Sweetest Surrender

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Sweetest Surrender Page 12

by Katie Reus

  He answered immediately. “Hey, Detective.”

  “Found that guy you were looking for.” His voice was grim.

  Relief punched through him at the news. “Great. Where?”


  Surprised, he frowned. “Where? How?” He also wanted to know who had done it, but figured that could wait.

  “Cheap motel, two gunshots. One to the chest, one to the head. Why’d you want me looking into this guy anyway?” A sharp note of command colored the question.

  Which Vadim ignored. “You have any idea who did it?”

  “No. It’s a shitty part of town so I’m just surprised anyone called in about hearing the gunshots. There aren’t any video cameras at this place either. None that work anyway. Looks like he surprised someone robbing his room. Come on, why were you looking into this guy?”

  Vadim wasn’t telling him shit about Angel, but he’d give him what he could. “There’s a possibility he was the one who vandalized my car last week. And I can’t tell you how I know that. Was he staying under his own name?” Because Vadim had put out feelers. The places he couldn’t hack into, he’d just called. Some places he’d had to bribe with cash or favors, but for the most part, the Serafina had a good relationship with the bigger hotels. He’d used that to his advantage.

  “No, a man named Glen Humphrey rented the place with a credit card,” he said.

  Under normal circumstances Vadim knew the detective wouldn’t be telling him any of this. It was against protocol and he could get in a hell of a lot of trouble for it, but he figured Hurley was fishing for info and asking him was smarter than trying to drag him down to the station for questioning. If Hurley did that, he’d never get anything out of Vadim and neither Wyatt nor his team would work with the police department again. “Never heard of him.” A lie. He’d just seen that name on Emile’s credit card statement as the name of the PI the man had hired. “Thanks for the info.”

  “You sure you don’t know anything about this guy?”

  Vadim snorted. “Other than the fact that he probably keyed my car, no.”

  The detective sighed, his frustration clear. “All right. Talk to you later.”

  Once they disconnected Vadim thought about calling Angel but he wanted to tell her in person. He’d be keeping an ear to the ground for whoever killed Emile, but if the guy had been staying in a bad neighborhood and Hurley thought it was a robbery gone wrong…karma was a bitch. There was a chance it wasn’t random but since he knew Angel hadn’t done it and he certainly hadn’t, he couldn’t imagine the guy’s death was connected to her.

  Normally the drive home was quick but tonight it seemed endless. All he wanted was to see Angel. By the time he reached his place, raw energy hummed through him, his need growing at just the thought of sinking deep inside her.

  Work could wait, especially since her problem was dead. He wanted to give her life back to her, to start a future together where she wasn’t scared or looking over her shoulder all the time.

  As he stepped through his garage door into the kitchen, he heard grunting sounds. Then a peal of laughter—then Roman’s voice telling Angel to pay more attention.

  Angel said something but it was too low for him to hear, but Vadim grinned, glad she was getting some self-defense training. When Charlie didn’t greet him he remembered that Roman had said he’d needed to put the dog up in his room during training sessions because she got upset seeing Angel tossed around.

  He set his briefcase on the island counter then slipped his jacket off, tossing it on top. Loosening his tie, he made his way into the living room to find Roman pinning Angel on the couch from behind.

  It jarred Vadim to see her pressed against the couch wearing just a sports bra and yoga shorts and another man flush to her entire body. The coffee table had been moved and her damp shirt tossed on top of it. It was clear they were just training, but seeing Roman on top of her like that made Vadim’s possessive streak flare to life.

  He hadn’t even realized he could feel possessive until Angel. Right now he had the irrational urge to pummel the shit out of Roman even though the other man was doing exactly what Vadim was paying him to do. It didn’t lessen his internal struggle though.

  Gritting his teeth, he watched her wriggle against Roman. She wasn’t aware Vadim was there, but he knew Roman was. The former Marine was always aware of his surroundings and had likely heard the soft chime of the alarm turning off when he’d arrived.

  “This isn’t fair,” Angel growled, struggling even more, pushing her butt into Roman’s crotch as she fought against his hold for all she was worth.

  “A real attacker won’t be fair, Angel. Remember what I taught you.” Roman’s voice was harsh.

  Fuck. He knew they were training, but Vadim’s hands clenched into fists. He didn’t need to watch this.

  He started to head back to the kitchen when Angel looked up from her position bent over the couch. She smiled when she saw him. “Hey, baby.”

  God, he loved that she called him that.

  Roman loosened his grip around her upper body and to both their surprise, she slammed her head back into Roman’s face right before she pushed her elbows out, letting her slide out from his grip.

  Roman grunted as he took the hit and immediately Angel swiveled around. “Did I hurt you?” she asked, concern in her voice.

  He lifted a dark eyebrow, those different colored eyes of his amused as he pressed a gentle hand to his nose. He wasn’t bleeding, but his eyes were instinctively watering from the hit he’d taken. “Uh, no. You finally did what you were supposed to do.”

  “How’d she do today?” Vadim asked, stepping into the room, some of his earlier tension easing.

  Angel crossed the distance to him, ready to hug him, but then stopped. “I’m sweaty,” she muttered, almost to herself.

  Shaking his head, Vadim pulled her into his arms as Roman started moving the coffee table back into place. He didn’t care if she was sweaty, he just needed to feel her against him.

  “She could do better, but she did well enough,” Roman said.

  “She is right here,” Angel muttered as she wrapped her arm around Vadim’s waist and half-turned to face Roman.

  “Okay, you could have done better.” The other man’s lips twitched, as if he was fighting a smile. “That last move? You should have done that earlier.”

  “I know, but…I couldn’t remember which one to do. My first instinct is to scream and then you hold so tight I can’t breathe and I just forget what to do.”

  “That’s actually good. Sometimes you only get one chance to alert others so if you want to shout and scream during training go for it. It’ll get you more pumped up. Of course…” He trailed off, glancing toward the direction of the bedrooms. Then Roman looked at both of them. “We’ll have to train somewhere else where freaking Cujo can’t attack me.”

  “Charlie’s a sweetheart, you big meanie.” Angel nudged Vadim. “Did you bring food home? I’m starving.”

  He loved the way she said home, as if she considered this her place. Soon enough he hoped she would, even though he knew he couldn’t broach that subject just yet. It would be too soon for her—but he wanted her here on a permanent basis. “No, but I’ll cook something. Let me walk Roman out.”

  “Okay, I’ll let Charlie out through your office. She probably needs some fresh air.” She dropped a quick kiss on Vadim’s mouth, thanked Roman then hurried toward the bedrooms.

  “Thanks for staying with her again,” Vadim said as he walked Roman to the front door.

  The other man shrugged. “She’s easy to be around. I see why you like her so much.”

  Vadim stiffened at that and Roman just laughed, the sound foreign coming from the other man. “I’m not my brother—and you know he was just fucking with you the other day, right?”

  “I know he asked Angel out knowing she’s mine.” Which still annoyed Vadim.

  “Yeah, he thinks she’s hot, but he thinks any woman who talks t
o him is. He just wanted to push you into making a move.” Roman scrubbed a hand over his hair, as if the conversation was making him uncomfortable, but he continued. “We all knew how much you liked her for a while now.”

  Had he been that obvious? Maybe to everyone except her, apparently. “Well he doesn’t need to push anymore.”

  Roman laughed again. “Yeah, he knows. Listen, I don’t know if you’re going to want Angel out in public, but this Saturday we’re having some people over to watch the fight. It’ll be mainly the security guys but they’re bringing their girlfriends and wives too so if you want, bring Angel. Hayden and Jay will be there.”

  Vadim nodded. “If she wants to go we’ll be there. Her problem is taken care of.”

  Roman’s eyebrows rose. “Taken care of?”

  “Not by me, but the guy is dead. Found out right before I left work.”

  “Good. Stupid fucker. You still want me training Angel this week?”

  Vadim paused, then shook his head. “No, but I’ll ask her what she wants. If she’s open to the idea I want you to train her the next couple weeks or so, just until she’s more comfortable defending herself.”

  “No prob. I actually know a guy who runs a local gym. They’ve got classes exclusively for women if she’s interested.”

  “Thanks, I’ll let her know.”

  After Roman left, Vadim locked the door then went in search of Angel. She was in the kitchen, holding the refrigerator door open staring at the interior with her other hand on her hip.

  “You take Charlie out already?” he asked, taking his tie fully off and setting it on the rest of his things.

  “Yes, lazy dog. She ran out, did her business, then ran back inside. She’s now sleeping, again, in your room. I don’t think she likes the cold,” Angel said, looking over her shoulder at him. She swept an appreciative gaze over him before meeting his eyes again. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you want to devour me.”

  “That’s because I do.” Slowly he started unbuttoning his shirt. Her gaze tracked his movements, the hunger in her gaze clear, flooring him. He loved how she wore her emotions right out in the open.

  Shaking her head, she shut the door and turned to face him. “I’m sweaty and gross.” She wrapped her arms around her middle. “We can’t do anything now.”

  Like he cared that she’d been working out? He continued working his buttons free, his gaze dipping to the outline of her nipples. They hadn’t been visible before but after she’d gotten a workout then stood in front of the fridge, the cool air clearly affected them. He wanted to taste them. Before they took things further though, he needed to tell her what he’d found out. Reluctantly, he stilled his hands. “Will you sit for a sec?”

  Her eyebrows rose and she ran her fingers through her long ponytail, bringing it around to her chest, holding onto the strands in a nervous gesture that had quickly become familiar.

  “It’s not bad news.” At least it wasn’t to him. Vadim didn’t think she’d celebrate Emile’s death, but she could finally move on with her life.

  Some of the tension eased from her shoulders and as she sat, he joined her. “First, you’ll be receiving a check from your parents’ insurance company for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. They should have it to you by next week.” He’d had Wyatt’s legal department look over her parents’ policy then sent the company a letter directly from them. It hadn’t taken long for them to jump into action—no doubt they were afraid of legal action since someone had dropped the ball. Whether intentionally or not, Vadim didn’t care. He just cared that Angel would have enough money to not have to worry.

  Her hazel eyes widened and she jumped off the chair. “Are you kidding me!” she shouted. “That’s amazing. Did you do this?” When he nodded, she grinned, smacking her lips to his noisily.

  He tightened his grip on her hips, holding her close. He loved the mix of her lavender lotion or whatever she wore combined with her natural scent, especially since she’d just worked out. She might think she was too sweaty, but seeing her all natural made him even hotter for her.

  “Thank you,” she said, the smile on her face radiant.

  It made him feel a hundred feet tall. This woman had the ability to destroy him. And she had no clue. “They never should have jerked you and your brother around in the first place. There’s more.” He wasn’t sure if he should work up to it so he decided to go for blunt. Angel seemed to appreciate that anyway. “Emile is dead.”

  Her pretty mouth formed a small O of surprise as she stared at him. “Dead? You’re sure?”

  He nodded. “The police think it was a robbery gone wrong. He was found shot twice in his motel room. The room was under his PI’s credit card, which is why I wasn’t able to find him in town.”

  “I guess that’s how he found me, hiring someone,” she murmured, seeming to slowly take in the news. Angel placed her palms on his chest. “This is a lot to absorb. I feel…really relieved. Which I know is awful.” Her expression was pinched as she looked at him. “Is that terrible that I’m sorta glad he’s gone?”

  Vadim shook his head and pulled her against him, not letting her protest about her rumpled state. “It’s not terrible. You have a right to be relieved after that monster sent you on the run, fearing for your life.” Vadim wasn’t sort of glad, he was fucking thrilled that the bastard was dead. The guy had beat up Angel and killed her brother, her only remaining family. Emile could rot. But Vadim didn’t say that to her, not wanting to scare her.

  “I…don’t even know what to say. I can finally move on with my life, stop looking over my shoulder all the time.” The joy in her voice slid over him, pulling an immediate smile from him.

  But in the back of his head he worried that when she moved on and didn’t need his protection, that she wouldn’t want him in her life anymore. That thought splintered through him like shards of glass. He bent his head and claimed her mouth, hungry to mark her in the only way he could. In a way that would remind her how good they were together.

  Chapter 15

  As she pulled up to a stop light, Angel looked at her freshly buffed and polished fingernails and smiled. She hadn’t done anything frivolous for herself in two long years and while getting a simple manicure wasn’t much, it felt fantastic. She still couldn’t believe what had happened in the past couple days. She’d gone from being Angel Johnson to her real self, Angel Flanagan, practically overnight. Now she actually had enough money to finish school and put down roots.

  And Emile was dead. Really and truly gone. She only felt bad because she didn’t feel any sorrow for him. He’d killed her brother Aaron so she was more than relieved that her brother had found the justice he deserved.

  Vadim had told her Wednesday but she’d still been too shocked by everything to leave his place. But she’d taken advantage of her new freedom to reach out to former professors at Tulane. Once she’d explained everything to two of her favorite teachers, they’d spoken to the dean and were going to work with her to help her finish her last four classes online. With just twelve credits shy of graduating, all her professors had been stunned when she hadn’t returned and had seemingly fallen off the face of the earth. She was just thankful they even remembered her and were willing to help. It was too late to start this semester but she was going to take two classes over the summer then two in the fall and be done by the end of the year. She was actually glad she couldn’t start immediately.

  Her brain needed time to decompress from everything. For the first time in two years she didn’t wake up with a lingering sense of fear hanging over her head. Not to mention she had sexy, sweet Vadim in her life.

  Of course she couldn’t just stay with him indefinitely. Which was another reason she was out running errands today. He’d already done so much for her and now that she had insurance money coming in—thanks to his diligence—she was going to get out of his hair as soon as she could.

  Even if she didn�
�t want to leave. She loved his home, but they couldn’t just go from being friends to lovers who lived together. It would be too fast. Probably. Okay, not for her, but she didn’t think he wanted her just moving in all of a sudden. Not permanently anyway.

  Pushing that thought aside, she steered the Serafina’s SUV into the entrance of her old apartment complex. She needed to tell Mr. Botkin she wouldn’t be coming back at all, even once her place was fixed. She could have called but she was nearby and wanted to thank him for being such a great landlord.

  Vadim already had his Mercedes back and the hotel had let her use the SUV for the rest of the week. Soon, she’d be buying a car of her own. She’d sold hers when she’d first left Louisiana because she’d needed the money and because she hadn’t wanted to give Emile an easy way to track her. She didn’t mind taking the bus, but it would be nice to have her own wheels again. In college she’d been able to walk everywhere but Vegas wasn’t set up like that and it could be difficult getting around.

  There were a couple open spots in front of her building so she picked the one nearest her old place. She was really curious about the water damage but wasn’t sure if she should go in. From what she could tell Mr. Botkin had packed up everything well, but she still wanted to do another sweep through the place if she could. As she stepped onto the sidewalk she saw her downstairs neighbor leaving her apartment.

  The woman rarely talked to Angel, but she was friendly enough. She smiled at her neighbor, who was rushing to the sidewalk, keys in hand. She was wearing light green scrubs and white sneakers. Angel knew she worked in home health and had odd hours. It was clear the woman was heading to work.

  “Hey, did you get affected by the flooding?” Angel asked.


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