Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

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Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Page 20

by K E Osborn

  “Was I a complete mess?” I ask sullenly.

  “Maybe a hot mess.”

  Drinking the last of my water, I put the glass back on the bedside table as he watches me intently. I lean in for a morning kiss.

  “Um, maybe brush your teeth first, baby,” he says.

  “Oh, yeah, probably a good idea,” I say as I stumble out of the bed. I walk to the bathroom wearing only my underwear and look at myself in the mirror. I have sunburn across my face and down the length of my arms, as well as on my chest. I exhale forcefully at the sight. “Stunning,” I say sarcastically as I pull out my toothbrush and brush my teeth.

  Walking back into his bedroom I glance at Aiden as he lies on the bed with a tiny part of the black sheet covering his groin. The rest is out on show for me to see as he relaxes on the bed. I inhale sharply, running to the bed. I crawl my way so I’m sitting on top of him. He looks up at me and smiles.

  “You must be feeling better. Either that or you’re still drunk,” he says with a slight chuckle.

  I move down to kiss him as his arms wrap around my back, pulling me to him as we kiss sensually.

  “Try not to do that again,” he says suddenly.

  I look at him, confused. “You don’t want me to kiss you again?” I say, somewhat hurt.

  He laughs. “No, baby, don’t worry me like that again. I wasn’t sure if I should take you to a hospital or let you sleep it off. You worried the hell out of me, Mike, Sarah, and Chris. Try not to do it again. Okay?” he asks softly as I look at him sheepishly.

  “I’m sorry, babe; I think the sun might have made me dehydrated. I kept drinking wine, and that was obviously a bad idea.”

  He kisses my nose. “Baby, I don’t mind if you drink, just be careful.” He slaps my ass and moves me off him so he can sit up. “Babe, time to get dressed. We have a double date to get to.”

  I look at him, confused. “Um, what?”

  “Bowling, remember? I invited Chris and Sarah. C’mon, up you get,” he says as he stands to get dressed.

  I laugh, thinking he’s joking. “Wait, you took what I said about going bowling seriously?” I ask, feeling confused.

  “No, but it did sound like fun, so I organized it.”

  I shake my head as I stand up and sort through the clothes I packed to get dressed. We grab a quick breakfast, just some toast and coffee. I hardly eat mine, as my stomach is still a little squeamish. We head down to the parking garage and walk to Aiden’s Aston Martin.

  Chapter 20

  We drive to the Mornington Vale shopping complex and find a suitable parking spot near the entrance. Aiden takes my hand as we walk into the bowling alley at the complex. Sarah and Chris are sitting down waiting for us. Chris spots us, and they make their way over.

  “How are we feeling today, missy?”

  I shake my head. “Like an idiot!”

  Sarah and Chris both laugh as Aiden rubs my back.

  “I think it’s ironic that you were the one telling me to be careful of the wine and then you ended up like that. Very entertaining, Jeni.” Sarah laughs.

  “You sound like Aiden.”

  “Well, you are very entertaining and not just to me it seems,” Aiden says. I roll my eyes and head over to the cashier. Aiden pays for two games, and we retrieve our very stylish shoes then head down to our lane.

  * * *

  In the end, Aiden won, beating Chris by two pins, then me, and Sarah last. We all head back to the parking lot to say our farewells and get into our respective cars. Aiden starts the car, and we head back to his apartment. He swipes his card and pushes the top button of the elevator. We head out of the elevator and into the living room. Aiden kicks off his shoes, as do I, and he sits on the sofa. I lie down next to him, resting my head on his lap. He rests his arm over me, and he clicks the remote to turn on the TV.

  “This is the first time we’ve watched TV together here,” I say to him.

  “Yeah, strange, isn’t it?” he says as he turns on the evening news. A young reporter talks aimlessly about politics. I’m all but tuned out when something she says catches my attention.

  “The major financial incorporation is currently outsourcing the appropriate personnel in an endeavor to find the person or persons responsible for the embezzlement. At this time it does seem to point in the direction of an employee of the company, and everyone is being investigated, says employee Matthew Jones. It’s a waiting game while those in charge find the culprit behind this elaborate scheme. This is Rhonda Chimes reporting for Fox News.”

  I sit up swiftly and look at Aiden. His face is taut with stress.

  “Matthew Jones? Isn’t that the guy who works with you? Was that about your work?”

  “Yes, that was my work. I didn’t know it was going to be on the news though.”

  I look at him and take his hand in mine. “Does your father know?”

  He frowns at me. “I suspect so. He would’ve chosen Matthew to make the comment.” His brows furrow as he exhales.

  “Why didn’t he choose you?”

  “He usually picks Matthew over me for most things.”

  “Are you okay?” I ask, feeling concerned.

  “Yeah, baby, I’m fine.”

  I don’t believe him. The ping of doubt crosses my mind again. Stupid subconscious. I move closer to him and hold him in my arms as his cell phone rings. He looks at me apologetically and pulls it out of his pocket.

  “Sorry, baby, I have to take this,” he says, standing and walking into the kitchen. I grab the TV remote and turn the volume down slightly.

  “I know; I saw it. I don’t know why you would want to announce it publicly like that. I guess you could see it that way, but won’t it make them try to cover their tracks more? I understand. I’ll see you in the morning.” He hangs up as I sit and pretend to watch the rest of the news.

  “All okay?” I ask, seeing if he will disclose anything to me.

  “Yeah, all’s good.” He sits next to me and kisses my head. I bite my bottom lip and sigh in despondency. He tilts my face up toward his.

  “Its okay, baby, don’t stress,” he says, kissing me softly then making himself comfortable back on the sofa to watch some more TV.

  * * *

  Aiden checks his watch. “Better get you home I suppose,” he says sullenly, unwrapping his arms from around me. I yawn and stretch then I gather my things and place them in my bag. Aiden takes them from me. Thunder claps in the skies above us as I push the button for the elevator. It chimes as the doors open. We walk in, and the doors close then we proceed to the parking garage. He places the bags in his trunk and drives me home. The rain is falling on the windshield as we pull up at the house.

  “Stay in the car till I knock on your window,” he says. I agree as he exits the car in the pouring rain. I hear the trunk shut and then a tap on my window. Moving quickly, I jog to the front door, which is sheltered by the porch. A bolt of lightning strikes in the distance as a loud clap of thunder bursts around us. I find my keys, and we enter the house and shut the door. We both walk down the hallway into the living room where Chris and Sarah are cuddled up on the sofa.

  “Hey, guys,” Aiden says, walking to my room to place my bags down.

  “Hey, man,” Chris replies. Sarah sleeps soundly in Chris’ arms. I walk into my room to see Aiden sitting on my bed with his head in his hands.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” I hurry over to him as he takes in a deep breath.

  “It’s okay. Nothing for you to worry about.”

  I look at him sternly. “Aiden, if you want me to trust you, you have to talk to me and tell me what’s wrong.”

  He looks up at me with saddened eyes. “I can’t believe someone is doing this to my family. I know Father can be unbearable, but to steal money from him and our investors, it’s just... wrong.”

  Ah, finally he’s opening up to me. “Don’t worry, babe. The detectives will figure out who it is. It’s their job; it’s what they do,” I say, trying to reassure
him, but I’m not entirely sure that it’s working.

  “Can I stay here tonight?” he asks quietly.

  “Yes, of course, you can. You don’t even need to ask.”

  It feels as though a part of him has broken, and he needs to be with me for reassurance and comfort.

  “Come with me,” I say, talking his hand and leading him into the bathroom. “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes.”

  He stands there, watching me as I undress him and then myself. I turn the taps on to the shower and adjust the temperature, gesturing for him to get in. He looks sad, and it’s heartbreaking to witness. I step in. There’s not a lot of room like there is at his apartment, but we make do.

  He holds me tight as the water washes over us. He’s staring at me, almost in a dazed state, and I begin to wonder if there is something he’s not telling me. Something worse. Do they know who it is? I keep my questions to myself, as I don’t want to stress him out any more than he already is. Suddenly he turns and pins me against the wall, his hand in my wet hair, the other at my hip, his eyes intense as they stare into mine. I make the move and lean in to kiss him, and he’s lost in me, kissing feverishly as the water engulfs us.

  * * *

  I pull up in front of work, feeling anxious about seeing Tim today, noting that the green delivery van is already here. I shake my head.

  “When does he get the time?” I ask no one in particular. I walk into the reception as Mel is signing for the flowers.

  “Another lot for you.”

  I shake my head and smile as she walks off. I read the card.

  Meet me at The Intercontinental Bar, seven p.m.

  Love you.

  Aiden xoxo

  I raise my eyebrows in shock. “Short and sweet, fair enough.” I walk around my desk, and I pull out my cell phone and send a text.

  Where do you find the time to buy these flowers for me every Monday? Thank you, they’re beautiful. Love you, see you tonight at seven p.m. xoxo

  I hit Send.


  I take a taxi to The Intercontinental Bar. I’m wearing a little black dress, as I wasn’t sure of the attire at such a posh place. I find my way to the bar and see Aiden sitting alone, his hand in his hair, wearing a gray suit. His tie is still on, but fitted very loosely.

  “Another one please,” Aiden says and taps his empty glass. I walk up to him. “Hey, it’s my baby,” he slurs loudly.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as I lean in to kiss him.

  “I’m just fine,” he says and laughs at himself.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “I may be intoxicated.”

  “How long have you been here?”

  “Since two-ish-ishy.”

  I laugh. “C’mon, let’s get you home.”

  He smells of whisky and pretzels, a sour combination. I walk arm in arm with my man as he stumbles out of the bar, where Mike is waiting as always with his vehicle.

  “Here let me help you,” Mike says, holding Aiden upright while I open the back door.

  “Thanks, Mike.”

  “Anytime, Miss Taylor. Is he okay?” Mike asks.

  “I don’t think so, Mike.” I start to feel concerned.

  We drive back to Aiden’s apartment as Aiden falls in and out of consciousness, mumbling about his arrogant ass of a father. I gather they had some sort of argument. We pull up to the parking garage as Mike comes around to help me with Aiden. He opens the door and pulls Aiden out, holding him up while I shut the door. We make it to the elevator and up into the living room.

  “Where shall I put him, Miss Taylor?”

  “Probably on his bed,” I say as I walk with him into Aiden’s room. He lays Aiden down softly.

  “Do you know what this is about, Mike?” I ask him, wanting an answer. He looks at me and exhales.

  “I do. Aiden and Mr. O’Connell had a huge argument about the embezzlement. Apparently the detectives are narrowing down the leads, and it’s probably someone higher up in the business. They’re looking at Mr. O’Connell, Aiden, Matthew, and their PAs as the main suspects now.”

  I sigh as my subconscious strikes me a blow again. Is he drunk because he’s worried about his family business or is he worried they will find out that it’s him? Is it him? No, it can’t be. He wouldn’t do that to his family. Would he?

  Mike can sense my rising concerns.

  “Miss Taylor, I hope you don’t mind me saying, but he really needs you. Things are going to get a lot harder for Aiden in the next few weeks and months. He’ll need your full support.”

  I look at Mike. “I understand,” I say quietly as Aiden rolls over on the bed. “Thanks, Mike.”

  “Can I help you with anything else, Miss Taylor?” Mike asks as I start to untie Aiden’s shoelaces.

  “No, thank you, Mike, and thanks for your help.”

  He smiles and leaves.

  “Oh, Aiden,” I say as I take off his shoes. I proceed to undress him. He’s too heavy for me to move him under the covers, so I search for a spare blanket to place over him. I make my way to the kitchen and fill a glass of water and raid the cupboards for the painkillers. Once I find them, I take the water and tablets to Aiden’s room and place them on his side table. I take out my cell phone and put it on the bed. Once undressed, I slide in next to Aiden and pull the blanket up and stare at the ceiling for hours until I slowly fall asleep.

  * * *

  “Oh, crap,” I say, as my alarm sounds, waking Aiden from his drunken stupor.

  “Oh, my head,” Aiden says, clutching at his forehead. I turn off the alarm and look at him. His hair is disheveled as he sits up in the bed. “How did I get here?” he asks quietly.

  “I met you at the hotel last night, as arranged, but you were wasted by the time I got there. Mike drove us back here, and we put you to bed.”

  He looks under the blanket to see himself completely naked. “Um, Mike helped get me to bed?” he questions, looking somewhat embarrassed. I laugh at his assumption.

  “No, babe. He put you on the bed and left. I undressed you.”

  He sighs, sounding relieved. “Oh, thank God,” he says, rubbing his face with his hands. I look at the time, ten past seven. I bite my bottom lip. I’m going to be late for work.

  Chapter 21

  He looks at me and asks, “Did I say anything stupid last night?”

  “Not really, you passed out on the way home and mumbled something about your father being arrogant. That’s pretty much it.”

  He looks at me with saddened eyes. “We had an argument about work again.”

  I decide to let him talk to me rather than tell him that Mike already told me what had happened.

  “So you thought you would get drunk?” I ask as he smirks at me.

  “That was never my intention. I wanted one to calm me down, and I didn’t stop I guess. I’m sorry for ruining our night. Did you eat anything?”

  “You didn’t ruin my night, babe; I was just surprised to see you that way, especially when I didn’t know the reason.”

  He swallows a lump in his throat. “They’ve narrowed the search for the embezzler,” he says, finally confiding in me.

  “That’s good, isn’t it?”

  “Depends how you look at it. It’s either me, Matthew, Rachelle, Benjamin, Brielle, or Father. It’s definitely not Father or Brielle, and it’s obviously not me. That leaves Matthew, Rachelle, and Benjamin. I can’t imagine that any of them would be involved. Especially Benjamin, he’s like a brother to me. I don’t know what to think.”

  I look at him; his eyes are full of sorrow and despair. I lean over and hug him.

  “I know this is hard, but they will find the culprit soon, and it’s very difficult to imagine Benjamin would do such a thing. I’m sure it’s not him. I’m sure he’s as stressed about it as you are.”

  He manages a half smile. “You didn’t answer me. Did you eat anything?”

  I look at him wryly. “No,” I say quietly as he looks at me and frowns.

  “Can we take that sick day today?” he asks me quietly.

  I’m surprised. “You don’t want to go to work?”

  “Not really, I’d rather stay here with you, plus I’m hung over.” He takes the painkillers with the water I left on his bedside table. I see that he needs this; he needs to be here with me.

  “Okay, babe, we will take a sick day.”

  He kisses my cheek. “I love you,” he says sincerely.

  “I love you too,” I say as I lie back down on the bed.

  He reaches for his pants and pulls out his cell phone. “I’ll send an email to Benjamin to let him know I won’t be in today, and I better tell Mike,” he says, typing away on his cell phone.

  “Guess I’d better call Mel.” I pick up my cell phone off the bed and dial her cell number.

  Once I’ve finished pretending to be sick on the phone with Mel, I lean in to kiss Aiden and pin him to the bed. He laughs. The sound is heaven to my ears. Hearing him laugh after seeing him so sad is a relief. I cuddle into his side with my head on his chest, my fingers tracing circles on his chiseled stomach.

  “Aiden,” I say quietly.

  “Yes, baby?” he says, his mood seemingly lifted, his face turning toward mine.

  “You know I’m here for you, no matter what. I love you. You know that, right?”

  “Of course, and I love you.”

  He holds me tighter. We spend most of the day in silence, cuddling on the bed, until our stomachs grumble too loudly to ignore. He slowly lifts his arm from around me and stands up.

  “Hungry?” he asks as he puts on some jeans.

  “You read my mind,” I say, smiling. Standing up, I look at my little black dress, crinkling my face. Aiden notices my lack of enthusiasm for getting into my dress.

  “Here, wear these, baby,” he says as he gets out a pair of gray sweatpants and a T-shirt from his closet. He hands them to me.

  “Thank you. I really didn’t want to wear that today,” I say, gesturing to the dress. I put on the pants and top.


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