Shadow Dance

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Shadow Dance Page 2

by Taige Crenshaw

  “It is time,” Dimitri said.

  Dominic looked at him, pain on his face. “I know. I will work on the research. Be safe, brother.”

  “I will.” Dimitri withdrew at the sound of the door opening.

  Dimitri turned, looked, and his breath stalled in his lungs. Only his rigid control stopped him from shuddering. He had known Yadira Akridge by reputation but had never seen her until now. He had no way of knowing he would see his destiny walk in the door. Arrogance was in her stride. He felt her energy fill the room while her presence seemed to dominate everything around them. His cock hardened and he felt a primal urge to take her. Dimitri willed himself to calm down but his body had a mind of its own. Yadira took her time coming to them. Watching her move, as if to some internal beat of the drums he felt… Itchy. Restless. Horny as hell.

  Dimitri tried to contain his reaction. He blanked his expression, knowing it was all her fault. One look at her and she shot his control to hell. She came and stood in front of them giving Dimitri a clear look at her face. She was lovely. Her honey-toned skin glowed while her deep chocolate brown gaze had a faint look that said she knew the effect she was having on him. She smiled—a twist of her lush mouth. She stopped and put her hands in the pockets of her tight black slacks. The movement pushed her full breasts out, making his mouth water.

  Raising an eyebrow she shook her head as she watched them. The braid that contained her dark reddish brown hair came over her shoulder, resting to curl just above where he wanted to bury his cock. Looking back at her face he saw the answering flare in her eyes then she sneered.

  “Which one am I working with—the crazy or the grim reaper?”

  His eyes narrowed at her question. Dimitri knew that’s what they were called behind their backs but until now no one had the courage to say it to their faces. Yadira was either very foolish or crazy. Watching her, he felt heat fill him. It didn’t matter. She would be his as was his right and their destiny.

  “Boo,” Dimitri replied.

  Her eyes widened then narrowed. Dimitri watched her, enjoying the look on her face. It was going to be a pleasure to make her purr. He hardened even more.

  Brother, what is the matter? Dominic’s voice came into his mind.

  Nothing, he replied.

  He had shielded Dominic from his reaction to Yadira but hadn’t counted on Dominic sensing the change in his body temperature. He should have known his brother would. Yadira had him distracted and he could not allow that. The sooner he got her into bed the better. Dimitri watched her looking back and forth between them and wondered how long it would take before he would feel her legs wrapped around him. Stifling a growl, he knew it wouldn’t be soon enough. She was already awakening his long-dormant lust. Yadira looked back at him, a sardonic grin on her face.

  Dimitri almost smiled but knew it would be more of a baring of his teeth. He was holding onto his control with a tenuous grip. He could taste her awareness in the air. Her scent of arousal filled his keen senses. Dimitri slid a glance at Dominic. Dominic had a contained look on his face. Looking back at Yadira he was pleased that his attempt to shield her desire had worked. Dominic had no knowledge of what they were both feeling. Leaning back against the table he waited to see what she would do next.

  Yadira tried to still her awareness of him. She didn’t even know which one he was and he had her ready rip his clothes off and screw him blind. All that kept her from doing it was the feeling that they would need a lot of time before they got their fill. She didn’t do relationships. Ever. Turning away from the intensity of his gaze Yadira tried to define the color of his eyes. They were blue-green with a ring of hazel and had curly, thick lashes surrounding them. It made her feel like he could see into her soul.

  Looking over at the silent man next to him she was caught by his gaze. It was identical. Looking closer, she realized around the other man’s eyes was a ring of silver. Yadira shook her head. With their eye color alone the men were captivating. Standing in front of them looking at their identical features Yadira knew that being in the same room with the two of them would be devastating to most women. Thankfully she was made of sterner stuff.

  Liar. You can hardly control your heart rate, her inner vixen chided.

  Ah, shut up, her more practical side replied.

  Taking in their burnished gold skin, rich auburn waist-length hair tied back in ponytails and muscular bodies, Yadira could see that they were both beautifully built. Their chiseled features seemed to have been carved by a master artist. They were etched in her mind. Luscious mouths offset broad foreheads, sharp cheeks, straight noses and rounded chins. The one who looked at her like he wanted to eat her alive had lips that were fuller and she wanted to take a bite of them. She took in their flowing shirts and tight slacks. Their clothes were the same design but in different colors. The one who hadn’t spoken was dressed in dark blue while the other one with the hungry eyes was clad in dark green.

  Yadira saw the hunger and possession in his gaze. It made her bristle.

  “What the hell are you?”

  “A tabby cat.” His smooth, sweet baritone tickled her senses.

  Stilling the shudder that racked her Yadira stared at him to see if he was kidding. He didn’t crack a smile. She didn’t believe him for a minute. No one looked less like a cat than these two. The man shifted where he leaned on the table. Yadira’s eyes followed his graceful movement. Yadira licked her lips as she took in his broad shoulders and firm-looking chest. She was a sucker for shoulders and chests. His shoulders made her want to lay her head down and stay awhile while his chest made her want to bite and lick her way across it from side to side.

  I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks.

  At the thought Yadira jerked her gaze away from temptation. Looking back into his gaze she saw the knowledge of the effect he was having on her. She didn’t like it that he could read her so well.

  Getting down to business Yadira stuck out her hand. “Yadira Akridge.”

  The man looked at her as he took her hand. “We have heard of you, Yadira. I’m Dimitri Zarek and this is my brother Dominic.”

  Yadira shielded herself as she took his hand. It was firm and hard. Letting it go she looked at the other man.

  “Does he speak?” Yadira asked.

  Dominic looked at her. “Yes, I do.” His tone was clipped.

  Looking at him, Yadira put out her hand. He looked at it then took it. As he touched her, Yadira watched his face. He didn’t look as crazy as she had been led to believe. A shock went through Yadira as images flooded her. Collapsing to her knees under the onslaught, Yadira felt as if her soul was being sucked out of her. Locking eyes with Dominic’s she saw the pain and hopelessness in his gaze then everything went black.

  * * * * *

  Zarya watched Dimitri and Dominic leave, an uneasy feeling filling her. If it weren’t such a dire emergency she would never have paired Dimitri and Yadira together.

  “It is for the best,” a silky voice spoke from her right.

  Looking over at the man who detached himself from the shadows by the wall Zarya replied, “This had better not be one of your tricks. They are two of my best agents. If anything happens to them you will answer to me.”

  The man looked at her his golden gaze flashing. “You think to challenge me, Zarya?”

  Zarya looked at him. “It’s not a challenge. It’s a promise.” The threat was clear in her voice.

  The man nodded in acknowledgement as he stepped back into the shadows and disappeared. Zarya looked at the door through which Dimitri and Dominic had left and prayed that they found The Eye of Ra for all their sakes. Then she headed for the door. While they searched she had her own places to look.

  Walking down the hall she glanced back at the conference room then turned to the left to go to the elevators. She pressed the button and stepped in as it opened. Turning to face the doors she looked up and locked eyes with gold. Smiling grimly she watched the man who had hired them. If he thought
she made an idle threat he was very mistaken. She saw his eyes heat in hunger then he shimmered and was gone. Zarya put her hand over her heart, feeling it race. No matter what happened with the search for The Eye of Ra she had to be on her guard spiritually and emotionally.

  * * * * *

  Yadira’s eyes flashed open. Taking a shuddering breath she tried to rebuild her shield. A sound made her turn her head. Locking eyes with him she knew it was Dominic.

  “What did you see?” His voice was curious.

  Yadira answered her voice hoarse. “A pain so deep that it festers in your soul. Loss, anguish and blood. Have care Dominic.”

  Dominic looked at her, his expression bleak. “It matters not.” He turned and walked away.

  Yadira heard the door close behind him. She didn’t know how he had gotten past her shields. No one had before. Shielding was one of the first things she did before touching someone. Touch telepathy was her greatest power and the most dangerous. Usually she kept a shield unless she was looking for info or using her power as a weapon. Yadira shifted and realized she was lying on the conference room table. When she tried to sit up she felt strong arms grab her and pull her up. She looked at Dimitri’s blank face. He helped her up, his touch gentle.

  “Are you okay?” he asked in the silence.

  “No, but we have work to do.” Yadira pushed him away and slid off the table to stand under her own steam. “What happened to him?”

  Yadira looked at Dimitri and saw a flash of sorrow before his expression went blank.

  “Don’t you know?”

  She shook her head. “All I got was a feeling and very brief flashes. Nothing I could make sense of.”

  “It is his story to tell.”

  Yadira nodded. “Let’s go.”

  Yadira opened the door and stepped outside. She felt a weird sensation. Looking to her right she saw Dominic at the end of the hall. He nodded, turned and walked away.

  Turning to look at Dimitri, Yadira said, “A tabby cat, huh? More like a lion.”

  Dimitri looked at her. “Meow.”

  Yadira laughed and led the way down the hall and into the elevator. She waited for him to enter then pressed the button for the ground floor. The elevator lowered silently.

  “Where are we going first?”

  “The Rockies.”

  Yadira couldn’t stifle her groan.

  Dimitri looked at her askance. “You don’t like the Rockies?”

  “I like the Rockies. I don’t like the cold. I‘m more a heat girl.”

  “I can imagine,” Dimitri practically purred.

  Aware of the hunger in his gaze, Yadira raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t we just get it over with?”

  Dimitri look said he knew exactly what she was talking about. “Get what?”

  Yadira saw the challenge in his gaze. He wanted her to say it. Yadira smiled. She never backed down from a challenge.

  “Tasting each other.”

  Dimitri looked at her then stepped in front of her. Yadira felt dwarfed by him. He had to be at least six-five to her six feet. Looking into her eyes he lowered his face. He paused with barely a hair’s breadth between their lips. Yadira’s heart rate increased waiting for his touch. Dimitri leaned in and their lips touched. He kissed her softly, barely a brush of lips, then withdrew. Yadira narrowed her eyes. Then her hands flashed up cupping his face, stopping him from retreating. His look was contained.

  Closing the distance between them, Yadira ignored the whispers of danger on the air and kissed him.

  Chapter Three

  She reveled in the softness of his lips. Licking along the line of them she delved in as they parted. She gasped at the heat of his mouth. Sliding her hands into his hair she brought her body closer. Yadira swirled her tongue against his and hummed at the feel of his tongue mating with hers. A strange sensation filled her mouth and Yadira gasped at the shock of it.

  Heat burst over her tongue, scorching down her throat, bursting under the force of her moan. It was like swallowing the sun. Hot, sensual and awe inspiring. Closing her eyes she held him and ravished his lips. Dimitri’s groan traveled down her throat, awakening all her nerve endings. Releasing him, Yadira stepped back and was grateful her legs held her.

  Yadira opened her eyes, looked at Dimitri and saw that his expression was still cool. But the fire in his gaze dispelled any notion that he was unaffected. The elevator doors opened silently. Looking at him, Yadira licked her lips. His gaze dropped as he followed her movement. His gaze returned to hers. Yadira watched him. She lifted her hand and trailed it along his face.

  Smiling as he shuddered at her touch Yadira promised, “Next time I’ll have you naked in two seconds flat.”

  Dimitri smiled in response. “It will be my pleasure.”

  Laughing softly, Yadira countered, “It will be at my demand.”

  Yadira swayed as she walked out of the elevator, knowing he watched her hips move. She looked back at him over her shoulder and saw he was still in the elevator watching her.

  “Are you coming?”

  “Oh yes I am.” He strolled after her. She waited until he joined her then turned her head continuing on with him by her side. He stopped by a dark gray Mercedes. Clicking his keys, he disengaged the locks then opened the door for her. Yadira slid into the soft seat then watched as he closed the door and walked around the hood of the car. Getting in, he turned on the engine, put the car in gear and peeled out of the garage.

  An hour later Yadira settled into the seat of one of the specially customized Rarities Incorporated jets. She could have teleported them to The Rockies but the flight would afford them time to study and plan their search. Yadira decided to use the travel time for her planning. She leaned back her head and closed her eyes. She wanted some coffee and would get up after they took off to find the attendant who should have greeted them. Stifling a yawn, she listened absently to Dimitri typing information into his laptop as the flight prepared for lift off.

  Dimitri checked his email and saw that his brother had already been hard at work finding them information. Frowning, he read the data. It didn’t make sense. For The Eye of Ra to be taken could only mean one of two things. He shut down those thoughts before they could form. He checked the other possible locations and noted the ones where it would most likely be. He turned to Yadira to discuss the places they would search but realized she was asleep. Even asleep she seemed to exude such strength.

  He was glad to see that at least Zarya had known his preference to fly with no attendant. Usually when he flew it was just him and Dominic alone. One of them would fly the plane while the other researched. He already knew that the pilot was the only other person he trusted to fly him. The take off was smooth and when they reached cruising level Dimitri unbuckled his seatbelt. Getting up, he went over to Yadira. With a flick of his hand he created a blanket and leaned over to lay it over her. Her hand flashed out and gripped his before he could finish. Yadira looked at him, her deep chocolate brown gaze hungry.

  “We don’t have the time.” Dimitri pulled his arm from her grip, straightening and stepping back.

  Yadira smiled a sensual smile. “I didn’t ask you.” She stood in a smooth, easy motion. “I have this quirk—I don’t like people telling me what I can’t do,” her voice went smoky, “or can’t have.”

  Before she finished, Dimitri was jerked off his feet and lowered gently to the floor of the plane. His hands were dragged back above his head while his legs were spread-eagled. Looking back at his arms Dimitri saw dark brown light surrounding them and twining around his wrist. The light stretched outward and then hung suspended there. He could test them to see if they would break but he didn’t want to. Looking back at Yadira, he saw she was waiting for his attention.

  She walked forward until she was at his waist then stepped over him, spreading her thighs as she looked down at him. The look in her eyes made his softened erection revive with a ferocity that was painful.

  “I told you next time I would
have you naked in two seconds.” There was a sensual promise in her voice.

  Startled, Dimitri realized he could feel cold air on his skin and the carpet of the plane floor against his back. A smile twitched on his lips. Yadira knew how to take control but then again, so did he. Yadira watched him then her clothes vanished from her body leaving all those luscious curves bare. Dimitri’s mouth watered, wanting to taste the chocolate nipples on her full breasts. His eyes traced down her full figure. He licked his lips. He couldn’t wait to feel her lush hips straddling him while her sweet bare cunt sucked him in as she rode him. With a shake of her head her dark reddish brown hair came undone, trailing over her body, partially hiding it from his view. Her hair was kinky curls that came to rest just above where his cock was aching to be. As if reading his mind, Yadira lowered herself, balancing on her knees with her hands resting against her thighs.

  Her spread legs showed him that she was wet for him already. He saw her look at him with a faint sneer on her lips. She balanced there unmoving just above his cock, which bobbed begging for her to take him. Unmoving, she watched his face and Dimitri stilled the shudder that racked him at the intensity of her gaze. In her face he saw only calculation and coolness, not the frenzy and heat he wanted.

  Yadira lowered herself, engulfing his cock in a slow, deliberate motion. Dimitri gasped at the sweet clenching of her pussy surrounding his hard shaft. Her wetness made him slide in easily. She kept going and going until all of him was inside her. With the same deliberate slowness she rocked forward and set her hands on his chest. Dimitri couldn’t stifle the gasp that ripped from his lips.

  “…a… ta….ummm.”

  A fierce smile curled Yadria’s lips at the sound. Looking him in the eyes, she rocked forward again and a groan ripped from inside him as her pussy undulated around his cock. The sound seemed to break her control as she quickly rocked back and forward. Riding him hard and fast. Dimitri watched the ferocity on her face as she rode him. It was breathtaking. She changed movements and, using her hands as leverage, she raised herself off his shaft until only the tip was inside her then she slammed down onto it in one motion. The pleasure made his vision blink out. Arching his back, Dimitri felt the light that bound him for her taking tighten. She was riding him with a masterfulness that was driving him out of his mind. He could feel the tightening fill him that warned of his impending release. Yadira sped up, her slick walls creating delicious friction. Unable to stop, Dimitri went over the edge. Pleasure pounded through him as his release poured from him into her gripping pussy. Yadira grunted and he felt her climax sweep her. Hungrily, her cunt gripped him and milked him while her pleasure flooded through her.


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