Bartered to the Fae Lord

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Bartered to the Fae Lord Page 11

by Rylee Winters

  He drank deeply from his own goblet of wine, but paused to look up when he heard footsteps approach.

  “Lord Callum. Lord Varian. Captain Cassius,” Aiden’s voice rang out as he entered the room; but Callum’s eyes were trained on the slender woman standing by his side. Elise…

  She was dressed in a dazzling red satin gown that complimented her blonde hair, which sat elegantly in a complicated updo of braids and curls, and offset her crystal blue eyes. She looked stunning, and for a moment Callum forgot to breathe.

  Elise curtsied, inclining her head delicately like all the high-born ladies of the court did, and Callum snapped out of his trance, perceiving the difference in the way she carried herself compared to before he’d left. Melody and Aiden must have trained her well in the manners of the nobility in his absence…

  “My, my…” he heard Varian murmur from his side of the table, and Callum’s back stiffened in response. His eyes darted a sidelong glance at Varian, and the expression on the man’s face made Callum’s blood turn cold.

  Meanwhile, Aiden was in the middle of escorting Elise to her seat in between himself and Cassius. He pulled out a chair for her, and she gracefully sat down. All the while, Varian stared at her, his eyes not leaving her face for even a second, seeming almost enthralled by her presence.

  Cassius cleared his throat tactfully, trying to break Varian’s attention from Elise, as a worried expression flitted across his face for a split second.

  “So, Lord Varian. I’ve been told you’ll be staying with us for a bit more than a week. Where do you intend to go to from here?”

  Varian finally dragged his eyes away from Elise’s figure, albeit slowly and reluctantly, and Callum relaxed a sliver. His baser possessive instincts were screaming at him to take out this potential rival! He was more than alarmed at how much interest Varian was showing towards Elise and he sensed danger lurking in the shadows…

  He would need to keep a careful eye on the noble lord while he was here, and ensure he stayed as far from Elise as possible.

  “I’ll be heading back to the capital,” Varian replied blandly. “His Majesty has requested I return there to assist the Council with negotiating treaties with our allies to aid us in the south.”

  “That sounds rather urgent. Shouldn’t you try and return sooner?” Callum commented subtly, hoping Varian would take the hint.

  Varian answered by stretching his lips into a wide smile. “I believe the other members of the Council will be able to cope without me for a short while. Afterall, I’ve been away in the outreaches of the country for the past two months already…” he replied. “It’s been a hard and difficult assignment—so far from home and friends! I think His Majesty would agree taking a brief interlude to rest and revitalize myself is a wise decision. There will be much for me to do and catch up on once I reach the capital—especially given my position and the responsibility King Torin has placed on me.” Varian smiled smugly as he made the statement, feeling pompous and self-assured of his status and position due to his relationship with the King.

  Callum wanted nothing more than to knock the conceited expression off Varian’s slimy face.

  “So, you are Callum’s new wife, Lady Elise,” Varian purred. “Pray tell, how did the two of you meet?”

  Callum jerked up in his seat as if he’d been electrified. He was about to leap up onto his feet and start a fight with Varian to stop the conversation from veering off into dangerous territory—only hearing Elise’s calm voice speak up stopped him. He felt his muscles bunch, tensing, as she answered Varian’s question.

  “He is an acquaintance of my father’s,” she said in a clear, steady voice, fixing Varian with a firm look. Callum had to hide the momentary look of surprise that flickered in his eyes. She hadn’t told Varian the truth…well, not the entire truth anyway.

  To Callum’s annoyance, Varian continued to probe Elise about the nature of her father’s relationship with him, and asked her many personal questions about her past. But Elise remained elusive and tight-lipped, to Callum’s relief.

  Meanwhile, the servants brought in lunch: a light meal of soup, bread and some cold cuts of meat and cheese. Callum kept a careful eye on Elise and Varian throughout the entire meal, and to Elise’s credit she remained composed and unruffled by Varian’s sly questions.

  Cassius tried to divert Varian’s attention several times by asking him what he’d seen over his travels over the past two months, but Varian was evasive each time, and his odd behavior began to make Callum suspicious…he started to wonder what exactly the noble lord had been up to during his travels…

  “Aiden, would you kindly accompany Lady Elise back to her chambers so she can rest?” Callum asked, speaking up all of a sudden. He silently hoped Elise wouldn’t choose this moment to object. He didn’t feel comfortable with her being in Varian’s presence a moment longer, and his gut told him allowing her to remain in this room under the scrutiny of the lord, was like letting her walk along the edge of a hunting knife.

  Fortunately, Elise seemed to sense something amiss with the current atmosphere and allowed herself to be led out by Aiden without a word of protest. She gave her polite goodbyes, and Callum’s eyes remained trained on her graceful figure until she was completely out of sight.

  “What a charming wife you have, Commander Callum,” Varian remarked as he absentmindedly traced a finger around the rim of his silver goblet.

  “Thank you,” Callum replied stiffly, wondering what the scourge—Varian, was thinking about. He trusted the lord as much as he did a vulture who’d just sighted carrion.

  “I’m surprised at you—taking a human to be you wife…!” Varian commented snidely, laughing rudely. His response was clearly a snub against Callum. “Although, I must say she is rather enchanting…”

  “Don’t even think about it…!” Callum growled, his voice low and threatening, as he stood up and gripped the edge of the dining table, his knuckles turning white.

  Varian responded with a simple raise of his eyebrow. “It seems this human woman has got you under her, a mighty lord of the noble Fae Court, and an illustrious Commander of Atria! What would your parents say?” he tutted mocking him.

  “Don’t bring my mother and father into this!” Callum spat out, his muscles bunching in readiness to pounce on Varian, and to settle this conversation with a fist in the haughty man’s face.

  Varian stood up, scraping back his chair slowly and intentionally, remaining aloof despite Callum’s growing temper. Watching Callum trying to restrain his anger seemed to only delight Varian even more.

  “Perhaps you should have taken her on as your consort instead?” he said in a patronizing voice. “Afterall, despite being married to the woman, you haven’t bothered to mark her yet…it’s clear she must not be your mate.” Varian’s eyes glinted maliciously. “If you’d simply kept her as your consort, you could’ve traded her up once you got bored of her. Afterall, she’s only a human,” Varian said the word disgustedly.

  “You may have a seat on the Council, Varian, and even a place to whisper inside the King’s ear…but I swear by the Light of Amorites, if you harm her, I will end you.” The dark tone of Callum’s voice held zero apology, and contained a promise of swift and brutal retribution. Varian only smiled smugly in return, chuckling lightly with an edge of malice in his voice.

  “It seems I’ve touched a sore spot of yours, Commander,” he flashed a wicked grin, and Callum’s jaw clenched in response.

  “Thank you for the meal,” Varian stood up abruptly, ending their conversation. He picked up his white napkin, lightly dabbing at the corners of his mouth. “I’ll take my leave now; no need to trouble yourself with organizing a place for me at the dinner table. I’ll take dinner in my room.”

  Dropping the napkin back onto the table, he left the room with a confident jaunt. This action succeeded in grinding against Callum’s nerves and temper as Varian had intended.

  Callum waited until he was certain the lo
rd was out of earshot.

  “Cassius,” he looked to his Captain under brooding eyes. “Stick your best man on Lord Varian and have him keep a careful eye on him. I don’t know what he’s after coming here, but I suspect something’s afoot.”

  “Of course, my Lord. I’ll have Gavin trail him.”

  “And keep him away from Elise as much as possible,” Callum clenched his fist. “If that bastard tries to do anything to her…”

  “—We won’t let that happen,” Cassius asserted gravely, knotting his brow. “Aiden and I will ensure her Ladyship is well guarded and protected at all times. We’ll make sure no harm comes to her.”

  “Good. Thank you, Cassius,” Callum said, and gave the Captain a small nod before stalking out of the room. His face was dark and troubled. All he could think about was that he needed to check on Elise.

  Unable to douse the uncertainty and unease eating away at his insides, he hastened his strides. If only he could lock himself away with her inside a room, throw away the key, and wrap her protectively between his arms so she’d be safe with him forever…but Callum knew a fantasy like that was only wishful thinking.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face roughly. Steely determination overtook him, changing his expression into iron. Whatever Varian was up to, he’d ferret it out… He narrowed his eyes. And if he tried anything stupid…well, he’d make sure that was his one and only last time.

  ❖ ❖ ❖

  “What are you reading?” Callum’s deep, husky voice penetrated through the silent sphere of Elise’s concentration. She glanced up from the page she was on with a mild look of surprise.

  “Callum,” she smiled without thinking and closed the book, but not before placing a thin paper bookmark inside to keep the place she was at.

  “I’m reading ‘A History of Atria’,” she told him, holding the book up to show him the cover.

  It wasn’t a book he recognized. Then again, the garrison had a large collection, so it wasn’t unusual this one was unfamiliar to him.

  He stood there, silent for a moment as he scratched his bearded chin, regarding her with interest. Then, moving closer, he took a seat next to her at the bay window inside her room.

  “An interesting choice,” he commented as he made himself comfortable, almost taking up the bulk of the remaining space with his broad shoulders and tall, massive form.

  “Are you enjoying it?” he asked, nodding towards the book in Elise’s lap, as she rested her hands on top of the cover.

  “Yes, it’s fascinating…!” she blurted out, unable to restrain her enthusiasm, her eyes lighting up and dancing in a way Callum found captivating.

  He stilled, momentarily forgetting to take breath as Elise continued to chatter on about what she’d learnt from the book so far: how the kingdom was formed through bloody battle with the neighboring countries; the fae, sprites, pixies and other magical creatures who resided here; and some of the common myths and legends that surrounded these lands. The book also seemed to mention the history of the archway portals and talked about their locations, and how they helped the Fae travel across the land in a short time.

  Callum watched on, entranced; his eyes fixated on the curl of Elise’s lips as she smiled happily, leaning forwards in her enthusiasm, almost bursting with energy and curiosity as she recounted to him stories, facts and bits of information—most of which he was already familiar with from his years of schooling as a child.

  Her whole face was lit up like the brightest star, and without even knowing he was doing it, Callum leaned in towards her, closing the distance between them. The light scent of lilies tickled his nose, and he breathed it in like a man dying of thirst in the desert.

  Elise’s lilting voice seemed to fade into an echo in the background, as Callum’s eyes tunnelled in until his vision was consumed by her pretty smile and beautiful, glimmering, crystal blue eyes.

  A second later, his lips were pressing themselves gently against hers, and Elise started in surprise!

  Callum felt her freeze underneath him, but he kept his kiss soft, his hand reaching out to cup the side of her face. After a moment, she relaxed underneath his touch, and slowly, he angled his head to deepen the kiss as she began to kiss him back…tentatively at first, but then with greater passion and hunger as they continued.

  His other arm weaved around her back, and he pulled her deeper into his embrace, cocooning her within the warmth of his strong arms and muscular body; his heart pounding as blood rushed through his body.

  A soft whimper escaped Elise’s lips, stoking Callum’s desire, and he pressed on, prying her lips apart with his tongue, seeking entrance, desperate to taste more of her. Elise yielded, her entire body becoming soft and pliant under Callum’s expert ministrations; her own hands involuntarily gliding up his chest and to the back of his nape, where she began to tangle her fingers though his thick, smooth locks of hair.

  The feeling of her fingers threading through his hair almost undid him, and Callum was unable to hold back the groan that escaped his mouth.

  For a brief moment, he wondered if he should claim her…mark her as his mate right there and then… It would solve a lot of problems for one—not only would it help keep her safe, but he’d finally be able to slake his ever-growing desire and need for her. With his mark on her, every male who was within her vicinity would be able to scent she’d been claimed, and no one would dare to take her from him! And those stupid enough to try would have to face the violence of his wrath!

  His time away from her had proven more difficult than he’d anticipated…many times over those cold, barren nights, he’d craved her presence and companionship, imagining and dreaming of their passionate union once they finally consummated their marriage.

  Images of Elise’s naked body sprawled on the bed while he was on top of her, trailing his hands across her soft breasts and curves, had blazed like fire across his mind, heating him from within, making his shaft harden like granite.

  During those difficult times, he’d resorted to relying on his hand to stroke and jerk his hard length to relieve himself and bring his body to satisfaction, but it had hardly been an adequate substitute for the real thing. The need to bury himself deep inside Elise, until neither of them knew where each of their bodies began and ended—to touch her soft, smooth skin, and to taste the secret nectar of her core, ate away at him, intensifying with each day.

  He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out, when every fibre of his being called out to him to join himself to her…

  But his honor prohibited him from just claiming her at will—he would only take her once she was ready…unfortunately, ready she was not.

  He broke the kiss off, and Elise let out a sound of protest. “Hush,” Callum said, touching his forehead to hers, his voice hoarse. “Do not tempt me, or I will not be able to hold back,” he whispered, and he saw understanding slowly register within Elise’s dazed eyes.

  Within seconds, she seemed to snap out of her trance, and while she still continued to breathe rapidly, trying to catch her breath from their intense and intimate kissing session, she didn’t protest any further as Callum pulled away, untangling his arms from around her flushed body.

  “I better take my leave,” Callum said, getting up reluctantly. “Enjoy your book.” He kissed her lightly on her temple, his large palm cradling her face gently, then added, “and please be careful and stay away from Lord Varian. He is a dangerous man.”

  Elise was too flustered to reply and simply nodded her head, her face a mix of confusion, disappointment and yearning as she remained silent. Callum gave her a brief smile, hoping to reassure her, not wishing to add to her worries. “Don’t worry, I’ve put safeguards in place and tightened the security around you and the garrison. You’re well protected. But just in case…”

  She nodded again, but continued to avoid his gaze. Callum placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up, forcing her to look directly at him. “When you are ready, little one, I will take you. But
not before then,” he murmured, caressing the soft skin along her jaw with his thumb.


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