. I mean, not that I don’t go on dates. I date. Just not often, and I definitely wouldn’t be using those tonight anyway. I mean this is our first date. What do you think I am? I’m not that kind of—”

  “It’s fine, Jeni,” he interjects with a giant smile on his face. I suck in a deep breath and take the cell phone and condoms from him and put them back into my clutch. I make a mental note. I’m going to kill Sarah when I get home. He leads me over to the railing at the edge of the deck.

  I lean on the railing and look out to the magnificent waterfall.

  “It’s so beautiful,” I say as he tucks a piece of ha
ir behind my ear.

  “Sure is,” he says, staring straight at me, making me blush. I look down at the pond, smiling. “Shall we have a seat?” he asks.

  I nod, still embarrassed. I turn around, and he places his hand on my lower back and leads me to the table. He pulls out my chair and pushes it back in when I sit.

  “Such a gentleman,” I say to him. He takes a seat. My butterflies are wreaking havoc again, and I start to feel a bit nauseous. I take a sip of my sparkling water. Ah, that helps.

  “So, Moronic Smart-ass Man, what’s for dinner?”

  He smirks at me. “Whatever you want, the chef will cook for us.”

  I look at him, surprised. “But isn’t there a set menu or something?”

  “Not tonight. Tonight it’s whatever you feel like. Pasta, steak, perhaps seafood?”

  I look at him, confused. “Wow, you really do feel guilty,” I say under my breath. I look down to my hands in my lap.

  He looks at me with a confused look on his face. “Guilty?”

  I look up at him. “For crashing into me,” I say shyly.

  “Is that what you think? That I feel guilty?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. “Maybe?” I say unconvincingly, shrugging.

  He tilts his head slightly. “I don’t feel guilty for crashing into you. In fact, I think it might be one of the best things I’ve ever done.”

  My mouth drops with the shock. “Crashing into someone is the best thing you’ve ever done?” I ask, feeling agitated.

  “No crashing into you is the best thing I’ve ever done.”

  “Huh? How can crashing into me be the best thing? I mean what if I was hurt or something?”

  He scratches his head. “Crashing into you is the best thing I’ve ever done because I got to meet you. But I’m very grateful you weren’t hurt.”

  I sit back in my chair, contemplating what he said. “Oh, but you don’t even know me.”


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