Trapped: Her Love Story

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Trapped: Her Love Story Page 16

by Shannon Youngblood

  “Did I tell you to open your mouth, Bitch!” He screamed, slapping me hard enough for me to see stars.

  “No, Sir,” I cried.

  Taking his dick in his hand, he wiped it along my forehead, and across my cheeks and nose, stopping at my right eye.

  “Say, Preston. Have you ever skull fucked anyone before?” He asked, lightly probing my eye with the tip of his dick.

  “Uncle,” Preston’s warning rang through. “I’m still hoping I can sell her. Missing an eye won’t fetch me much.”

  “Spoilsport,” Bill mumbled, his dick pressing into my socket a little harder, making me cry out.


  “Alright, alright, nephew. Calm yourself.”

  Once Preston was back to ignoring us, doing God only knows what did Bill finally address me again.


  I opened my mouth, preparing for the onslaught, but all I received was the tip of his leaking manhood. Closing my mouth around it, I waited for him to make his next move.

  “Suck, Bitch,” he commanded.

  With the strength of a hoover, I sucked on his tip, waiting for him to penetrate me further, but the action never came. Instead, his words penetrated my soul.

  “Did you know my wife was once a slave? No, how could you? Just like you, she was chosen at a young age to become a slave, except unlike you, her mother agreed to her capture, with a hefty amount of money.”

  I was shocked at his admission. My foster mom, the one it seemed Bill truly loved, had also been a slave? And once more, her mom had done the selling? I couldn’t wrap my head around that bit of information.

  “Your mom, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with it, claiming she would never sell you. She earned her place in hell when she turned us down, and it was a joy paying that homeless man to beat her to death.”

  Once again, my waterworks careened down my face, knowing I was, yet again, the reason for my mother’s death.

  With Bill’s cock still wedged only to the shaft, between my lips, he continued torturing me with his words.

  “It wasn’t easy paying the right people to make sure you landed in my foster care. Lots of time and money were spent to assure it happened. Shelly, Preston and I pulled every string we could to guarantee it. You would be one of Preston’s slaves, and nothing was going to stand in our way. Shelly dying was not in the cards, and it sped up our time table. My poor daughters were distraught over losing their mother, as was I, because even though I had bought her to be my slave, I loved her more than life itself, and you’re the reason she’s dead.”

  I would have thought his admission would have made him soft in my mouth, but just the opposite happened. Bill’s cock swelled larger, my lips stretching more to accommodate him.

  “Once Uncle had pulled his head out of his ass, and put down the scotch, we knew it was time to start your training. The younger you were, the better,” Preston chimed in, joining us, as he undid the ropes from around my left wrist and then my right, causing me to twitch in relief. “Don’t fucking move.”

  As still as I was able to, I continued sucking.

  “I knew you would eventually run off on me, although I didn’t quite expect you to actually wait until your eighteenth birthday. After you had left, Preston and I set up the plans for your training. I went to the police station and reported you missing. For a while the manhunt to find you was strong, the beloved foster father distraught over the disappearance of one of his daughters, but it eventually died down, and everyone, including the police, believed you were dead.”

  The rope binding my ankles fell from me, as Bill pushed into my mouth, and shot his load down my throat, making me sputter and choke at the suddenness of it all.

  “Your mother could have saved everyone the heartbreak and hassle if she would have just agreed, and now she’s dead, and so is Shelly, and you’re going to fucking pay for it!” Bill grunted as his dick throbbed in my mouth.

  Pulling out of me, I was flipped over, my face pressed into the mattress, and my knees pushed up to my chest. With two hands working on me, my arms were stretched tight again refastened to the rope bindings, while another rope was wrapped around my back and my knees, compressing my body into a ball. The last thing they did, pushed me to my breaking point and left me nowhere to hide. With a piece of rope wrapped around my ponytail, the other end pulled tightly behind me, my head was yanked up, leaving every orifice exposed for the taking.

  “Do you remember this, slut?” Preston asked, my eyes instantly finding the contraption in his hands.

  I shivered, knowing exactly what was to be my punishment.

  “I see you do remember the Trillix, but which toys should we fasten onto the ends this time? Uncle?” Preston asked, eyeing Bill.

  “I think these would do quite well,” Bill smirked, holding up dildo’s that made me see stars. Each one he held in his hands was at minimum fourteen inches long, and thicker than Preston by at least double. I knew I could take two of them with little discomfort, but Bill was holding four of them.

  “I think you’re right Bill,” Preston laughed, his Adam's apple bobbing in time with his chuckle. “Would you like the honors of prepping her?”

  “I’m sure she doesn’t need it. Her holes are already dripping,” he growled, walking around behind me, sticking three fingers into my pussy with no warning. “But, yes. I’d love another chance to fuck this cunt, while you set up.”

  Climbing up onto the bed, I waited for him to fuck me. The sooner he got off again, the sooner my real punishment would start, and if luck was on my side, the sooner I could pass out from the pain.

  As I expected, Bill didn’t try and start slow, instead he flew into my pussy, splitting me in half. His fingers found their way to my ass and carelessly scissored me open with all five of his meaty fingers.

  “You fucking love this, don’t you whore,” Bill grunted, pile driving my unmovable body.

  “Yes, Sir.” I squealed, his entire fist now pumping into my ass repeatedly.

  Although I was in pain, I was grateful. The farther he stretched me open, the easier it might be to combat the Trillix and live to see another day, and the pair of blue eyes I longed to see.

  The climax, I didn’t want, rocked through me without warning, making me scream out in pain. This wasn’t a pleasurable orgasm, this was torture, and I was about to get more than I had bargained for.

  When Bill finished again, his cum dripping down my legs, he scrambled off the bed and stood a few feet away while Preston set up the Trillix behind me. The heads of four massive dicks probed my entrance, waiting to be turned on. I could only hope for electrical failure.

  “Would you like the remote Uncle?” Preston asked, handing it to him to control, before coming around to stand in front of me, a new object in his hands.

  “This is not going to be fun for you slave, this is going to be your worst nightmare. Do you know what this is?” He asked, holding up a sinister looking flogger.

  “It’s a flogger, Master,” I responded, the gears behind me firing to life as the four heads attempted to gain entry into my waiting holes.

  “It is, but it looks a little bit different doesn’t it,” he grabbed a strand and held it in front of my eyes. “I made this, especially for you. I think I’m really going to love using it.”

  Each strand was made of soft leather, but on the ends, we’re tiny metal spikes. They didn’t look sharp enough to cut through skin, but they would produce a bite I'd feel for weeks. He was right, this was going to be my worst nightmare.

  I couldn’t concentrate on the flogger any longer as all four dildos breached my entrance at the same time, stretching me beyond capacity.

  “Fuck, no. Please. Oh God, I’m so sorry,” I screamed as simultaneously all four dildoes retreated, only to propel forward another inch, followed by another, and then another.

  “Scream again, and I will bring Paxton out, and kill him in front of you. Is that what you want?” Preston shouted at me, spittin
g in my open mouth.

  “No, Master,” I shrieked as quietly as I could.

  I couldn’t let Paxton down. I was his only hope of ever stepping foot out into the world, but this would be the hardest challenge yet.

  I bit my tongue as the machine behind me forced me open further than I thought was humanly possible, and once all four cocks were inside me as far as they were able to go, I heard the machine shut down, leaving only a tiny buzzing noise.

  “See, slave, we aren’t that cruel. Preston added onto the Trillix.”

  I knew what he had added on, and I cursed them both in my head. The buzzing noise came from a vibrator now firmly secured onto my sensitive clit.

  “Ok, maybe we are,” Bill laughed when he saw the horror on my face as another orgasm prepared to take me over.

  A split second before the feeling took hold of my body, a whizzing sound floated by my ears, followed by the noise of a hard slap. It took my body a moment to register the pain, too caught up in the oncoming storm of the climax.

  I could feel the welts already claiming my back from Preston’s first blow of the spiked flogger when my orgasm came crashing down on me, intensifying the sting in my back as I tried arching my back unsuccessfully. With a second hit, directly on top of the first, I scrunched my eyes and screamed louder than ever before.

  “What did I say about screaming, Slut!” Preston raged, hitting me a third and fourth time, but I couldn’t stop my vocal chords from crying out, no matter how hard I tried.

  “Turn it on Bill,” Preston demanded.

  All four dildo’s blared to life as they exited my channels, the buzzing retreating from my abused nerves. Bill stood in front of me, a smile on his face, as I watched him turn the dial up to the middle setting. In and out the cocks barreled into me. I could smell the copper in the air, but was too incoherent to know whether the blood was coming from my back or my victimized cavities.

  When the dial was on the fastest setting, plummeting and falling back faster than I could comprehend, Bill threw down the remote and grabbed my ears, pushing his fully erect dick back into my throat.

  “If you bite me again, I will fucking kill you. Do you fucking understand, cunt?”

  With his dick in my mouth, I couldn’t respond.

  The next blow to my back, had me tensing and crying out around his shaft, but I didn’t bite down. If I did, I knew he would deliver his threat with no remorse, and each subsequent hit that followed, I desperately tried to fight off the pain without clamping down.

  Back and forth, Bill and Preston took turns fucking my mouth and beating me. My body, no longer tense, dripped with sweat, blood and cum, and I had already suffered through eight excruciating orgasms, before both of them reached their peak, spewing their load onto the open and raw skin of my back.

  I watched in silent thanks, as Preston turned the dial off on the Trillix and all four cocks exited my body.

  “And now for your final punishment, slave,” Preston jeered, holding up an item I already knew.

  I could feel a fresh bout of tears escape my tear ducts.

  “You think I don't know what you and Paxton talk about,” Preston whispered into my ear, flipping the on switch and activating my death sentence. “You think I don’t know he promised you a compassionate Master, one that will love you and respect you, and possibly even marry you? Do you think anyone could love you after this?” He laughed, running the clippers through my blonde hair as I watched my strands fall to the floor. “When I’m done with you, you fucking cunt, you’ll be so ugly, the only thing you’ll be good for, is being a hole to blow my load in.”

  Every swipe of the clippers along my scalp dropped more and more chunks of my beautiful blonde hair to the floor, where Bill picked it up and smelled it before stuffing some of it down his pants.

  When every inch of my head had been shaved, the cool air licked my scalp and the tips of my ears. I let my head fall forward to the mattress, and buried my face in the sheets. Preston could whip me, fuck me, and degrade me, and he knew I would come back from it. Cutting my hair though, was the worst form of torture, and he knew it. Cutting my hair was my ultimate undoing because if I couldn’t even love myself, who was going to love me now?

  Chapter 12

  I heard him come in some time later. The man I had considered my savior, my light. The man who had spent countless hours healing me, bringing me back to life, and breathing self-love and affection back into my broken soul. Paxton.

  I couldn’t even bother to lift my bald head from the sheets, my tears creating an impossible large wet spot underneath my cheeks, strands of my hair mixed in, tickling my nose.

  I didn’t want to look up at him either. The betrayal I felt was enormous, learning Bill was actually Paxton’s uncle. After recounting my story of the horror Bill had inflicted on me, to now knowing Paxton probably already knew of the entire ordeal made me sick to my stomach.

  But my heart interjected, telling me it made no difference whether or not Paxton knew of the relationship because I was in love with him. My brain countered with a slew of insults to my raging emotional heart. How could we love someone who had lied to our face for over a year? A man who knowingly kidnapped us off the street to train for an end goal of sex trafficking?

  I could understand both points my heart and brain were making, but I was so tired and so broken, this was a battle I didn’t want to fight anymore. I loved him, and that was all there was to it. It was just too bad he could never love me back when I looked like this.

  “Come back to me, Wendy Darling,” his soothing voice broke into my wayward thoughts and vacant eyes.

  Focusing, I took in the man in front of me. Identical in features to the ugly beast who had just stolen the last bit of sanity I possessed, Paxton stood in front of me, empathy laced in his perfect blue eyes. When our gazes locked, I could have sworn an entire lightning storm raged behind his pupils. He was angry.

  “Why did you do it, girl? Why did you bite him?” Paxton asked.

  “You mean your uncle?” I choked out, an unexpected bite of venom coursing through each syllable.

  Oblivious to my sneer, Paxton just nodded, before walking around the bed and loosening my binds, and putting away the implements of my persecution.

  “I think I was in shock. A hundred men had just taken me for a test drive, and of all of them, I never expected Bill to enter this world.”

  Once free, I gingerly stretched, wincing at the pain rushing through my overused body. Every move, however minuscule, sent waves of nausea rolling through me, but the lack of contents in my stomach, only made me dry heave, sending more pain to my nerves.

  Paxton kneeled at the foot of the bed and just watched as the never-ending circle of pain, nausea, and dry heaving happened until finally, the exhaustion took over, and I flopped back down on the bed. I couldn’t lay back, the wounds on my back were raw and garish, flakes of dried blood and puddles of fresh blood coated my skin and the sheets. Sitting was also impossible, my lower half torn from the objects forcefully inserted without proper priming. The only position I could safely be in was on my stomach.

  I watched, my eyes heavy with fatigue, and sorrow as Paxton picked up a loose chunk of my hair from the floor, bringing it to his nose and inhaling. The blow to my heart was explosive, reminding me Bill had done the same thing.

  “It smells like cucumber melon, Wendy Darling,” he murmured, throwing it back on the floor, and taking my face in his hands. “You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  His lips brushed mine. A tiny, almost invisible peck that made my body stir to life. I couldn’t wrap my head around it, though. I couldn’t understand the reaction I was having from a mere kiss after something so traumatizing.

  Tapping into an adrenaline pouch I didn’t know I had, I raised my arms and pushed him away. I couldn’t feel like this. I couldn’t keep having these emotions and reactions to this man. I was going to be fucking sold to the highest bidder, and the possibility of it b
eing someone worth a damn was slim at best, especially with no hair. I would be just as Preston said I would — a hole to cum in. I needed to come to grips with that fact, and sitting here letting a man I loved kiss me, would only make the ending that much harder.

  Ignoring the searing agony, I scooted my way to the side of the bed, and placed one foot on the ground, twirled my body around, and set down the other. My back screamed in pain at the stretching movement, but I gritted my teeth and kept going. As carefully as I could manage on my own, I shifted my weight from the bed to my feet and pushed myself to a standing position. Within seconds, my ears rang out, my vision tunneled, and I felt myself collapsing to the floor onto my knees. Hitting the ground wasn’t pleasant, but I bit my tongue and took a deep breath, willing my vision to return, and my hearing to come back.

  Paxton came around the bed, his hands reaching out to assist me, but I pushed him away. I didn’t want his help. I didn’t need his help.

  As soon as I felt able to continue on my own, I put one knee in front of the other, and one palm in front of the other and crawled, like the slave I was, feet by agonizing feet, until I made it to the doorway of the room. I felt Paxton behind me, and I could feel the tension in the air. He wanted to help, but he didn’t know how. Truth be told, I didn’t know how he could either.

  The sweat poured off of my bald head and dripped into my eyes, but I refused to be deterred from my destination. With every foot I made, I could feel the adrenaline depleting. At one point my hand slipped, sending me forward onto my stomach.

  “Here, let me help you,” Paxton kneeled down next to me, grabbing my arm.

  “No! Go away, Paxton!” I screamed.

  He didn’t leave, but he did step away. I couldn’t look at him, for fear of seeing the hurt in his eyes. There was hurt in mine too, and I was too vulnerable and too scared to let Paxton in. Like everyone in my life, he would eventually leave me, I needed to sever that connection now.

  No more than two feet later I slipped again, this time on a combination of sweat and tears. I had run out of energy in the middle of the room, and there was none left in me to get my tired body the rest of the way to the shower.


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