The Thing from Beyond Reality

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The Thing from Beyond Reality Page 20

by V Bertolaccini

  “They’ll find something!” Marple assured him, confidently, and I realized he had to have something, and I was surprised the inspector reacted in the same way.

  Chapter 17

  The Army

  Everything seemed to be edging into disaster, especially the war, and the killer not found, and the disturbances at the hospital and house, and what had happened in the shaft, and strange occurrences emerged, and this time seemed to gain power!

  At the Home Guard headquarters I was left with the other recruits and my attempt to tell them what happened failed, and most put my memory deficiency down to drink, as they drank a lot themselves, and in the end I went along with it, and Godfrey and Clooney thought it was.

  While listening to the recruits having a dispute over racing horses, on which would win, I decided to show I was not drunk after all, and in the end only laughed out loud at them, and one asked me what horse I thought was better, and I just decided to try to persuade them a horse I had heard winning before was better, which I later discovered was a different horse, with a similar name, and argued that the horse was far better than the others, and in the end most stopped listening to me.

  Godfrey eventually bet me it would lose, and all the other soldiers became interested in the bet, and betting against the captain, and perhaps persuaded by my confidence in the horse.

  I realized all the soldiers now had a dispute with the captain, and his methods, and rigorous training, and eventually all of them bet their horse would beat his horse, and made me the originator and head of the idea.

  When the captain left they persuaded me to do everything I could to get it win against the captain’s horse, and I started to realize the situation I had just put myself in, and that the horse had to win, and in the end I bet a large sum of money, and far more than I had ever bet before.

  Later that day one of the other soldiers rushed over to me and went straight up to my face and stared straight in my eyes, and moaned loudly, “Malone! The captain wants you!”

  I marched after the soldier to the captain’s office, where he sharply knocked on his door, and I marched in.

  Again I wondered why the hell I joined the army, and could now barely recall anything of why. It was crazy! I should have remained out of it and left the job for a more experienced recruit, and someone that did the things they wanted, which were far different than I had expected.

  As I stood in front of his desk I listened to two soldiers in the distance having an argument over racing horses, on which would win, and in the end I laughed at it, and Godfrey looked up at me and stared at me.

  “What do you think then?” he asked.

  “They’re alright!” I replied

  “Sure! The horses!” he continued.

  “What for?”

  “To race! I could win on the horse I bet on!”

  The soldier that took me there rushed in carrying out another order, and him handed him a document, and rushed out.

  “Look at this one! What a beauty! What do think, Malone?”

  Godfrey pushed over a pile of photos of horses, and I examined them, and just agreed.

  “Can you make good money from a good horse?” I finally asked, considering if it was an easy way to make a lot of cash, and he just nodded to agree.

  After examining the horses in more detail, realizing that they were basically still all the same, I wondered how they could tell a good horse, and in the end chose what looked like the fittest horse.

  He was surprised and instantly agreed.

  “About that horse you and all the soldiers bet on …” he finally said silently, examining me closely, and I sensed he was going to come out with something.

  “What you want to change your bet to it?” I replied smiling.

  “No! I want you to make the racing horse all of you are betting on lose or not run!”

  “That’s ridiculous!” I replied, nearly laughing.

  “No! I want you to do it! As you’re the one who did it!”

  “Did what?”

  “Put me in it! You’ve put me in it again, Malone! That horse better not run or it better not win!”

  “How the hell can I stop a horse running?” I moaned, thinking of a way to leave.

  “Shut up! Malone! You’ll find a way!”

  I could not believe it, and that I had made such a mistake over with a meaningless action, and I was not even going to bet on anything.

  “If my horse wins I’d split all the money I bet on it with you!”

  He came to a complete stop and started shifting over to me, around his desk, and started telling me what the horse could do.

  I could not believe the amount he told me he had bet on his horse, and going by some details he told me in the end I considered betting on it too! But what I could not grasp was why he thought the other horse we had chosen was going to win.

  When I was about to leave, he shouted, “Sit down!”

  He sat trying to contemplate something when the phone rang and he instantly grabbed at it and listened without hearing anything, and when someone spoke he launched into an argument with the person and started thumping his desk with his fist, and shouted and smashed the phone down.

  He calmed and stared deep into my eyes, trying to penetrate my mind, and when I stared back he looked away, while trying to contemplate some thought.

  “There’s a list of complaints received about you already!” he announced loudly, studying my face, waiting for me to react.

  “About what?” I moaned, annoyed, wondering who would complain, and wondered what the complaints would be about.

  “They complain everywhere and people like you keep ignoring it! Don’t you?”

  Yet I wondered what he was he talking of, and if there were complaints, and why they never liked him. I realized again it could be that he was still reacting to my introduction, when I joined his army group!

  “The people of this country would do better without you!” he shouted loudly.

  “Yeah!” I giggled, avoiding directly looking at him. “So why do the men mostly argue with you?”

  “You’re not annoyed ...” he gasped, and examined me. “Did you go to the hospital?”

  “What hospital?” I moaned, trying to recall what I had been doing, as I had lost a lot of memories.

  “The Victoria Infirmary!”

  “Yes!” I moaned, annoyed. “Why?”

  “Why what?” he replied firmly.

  “What do you think happened there?” I replied, and realized that something could really have happened there.

  I gasped and silently waited for his reply.

  “You tell me?”

  I shouted, “There were hundreds of people drunk all over the hospital wards, lying all over the floors, and everywhere, vomiting, and throwing beer cans, and the nurses were having a massive drink orgy! You should have seen the place! The whole place was totally covered with people drinking and making love with each other, and there were wild orgies everywhere …”

  Godfrey bent over, holding his head in his hands, and rested his head on the table, while moaning, and finally straightened.

  “I was also investigating a murder nearby!” I continued.

  “The whole country seems to know of you ...” he groaned. “Well, this time I have you! A complaint was made to the police about you!”

  Godfrey took his official pose and sat upright studying my face, as though he was a judge about to sentence me for a serious crime, which I would regret, and I realized that I had to find a way out the blasted army!

  “Malone! You must stop that horse running no matter what … If you don’t I’ll kick you out the army!”

  Chapter 18

  The Race

  For some reason I sensed something was not right and I kept going over everything trying to grasp what.

  After I decided to stay in the army I had paid the horse rider of my horse to lose, and we had made an agreement, and if Godfrey’s horse lost he would be to blame, and there would be n
obody winning the bet.

  Yet something was not right, and I sensed it, and I knew I could not do anything about it!

  When the starting gun blasted out I jumped and was amazed at the speed and power of the horses as they raced away and to my surprise my horse left the quickest, and I knew it had not worked, especially when I saw the jockey smile over at me.

  I became positive it would win when none of the other horses got anywhere near it, and I realized how much I had lost, and I grew furious and watched Malone’s horse with amazement, as it was at the back of the race, and I watched the jockey going crazy trying to get it to move, and I spotted what looked like a glint of satisfaction on the horse’s face, and realized it was the first glint of happiness I had seen on it.

  There were hundreds of people cheering my horse, and I knew the horse I had chosen was a favorite, and the other soldiers had known it, and that was why they had bet on it, but I could not grasp why Godfrey had chosen his, against such horses, and realized he was not what he made out.

  The whole place exploded with celebrations and people drinking and cheering and I thought of the mess I was in, and I then thought of the incredible powers I had from the encounter with the thing in the woman’s house, after the use of the metal detector, and I tried using them to get Godfrey’s horse to win, and pleaded for it.

  When I stopped I looked up in surprise and saw Godfrey’s horse speed up, and the sounds of the audience and their cheers grew less, and I watched the other soldiers about me see the horse and react to it, as a threat to their victory.

  I examined Godfrey’s horse and saw its eyes had changed and were bloodthirsty, and furious, and they were on the front horse and it looked as if it was going to attack it, and it accelerated faster than any animal I have ever seen, and I stood amazed when it caught up with the horses and the front horse, and I was sure it was going to attack them viciously.

  The whole audience turned silent everywhere as it raced passed the front horse and the finishing line faster than any animal I had ever seen or heard of, and it won the race!

  Its colossal inner strength and powers were tremendous, and I kept watching it as it stopped, and it looked like some form of monster horse, and it furiously ran after one of the other horses, and chased it away, and it jumped up and down and managed to loosen its saddle and throw it off and it leapt crazily at one of the jockeys and chased him away!

  It was incredible the horse was trying to kill other horses and I watched it accelerate away into the audience and burst into life, with its colossal inner strength, and it ran furiously into people and crazily knocked them down!

  The audience ran when it attacked furiously like a wild beast, and they stampeded away in the opposite direction as it smashed everything in its path, and it charged out the racecourse and into a busy high street, charged into cars and trams, and chased people everywhere, leaping on roofs, and it jumped into a car windscreen, and through a supermarket window, and ran through it biting and smashing everything in its path, and chased people everywhere, and it leapt on shelves of food sending them crashing down over the floor, and kept going until the police arrived and shot it dead.

  Chapter 19

  The Bottom of the Shaft

  At the bottom of the hospital shaft, after I had climbed down a rope ladder to the bottom, I was surprised that they had dug down below the hospital foundations and dug out a large circular cavity, where there were many scientists, examining and setting up equipment, and archeologists digging out regions, and I climbed down and examined all their equipment for clues to what was happening, and recalled reading about some of their work in a scientific magazine, and I watched Oswald and Higgins at work, and sensed they had recently made a major discovery.

  The determination of the two paranormal scientists was now unbelievable and they had proven the occurrences in the hospital were all centered around the bottom of the shaft, and they had brought in all the scientists, and members of the exploration association, and I realized it was their biggest discovery, and that it was perhaps their only real and proven one.

  Although what disappointed me was they never received the reaction I received from what was there, and they only detected reactions and not major disturbances, and as far as I knew nobody else had collapsed and had gained the powers I had, and I had a hard time covering the power I had from the scientists, as I foreseen something might occur, and I found it was starting to weaken and I wished it to just go away, and it never really did what I wanted and was a danger.

  Even though the stuff they said they had done was now surprising, and even alarming in places, which kept drawing my attention, I just dismissed it later as them advertising their work! At times I had even thought they were deliberately putting the psychic research there to cover their real work and discoveries!

  I was not really bothered anyway, whatever it was, and I was happy now.

  Even though newspapers had stories of horse story and it even on some front pages, to my surprise, and some believed something else had been involved, and that the horse story was a cover up, and I was also surprised that it was even put in front of stories of the war and the serial killer.

  I had also received a letter that morning directly from the Home Guard and another from Godfrey throwing me out the army, and I was ecstatic, and I vowed never to go near it again, and it was incredible, and Godfrey’s horse was disqualified and he lost the bet to all the soldiers, and I discovered later he had bet more on it than he had told.

  I realized the Loch Ness monster find and other occurrences could have been created or influenced by the powers I had!

  I realized straightaway that the whole world could end up knowing of them if I was not carefully as the scientists there were determined to get action and doing something, and getting some form of conclusion.

  They were all packed together around equipment and some were filming everywhere, and I realized that they expected some major occurrence to occur soon, and I listened to them intensely, and even questioned them, but found little! They either did not want me or outsiders to know or they wanted to show it occurring.

  The two paranormal scientists informed me that they were checking for virtually all known forms of energy and matter disturbances that they could find in and about the area.

  By some of the reactions of some of the scientist I got they might have something that could detect some form of alien, and I wondered what they were talking about, as the paranormal scientist had not even accepted anything could occur there.

  I was unsure of what was there, and Marple refused accept anything supernatural or alien could exist, and insisted in explaining things as much as he could, and left it until he could find something, and I had not seen him being proven wrong so far, and I was at a loss, for explanations and finding evidence, and I was surprised by one of the scientists accounts that Marple had paid a visit there, and had questioned them and had become satisfied and had left.

  I was at a loss at what he had found out, and I became possessed with finding what was there, and what the conclusion to it was, and yet what would he explain the powers I had as.

  After a few hours passed I realized that they were losing confidence in finding something again, and surely put it down to not being low enough below the ground, and I realized that they would have move their equipment again and allow the archaeologists to dig far deeper below.

  A leading member of the exploration association arrived at the top of the shaft and Higgins climbed up the rope ladder to meet him, and I realized they had a new plan, and started to work it out.

  An hour later scientists of the exploration association left and climbed up to the top, and I listened to them, only vaguely able to hear anything, and just found out they were bringing in something of great value, which I could not grasp, and I could not work out what else they had, which they never had there, and I never realized what.

  The equipment about me could presumably detect the presence and the effects of anything an
d indicate what was there!

  The equipment was there to check everything in a degree that had not been done before, and was being tested for the first time, and they were finally getting a chance to properly investigate something of sophisticated potential.

  I finally asked Oswald, when he arrived down from above, “Would this equipment detect anything at a distance?”

  I wondered if the occurrence was directly there, and if not if they could detect it at a distance away, or far below, and I wondered why they were not checking it at night as that was when all the occurrence had taken place, and the paranormal occurrences occurred, and occurrences at the house, and when I first climbed down the shaft.

  “It may detect things!” he replied, confused. “I am now unsure what is here! But we do have stuff here that we use to check a whole range of things to show us exactly what is occurring and what we may be missing. Information such as it is vital! We may be able to acquire some type of insight into what is happening – with the right information?”

  I considered asking him if they should work there at night, and I suddenly realized the dangers and what had happened to me in the above shaft, and I realized that they had worked there at night and that they had not got the same occurrences, and I then wondered if anything would happen if I was there.

  I wondered if they had deactivated it by doing something. They could have caused something to happen with their presence!

  I realized once again that Oswald was avoiding telling things, as I clearly heard them mention things that he had avoided telling!

  I was surprised when they eventually mentioned bringing something in and I wondered what! I knew they were avoiding saying things, and I watched Higgins final come back down the shaft carrying a large piece of equipment, which was part of something, and I examined it as he careful placed it in the cavity, and watched other scientist come down with more of it.


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