Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives - Extended Edition

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Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives - Extended Edition Page 13

by Various Various

  Charlie bounced up the bed and knelt next to her head, holding out his erect cock for her to taste.

  Sienna forced her eyes to stay open. The bulbous head was red and swollen, looking both angry and beautiful.

  She looked up through her lashes, loving the intense need in Charlie’s brown eyes as he looked down at her.

  She opened her lips and he slid his hard, smooth cock into her mouth, a growling, hungry sound emerging from his mouth. Sienna loved that sound.

  He tasted of macadamia oil and salt, Charlie’s unique taste.

  She hollowed her cheeks and used her tongue on the slit, loving the way doing this for him affected her. Her body ached for him. He began to move his hips, fucking her face while Brad tongue-fucked her pussy.

  Sienna moaned and gasped around Charlie’s cock, squeezing her eyes tight shut when Brad found the perfect rhythm from where he was between her legs. Using just his tongue he flicked her clit, from side, to side, to side.

  Oh fuck!

  Her belly was tightening like a coiled spring, tendrils of pleasure circling between her legs and centring inside her.

  She looked up at Charlie with what she hoped were pleading eyes and he must have understood what she needed, as he withdrew and grinned down at her.

  “Come, beautiful one.”

  Sienna thrust her pelvis up into Brad’s mouth and he moaned as her juices flowed. Her orgasm picked her up and drew her up to heaven, tightening every muscle in her body. She straightened her legs, opened her mouth and cried out to her lovers.

  Roll upon roll of sensation pulsed through her belly and flowed out, like a never-ending wave.

  She continued to shake as Charlie lay down next to her, pressing his body into her. He stroked her erect nipples gently and kissed the side of her neck as she convulsed. The first orgasm had happened fast and easily, taking the edge off her lust. That one had been intense and all consuming, but she needed so much more.

  “Oh, my…” she looked down on Brad’s blond hair as he moved up her body, kissing her belly and licking at the angle of her ribs with his wet tongue.

  “Good?” Brad asked her as his eyes drew level with hers.

  Sienna nodded, aching inside where she needed them now. She reached a hand down to check where Brad was at, sighing in relief as her palm wrapped around his rock hard cock.

  Thank God for that!

  “So good, but I need you to fuck me now.”

  Brad laughed, deep and throaty, thrusting his hips in time with her stroking. The silky flesh slid within her grasp and she gasped at the need growing inside her. “Good. I came prepared.” He jumped up and left the room.

  “Huh?” She looked over at Charlie and he grinned at her, looking every bit the cheeky devil she knew he could be.

  Brad returned a moment later with a condom in each hand. “You still want top?”

  He looked at Charlie with a raised eyebrow and Sienna turned to her boyfriend.

  What have you organised with your friend?

  “Yes.” Charlie swung his legs off the bed and stood up, joining Brad and suiting up, which was weird since she was on the pill.

  “This looks interesting, boys. What have you two come up with?”

  She lifted her arms above her head and wiggled on the bed, feeling deliciously sexy. There was so much more to come and she was relaxed for once. This was like being on some unexpected ride. She wasn’t worrying about what would happen, she was just enjoying the journey.

  Brad slid over her in one smooth movement, taking her mouth in a kiss and rolling them. She squealed and laughed when she ended up on top of him, her breasts pressed against his smooth, hot skin.

  “Hi there.”

  Brad smiled up at her and used his hands to lift and position her so that she ended up with her knees on either side of him and his cock nudging her aching folds.

  “Take me inside you.”

  Sienna narrowed her eyes at him. Who did he think he was? Brad grinned wider.

  “Please? Oh heavenly princess.”

  Sienna wanted to continue to act stroppy, but couldn’t stop the chuckle that broke free as she gave into what she wanted. She pressed down slowly and did as Brad asked.

  “Yes…” Sienna sighed as she felt his cock breach her body and start to fill the emptiness inside her.

  Brad groaned like an animal, gripped her hips with his rough hands and thrust up hard. Filling her up, stretching her and making her clench down on him in exquisite agony.

  It felt so bloody good.

  “Ahh…” She rocked her hips, enjoying the sensation on her clit as Brad held her down tight so he was fully penetrating her.

  “Lean forward, beautiful.” Charlie instructed from behind her, pressing his large hand between her shoulder blades.

  Sienna did as she was told. Enjoying the soft thrusting Brad was doing against her pussy, she felt lubricated fingertips on her butt.

  Trepidation filled her as she realised what he was planning. Could she really do both?

  “Charlie?” She looked over her shoulder and saw her gorgeous lover there, smiling down on her. He squeezed more lube onto his fingers and rubbed the slick onto her.

  “I know you enjoy this, sweetheart. Just let it happen and I’ll take care of you.”

  Sienna bit her lip and made the decision to trust him. Charlie had never hurt her, and he wasn’t going to start now. She nestled into Brad’s hot, sweaty chest, getting comfortable with her position between the two men. She did like anal occasionally, especially when she was super aroused, but this was more than she’d ever had to handle before.

  Brad’s hands moved up to her nipples, squeezing and pinching them. She moaned and rocked her hips, gasping when she felt Charlie’s finger slid into her with ease. It burned a little but she concentrated on relaxing around the finger, no, make that two fingers, inside her.

  “Feeling good?” Brad asked as he fucked her harder, making sparkles of pleasure explode inside her belly.

  She looked down and saw Brad’s blue eyes widen as she concentrated on the muscles of her pussy and squeezed him tightly. She may have been the one being fucked, but she loved knowing that she had power over the men too.

  Sienna nodded. “Yeah, it feels awesome.”

  She would have enjoyed the moment of triumph longer if Charlie hadn’t spoken and distracted her.

  “You ready, babe?” Charlie asked her and she nodded, fear filling her despite the trust she had in her man. This was way out of her comfort zone.

  He removed his fingers and pressed his hard cock against her arse. Brad kissed her then, drawing her into a kiss so fierce and passionate she felt only a slight stretch and burn as Charlie pressed his cock into her and continued forward. Filling her until she could feel his belly against her arse.

  She broke the kiss and turned her head, closing her eyes and panting in and out. She’d never felt so full, so overwhelmed. She felt like she’d burst if they moved even a millimetre, but she’d die if they didn’t.

  Brad began to rock and her body became alive.

  She moaned and bit into the flesh of Brad’s deltoid, relaxing all the muscles surrounding her men and allowing them to fuck her.

  “Your cunt is so hot.” Brad spoke crassly into her ear, licking at her and causing goose bumps to rise on her arms.

  Charlie moved, slowly withdrawing, then pushing back in until she felt complete again. Brad alternated with him, a natural counter rhythm beginning between the two men.

  It was too much and it wasn’t enough.

  “Move faster,” She demanded, and cried out as they both picked up their rhythms.

  Her orgasm built, gathering strength like a steam train working towards full speed.

  The men kept moving, fucking her with sharp, clean strokes that pushed her further up an escalating pleasure pinnacle. Lights began to explode inside her head as every sensitive part of her was touched.

  She had Brad’s body at her front, Charlie’s hands caressing her b
ack, and her inside filled in a way that she’d never known before.

  “I’m going to come. Please don’t stop.”

  She cried out as her belly began to tighten, both men grunting and groaning over her as they fucked her faster. She balanced there on the precipice for the longest moments of her life. She began to topple, and there was so much relief in the release of pressure that she screamed.

  Sienna let the wave overcome her; pleasure picked her up and threw her into a sea of unbelievable feelings. Her whole body began to spasm as her cunt clenched down on her men and the ripples progressed through her.

  “I’m gone, I’m done…” Brad groaned as he thrust up one last time, pulsing his release.

  “Oh fuck! I can feel that…” Charlie gasped, stilled and fucked her hard and fast for a few more seconds, then he too cried out his release.

  Sienna was still shaking and she couldn’t open her eyes. Shudder upon shudder of bliss were rolling through her.

  Consciousness was fading in and out, her body so replete and lethargic she could barely lift her head.

  Charlie slid out of her and she winced at the twinge of painful relief, followed by an empty ache. He lay down on the bed next to her and laid a possessive hand on her arse.

  Brad stroked her back with his roughened fingertips. “You okay, gorgeous?”

  She nodded and hummed a little, her arms too heavy to lift.

  Brad rolled them so that she was now between the men, and then slowly withdrew. He reached for the sheet and covered their sweaty bodies.

  Charlie wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into him, his familiar body making the post-orgasmic lethargy creep through her whole body.

  “You were amazing, my beautiful girl. So incredibly sexy.” Charlie kissed her neck and held her tight, his words washing over and making her feel adored.

  “That was incredible,” she agreed, nodding her head and letting her eyes slide closed.

  They lay there in post orgasmic bliss for an indeterminate amount of time, Brad’s hands stroking her face and breasts, Charlie’s words of love in her ear.

  She must have fallen asleep, because she woke up to Charlie easing away from her.

  “I’m going to let Brad out, beautiful. Be back in a moment.”

  Sienna forced her eyes open, saw the two men standing over her with satisfied expressions across their faces.

  “Thanks Brad.”

  He chuckled. “The pleasure was all mine, beautiful. Merry Christmas.”

  She smiled and attempted a wave, then she let her eyes close again.

  She could hear Charlie and Brad talking and dressing, but couldn’t summon the energy to speak again.

  She must have passed out again because the next thing she knew, Charlie was rolling her onto her side and spooning her back.

  “You were magnificent, my love. Was it everything you hoped for?” He dropped a kiss onto her shoulder and Sienna smiled to herself.

  “Even better.”

  She nestled into her lover’s strong body and let sleep drag her down into oblivion.

  The next morning Sienna awoke to the weirdest feeling. She was alone.

  She stretched her arm out and felt only cold sheets beside her. Groaning, she opened her eyes and stared at the empty space next to her where Charlie should be. She frowned and ran her hand over his pillow.

  “Where’d you go?”

  She rolled over and grabbed her phone. 8:10. It wasn’t that late. No SMS, no call. He’d never left without letting her know before. She sat up in bed, flinching a little at the ache in her lower back and tummy.

  Too much sex last night.

  She blinked against the bright morning sunlight and held the cotton sheet to her bare breasts. Why did she have a sinking feeling in her belly? Last night had gone exactly how she’d always dreamed. It had been better than any fantasy, it had been real; and it had been fabulous!

  But Charlie was not the sort of boyfriend not to wake her before he left, or not to message or leave a note.

  She slid from her bed and wrapped her silk gown around herself, the material sliding against her skin like a loving caress.

  Perhaps he’d left a note in the kitchen with a breakfast croissant or something? That’d be Charlie. She smiled to herself as she opened her bedroom door and walked into the kitchen, her bare feet warm on the cool tiles.


  “Oh shit.”

  What if Charlie hadn’t been as comfortable with sharing her with Brad as he’d pretended? What if she’d somehow lost him?

  Panic was beginning to set in as Sienna’s breath sped up and her heart began to pound.

  She raced back into her bedroom and grabbed her phone, speed-dialling the only friend she could trust.

  “Hey sweetie. How are you?” Willow’s steady voice soothed Sienna’s nerves instantly and she collapsed onto the bed.

  Breathe, just breathe.

  “I think I fucked up.”

  Willow laughed. “Tell me what’s happened now.” Her friend’s soothing, yet slightly mocking voice annoyed her and she took a quick breath.

  “What do you mean now? I know I fuck up on occasion, but I don’t mean to! And I certainly don’t mean to hurt the people I really care about…”

  Sienna bit her lip and stifled the rest of her outpouring words. Tears were blurring her vision and her throat was all tight and feeling horrible. Great. The last thing she needed today was a red nose and puffy eyes.

  “Whoa, slow down Sienna. I didn’t mean anything like that. I thought maybe you’d forgotten about hosting The Diamond Dinner Club.”

  Fuck! Have to call Mummy dearest about that!

  “No, nothing like that. I…think I might have pissed Charlie off, and he’s not the easiest guy to make mad.”

  Willow’s gentle laughter filtered down the phone and Sienna sighed, her shoulders sagging.

  “That’s an understatement, Sienna. We’ve all seen you push Charlie to his limits at every opportunity. Last Christmas, for example. Didn’t you accidentally on purpose drop his brand new Rolex into the swimming pool to check for water resistance?”

  Sienna hiccupped a laugh and reached out for a tissue, wiping her dripping nose and moist face.

  “Yeah,” she sighed. He really is a keeper, that one. “All he did was strip off his shirt and jump in to get it.”

  Willow laughed again. “Yeah, turned a boring house party into a half-naked swimming party. He’s the best.”

  Sienna crawled back onto her pillow and curled up, her phone still attached to her ear.

  “I know, and last night he gave me a major gift.”


  Sienna took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Willow had been her closest friend since they were little. Her stepmother and Willow’s mum were best friends and they’d grown up together. Willow had seen her through bad boyfriends, bad media and family fallouts. But could she handle this?

  “He organised a threesome with one of his friends. It is… was, one of my fantasies.”

  Silence. Sienna waited a moment, then couldn’t handle it.


  “You had a threesome with Charlie and some other guy?”

  Sienna nodded into the pillow and mumbled her assent, the stupidity of the situation flattening her. Why the hell had she risked her relationship for a single night of sex? Yeah, it’d been great, but not good enough to lose Charlie over.

  “How was it?” Willow’s breathless question surprised her and Sienna rolled onto her back, the softness of the covers against her skin.


  “Better than just with Charlie?”

  Sienna frowned. She couldn’t really compare the two.

  “Different. With Charlie, sex is always amazing. Last night was just…different good. But he was there, so…” She couldn’t explain it.

  How could she differentiate? Charlie was still there, and it had almost been like they had been using a sex toy than another perso
n. She hadn’t really felt anything for Brad, but she’d known he was very definitely a man.

  “Okay.” Willow had her no-nonsense tone on now. “Let me get this straight. Charlie organised a threesome for you two and it was awesome.”

  Sienna nodded and hummed in response.

  “Then how exactly did you fuck things up?”

  Sienna almost smiled. Willow, who so rarely swore, sounded funny when she did. The words came out kinda clunky.

  “I woke up this morning and he was gone. No message, no nothing. He never does that.”

  Willow sighed. “Have you called him to check? What if something happened and he had to leave? Was he upset last night?”

  The pain that had been gripping Sienna’s stomach began to fade. Willow had a point.

  “No. I just assumed…”

  Willow made a hmphing sound. “So call him, you idiot. I’ve gotta run. Love you.”

  Sienna smiled as she hung up and stretched her arms above her head. She was probably just making a big deal out of nothing. Unlike her, Charlie worked. He probably had a meeting or something he had to run off for.

  She hauled herself up and into the shower.

  Two hours later she was ready for the day. She had twice weekly blow dries anyway, but she was starting to think she needed to make it every second day. Really, what a waste of time to wash and dry her own hair, and it didn’t look half as good.

  She picked up her phone and made a series of calls. Her stepmother gave her the number for the caterer and she organised the Christmas night at her apartment for the Double D dinner with a few quick demands.

  She wouldn’t be cooking. God knew she couldn’t boil an egg. Had never even tried. Money was there for a reason.

  By seven o’clock she was more worried than she wanted to admit.

  All day and not a single phone call, SMS or annoying email?

  Sure, she hadn’t followed Willow’s advice to call him, but that wasn’t really her style. She didn’t want to act like she was desperate.

  But the stress had eaten away her pride. She was biting her nails and pacing the floor, her empty stomach in knots, when he finally arrived.

  There was Charlie’s characteristic knock on the door and she ran to the foyer, looking through the peephole.


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