Morgan's Surprise: Powertools, Book 2

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Morgan's Surprise: Powertools, Book 2 Page 1

by Jayne Rylon

  For a tasty birthday treat, add four men and stir.

  Powertools, Book 2

  Note to self: When confessing a crush on an ultra-hot construction worker to your best friend, make sure he’s not standing right behind you.

  If Morgan thought spilling the beans on her lust for Joe would scare him off, she couldn’t have been more wrong. Following her birthday wish gone awry, the hunk is treating her to one surprise after another. From little things that make her smile to lavish, romantic dates, Joe is turning out to be the stuff of dreams

  Joe’s attentions to the sexy pastry shop owner begin as lighthearted fun. Until he finds out about the past that, until now, has made her keep him at arm’s length. Determined to show her seeking pleasure is no crime, he sets out to fulfill her steamiest fantasies—with a little help from three of his best friends.

  After a four-course birthday adventure, which presents Morgan as the sweetest imaginable dessert, she expects Joe to walk away. But now that Joe’s brought Morgan out of her shell, he’s hungry for something he never expected to crave—a forever kind of love.

  Warning: This book features a m/m/m/m/f ménage. Enough said.

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  Morgan’s Surprise

  Copyright © 2011 by Jayne Rylon

  ISBN: 978-1-60928-337-7

  Edited by Bethany Morgan

  Cover by Angela Waters

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: January 2011

  Morgan’s Surprise

  Jayne Rylon


  For my fantastic editor, Bethany Morgan. Your support and partnership mean the world to me. Thank you!

  Chapter One

  Morgan aimed a puff of breath at the flame dancing on top of the candle.

  “Wait! Too fast! Didn’t you make a wish first?” Kate jerked the plate holding Morgan’s cupcake out of the trajectory of the warm air. The orange glow dimmed but didn’t extinguish. “There must be something you want.”

  Carnal visions burned hotter than the fire melting the sprinkle-coated frosting of her gourmet confection into a golden pool. The color reminded Morgan of the burnished skin of her crush. It should be illegal for Joe to gallivant without a shirt on as often as he did. Spectacular memories of his displays sparked her fantasies at the most inopportune moments of the day and wreaked havoc on her sleep patterns.

  Kate was polite enough not to hound her while she let her gaze wander, devouring the glistening expanse of Joe’s perfect shoulders. Morgan sighed when she thought about the painted wooden sign he’d crafted—and now hung—outside the plate-glass window of her fledgling bakery. It bore the name he’d helped her brainstorm. Sweet Treats.

  So thoughtful. And sexy as hell.

  It kind of surprised her not to see steam rolling off his bunched muscles. How could he be comfortable working half-naked in the brisk autumn air? She shook her head. The motion didn’t erase all the naughty ideas sabotaging her rationality. The dirty thoughts tempted her with a variety of ways to warm the handyman up when he finished his task and rejoined them inside.

  Morgan sighed when a snap of fingers returned her attention to the interior of her admittedly cute shop. It’d taken six months to decorate everything just so.

  “You going to pick something…maybe someone? Or are you planning to wait until wax drips all over your birthday cupcake?” Kate chuckled.

  Morgan decided denying her infatuation with Joe would be futile. Kate had been her best friend since grade school. The lucky bitch had referred the hunky craftsman and his crew of skilled friends in the peak of the summer heat—after she’d scored the crew’s foreman for herself.

  No way could Kate miss Morgan’s similar craving.

  The crew had taken on odd jobs, fixing up the crummy space in the strip mall that housed Morgan’s boutique in exchange for loads of the decadent goodies she whipped up. Damn, those guys could eat. She wondered if manual labor accounted for all of the voracious appetite they possessed. It had to take more than swinging a hammer to burn off those calories. Lord knew they found some way to stay fit and trim.

  She’d baked Joe’s favorite today—a caramel apple tart. He deserved that and more for his considerate gesture. Two customers had already stopped in to say the colorful sign had caught their eye. Thanks to him, she’d sold out of brownies and cheesecake long before the after-work rush. Too bad she couldn’t generate the nerve to offer him something a little more sinful than her luscious dessert as a reward.

  She’d considered it once or twice before, but she couldn’t stop drooling long enough to try. Always quick to flash his toned abs and rock solid biceps, Joe kept her off balance and lost in a haze of unvented desire. He’d become her favorite treat weeks ago. An instant addiction. Thoughts of him left her craving a taste—or more—of him in the dead of night.

  She bit her lip when he reached for something along the roofline. From his perch on the ladder, his body rippled with strength.

  “Damn, Kate. I don’t think the birthday fairy would sanction what I have in mind.” Morgan grimaced at the dopey grin on her friend’s face. Three months of blissful dating and wild nights with her boyfriend, Mike, had turned the woman into a ridiculous ball of giggles with a perma-smile. Worse were the googly eyes that emerged when the love of her life entered the room. Kate and Mike’s soul-deep bond was hell to be around.

  Jealousy didn’t exactly flatter a girl.

  “The big 3-0’s not until the weekend anyway.” Morgan pried her stare from Joe.

  “I know but Mike and I will be out of town then, so it counts today. Besides, you’ll never know if you don’t try.” Kate squeezed Morgan’s hand. “Sometimes dreams come true. Believe me.”

  Yep. There went that grin again. “Your face is going to stick like that if you’re not careful.”

  Kate kept right on beaming.

  Morgan swallowed hard then scrunched her eyes closed. She was tired of hoping Joe would ask her out. So she tried a new tactic instead.

  I wish I had the courage to ask him on a date. It’s time to move on. Time to try again. I wish I could take a risk—be wild for once in my life.

  When she blinked into the amber autumn light streaming through the window, Joe had vanished. A cosmic sign? Or had he needed some extra tool off his pickup?

  “So… Was Joe the only guy involved in that wish or did some of the other hot construction workers we know feature in it too?”

  Morgan’s mouth gaped open. More than Joe?

  She never would have confessed to greed that titanic on her own, but Kate knew her better than anyone. Morgan had thought about it. A lot. The way the guys worked seamlessly together on projects made their bond impossible to ignore. When they’d crowded upstairs—in her tiny apartment over the bakery—for beer and cookies, they’d overflowed the cramped space with testosterone and something a bit more elusive.

  Their camaraderie transcended their
partnership. At least she thought it did. But she could have imagined the inside jokes, meaningful looks and secret smiles more common between lovers than friends.

  The men’s intimacy could have been a figment of her overactive imagination but there was no mistaking their open arms. They’d accepted her right away, making her more than just a friend of a friend. Every time Morgan witnessed the interplay between the partners, her mind had spun with possibilities. That didn’t mean she had to say so. “Isn’t it one of the cardinal rules of wishing—if you tell, it won’t come true?”

  “Come on, you don’t believe that nonsense do you?” Kate joked but persisted with a wiggle of her brows. “Fess up. You’ve wondered what it would be like to have them in your bed. At the very minimum, you’re burning up the sheets with Joe in your dreams.”

  “Okay, fine. How could any woman resist? They’re buff, hardworking, playful, sexy as sin and sweet. I’ve got it bad for Joe. So damn bad. Like, worse than our Bon Jovi lust in high school bad. He’s strong but gentle. I could talk to him for days. He’s always surprising me with little things that make my day. And the way he fills out those ripped jeans has me thinking I’m going into cardiac arrest every time he bends over. But the rest of the crew isn’t far behind. Hell I’m so distracted, I’ve burnt more cookies since they’ve come around than in all the rest of my life.”

  “About time you admitted it.”

  Morgan’s heart froze at the deep rumble over her shoulder. It kicked in triple time when a broad hand settled on the side of her neck. She jerked from the retro-dinette chair she and Joe had salvaged and restored last weekend.

  The sneaky bastard caught the vinyl-covered seat, saving it from crashing to the floor. Would he do the same for her if her jellied knees gave out?

  “You set me up.” She gaped at Kate, betrayal and humiliation burning her cheeks.

  “No, I’m sorry.” Her best friend stood, reaching out, but Morgan scooted further into the corner to avoid her seeking grasp. “I didn’t know he was there. I swear.”

  “I came through the kitchen. Left my boots out back so I wouldn’t track mud all over the place.” Joe waved toward his socks. His grin turned feral. “But I won’t pretend to be sorry about what I heard. You want me. Bad.”


  “Maybe. But only because I’ve let this shit go on too long.” He scrubbed his hands over his eyes. “You’re so skittish. I planned to take things slow. I thought if I didn’t pressure you, you’d get comfortable with me. With the guys. I didn’t want to chance things. Didn’t want you to run.”

  “Tell him why, Morgan.” Kate’s soft advice rankled. “Tell him about—”

  “Hell, no. Not now. Not after this.” Morgan’s hands flailed in the air. Her glare whipped between her best friend and the stud she’d made a fool of herself over.

  “Kate, maybe it’d be best if you did a little sharing of your own.”

  Joe had never used that stern tone in Morgan’s presence before. She hated how it dampened her panties when she wanted nothing more than to escape. It wasn’t as if she could take back her declaration. Upstairs, she could lick her wounds. Maybe in a year or five she could show her face around her friends again.

  “I…” The other woman attempted to speak but had to clear her throat and start over. Twice.

  Her hesitation glued Morgan’s sneakers to the floor.

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of, Kate. Neither of you do.” Joe stroked her friend’s hair.

  Morgan had to swallow the acrid burn of envy.

  Kate nodded. “When Mike and I first started dating, I told him about a fantasy of mine. I wondered what it would be like to have more than one man as a lover. At the same time. The crew granted my wish. They shared themselves with me. And Mike.”

  Holy crap. Had Morgan heard that right? “You mean…”

  “Yeah, cupcake. The six of us had a smoking affair. One hell of a pool party.” Joe’s gorgeous green eyes went glassy as he remembered. “I’m not going to lie, the crew has messed around before. With other ladies…and sometimes by ourselves.”

  The proud set of his jaw, as if he prepared for a blow, ticked her off. Couldn’t he tell how much the revelation turned her on? She’d swear her nipples were about to poke through her shirt, and her thighs trembled. This time the reaction had nothing to do with fear.

  “You expect me to run screaming? Rant at you?” How many women had rejected him after finding out about his sexual proclivities?

  “Maybe.” He shrugged then leaned against the counter, his shoulders relaxing.

  “It’s not something you learn about your friends every day.” Kate winced when Morgan turned her attention toward her.

  “How can you think I’d judge you? You’ve always been there for me.” Morgan tilted her head as she studied her friend. “If anything, I’m upgrading your status from lucky bitch to queen of all lucky bitches. Damn you for not spilling the details right away. What’s the use in having a best friend if she doesn’t come running to gloat about five of the sexiest men on the planet ravishing her?”

  Kate beamed as she lunged across the gap between them and threw her arms around Morgan.

  “But…one question.” She sensed both Joe and Kate holding their breath as she tried to rein in her disappointment enough to keep it from coloring her tone. “Why twist my arm about how much I want Joe—”

  A growl startled her into meeting his forest green eyes.

  “—if you already have dibs? Shit, I didn’t mean to step on any toes.” Her stomach lurched at the thought of damaging her dearest friendship.

  “I think you should field this one.” Kate held her palms out toward Joe.

  He paused for several seconds before speaking. “It’s not like that between us. I mean, we all knew Mike was serious about Kate. Never seen him mope around like a lost puppy before. I laughed when she had him chasing his tail for months. Maybe that’s why I’m gettin’ some of my own damn medicine lately.”

  Kate giggled. “Mike’s enjoyed the payback for sure.”

  “When things started heating up between them, he came to the crew. Told us about her request. I can’t explain what it’s like with the guys. I’m not great with words. But I can say we’re closer than brothers. Comfortable with each other—with what each of us needs and what our limits are. That doesn’t mean we’re in some kind of relationship though. Except for James and Neil. They are pretty much a pair for life. Man, this is clear as mud, I’m sure.”

  Morgan didn’t realize she’d moved until her fingers rested on his tensed forearm. Explaining didn’t come easy. The corner of his mouth tipped up at the contact.

  “I guess the bottom line is we respect each other. Kate’s one of us now. It doesn’t mean anything beyond that, though. We’re all adults. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I see her and Mike are in this for the long haul. If they want to share some of their joy with the rest of us then we’d be glad to join in. If not, we get that too.”

  “The guys in the crew see other people all the time.” Kate shot her a poignant stare.

  It was now or never. Morgan drew a deep breath then prayed birthday magic could work in her favor. Just this once. “So… If I asked you to check out the autumn festival with me tomorrow night—”

  “I’d do this.” Joe wrapped her in the heat of his muscles and squeezed her tight. He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose before teasing the seam of her lips. She parted for him, but he didn’t delve inside. Not now. Not with Kate staring at them, her hands clasped in front of her, standing on tiptoes, her eyes wide.

  But the lingering tingle Joe’s lips had inspired promised much, much more to come.

  Morgan groaned then licked the spot he’d singed with his caress. Mmm… “You’ve been stealing cookies off the cooling racks again.”

  Somehow the Belgian chocolate she’d used in them tasted better after mixing with Joe.

  “I’ll make it up to you.” The power of his grin caused h
er stomach to do flip-flops. “Tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at the bakery’s booth around seven.”

  “Who’ll take care of—?”

  “Let me worry about the details. You like my surprises, remember? I guarantee you’ll have a good time.”

  Morgan tried to convince herself she’d be satisfied with some mulled cider and a run through the infamous corn maze with this gorgeous man by her side. But when he patted her ass on the way out, she swore she wouldn’t settle for less than a very naughty hayride.

  Chapter Two

  “You kids have a good time. And don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.” Mike and Kate shooed them from the bakery stand with a wink and a nod.

  “I understand if you don’t want to leave.” Joe turned to Morgan after measuring the line of customers. It stretched out the entrance of the old barn that housed vendors at the annual festival. He didn’t blame the hungry crowd. The assortment of sweet creations looked almost as tasty as his date. Almost.

  “No. Let’s get out of here while we can. The store will sell out soon. The last of the stock I brought is on display now.”

  “Congratulations. I knew it wouldn’t be long before the rest of the town caught on.”

  “Thanks.” Her megawatt smile flanked by killer dimples stole his breath. The rare glimpse made him feel like a photographer on safari who captured never-before-seen wildlife behavior. Maybe now that things were looking up with her business, Morgan could learn to smile more. “Besides, Kate owes me for yesterday.”

  “I’m pretty sure I owe her.”

  Morgan cleared her throat and adjusted the hem of her light brown sweater over the seam of her faded jeans. He wondered if the fuzzy fabric was as ultra-soft as it looked. With any luck, he’d find out for himself before the night ended.

  A rambunctious toddler veered into their path when she escaped from her harried mother. Joe cupped his hand around Morgan’s elbow and steered her out of the chaos. Yep. The sweater caressed his palm, tempting him to burrow beneath it to the warm flesh inside.


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