Rightfully His Omega

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Rightfully His Omega Page 6

by Angelique Voisen

  Ben pointed the shiny barrel of a sub-automatic machine gun at them, able to dish out a hundred rounds per minute. Caleb swallowed. Even a powerful shifter would have trouble healing from that. If it was loaded with silver, they were both goners.

  “You killed my brother,” Ben accused, eyes wild. “You fucking monster. Wasn’t putting down my entire pack enough?”

  “Killing’s a messy business,” Caleb found himself answering. “You take lives, and you make enemies of their loved ones.”

  Ben’s face twisted. “Your unnatural clan deserved to die. What right do you fuckers have to hoard your precious omegas while the rest of us struggle with preserving our bloodline through wolf bites? Most bastards we change die.”

  Charlie’s hold on Caleb grew still. They both could remember the fire, like it was yesterday. Caleb wondered how long the past would continue chaining both of them down. Could they ever be free of it? Would death be the next best alternative? Maybe the afterlife promised something better, a world free of pain and loss, vengeance and retribution.

  “Go to hell,” Charlie spat out.

  Those words ignited life back into Caleb and made him feel ashamed of the thoughts that briefly crossed his mind. Even hurt like this, Charlie had that spark in him, the sheer and pure will to survive.

  Charlie laced his fingers with Caleb, and Caleb frowned. He studied Ben closer. Saw what Charlie was secretly hinting at him. Mark’s left leg twitched slightly over Ben’s shoulder.

  “I don’t need you, omega. I’ll find the others. The lost ones hiding under their rocks.” Ben angled the Mini Uzi at them. “Say your prayers, fuckers.”

  Mark’s leg rose and jabbed into Ben’s shoulder. Ben jerked. The trigger went off. Ignoring the agony from his wound, Caleb grabbed Charlie and tackled him to the ground.

  “You crazy bastard,” Charlie hissed against his ear. Rounds went off, rattling with precision in random directions. Caleb grabbed Charlie and dragged him to the nearest cover. They hid underneath some old machinery. Hoped no stray bullet would find them.

  Then silence.

  “Help Mark,” Charlie whispered, clutching at his shoulder, gaze filled with fear. “He’s only human.”

  Caleb nodded curtly. “Stay here.” When Charlie began to argue, Caleb sealed his lips over Charlie’s to shut him up. Charlie grew still for a moment, and then recklessly responded. Their tongues clashed and danced. Caleb drew away, leaving Charlie wanting for more. “Promise me.”

  “Fine,” Charlie snapped, pressing a hand to his wound. “But hurry, you’re bleeding out.”

  Caleb carefully walked over to the scene, expecting the worse. He assumed Ben would do what he did best. Escape. Save revenge for another day, except Ben’s bullet-riddled body lay on the ground, spread over Mark. Caleb was stunned for a couple of seconds. The asshole used himself as a shield to protect Mark.

  Caleb found his voice. “Mark? Are you alive?”

  No response. Charlie disobeyed and stood next to Caleb.

  “Yeah, I think,” Mark eventually said.

  “Let’s get him out,” Caleb told Charlie. Together, they pulled the shocked human out. Caleb checked him for injuries. Aside from looking pale, Mark was unhurt. Caleb leaned on Charlie a little. Soon, he’d be out of it.

  Noticing his ebbing strength, Charlie wrapped an arm over his shoulders. “Let get you some medical attention, big guy.”

  Caleb nodded, beginning to feel numb.

  “Mark, help me,” Charlie said, alarmed.

  Charlie and Mark managed to drag him towards the Evenfall brothers’ car. Caleb snarled when Charlie began fussing over him.

  “Behave, you big lug,” Charlie muttered, but Caleb could sense the affection in his voice.

  Relieved Charlie was safe, Caleb closed his eyes. He’d rest for a bit. Maybe think about the path that awaited them now that the chains of the past set them free.


  Two Months Later

  “Well, it’s been a good run,” Leslie said reluctantly. He held out a hand towards Charlie. All professional. Wanting to eliminate the tension, Charlie shook Leslie’s hand and punched his shoulder. Leslie relaxed. “That wolf of yours better take good care of you, Charlie. The boys and I wish you all the best. Let me know if you ever want to return to the pole.”

  Charlie grinned. The boys all came early that late afternoon to give him a surprise farewell party. All planned deviously by Mark, of course. After Charlie moved out of their apartment and settled down in a new one with Caleb, he’d seen his best friend less often. With him quitting his job, maybe he could put in more time.

  “I’ll do just that,” Charlie promised.

  For his last set, Charlie gave the crowd one hell of a dance to remember. Now that his shift was over, Charlie couldn’t wait to head back home. Give his growly and overprotective mate his own private dance. Caleb had been grumbling and trying to convince Charlie to quit his job. Ultimately, Caleb said he wouldn’t get in the way of what Charlie wanted to do with his life as long as it included him.

  Charlie look one last lingering look at the club, placed the sadness that came with leaving a place that he called home for years, and headed to his car. He remembered feeling the same way when he left for college, and Gary and a tear-filled Kyle sent him off. Speaking of his foster parents, they hadn’t exactly been thrilled to learn he’d moved in with Caleb. Thank God, Caleb agreed to meeting them over the weekend. Besides, Charlie expected his foster dads to be more involved in his life after his recent development.

  He rushed home, excitement thrumming in his veins. Charlie silently hoped Caleb wasn’t home yet from his shift. After discussing potential job prospects, Caleb finally promised Charlie he would start doing less dangerous shit and settled for working for a private security firm that hired shifters. Caleb sometimes worked long hours, but he made an effort to spend time with Charlie.

  Seeing the apartment lights were on, Charlie breathed a sigh of relief. He texted Caleb and got a reply Caleb would be home in half an hour—plenty of time for Charlie to make preparations. Charlie took a quick shower, slipped into Caleb’s favorite, a sexy leather g-string and nothing else.

  Hearing the front door opening, Charlie lounged himself on the living room couch in a provocative “come hither” position.

  “Sorry, baby. Demanding client was a fucking—” Caleb halted, dropping his duffel bag of weapons.

  Charlie grinned. “Did you have a tough day at work, hon? You need some down time?”

  Caleb slammed the door shut and took one long look at Charlie’s offering. Charlie felt the heat of his hungry gaze moving from his face and settling on the bulge in the little triangular bit covering his groin.

  “Fuck yeah.” Caleb paused, frowning. “Wait a second. Did something happen?”

  Charlie pouted, slightly annoyed. “Can’t I surprise my mate and reward him for being a hard little worker?”

  Caleb furrowed his brows.

  “Fine. If you don’t want some of this, I’m heading to bed,” Charlie said flippantly. All an act, of course, but even now, electricity crept up his arm when Caleb grabbed his wrist.

  “Who said you can go?” Caleb growled. “Don’t make me drape you over my lap and spank the truth out of you.”

  Christ. It was crazy how Caleb could make him aroused by those words.

  Getting a hold of himself, Charlie took control. With his free hand, he gently pushed at Caleb’s chest. “Sit down, handsome. Why don’t you relax and enjoy the show?”

  “You’re making me more suspicious by being nice,” Caleb muttered, but nonetheless sat down. He still looked skeptical when Charlie handed him a bottle of his favorite beer. That cynicism vanished when Charlie stalked over to the pole. He could feel Caleb’s gaze, soaking in every inch of him, making Charlie feel incredibly sexy.

  “Seriously, baby. What’s this about?” Caleb asked.

  “A surprise. So shut up.”

  Charlie pressed the play button o
n the music player and started the special routine he prepared for this evening ever since he heard the news. Soon, his lithe body would undergo changes, so he’d dance while he could. He mounted the pole, knowing Caleb appreciated every provocative and tempting pose. By the time Charlie dismounted from the pole, Caleb sat up in his seat, bottle of beer forgotten, breathing hard.

  The look in his eyes told Charlie what exactly Caleb wanted to do—grab hold of him, pin him down, strip him bare, then fuck him senseless until he screamed himself raw with pleasure.

  “Baby, the way you’re looking at me can scare off skittish kittens.”

  “But not you. My feisty mate’s a tiger.” Caleb grinned, showing him teeth. He patted his lap. “Come here.”

  Smirking, Charlie strutted to him and straddled Caleb’s lap so his legs spread on either side of Caleb’s. He locked his arms around Caleb’s neck, didn’t need to look down to see the hard-on his mate sported.

  “That little dance got you all rock-hard so soon?”

  “You know it.” Caleb secured one hand around his waist and pushed him forward.

  Charlie leaned closer, so they could touch. Skin-on-skin. Caleb took his lips then, and the force and heat overloaded Charlie’s senses. Charlie opened his lips. Let Caleb deepen the kiss. Caleb reached out with his free hand, tugging at his right nipple ring. He released Charlie’s lips just to hear his moan, Charlie knew.

  “Missed me badly?” Charlie whispered, pressing Caleb’s head to his neck.

  Caleb’s warm mouth descended on Charlie’s neck, tongue lashing at the mating mark he’d left there. His brand. One that told the world Charlie was his exclusively and no one else’s.

  “Always,” Caleb replied, before setting his teeth against a spot on his neck. He bit, hand wandering from Charlie’s nipple to his erection. Caleb pinched him through the fabric, making him squirm, before simply jerking the leather bit off.

  “Tell me,” Caleb coaxed. He flicked the pre-cum off Charlie’s tip, putting his wet finger to Charlie’s lips. Charlie sucked on the digit slowly, tasting himself, his arousal on Caleb. Fuck, that was hot.

  “I need you,” Charlie murmured. “Want you in me.”

  That scored him a couple of brownie points. Caleb curled his fingers around Charlie’s shaft and glided them up and down, excruciatingly slow. Charlie bit down on Caleb’s left earlobe, satisfied with his growl. Wanting retribution, his hand found Caleb’s zipper. He jerked it down and pulled out Caleb’s long, curving, and hard member.

  “Let me take care of your need, and you take care of mine,” Charlie suggested.

  Caleb increased his hand movements. “Only if you’re a good little pup.”

  Charlie groaned in frustration. Caleb kissed him again, all bite and teeth. Charlie bit back and returned every nip with his own.

  “The fucking things you do to me,” Caleb muttered.

  He pulled his hand away, making Charlie whine. If this was how the bastard wanted to play the game, then Charlie would gladly return the favor. Charlie pushed Caleb’s hand, locking him into position. Caleb raised an eyebrow, but let Charlie stand.

  Charlie leaned over and began unbuttoning his shirt. When Caleb began to reach for his hands, he slapped them away. “Let me.”

  Caleb glowered, but remained still. Charlie slid gracefully to his knees between Caleb’s legs. Judging by the sudden rise and fall of Caleb’s chest, Charlie knew he had his mate. He took his time, taking off Caleb’s shoes and socks.

  Caleb remained frozen in place as Charlie unbuckled his belt, slipped it out of the loops, and then jerked down his jeans.

  “Finally,” Charlie said, eyeing Caleb’s steel-hard member. He leaned forward and put his lips to work.

  Used to Caleb’s size by now, Charlie didn’t gag once. He applied careful suction with every inch he covered. Felt Caleb’s fingers in his hair, tugging and demanding. Charlie bobbed his head up and down, aware Caleb’s gaze remained fastened on him. When Caleb tightened his grip on his hair, Charlie surrendered his control. Careful, but eager, Caleb fucked his mouth in a relentless rhythm.

  Releasing a ragged sigh, Caleb exploded, and Charlie swallowed, not spilling a drop.

  “Good pup,” Caleb said, panting.

  Charlie drew out and waited on his knees. He looked at his powerful mate and gave him a cheeky grin. “How do you want me?”

  Caleb didn’t need a minute to decide. He rose, and before Charlie could protest, Caleb joined him. Charlie squeaked when Caleb pushed him against the carpet and rolled on top of him. He plundered Charlie’s lips again, left him too breathless to respond, before pelting kisses and leaving tiny bite marks down the side of Charlie’s body.

  The possessive bastard always took the opportunity to remind Charlie his body, heart, and soul were linked to his, but Charlie would never tell Caleb he liked wearing his marks.

  Caleb went lower. Charlie grabbed a fistful of his hair, groaning when Caleb finally returned the favor by taking Charlie in his mouth. Caleb didn’t waste time teasing. He took Charlie’s shaft, sucked every inch with relish, pulled out, and did it again, sealing Charlie’s member with heat.

  Caleb drew out, pinched his tip, and said, “Come for me, pup.”

  Charlie released his load, entire body shuddering and his mind reeling. He was still riding the aftershocks when he vaguely felt Caleb leave and return seconds after with a lube in hand. Charlie shot him a lazy smile.

  “Take me. Please.”

  “Since you asked nicely,” Caleb said, grin back on his face. He lifted Charlie’s legs above his shoulders, lubed his fingers and Charlie’s waiting hole. Charlie moaned when he felt Caleb’s wet finger slid in him.

  “Caleb, please. I need you in me. Now,” Charlie pleaded.

  Caleb slid a second in, curled them, and scissored Charlie for his access.

  “Have some patience, baby.” Caleb finally gripped his hips and nudged his cockhead in.

  Charlie groaned. Once Caleb slipped past the thick ring of muscle, he breathed easy. Caleb sunk home, hilt-deep. Charlie’s balls tightened against him. His member stood at half-mast. He willed his ass muscles to clench around Caleb’s prick like a fist.

  “Fuck, Charlie. You’re so tight,” Caleb growled, the edges of his pupils bleeding to amber. “Tell me how you want it.”

  “Fast and hard,” Charlie said, panting. His heart started at a gallop.

  Caleb blanketed his sweat-slicked body against his, hard muscles colliding against his lean frame. Charlie dug his fingers into Caleb’s shoulders.

  Caleb began to ride him, slow and steady at first, before gaining speed. Charlie moaned, urging him to increase his rhythm. Caleb went fast. Deeper. Rendered both of them panting. Caleb shifted his hips, switched angle. The next time he drove into Charlie, a gasp tore out of Charlie.

  A smile lit on the corner of Caleb’s lips.

  Then Charlie felt it, Caleb knotting him, binding them together more intimately than ever.

  “You—” Charlie began.

  He lost his train of thought when Caleb aimed for the spot once more. Many times. His insides melted. The pressure building inside him worsened when Caleb reached for cock and began pumping him.

  All he could say was, “Fuck.”

  Caleb shut him up by kissing him again, only releasing his swollen lips to say, “Come for me again, baby.”

  Charlie screamed out his orgasm and dug his nails into the muscles of Caleb’s back. The room fell away from his vision. Caleb came soon after, letting out a shuddering breath and unknotting him.

  Then Caleb collapsed above him, his weight comforting. Charlie stroked his back and kissed the side of his jaw. They lay like that for awhile before Caleb rolled off him.

  “Are you finally going to tell me what all that was for?” Caleb finally asked. He looked surprised when Charlie gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “I quit my job today.”

  Caleb paused and eventually said, “You didn’t need to. I know you love

  “I do, but I love you more. Besides, I haven’t told you the best news yet.” Charlie took his hand and pressed it against his still-flat belly.

  Caleb’s eyes widened with shock. Undesirable pleasure filled his face. “Please don’t tell me this is a joke, Charlie.”

  Charlie shook his head. “I’m carrying your pup, Caleb.”

  He yelped when Caleb pulled him into a crushing hug. “Fuck, baby. You can’t imagine how long and how much I’ve wanted this. Wait here. I also have a surprise.”

  Charlie waited as Caleb disappeared into the bathroom and came back to him, one fist extended to him. When Caleb opened his fingers, a ring similar to his, glinted under the apartment lights. No denying what it was—a wedding band.

  “Baby, you already wear my mating marks and my mother’s ring. What did you expect?” Caleb asked, unable to hide his grin. “Will you marry me?”

  Charlie reached for the ring and helped slide it over Caleb’s finger.

  With raised brows, Caleb asked, “Is that a ‘yes’ then?”

  “Oh, you know the answer to that question.” Charlie linked his fingers with Caleb’s, raised them to his lips, and blew each one a kiss. With their hands together, the rings looked fucking perfect, a matched pair. “Are you ready to start the next chapter of our lives?”

  The End

  About the Author

  ARe Books

  Captive Creature


  Sarah’s Billionaire Doms

  Torquere Press

  Exchange of Power Anthology


  Mythologically Torqued, Vol. 1

  Sir WW

  Evernight Publishing

  Bad Alpha: Manlove Edition

  Blazing Glory

  Dev’s Wolf

  Fat-Free Alpha

  Gluten-Free Gamma

  High Voltage

  His Bacon Sundae Werewolf


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