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Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives - Extended Edition

Page 14

by Various Various

  “You fucking prick.” She stamped her foot and wrenched open the door. “I have been stressing about you all day! Did someone steal your phone?”

  Charlie ran his hand through his hair, grinning like a schoolboy. “You gonna let me in, cranky pants?”

  Sienna stepped back and waved him in with a huge gesture.

  He strolled in and took his jacket off, throwing it on the counter. “What’s got you all pissy, beautiful?”

  Sienna crossed her arms over her chest, feeling angry tears spring into her eyes. “I thought you were mad at me!”

  Charlie laughed and reached out to grab her arm, pulling her gently towards him. “Come here.”

  “No!” Sienna pushed against his solid chest. “After last night, I can’t believe you didn’t message me or call all day!”

  Charlie dropped to his knee in front of her and Sienna gasped, bringing both of her hands up to cover her mouth like some cartoon character.

  No, it couldn’t be.

  Charlie reached up and touched her forearms, his smooth skin making her body tingle as he drew her hands slowly down to his.

  “I had a few things I needed to do today. Am I forgiven if I have a really good reason?”

  Tears began leaking down Sienna’s face as she stared into the beloved face of her man. This couldn’t be that moment. Not after all her worries today.

  “Are you going to listen to me, beautiful?”

  Sienna nodded, not bothering to stem the flow of emotion running wild through her.

  “Sienna, I love you. You are my world and I couldn’t imagine a day without you in my life. You’re stunning, and crazy, and despite all the crap, you have the most beautiful heart I’ve ever had the honour to know.”

  Sienna sniffed and locked her knees, incredulous pleasure running through her. She would melt into a puddle if he told her any more.

  “Will you marry me?”

  Sienna began nodding and hiccupping, extremely inelegantly.

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Charlie jumped up and swung her up into his arms, kissing her passionately until they ended up on the couch, Sienna in his lap, her arms around his neck.

  Her head was whirling and her heart was so happy it was close to bursting.

  Isn’t he forgetting something?

  “Where’s my ring?” She cocked an eyebrow up at her fiancé and reached for a tissue.

  She blew her nose and wiped at her face, dreading the moment she’d look into a mirror and see the mess she’d made of her make-up.

  Charlie chuckled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a pale blue Tiffany ring box.

  What? She’d been joking.

  Sienna took it with shaking fingers. She’d been playing her role of stuck-up princess, secretly assuming Charlie would take her shopping for a ring.

  “You picked it already?”

  He nodded and grinned at her.

  Nerves filled her belly, but she batted them down and opened the box that held her future.

  “Oh my…” She was speechless. It was magnificent, and she was certain, her ring size. Her man missed no details.

  She slid the 4-carat square diamond ring out of the box, noticing the pink diamonds nestled on either side of the central one.

  Charlie took the ring from her and pushed it onto her ring finger.


  Sienna nodded and stared at it a moment longer, every part of her soul clicking into place and knowing that this was exactly who she was meant to be with.

  She looked up at her man and stared into his eyes. “I love you.”

  Charlie captured her lips in his and stood up, moving them effortlessly into her bedroom. Their clothes disappeared between heated kisses and touches. It had never felt like this before. Like the air around them was burning with their love.

  Charlie crawled onto the bed and lay her down on the pillows, but as he moved away, Sienna refused to let him go. She couldn’t. Her legs were already wrapped around his waist and she squeezed them tight and shook her head.

  “Don’t leave me, Charlie.”

  He stared down at her and she tightened her arms around his neck. She didn’t need lots of foreplay tonight.

  Sienna whispered up at her lover. “I just need you.”

  Charlie’s eyes darkened as he positioned himself at her entrance and she arched up to meet him.

  They slid together like two halves of the same whole.

  Sienna came, a rolling intense orgasm that made her pelvis tighten and her back arch as the wave of pleasure rolled over her.

  Charlie moved his face down so that he could whisper into her ear. “God I love you, Sienna.”

  Her orgasm began to ebb, yet not like they always did. It didn’t disappear, it felt more like the wave that had crested, had now ebbed, but there was another wave on its way.

  “I’m so proud of you, you know that? Every little giggle or teasing smile makes me want to show you off to every person I’ve ever met. You’re the greatest woman ever.”

  The wave rose and took her with it, another all-consuming orgasm making her cry out and clench around her lover.

  Charlie kept moving, slowly, deeply. But it was the talking that Sienna was focused on. His cock was inside her, tapped into her soul.

  “I want you as my wife, my woman forever. I’m going to love you for all time.”

  This time the orgasm shattered her, tensing her belly up to the point that she began to shake and Charlie gasped and thrust harder, her body milking him, begging him to join her.

  Sienna dug her nails into Charlie’s firm arse and turned her head away further so she could hear every word Charlie was saying. He was panting and sweaty, and Sienna couldn’t get close enough. She couldn’t open her eyes yet; every cell in her body was alive and humming with pleasure.

  “This body is going to have my baby.”

  Sienna gasped and nodded, her body screaming in pleasure as Charlie thrust faster, punctuating his words with the snap of his hips.

  “We’ll choose the day, plan it all, then…I’m…going…to… make…you…pregnant.”

  Sienna moaned and arched her back, her breasts connected with Charlie’s chest as his words washed over her. She’d never thought of a baby, but with this man she loved, nothing seemed more perfect.

  “Oh, fuck, I love you…” Charlie roared and shuddered and Sienna gripped her lover tight.

  His cock spurted inside her and she screamed as the most intense orgasm of her life obliterated her senses.

  The spasms rolled on and on and tears leaked down her eyes as her body drained every drop from her lover.

  “Wow, that was…”

  Charlie rolled to his side so he wouldn’t crush her, but Sienna kept her legs tightly wrapped around him so that he stayed inside her.

  “…Incredible.” She finished for him, blinking her eyes slowly as she reached out her hands and gently ran them over Charlie’s perfect chest.

  Heated happiness flowed through her at the sight of the man she loved in front of her.

  “I love you so much, Charlie.”

  Her words were quiet, yet the smile that tilted up her lover’s lips showed he’d heard her.

  “I know, beautiful girl.”

  Sated bliss dragged them down into its dark depths and Sienna fell asleep with the man she would marry still inside her.

  Sienna’s hair was done, her nails were perfect and she just happened to have a rather large rock sitting on that very important finger.

  She’d never felt more special.

  “Hey sweetie!”

  Sienna looked up and saw Willow walk into the sitting room, flowers in hand.

  “Just thought you might like some colour?” Willow held out the multicoloured roses and Sienna shook her head. That wouldn’t match the Christmas theme at all. But hey, it was Willow.

  “There’s a vase in the crystal cabinet.”

  Willow headed off in the direction Sienna had suggested and two more guests
walked in.

  “Good evening Sienna, sweetheart.” A happy warmth spread through Sienna when she saw her stepmother. Nella and she had always had a great relationship, and it was one of the few constants in her life.

  “Mummy dearest,” she greeted Nella, air kissing her beautifully made-up face and smiling at the woman standing beside her.

  “Welcome, Virginia.”

  The older woman nodded elegantly and looked around her sitting room.

  Sienna indicated to one of the waiters she’d hired for the night. She certainly wasn’t lifting a hand.

  “Martinis for both these ladies.”

  The man nodded and headed off to the bar.

  “The room looks beautiful, Sienna.” Her stepmother praised her and Sienna waved her hand dismissively, though inside she was proud that Nella had said something about the preparation that had been done.

  Seeing as her dinner was the closest to Christmas, she’d themed some of the drinks and food with a touch of festive, but had kept the room clean and modern.

  The women had soon all arrived and Sienna moved them into her large dining room.

  The table was set with crystal glasses and silver place settings. A touch of tinsel and silver and blue decorations littered the long table.

  She raised her glass and smiled at the Diamond circle.

  “Welcome and please sit. The waiters will be around shortly to serve us. There’s a touch of Christmas to everything, but hopefully it’s not too overwhelming.”

  Sienna sat and the woman next to her sighed.

  “How are you, Darla?” Sienna asked politely, dreading the story that was surely to come.

  “Horrible. I went on a date last night with a man who could not stop talking about his ex.”

  Sienna shuddered, the memories of the dating circuit coming back to her like a revisited nightmare. “Ugh, I hate that!”

  “He even compared my looks to hers. ‘Your eyes aren’t as pretty as hers, but your nose is better.’”

  “What a prick.” Sienna had never had a man like that, and was forever grateful that she would never have to.

  “So, how’s your love-life? Anyone new?” Darla asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

  Sienna frowned down at the woman. “You know I’ve been with Charlie for two years, Darla.”

  Darla looked away with a haunted look in her eyes. “That’s not always a guarantee.”

  Sienna glared at Darla and took a deep breath. Before her guests had arrived she’d turned the diamond around to the inside of her finger so that she could announce her news when she was ready.

  As the angry fire built in her belly, she decided that it was time. “Oh, certainly not…Charlie’s decided to make an honest woman of me and I’d hate to disappoint him.”

  She twisted her ring around and brought out her hand, flashing her bling for the whole room to see.

  Darla’s mouth dropped open. “I beg your pardon?”

  Every set of eyes in the room swung towards her and Sienna held up her hand proudly. “Charlie and I got engaged last night.”

  A cry went up around her and she was rushed with hugs and words of congratulations.

  “Oh darling, I’m so thrilled for you.” Nella embraced her and held her tight.

  Sienna closed her eyes and hugged her stepmother back. Life would never be the same again, and she couldn’t wait for the new adventure to begin.




  For those of us who could never ever be considered wealthy…


  I’d like to thank the awesome Kate Cuthbert for letting me run amok with her idea. I know my WAG wasn’t essentially the WAG she was expecting, but she loved her anyway.

  And to the other Secret Confessions authors? I love how naughty you all are. xoxo


  A man full of pent-up testosterone, Jorja decided—for the umpteenth time—is a dangerous man.

  And a sexy one.

  Wiping the sweat from his face, her boyfriend—a man currently very full of pent-up testosterone—killed the six thousand dollar treadmill’s power and fixed her with a hungry look.

  Jorja squeezed her thighs together and shifted a little on the stool beside the balcony railing, from where she watched him.

  Crowned by the fawning national sports media with the nickname ‘Mud’, Daniel Hiddleston wiped his gleaming face again, stepped off the treadmill and stalked towards her.

  She pressed her thighs together once again, her sex growing tight.

  She knew what he wanted.

  Mud barely survived the off-season of the NRL without losing it at least once. The captain of the Australian Rugby League team, as well as the captain of the national premiers for the last two years, Mud struggled to control the latent adrenaline and aggression in his veins. The inability to push himself to physically impossible levels during the summer months drove him to a brink Jorja found terrifying. When he was consumed with the urge to unleash the primitive animal hell-bent on destroying his on-field rivals, he sought out relief in one way, and one way only.

  Through the complete and utter sexual domination of her body.

  Watching him prowl towards her now—for there could be no other word to describe the way he moved from their personal gym to the granite-paved balcony—Jorja felt her pulse quicken.

  Her pussy contracted again.

  That she sat outside, where anyone with a camera and a zoom lens could capture every moment of what was to come, didn’t faze Mud at all. When he wanted her, he took her.

  And she could see, by the way his nostrils flared and his light blue stare devoured her bikini-clad body, he wanted her.

  God, it turned her on.

  He stopped only when his stomach—a sculpted six-pack Jorja loved to explore with her tongue and lips—brushed her knees.

  She met his hungry stare, knowing her Oroton sunglasses hid from him the fear and excitement in her eyes. Her nipples pebbled inside the skimpy twin triangles of her Fendi bikini top, an exquisite agony spearing though her from their hardened form. Her breath slipped from her in shallow pants. The budget report from her latest celebrity fundraising social event sat forgotten on her iPad. She’d been kidding herself trying to maintain focus on it anyway. When Mud worked out, it was all she could do not to bury her fingers into her slick pussy and ride her hand to release.

  There was a reason women constantly threw themselves at her boyfriend and it had little to do with his sporting status in Australia and a lot to do with the way he looked. With the virile sexuality he exuded. Like a barely tamed animal ready to fuck, to dominate, to enslave…to devour his prey.

  A shiver rippled down Jorja’s spine and she sucked in a soft gasp.

  “You’re sweaty,” she stated, trying to project an air of repulsed indifference.

  The ruse had no impact. Mud knew the feel of his perspiration-slick skin sliding over hers turned her on, just as he knew she craved his touch.

  Raising his arm, the muscles beneath his damp, glistening skin flexing with sublime perfection, Mud plucked her sunglasses from her face and tossed them over the railing.

  A flash of irritation licked at her mounting arousal. Damn it, they cost three thousand dollars. And they were the third pair he’d thrown into the waters of Woolloomooloo Bay this week.

  If it weren’t for the fact he took her to sexual heaven over and over after each careless disposal, she’d tell him to stop being so goddamn—

  Before the thought could finish forming in Jorja’s mind, Mud hooked his fingers beneath the edge of her bikini top and yanked the twin black triangles aside.

  Her breasts—small as they were—tumbled free. Her nipples pinched tighter. The hot summer day razed her suddenly exposed flesh, like a branding caress.

  She gasped, staring into Mud’s gaze as, without a word, he cupped each breast with his calloused hands and scraped his thumbs over her nipples.

  “Oh, Daniel

  His name fell from her on a shaky moan. His nostrils flared. She only ever called him his full name when he took her like this: forcefully and arrogantly. Like she was his possession.

  He played football the same way: with uncompromising, unapologetic aggression. It was what made him so feared and revered on the field. What made him the highest paid professional league player the country had ever seen.

  “Tell me what you want me to do to you right at this very second, JJ,” he ordered, his deep voice playing with her senses as much as his thumbs played with her nipples.

  She drew a slow, hitching breath. A part of her wanted to check over her shoulder, to make sure none of their fellow residents of the exclusive harbourside wharf apartment were outside. Another part, a wanton part, thrilled at the debauched thought.

  She wasn’t an exhibitionist. She was just…his. Oh God, was she his.

  Displeased with her failure to answer, Mud pinched her nipples. “Tell me, JJ,” he commanded, parting her thighs with two firm nudges from his knee. He moved to stand between her spread legs, his sweat-moist hips and waist sliding up the inside length of her thighs until the bulge of his erection—trapped in his workout shorts—rubbed the folds of her pussy through her bikini bottom.

  “Take me inside,” she whispered.

  Her best friend, Meagan, was due to visit within the next hour. Of all the women that Jorja interacted with, the celebrity chef was the least likely to gossip about finding Mud doing wicked things to her body out in public. Jorja, however, wasn’t prepared to take the risk. Meagan was a kindred spirit when it came to the machinations and social power-playing amongst their social circle. A woman less inclined to indulge in her obscene wealth and social status and more inclined to quietly live a “normal” life whenever she could, but Jorja still kept certain facets of her life secret. Including how much she enjoyed surrendering to Mud’s primitive, aggressive possession of her body.

  “What if I want to fuck you out here, JJ?”

  A ripple of concentrated lust travelled up Jorja’s spine at his growled question. He smoothed his hands from her breasts, down her rib cage, over her hips to grip her backside, yanking her closer to his body.


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