Duet for Three

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Duet for Three Page 21

by Joan Barfoot

  Aggie, searching June and Herb’s house on a Sunday morning, following, but not too closely, the little snorts and muffled giggles, saw with one eye, an adult one, that there wasn’t much life showing. June kept the place tidy, but there was a shortage of knick-knacks, or vases, mementoes of interesting times, or decoration of any sort. There were Frances’s toys, but even those were kept neatly in her room. No one who didn’t know, she thought, would be able to tell who lived here, or what sort of people they might be, with what sort of life. They might be dead people, except for Frances. Tidiness was understandable — what else did June have to do, after all? — but the aridity was odd.

  But searching, looking under beds and inside closets, hoisting her bulk to peer onto shelves, or lowering it to peer under furniture, Aggie also, with her child’s eye, played. “Where is that girl, where did she get to? Is she under this pillow? No? Behind the dresser? I guess not. Where did she go?” It was harder when Aggie had to hide; more difficult to find a space to contain her body. She thought how ridiculous she must look, crouching in a closet.

  When June came in, things tightened up considerably. She fussed when Frances’s clothes got dirty. “Eat up,” she ordered. “You won’t get dessert until you finish your main course.”

  “Don’t want to.”

  “No cake then.”

  “Don’t care.”

  And when it came down to a choice between cake and her own will, Frances really didn’t care. Aggie watched with admiration, although she kept it to herself. Poor June, longing for control, must have thought a child would be within her grasp. Her luck to have one who declined.

  “I don’t know,” June sighed. “She’s so stubborn. She can’t get it through her head that she can’t always have her own way.”

  “Why should she get that through her head?”

  “Well, because life isn’t like that.”

  “Then she’ll find out in her own time.”

  “Oh, Mother, you don’t understand. You never paid attention to me, how would you know?”

  “It seems to have worked, whatever I did or didn’t do. You have more rules than I’d have ever dreamed of.”

  “But I had to find out for myself, didn’t I?”

  Frances watched them, apparently puzzled. Did June and Herb quarrel? Aggie, trying to remember herself at two, and three, and four, couldn’t tell how much Frances might comprehend.

  In her reading, she turned her attention to love, but found in the books mainly romance, which wasn’t the same thing at all. Pap about melting into arms, flushed cheeks, embraces — all very well at some point, she supposed, but it was a point she had missed. The teacher, unwilling to sweep her into his unbrawny arms, had merely coughed and died. Mother-love as described in the books sounded like mush. She supposed she must have a case of mother-love of sorts, though its fierceness shocked her. Nothing soft about it, nothing melting or wishy-washy or demure or fragile. She even believed she might be willing to die on Frances’s behalf.

  How remarkable it would have been to have loved a man that way. Two people like that together would be perfectly enormous. Friendship, even with Barney, wasn’t the same, although it was a form of love, no doubt.

  Frances, she thought, must learn not only June’s lessons — that she could be bent and hurt and dented — but also that she could do anything. She must not fall for the first opportunity to come along, through fear of nothing else. The trick was making all this clear to Frances.

  Things work out though, even if sometimes somebody has to suffer along the way. If Herb’s arrival was one sort of gift — taking care of June, taking her away — his departure, for Aggie at any rate, was another: it gave her Frances.


  June spent the entire day he left scrubbing and cleaning like fury.

  There was so much of him. Upstairs in the bedroom, rumpled sheets were flung back. In the bathroom, the brushes and combs were gone, and there was a splatter of fresh shaving-cream on the mirror above the sink, and a sweet humid smell. A drop of hair oil lay on the white surface of the sink.

  With a square of toilet paper she erased the oil from the porcelain. With another, she took care of the dot of shaving-cream on the mirror. Turning, she glimpsed a curling dark hair in the bathtub.

  Like a butchered body, it seemed he’d left bits of himself everywhere.

  She got rags, soaps, and scrubbers from the kitchen, and began to do the bathroom properly: the toilet bowl, and all around its rim and base, right down to the floor; the mirror, the sink, the walls themselves, and the door and its knob; the tub; everything sanitized and disinfected, getting beyond the dirt to the smallest germs and remnants of him, the invisible remains too small to see.

  Stripping the bed, she wrapped the sheets into a bundle, carried them downstairs, took them out to the shed at the back, and dropped them into the trash barrel there. In the living room, she wiped away fingerprints keenly, like a criminal destroying evidence. She dusted and polished, swept vigorously at the rugs, raising lint, dust, stray hairs, into small heaps, collecting it all. There was an ashtray with two cigarettes stubbed out, and glasses into which drinks had been poured, and bottles from the bottom of the china cabinet. All of it went.

  She wiped down the stairs and banister. Going through the bureau drawers upstairs, she found a new tie, forgotten in its box, and put it also in the garbage.

  Down on her hands and knees, she washed the kitchen floor, scrubbing at where his footprints might have been. Her dress tore beneath the arms as she reached inside the oven, cleaning away lingering smells of the casserole she made last night — just last night? — for his supper.

  Looking around, heart pounding, panting, perspiring because anyway it was summer and hot to begin with, she peered and searched. Windows he had looked out of. And the drapes he insisted on flinging open — they would go to the cleaners.

  At some point during the past six years, he must have touched each dish. She filled the sink with water as hot as she could bear, and washed them all, and dried them.

  The sharp, dry smell of all the cleaning fluids — the soaps and polishes and waxes and disinfectants — was corrosive, but certainly obliterated any traces of sweet aftershave.

  But what else, what else? There must be more. Everything hurt. Some of the pain was outside and some inside; mere muscles, but also the heart. Was this a broken heart, or a heart attack? Was it some sort of rheumatism of the spirit, which she could now expect to suffer from forever?

  Oh, but if his hands had touched dishes and sinks and drapes, if his fingerprints might have lingered on a table, what about her skin? One way and another, the filthiest thing in the house now was her body.

  Dirt clung to her and rolled; she could feel little particles of it on her neck. Her fingernails were broken, and blackness was ground into her knuckles and knees. Her dress was ripped and stained. She could smell herself, but beneath that thought she might still detect the scent of him.

  She ran hot water into the bathtub and set out to boil herself. She scrubbed and scrubbed, watching the water darken. Flinching, she reached soapy fingers inside and got clean what she could.

  Quite a ring of dirt remained when she got out. That, too, had to be scrubbed. Then a second bath, a guarantee she’d gotten underneath the surface. She came out pink, and wondered if she might have been scalded, but it was hard to distinguish one pain from another.

  It was getting dark now, late. That meant she had spent a whole day erasing him; also that she must be twenty-four hours into this pain. She supposed it would be possible to get used to it. Just now it seemed unbearable, but of course it was not, since she appeared to be bearing it anyway. One thing it did was alter time: the moment of the impact was as immediate as if she were still hearing his voice fading to his conclusion, and it also seemed like something in the distant past, as if it had all gone on as long as she could

  It was in her mind that the filth lingered, quite out of reach of any scrubbing brush. He’d made her memory dirty, and she couldn’t think what to do about that.

  She couldn’t keep still; paced on through her amazingly clean house that seemed now also amazingly empty. Always she had to keep trying to catch up. Things happened to her and then she had to catch up to them. It wasn’t what she did, it was what was done to her, and then she was left to deal somehow with it. Now, when she felt quite violent, might have pounded on his chest, struck out, there was nothing to turn her rage to. She might weep, but tears were too small. A prayer, a word with God? It wasn’t fair, she might tell Him that. She might tell Him lots of things, bad words spilling out of control. She was a person who cultivated control; how did things get out of hand? It hurt where she drilled her knuckles into her temples, and when she took her hands away, caught by a dreadful reflection in the hallway mirror, the white spots flushed red as the blood flowed back. Was this her? This wild, pale woman with flying hair? She could not have imagined she could look like this: glittering eyes, and her features seemed askew, as if even her nose had been knocked sideways; like one of those modern paintings, geometric planes instead of portraits.

  How could he do this and drive away? She wasn’t finished. Where was he when she needed him? He was never here when she might need him: when Frances got sick, or when she was ill herself and had to send the child to Aggie. If she heard a noise outside at night, he wasn’t here. Now she had things to say, and where was he?

  She must, after all, try not to think about him. Because this was his dirt, not hers.

  What could she have said? There must have been a way of stopping it, some words that would change what he was saying, but she hadn’t been able to think what they might be. She had said some, but not the undoing ones. What would she say now?

  She’d seen something different about him the moment he came through the door Saturday morning; not even Friday night, as usual. He was pale, and two weeks ago when he’d been home, he’d seemed to be getting quite a tan. His body seemed wound, lacking its customary looseness. His fingers twisted on the glass of rye he poured himself. He crossed and recrossed his legs, sitting in the living room, and he stared, rather vacantly at times, out the window, and then with a peculiar sharpness at herself and Frances. He held Frances on his lap and tried to read her a story, until she got bored and wriggled away. “Give your dad a kiss,” he asked, and then held an arm around her until she ducked from under it. “She likes to be outside, doesn’t she?” he said to June. Regret? Sadness in his voice? A little curiosity, or concern?

  How could he bring himself to do this to his daughter? Along with all the rest, an unnatural father.

  Hindsight. In fact, she hadn’t paid much attention at the time; had thought he might be coming down with something. “Are you ill?” she’d asked.

  The cruellest thing was that he knew and she was in the dark. She spent the day thinking it was a reasonably normal one, when it was actually the end of her world, and he knew that and she didn’t. Hindsight was the only truthful view.

  That ringing must be the phone. Funny, having to stop and identify the sound. And then Aggie’s voice. “June, it’s past Frances’s bedtime and I don’t know if Herb’s coming to pick her up or if she’s staying another night. What do you want me to do?”

  Do? How should June know? Except, of course, Herb wasn’t here to go and pick his daughter up, and she couldn’t imagine all the effort that would be involved in fetching Frances and getting her undressed for bed and tucked in and kissed good night, and then, what if Frances asked where he was?

  “Could she stay with you?”

  “Of course. I just wanted to know what you wanted. You should have called.”

  “Sorry. Thanks for keeping her. She can come home tomorrow.”

  Tomorrow. Tomorrow what? What on earth was she going to do? People would know. She must have a face ready for them. Certainly she couldn’t show them this one.

  At least tonight she was tired. An improvement over last night, when she was so dreadfully alert.

  “Do you think,” he’d begun, “that your mother would mind taking Frances overnight?”

  “Whatever for? She’ll be going to bed in an hour anyway.”

  “Just because I’d prefer it. I have something I want to talk to you about. I’ll drive her over, if it’s okay with Aggie.”

  Well, what, she wondered while he was gone. She could only think he had somehow lost his job. What would they do, with no money coming in? What could he have done that would lose him his job?

  “Junie,” he said. Junie? “Come into the living room and sit down.”

  So she did; watched him make a drink and wondered irritably why he couldn’t get on with it. Why he had to make a production out of things. With the word job on her mind, she didn’t think she’d heard quite right when he sat down opposite her, leaning forward, elbows on his knees, hands around his glass, and said, “You know, I don’t think we’ve made a very good job of this. Do you?”

  “A good job of what?” Did he mean he wasn’t a very good salesman any more?

  “Oh,” waving a hand vaguely, “all this. Marriage. It hasn’t turned out the way we thought. At least not the way I expected. We don’t seem to have made much of a go of it.”

  She frowned, puzzled and impatient.

  “Look, June, I can’t see that either of us is very happy. I thought we’d have a home and kids and do things together, I thought you liked a bit of fun. But that’s not how it’s been. You won’t go out with me and you don’t like the things I like. It’s like you changed the rules. You won’t even go to a movie with me. You used to, before we got married.”

  “I haven’t changed,” she blurted. How could he say these things? “I am what I have always been.”

  “Maybe. But I didn’t know before. Look, I’m not saying it’s your fault. I’ve made mistakes, and maybe I’m not what you thought I was either. I’m just saying it hasn’t worked.”

  She wouldn’t hear the last part. “No, you’re not what I expected.” Her voice, she could hear, had gone high and thin. “You were nice before.” How could she put it? “I thought you’d be a gentleman.” The word was so many things — duty, honor, respect, a sense of proper distance. Anyway, what was the point of this?

  “Well, then, maybe it’s all my fault, maybe I’m not a gentleman, whatever that is, and maybe you’re just too refined for me.” Now he sounded bitter, on the verge of anger. “It doesn’t matter. Whatever we wanted, neither of us got it. We’ve given it six years and I think that’s enough. I’ve thought about it a lot, and I think once you get used to the idea, you’ll see it’s the best thing for both of us.”

  “What, for goodness’ sake? I can’t tell what on earth you’re talking about.”

  “Calling it quits, how much clearer can I say it? While we’re both young enough to start again. I can’t see another forty years of this when we could maybe both be happy instead.”

  This didn’t happen. It wasn’t happening. Where was her blood going, off to her feet, or up to her head? He really wasn’t sitting there staring at her, saying these things.

  “So, June? Say something.”

  All right then, she would. She just wanted to get this straight, what he was saying. “Do you mean live apart?”

  “I mean get a divorce and we both start again.”

  “Oh no.” How could she say how this knocked everything off its pins, so he’d realize how impossible it was? “But the scandal! We couldn’t possibly.”

  He looked for a moment as if he might hit her. “I knew that’s what would bother you, what people would think. Jesus Christ, who cares? Surely to God it’s more important to have a life you want than worry about what people are going to say.”

  “We made promises,” she said. “And there’s Frances.
What would become of us? You don’t just disregard promises, you don’t just walk out of a marriage.”

  “Well, you can, you know.” In the last few moments he had gained confidence, seemed larger and determined; courageous in the way of someone who has gone so far he has nothing to lose any more. He stood. “Look, there’s no easy way of doing this, but at least it’s better if it’s quick. I’m going up to pack, and I’ll leave in the morning. I know it’s a shock, but you’ll see, it’s best.”

  “But Frances.”

  “I know. I hate leaving her.” His eyes suddenly filled with tears, and that made her hate him. His tears, like everything else about him, like his promises and his flashy clothes, were cheap. Look at him standing there with that garish signet ring and the glass of whiskey and shoes all shined like a fancy man.

  “But I thought about her, too. It can’t be good for a kid, growing up in a house where her parents aren’t happy. She’ll be okay with you, you’re a good mother.”

  “And what about me? What am I supposed to do?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll send money. We can get lawyers and make some kind of settlement. And you know, you can go back to teaching. It’s not as if you can’t do anything.”

  The unconcern with which he could dispose of her! Just plop her back in the classroom, send her a few dollars to raise their child.

  “I won’t give you a divorce. I won’t have that.”

  “Oh, June, be reasonable.”

  “No, I don’t believe in it. And,” she went on, not interested right at the moment in dealing with the future, “I won’t have your money, either. If you’re going, just go. I don’t want anything of yours.”

  “Why not get a divorce then? As long as we’re married,” and oh, she thought, wasn’t this sly, “we’re connected.”

  “You will be, not me. I’ve kept my promises and done my duty, I have nothing to blame myself for. And I don’t want you stopping off to say goodbye to Frances.”


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