Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

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Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Page 16

by K E Osborn

  I look up to see Aiden, not Mike. I smile. “I thought you were Mike,” I say, stating the obvious. He lets out a small laugh as my frantic behavior eases away with his smile.

  “I gathered. Would you rather Mike comes to your door instead of me?” he asks.

  “No, I like this surprise much better.”

  He leans in and kisses me, softly, slowly, deftly, without pause, our lips together at last. My arms fall to my sides. It’s as though I’m powerless against his touch. His hands grip the tops of my arms. The kiss is sensual and seductive, leaving me wanting more. He slowly releases me, parting our lips. He sighs.

  “Now that’s a hello kiss,” he says breathlessly.

  “Mmm hmm,” I murmur, biting my bottom lip.

  He takes my hand and leads me to the car where Mike is patiently waiting for us. I feel slightly embarrassed, as I’m sure he saw our moment together. Mike opens the back door of the car for me to slide in.

  “Thanks, Mike,” I say gratefully as Aiden slides in next to me. Mike goes back into the driver’s seat, and we’re off to Nana’s.

  Chapter 17

  We pull up at the front of the cute little café, and Aiden opens the door. He proceeds out of the car and takes hold of my hand as I step out to the curb. He leads me to the door of the café where the sign shows, Sorry we are closed. Aiden takes out his key, places it in the lock, and then we walk inside. Walking through the café brings back memories of our breakfast here. We continue out the back to a pair of concertina wooden doors with inserts of frosted glass etched with filigree patterns. Aiden pulls the doors, opening up to Nana’s entertainment room. I like her place instantly.

  “Nana, we’re here,” Aiden calls out loudly. Music is playing in the background.

  Nana walks in and holds her arms out to hug us both. “Hello, darlings, how are you both tonight?”

  I smile as we hug her. “Good thanks, Nana. Can I ask what this music is that you’re playing? It’s lovely.”

  “Why it’s none other than Gene Kelly and Rita Hayworth. The song is called ‘Long Ago (And Far Away)’. It’s one of my favorites.”

  “Nana has a crush on Gene Kelly.”

  Nana taps him on the cheek.

  “He was very handsome back in my day, my dear,” Nana says as I giggle.

  “Come through to the kitchen, kids. I’m just about finished preparing dinner.” Nana leads us through the archway and into the kitchen.

  “What’s for dinner, Nana?” Aiden asks excitedly.

  “Your favorite, sweetheart.”

  He kisses her on the cheek. I look at him, wondering what his favorite meal is.

  Then, as if to read my mind again, he leans into me and says, “Nana makes the best shepherd’s pie. You’ll love it.”

  I giggle at his enthusiasm as she takes it out of the oven. The smell floods my senses. It looks mouth-wateringly tasty as she sets it down on a wooden chopping board. Aiden stands, arms wrapped around my waist, as I lean on the kitchen counter.

  “Do you need a hand with anything?” I ask casually.

  “No, not at all. You are my guest, dear, and I won’t have you lifting a finger.”

  Aiden lets me go and takes the plates into the dining area.

  “See I’ve him trained well,” Nana says when Aiden is out of the room. I laugh at her as he walks back in.

  “Talking rubbish about me again, Nana?” Aiden jokes.

  “Of course, darling,” she retorts.

  Their relationship is one of pure love. I can see how much he cares for his grandmother and she for him, a natural bond forged at his birth.

  “Can you take this in there for me, Aiden?” Nana says, gesturing toward the pie. Aiden does as he’s told and takes our meal in without hesitation. Nana and I pick up the bowls of various vegetables and follow Aiden to the dining table. We all sit as she dishes up our plates of food.

  “Oh, Aiden dear, I forgot the wine.”

  He stands up and walks back to the kitchen to retrieve it.

  “How are things going with you, dear?” Nana asks.

  “Great thanks. Aiden is keeping me very happy. Everything is good on my end, what about you?” I ask as Aiden walks back in.

  “I’m plodding along. That’s all you can do when you reach my age, dear.”

  I laugh at her joke. “Looks like you plod along very well for yourself.”

  “You’re too kind,” she says, dishing up the last of our plates.

  Aiden sits down and pours some wine into our glasses.

  “You drink wine?” I ask him, surprised.

  “Yes, but only on special occasions,” he says, raising his glass toward his nana.

  “Now if you get full, you can stop eating. I won’t be offended,” she says, smiling at me. I look at Aiden with an evil eye.

  “Thanks, I will.”

  Aiden and Nana chuckle at my expense.

  * * *

  Throughout the dinner, we chat generally about various things, the weather, politics and all the usual things you’re not supposed to talk about at dinner. Nana then says something strange.

  “So, how’s the investigation going at work, Aiden?”

  I look at him, wondering what she’s talking about. He takes a sip of his wine.

  “They’re still looking into it,” he says instantly, his reply clipped.

  Nana realizes straight away that he doesn’t want to talk about it. “What are your plans for the weekend, Jeni?” Nana asks, quickly changing the subject.

  I look at Aiden, who is intentionally looking away from me, his face full of worry and concern.

  I don’t want to push him for information about this so early in our relationship, when he is obviously not ready to confide in me.

  I turn to Nana, who hastily takes a sip of her wine.

  “Um, I have a barbeque on Saturday, which I think Aiden is coming to?” I say, more like a question than a statement. He nods.

  “Should be good weather for it,” Nana says as she watches Aiden. Tension is filling the room.

  “So tell me more about Aiden as a child,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

  He looks at me teasingly as a smile crosses his face. “Don’t say a word, Nana.”

  We laugh, and the tension eases. Nana stands to take our empty plates.

  “Thank you. It was delicious, Nana,” I say, meaning every word. Aiden takes my hand under the table, linking our fingers as she exits the dining room.

  “You okay?” I ask him, worried.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, beautiful,” he says, but it doesn’t reassure me. Nana comes back in with a photo album.

  “Oh, Nana, no,” Aiden says, sounding defeated. I laugh at him as she puts the album in front of me.

  “These are photos of Aiden, Blair, and Brielle when they were younger at my old house.” Aiden runs his hand through his hair.

  “Really?” he questions Nana as we both laugh. I turn the front page of the album to see a very scrawny Aiden and his siblings running through the shallow edge of a lake. Turning the pages I see various photos of him starting school, with Santa, at sports days, going into high school, and eventually his graduation. Throughout the photos I see various other people including Mike, but someone seems to be missing. It’s his father; he isn’t in any of the photos. My face crinkles as I try to think why he wouldn’t be at these events.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks as I look at him.

  “Why isn’t your father in any of these photos with you?”

  His face stiffens as he runs his hand through his hair. Oh no, I’ve overstepped the boundaries. He looks angry. Angry with me? I swallow down the lump in my throat as Nana steps in to break the silence.

  “His father was always working. He didn’t attend any of these events,” she says, looking at a saddened Aiden. I close the album and take his hand under the table.

  “Sorry,” I mouth to him as Nana takes the album away.

  He manages a half-smile and holds onto my hand tighter, l
inking our fingers once again under the table. I see the strain in Aiden’s face, the hurt in his eyes. His father has a lot to answer for. Nana re-enters the room.

  “Tea, coffee anyone?” she asks, breaking the silence.

  “Sure, Nana, the usual, thanks,” he manages through his angst.

  “I’ll have a coffee thanks. Want a hand?” I suggest.

  “You’re my guest,” Nana reminds me.

  “As long as you’re sure,” I say kindly as she walks away.

  Aiden stands abruptly, still holding my hand.

  “Let’s go sit on the sofa,” he says, tilting his head toward the entertainment room. I stand and walk with him. He slumps down as I casually sit. He looks at me and rests his arm on the top of the sofa above my shoulders. I see this as an invitation; I move closer and lean my head on the nook at his underarm. He moves his arm down so it’s resting around my shoulders, holding me to him. Softly, he kisses the top of my head.

  Aiden’s mood shifts gradually back to normal as the night progresses. We have coffee and say farewell to Nana as she leads us out through the café. Mike is waiting for us and jumps into action, opening the rear passenger door.

  “Thanks for dinner. I can see why it’s Aiden’s favorite,” I say as I give Nana a farewell hug.

  “Thank you, Jenifer. It was lovely having you here. Please come back and visit me again soon.” She turns to Aiden and hugs him tightly.

  “Thank you for a lovely dinner, Nana,” he says as he kisses her on the cheek.

  “You’re most welcome, sweetheart.” We watch her walk back to her front door, ensuring she goes inside safely. She waves as she enters the café and closes the door. I turn toward the car, and as I go to get in, somehow I manage to hit my head on the car.

  “Ouch,” I let out as I rub my head and pout. Aiden lets out a small laugh.

  “You okay, baby?” he asks, smacking me on the ass as I enter the car awkwardly.

  “Yeah,” I mumble as I sit down. Aiden slides in effortlessly as usual. I huff.

  “Always the entertainer,” he says. Mike shuts the door.

  “Hey, I need some sympathy here. My head hurts,” I say jokingly.

  He playfully pulls me close, kissing my head. “There, all better,” he says mockingly. I look up at him, giving him the evil eye, but I let it slide.

  Mike enters the car, starts the ignition, and we set off. Aiden wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulls me into a tight embrace, and my head naturally finds its place on his shoulder.

  “Are you going to come in when we get to my house?” I ask. He lets out a small laugh.

  “Why, Miss Taylor, are you trying to seduce me?”

  Embarrassed that Mike can hear our conversation, I quickly retort. “Of course not, I’m merely being hospitable.” I look up at him, and he stares at me seductively.

  “That’s a shame,” he says with a slight smirk.

  I open my eyes wide and whisper into his ear, “Shh, Mike will hear you.”

  “Baby, Mike’s not even listening, are you, Mike?” Mike pulls a set of earphones from his ears.

  “Sorry, sir?” he asks.

  “It’s okay, Mike, false alarm.”

  “Sure thing, sir,” he says, putting the earphones back into his ears. I look up at Aiden in shock.

  “See, not even listening,” he says proudly.

  “So I could say anything I wanted right now and no one but us would hear?” I question as he looks at me suspiciously.

  “Yeah, I guess you could see it that way.”

  “So, I could tell you what I want to do to you right now, and no one would know?”

  His face brightens with a seductive smile. “Why, Miss Taylor, you’re a saucy little minx.”

  I slowly kiss his neck. His breathing hitches as his arm tightens around me.

  “What if I said I wanted to rip all your clothes off and take you right here and now?” I whisper seductively in his ear. He swallows a lump in his throat.

  “Um, baby, as much as that’s extremely appealing right now, even though Mike can’t hear, he can still see.”

  “Hmm, yeah, guess you’re right,” I say, pretending to move away from him. He grabs my waist and pulls me onto his lap.

  “Whoa,” I shriek, letting out a little laugh. I wrap my arms around his neck in triumph.

  “Doesn’t mean I can’t kiss you,” he says as he smiles seductively, and his lips meet mine. His kiss is soft and gentle, yet so full of want. He tucks a lose strand of hair behind my ear, moving his hands through my hair, holding my lips to his. Kissing Aiden makes the world rotate in slow motion, just the two of us entangled in each other, feeling nothing but pure bliss. It’s as though my heart stops beating at his touch and only he can revive me; he’s the true giver of life, life as I now know it.

  I spend the rest of the trip home in his lap, cuddled into him. I nuzzle his shoulder as he strokes my bare arm softly.

  “Do you want to stay at my apartment over the weekend?”

  “Sure, what do you have planned?” I ask as he raises his eyebrows.

  “Anything you want,” he says, still stroking my arm.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea of what you want to do, Mr. O’Connell.”

  “Oh, and what might that be, Miss Taylor?”

  “Um, bowling?” I laugh, turning the mood from sultry to silly.

  “That’s where this conversation is heading ... bowling?”

  “Yes, and your problem is?” I ask as he shakes his head in disbelief.

  We arrive at my house, and Aiden opens the car door. I move off his lap, and he exits, placing his hand out for me to take. Walking to the door, hand in hand, I feel my mood shift from pure happiness to despair, as the overwhelming knowledge hits that he’ll be leaving me.

  “Wish I could stay,” he says, pulling me to him when we reach the door.

  “Then stay,” I say seductively.

  He exhales but hugs me tightly. “Don’t tempt me.”

  I bite my bottom lip as he pulls my chin up toward his face.

  “Friday night, I’ll pick you up?” he asks, reassuring me.

  “What time?”

  “Six o’clock?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Should I bring some clothes and things if I’m staying the weekend?”

  He grins, moving his forehead to meet mine. “Bring anything you want, baby,” he says, staring into my eyes. “Jeni...”


  “I have to go before I can’t.”

  I kiss him forcefully, taking him by surprise. This time I’m in control, turning him so he’s against the wall with me leaning into him. My hands in his hair and his around my waist, we kiss frantically, like there is an impending apocalypse and these are our last moments together. Our bodies move in motion as I move closer to him, holding him to the wall. Our tongues find their way to each other’s, joining as though they have never parted. I need him to know how much I want him, how much I care for him, how much I don’t want him to leave. Then my subconscious kicks in, frowning at my apparent lack of self-control. I’ve only known him for a little over a week. How can I possibly be feeling this way already? Am I letting my guard down too quickly? How is he doing this to me?

  I pull away from the kiss, leaving him breathless up against the wall, smirking like a schoolboy. Suddenly I’m angry. Really angry. At him or at myself, I don’t know. How could I have let this happen? How can I be falling for him? It’s way too soon. I scrunch my face up with my thoughts.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asks, moving his hand to touch my arm. I pull away from him.

  “I’m fine, just really tired.”

  He looks at me, confused, trying to judge my mood swing. “You can talk to me.”

  I manage a half-smile as I catch a glimpse of his bright blue smoldering eyes staring fiercely into mine. I look away quickly so I’m not mesmerized by their brilliance.

  “I know, I swear, I’m just tired.” I lie to him as he watches me inten

  “You would tell me if there was anything wrong, Jeni, wouldn’t you?”

  I smile at him, trying to hide my fears and doubts. “Of course,” I say as I push him toward his car.

  “Now go, before I force you to change your mind about leaving me.” I should win an Oscar for my acting skills. I feel my heart pounding out of my chest, my head is heavy, and I feel physically sick to my stomach. I want him gone so I can think and regroup. I need a couple of days without him, to bring myself back under control. I need control. Control will help with distance, and distance will ensure I don’t get hurt. He kisses me softly on my forehead and walks back to his car.

  “I’ll see you Friday?” he asks more like a question than a statement.

  “See you Friday,” I say, reassuring him.

  Mike drives off with a confused Aiden in the back seat. I turn around to face the door, searching for my keys. I search frantically for them as tears well in my eyes.

  “Stupid subconscious,” I say to myself. I cannot contain my tears any longer. Stupid, scorching-hot tears run down my cheeks, flooding my face and pooling at my chin then dripping off to the ground. Why did I treat him like that? I shouldn’t have been so cold with him. What if he thinks I’ve changed my mind about him? I immediately stop searching for my keys and instead reach for my cell phone. I dial his number.

  “Babe?” Aiden says, sounding concerned.

  “Aiden, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act like that. I can’t believe I pushed you aside. I’m so sorry; I hope you can forgive me? I was stupid to doubt myself and my feelings for you. I think it’s overwhelming me, you know, the way I feel...”

  “Mike, turn around. Baby, it’s okay. I knew something was wrong. I shouldn’t have left you. I’ll be right back. There’s no need to cry.”

  I sob uncontrollably into the cell phone, not really saying anything intelligible. I lean up against the door and slowly slide down into a heap on the ground.

  “Jeni, Jeni, are you okay? God talk to me... Jeni?”

  I hear him talking to me, but I can’t manage to say a word through my uncontrollable sobs.

  The car pulls up in the driveway, and Aiden pushes open the door, running to me before the car has even stopped.

  “Oh God, look at me,” he says, kneeling down beside me, taking my hand in his. I look up at him through my cold, wet lashes.


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