Rightfully His Omega

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Rightfully His Omega Page 3

by Angelique Voisen

  “What you want is different from what I want,” Charlie murmured, dropping his gaze, and Caleb didn’t like that.

  Caleb ran a hand down the snug leather artfully wrapped around Charlie’s upper body. Breathing hard, Charlie caught his hand. The contact of flesh, Charlie’s smooth hands against his rough and scarred ones, ignited something inside both of them Caleb hoped to wake.

  Their spiritual wolves stalked to the surface now, eyeing and sniffing at each other. They didn’t react like their foolish halves, full of anger and distrust. The animals recognized each other for what they were—missing halves of each other. Caleb silently dared Charlie to deny the bare-knuckle truth staring at both of them in the face.

  “How can you be so certain?” Caleb closed his fingers over Charlie’s, brought them to his lips, and blew. Using his tongue, Caleb took his time, tracing the ring, his ring, on Charlie’s finger. Charlie shifted on his lap, looking uncomfortable. “Look at you, little liar. You wear my ring on your finger. Your nipples are hard, your cock’s begging for release. You want me—bad.”

  Sensing Charlie’s tumult of emotions, Caleb placed his fingers down.

  “Why did you come back, Caleb? Why couldn’t you leave me alone?” Charlie murmured. Setting aside the sassy striper mask, Charlie looked at him with wide and lost eyes, reminding Caleb of the same lost puppy he left behind.

  Fuck. Did Charlie have any clue how hard it had been for Caleb to keep away? That knowing every step he took further would keep Charlie safe? Caleb had hunted down every single shifter in the Evenfall pack, the group that set fire to Trinity Valley.

  “To bring you home,” Caleb said.

  He’d come all this way, traveled thousands of miles on the road for Charlie, but Charlie no longer wanted him. Where would he go? Caleb didn’t bother thinking about that route because he always assumed he’d get what he wanted. The thought of Charlie back in his arms had been the only thing sustaining him during his long path of vengeance. If he turned back now, Caleb would be lost. Probably couldn’t find his way back either.

  “Home’s ashes and ruins, or did you forget?”

  Caleb growled, temper fizzling. “How could I forget when I spent the last years chasing after those bastards? These hands that are touching you, they’re stained with the blood of our enemies.”

  Shaken, Charlie let out a breath as he processed the words Caleb told him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me anything? You’ve had my number all this time,” Charlie demanded.

  “Cowardice.” Caleb didn’t like admitting his weakness out loud, but the time for lies was over. “Gary and Kyle made a point. You deserve better.”

  Charlie’s knees dug against his thighs. He wrapped his hands behind Caleb’s neck now, expression raw and vulnerable. Nothing about Charlie’s reaction had been sexual, only a shifter’s need for comfort and proximity. If he trusted Caleb enough to cuddle to him, then Caleb wouldn’t betray his trust, although it took all of him to keep his wolf leashed and his hands still.

  “That’s not true. Do you know why I’m pissed, Caleb? I’ve waited for you for ten fucking years, and you only show up now. A man could grow tired of waiting.” Charlie expelled a breath. “What did you expect to happen?”

  Take you with me and finally make you mine.

  Instead, Caleb said, “Think of this as a test run. We clearly have some chemistry. If this doesn’t work out, fine. I get the picture. I’ll leave.”

  When Charlie chewed on his bottom lip and didn’t say anything for a while, Caleb sighed.

  “Are you saying ‘no?’” Caleb finally asked.

  “Will that change anything?”

  Caleb held his gaze although he had a hard time containing his anger. Charlie always had the ability to bring out the worst and best of him. “I’m not a decent bastard, but I don’t take anyone without their consent.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by that,” Charlie blurted. “Back when we were kids…do you remember the ice cream incident?” Charlie continued, “You took me for ice cream after my finals instead of Matthias. I could tell you didn’t want to, but you were always angry in those days. On our way back home, we heard screaming from one of the alleys. Turned out one of our new pack members was having his way with a human woman. An outsider.”

  It pleased Caleb Charlie knew him well enough that he wouldn’t cross that line and that memory stood out in Charlie’s mind.

  “When Matthias asked why you nearly beat that wolf to death, you said you hated cowards who preyed on those weaker than them.”

  “I remember, but you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “You know it’s a ‘yes,’ damn you.”

  Resuming his exploration, Caleb touched Charlie’s nipple ring, tugging at the metal. Breathing hard, Charlie watched him.

  “When did you get these?” Caleb asked.

  “During my rebellious stage. What’s it to you? Don’t like them, Dad?” Charlie asked in a mocking voice, his snark back in place.

  “I think they’re fucking sexy. Probably fun to attach them to something.” Caleb palmed his way down Charlie’s ribs, his abs, before finally reaching the tiny piece of leather barely covering his member. Impatient, Caleb yanked off one of the thin straps. With his supernatural strength, it gave easy.

  Other men, lesser men who didn’t like or couldn’t take Caleb’s brand of sex, would flinch or tell him they’d change their minds after seeing a preview, but not Charlie.

  Glaring, Charlie poked a finger into his chest. “You better be ready to pay for that, buster, because it’s my favorite pair.”

  “Next time you wear something slutty like that, it will be for my eyes only,” Caleb growled.

  “Don’t think you can start ordering me around just because I said yes to this—whatever this is,” Charlie pointed out.

  Caleb didn’t point out things would change from this point onwards. Actions were better than words anyway.

  “You’re so fucking hard for me,” Caleb observed.

  A flush appeared on Charlie’s neck. “Don’t be too pleased with yourself. It’s part of the job. Besides, look who’s talking.”

  Ignoring the reminder Charlie did this for a living, Caleb reeled in his temper and mutely flicked the pre-cum gathered on Charlie’s tip with one fingernail. He traced the veins on the silken skin stretched over Charlie’s hardness.

  “You damn tease,” Charlie said in frustration.

  “Say the magic word.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Charlie demanded.

  Caleb kept on teasing, his patience limitless.


  “I can’t hear you.”

  “I said ‘please,’ you sadistic bastard.”

  Caleb grinned. “You don’t know how evil I can be.”

  True to his words, he glided his fist up and down Charlie’s shaft, slowly building up his speed. When Charlie began to close his eyes, sighing, Caleb interrupted, “Eyes on me. Always.”

  Charlie gave him a glare, but all directed anger dissipated when Caleb increased his rhythm. Up and down, fast and faster, before dropping speed once he saw Charlie was close to bursting. Charlie dug his fingers into his shoulders. Watching his expression turn soft thickened Caleb’s need. He felt Charlie’s hand slipping covertly between them, tugging the zipper of his jeans down to pull out his member.

  “Jesus, you’re huge,” Charlie murmured, dropping his gaze for a second. Remembering Caleb’s command, he looked up. Instead of looking daunted, Charlie licked his lips. “Yummy.”

  “You’re a unique piece of work, Charlie,” Caleb said.

  “Thanks for the compliment. I work hard on being an ass each day,” Charlie muttered, tone breathy.

  Both of them began panting. Their beasts coiled around each other, enjoying the dance. After doing all sorts of wild shit both in and out of the bedroom, Caleb didn’t know he could feel this worked up over a simple hand-job. He knew all along that Charlie had be
en the key ingredient, the piece he’d been missing all his life.

  When Matthias and the others concluded Charlie was Caleb’s mate, Caleb had been young and angry. Charlie had been right. Back then, Caleb nursed a lot of anger for shallow reasons.

  For his mother, who couldn’t see how the rest of Matthias’ pack didn’t like an outsider joining them. In the end, Caleb took up the mantle of vengeance because no one else could. Charlie and only a handful of omegas and other protectors were the only remaining members of their decimated pack.

  “That’s pretty rare for you. You actually look like you’re thinking deep thoughts.”

  Caleb had no clue how Charlie could keep up this banter, especially when both of them were close to bursting.

  “You have no idea how shallow I am.”

  Thinking became close to impossible. The world narrowed down its scope to him and Charlie, competing for who would lose control first. Caleb wanted to remind Charlie this got out of hand and it wasn’t a competition, but a childish part of him refused to give Charlie an inch. Damn the runt.

  Caleb lowered his head and caught one glinting piece of metal between his teeth. He tugged, not slowing down his fist around Charlie’s length.

  “You cheat,” Charlie hissed. Then Caleb heard his shuddering sigh.

  Caleb released his nipple ring and nosed his way back to Charlie’s neck to whisper against his ear, “Come all over my fingers. Now.”

  The word “now” instantly triggered Charlie’s climax, and fuck, Caleb wouldn’t deny what a rush it was, holding the power to give and deny his mate. Charlie dug his fingers into his shoulder, nails creating crescent half marks to hold on to him. His eyelids fluttered, and the hate there evaporated to bliss and content. Although Caleb had been attracted to Charlie’s bite and sass, Charlie looking like this was fucking picture perfect.

  Charlie sank his teeth on the curve of Caleb’s shoulder, hard enough to bruise, but not draw blood. They weren’t ready for an intense mating mark experience anyway, but Caleb couldn’t wish away the disappointment. Coming back to reality, Charlie blinked. His jaw tightened, and he began where he left off, pumping Caleb’s cock with ferocity until Caleb let out an answering growl and spilled his load all over Charlie’s hand.

  “Prick,” Charlie whispered against his chest, although Caleb could detect a note of fondness there. His hand grew limp, Caleb felt him about to get off his lap, but he pressed a hand against the back of Charlie’s neck.

  “Hush, pup. Stay right there. Relax.”

  His words worked. Charlie melted against him, wrapping his arms around his large frame, reminding Caleb of a small ball of warmth. They remained locked against each other like that. Time became irrelevant, but the years of frustration and anger still remained. At least the big explosion was done. Caleb could work with tiny ones.

  Caleb grew still as Charlie pressed his lips against his neck. Charlie licked at the flesh there, tongue drawing tiny and teasing circles. Was Charlie tormenting Caleb with what he’d never give away? That he’d never accept Caleb’s mating mark because that would bind them for eternity, or at least until death? Would Charlie fight against what fate intended despite the battle being an uphill task?

  Charlie drew back so Caleb could see the expression on his face. He instantly distrusted the small smile curving at the corner of Charlie’s lips, like he was harboring a private little secret no one else knew.

  “Welcome back, Caleb.”

  Wanting to chase away that cocky grin, Caleb carefully chose his next words. He didn’t shout, only delivered his threat, or promise, depending on how one looked at it. “Run as far as you want, but I’ll fucking meet you midway each time. You’re mine. You’ve always been mine the moment you accepted my mother’s ring and kept it. Nothing can take away the truth you badly want to deny.”

  From Charlie’s shuddering answer, Caleb knew he still had the chance to make things right.

  Chapter Three

  “Damn. You okay, Charlie?” Mark asked Charlie once he returned to the dressing room.

  Charlie frowned. “Leslie kept asking me the same thing.”

  He turned to the mirror and realized why everyone kept pestering him. Charlie looked pale, shaken, and unlike his usual cheerful, teasing self. He stared at his now-clean fingers, remembering how only moments ago Caleb licked at the gold band on his finger, how Charlie had recklessly grabbed Caleb’s thickening member and watched it come to life.

  Remembering Caleb’s size made Charlie think of the one act Caleb avoided. Hell. He’d expected the huge inked, scarred dominant wolf to flip him over the couch or floor and rut him there. Shameful as it was to admit, Charlie wouldn’t protest either. When it came to Caleb, logic easily flew out the window, and the needs of his wolf drove his body and made it a slave to his mind. Then again, Charlie never really made the right decisions.

  Gary and Kyle, God love them both, gave him too much freedom growing up. Where did that lead him? After hitting dead ends and back alleys, Charlie had been burned too many times. By bad influence in his college days, so-called friends who pushed him into drugs, and by men who were more interested in abusing and using his body to satisfy their own needs, then tossing him out after.

  Despite his loud personality, Charlie always knew his submissive nature in the bedroom. Most of his lovers took advantage of that, but Caleb was a different beast altogether.

  Caleb offered him security. Promises of a future set in stone, but Charlie wasn’t sure about that. It took Caleb ten years to get back to him. What if Caleb decided to leave him again? The burn of Caleb’s rejection wouldn’t just sting. It would leave a raw hole inside Charlie.

  “Earth to Charlie,” Mark said, waving a hand over his face. “Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Ghosts aren’t capable of digging claws into you.” Charlie let out a hysterical giggle, and Mark spun him around, concerned.

  “What’s the matter with you? It’s that huge scary customer, isn’t it? Did he do something to you?” Mark demanded, hands on his hips. “Do you need me to give him a talking to?”

  Charlie couldn’t stop laughing. It was impolite, God damn it, but Mark was a human. Caleb could eat him up in a couple of bites. Literally.

  “Sorry.” Charlie coughed, eyes watering. “But you? Do you know he has a bad reputation?”

  “We can set Leslie on him,” Mark pointed out, looking offended.

  Charlie quickly shook his head. “Caleb’s not dangerous.”

  “So you’re on a first name basis now?” Mark asked, his worry changing to curiosity. Then he turned wary.

  “What?” Charlie demanded.

  They got out of their costumes. He managed to get out of his with Mark and Raul’s help, and he yanked up his usual comfy pair of jeans and T-shirt.

  Raul answered for Mark. “Everyone knows you have a thing for bad boys. That one…” Raul licked his lips. “He looks like he can give anyone a run for their money.”

  Jealousy—sudden and unexplainable—made Charlie snarl and bare his teeth. In all his time there, he’d never felt the urge to draw territorial lines. Raul blinked, so did Mark, both looking surprised.

  “Caleb’s mine.” The shock of those words settled a second later. He began twisting the ring again. What the fuck? Charlie wasn’t like Caleb. He didn’t become all-possessive for no reason. Charlie wasn’t like that, was he? Charlie covered his face with his hands. “Oh, God. He’s right.”

  Raul and Mark traded looks. Mark touched his arm. “Come on, buddy. You’re in no state to drive. We’ll get a nice dinner and talk.”

  The three of them exited dressing room, passing other strippers on their way home. Usually, Charlie would join in the banter or eagerly fish for the latest gossip, but not tonight, especially when he caught sight of the figure waiting by the bar. At two in the morning, most of the customers, including the regulars, headed home, so Caleb stood out. Charlie parted from his friends and strode up to him.

  “What the h
ell are you still doing here?”

  Caleb gave him that dangerous smile of his, showing Charlie teeth. “I’m waiting to take you home.”

  “That’s—ridiculous.” Charlie ran out of words, so he had to settle for that lame line. Jesus. With Caleb around, his IQ seemed to drop drastically.

  Caleb raised one eyebrow. “How so?”

  “Because you’re not my boyfriend or lover,” Charlie snapped.

  “Of course, because I’m more than that,” Caleb drawled. “Are these your friends, runt? Introduce me.”

  Where was Leslie when Charlie needed him?

  Gritting his teeth, Charlie glowered at him. Caleb wanted to play? Fine. “This is Mark and Raul. Mark’s my roommate and best friend since college. Raul’s a good friend. Guys, this is Caleb, my—”

  Charlie faltered. Beginning his sentence with “my” and “mine” already rang alarm bells in his head.

  “Mate,” Caleb finished.

  Mark and Raul’s eyes grew wide as saucers.

  “As in ‘until death do us part,’ that sort of mate?” Raul asked.

  Caleb only nodded. Charlie felt a shadow approaching them—Leslie, thank God, along with another bouncer.

  “Is there a problem here, gentlemen?” Leslie asked.

  Caleb let out a disgusted sound. “None of your business, fur ball. I’m just picking up my mate and taking him home. That a crime?”

  “Charlie…is your mate?” Leslie asked skeptically.

  That word again. Charlie blistered. Mark let out a squeak. Leslie frowned when Caleb’s spiritual wolf reached out for Charlie and Charlie’s beast didn’t pull away. Hell. The animal nuzzled Caleb’s wolf like a lofty traitor.

  Leslie turned to Charlie. “This true?”

  “We’re sort of estranged. Like ten years.” Charlie glared at Caleb and let out a breath. “We’re good here, Les.”

  Leslie placed a hand over Charlie’s shoulder. Caleb let out a threatening growl at the simple gesture. “Don’t hesitate to call me if you need to talk.”

  “I won’t.” Once Leslie and his bouncer stepped away, Charlie turned to his friends. “Like I said, I’ll be fine.”


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