What happened in Vegas: Didn't Stay In Vegas!

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What happened in Vegas: Didn't Stay In Vegas! Page 9

by R. Lorelei

  “Did you want me to call you when I land?” He needed to know that he drove me away. My destination wasn’t important, just that I left. Switching me over to another cardiologist really hurt my feelings and eventually I was going to let him know.

  “Please call, and Chanel.” His voice sounded so hot when he whispered my name into the receiver.

  “Yes, Bradley”

  “Thanks for calling back.” There was a pause where neither of us hanged up and I listened to him breath. In a low voice he ordered me to, “Hang up first.”

  I liked hearing him, even if it was just breathing, “No you,” I challenged.

  “I’m going to need to discipline you when I see you,” he threatened. It was getting me hot.

  “Discipline me how?” I whispered, wanting all the details.

  It sounded like he was going to say something else and then he changed his mind, “I’m getting another page, I have to let you go.”

  We both said good-bye.

  I resumed my worship of the sun, but now, I was happier. I had something to look forward to when I got home. I thought that if we stayed on the phone any longer and he was anywhere else but at the hospital, we probably would have resorted to phone sex to tide us over. I couldn’t call him back later, because it would have been too weird talking to Bradley right in front of Nick, which reminded me, I wonder if he made the reservations yet.

  I texted Nick:

  Chanel: Did u make the reservations yet?

  Nick: I did, they r 4 6:30.

  Chanel: That’s great. I’m just going to pick up a sandwich 4 lunch. Do u want me 2 get u 1 & leave it in the room 4 u?

  Nick: No thxs, I had a buffet at Circus Circus, I’m good until I c u.

  I went back to the room at 5:30 after I treated myself to a new dress from a little boutique in Caesars Palace. I chose a red evening gown and the most gorgeous 4 inch patent leather Gucci pumps I’d ever seen in my life, and for $700 I was going to wear them any chance I could get. Snowball would be so proud! By the time I was finished dressing, I took my own breath away.

  I went down to the restaurant and Nick was waiting for me out front. He was wearing a black suit I saw him in once before, and he had his haircut very short. His olive skin had a glow to it and he looked amazing.

  We air kissed each other. He stood in front of the restaurant spinning his finger encouraging me to do a twirl so he could get a better look at me. I did as he requested and his eyes zoned in on the shoes immediately, “Red patent leather Gucci’s? You must have borrowed them!”


  “All these years you struck me as a Payless girl!”

  He kissed me on the lips and cloaked his arm around me leading me into the restaurant. The restaurant was decorated with Tiffany blue decor, and chocolate brown velvet chairs with gold ringed handles on the back of them. The tables had the cutest white glass lamps with a Tiffany blue ring and little frilly gems dangling from each of them on the table. It was fancy.

  Nick pulled my chair out and then his own. A waiter came to take our order for drinks, and shortly after a different waiter brought our dinner menus. I studied the menu and ordered what they were famous for, Prime Rib. Nick chose the same and began our dinner conversation, “All jokes aside, you look gorgeous Coco.”

  “You too Nick. I love the cut. I think it’s the shortest you’ve ever worn it. Aria left a message on my machine by the way. I think she wants to tell me what happened between the two of you.”

  “You can’t be serious,” he rolled his eyes in distaste.

  “I am. I think if you give me a chance, I might be able to help you smooth things over with her.”

  He didn’t answer; I think he was thinking about it, “I’m not sure I want them smoothed over.” His comment surprised me. I thought he was getting a huge week spot for Aria.

  “I called Bradley from the pool,” I blurted.

  He looked a little repulsed, “Oh no! Please don’t tell me that things are back on with Prick?”

  “I think there’s a good chance, he wants to talk.”

  “Does he know where you are and with who?” He had the cat that ate the mouse look grin on his face, the same one Chase had when he told everyone I would be working with him on the fundraiser.

  “No, he doesn’t know where and with whom. If you don’t have a death wish he won’t find out the ‘with whom’ part. I don’t care if he knows I’m in Las Vegas, I just don’t want him to know you are here.”

  He lowered his voice to a whisper, “What’s it worth to you? I might send him some pictures of me spanking your ass and you sucking my dick.”

  “Ha ha, very comical.”

  His smug look turned sad, “If you reconcile, does that mean everything between us is finished?”

  “Of course it does. You shouldn’t have to ask.”

  “You never should have told him about our relationship Coco. I was just about to confess my undying love for you tonight, and you’ve just ruined it,” he grinned at me but I knew he was dead serious.

  He turned it into a joke because that was all he could do. His eyes darkened with disappointment.

  “Oh Nick, you know we’re just really good friends, don’t you?”

  His serious expression never faltered, “No I don’t. It’s more than that, you know it.”

  We waited for our bill in silence. I asked him to kiss me, and his soft lips covered mine. His arms enclosed me, and I melted into them. He kissed me slow again, this time I opened for him allowing for his sweet tongue to play with mine. It made me tingle with need for him.

  Let’s just be together tonight, one last time, I promise.” I ran my fingers through his hair flashing back to when I yanked it really hard and he went all apeshit on me. He was so savage and fierce the last time he took me, so not Nick. Just thinking of it made me pulse with desire for him; I just had to press the right buttons. I knew I had to control myself, if I could manage to persuade him to stay; I had to support his need for intimacy. Who was I kidding; I needed it just as bad.


  I took his hand and brought him to bed. I gestured for him to sit and I slowly undid the buttons to his shirt. I brought the shirt down past his shoulders and left it there. Then I kneeled before him admiring his butterfly chest with his dark nipples. I let the tips of my fingers explore his chest before taking his nipple into my mouth and sucking it.

  I glided my tongue across his muscular chest to the other nipple, and I sucked on it longer than the first. They were like little rocks when I was done with them. Then I nipped them ferociously showing him how badly I wanted him. He gasped and I looked up to make sure he was okay. His eyes were needy and dark he cursed me sexily, “Nobody has ever satisfied me the way you do. I will never be fulfilled without you Coco, I’ll die of Anorsexia.”

  “Then I’ll have to give you some physio tonight, won’t I?”

  I undid his black leather belt and removed it from his waist and handed it to him. He took the belt and wrapped it around his hand striking the night table hard making a cracking sound, I gasped in surprise. He warned me a serious warning and his voice was edgy, “If you give me the belt, I’ll punish you for depriving me and going back to that fucking arrogant prick.” His animosity was palpable. He needed release.

  “Bring it on,” I challenged.

  He ordered me, “Take your clothes off, now.” I stood before him and dropped my dress to the ground. I didn’t remove my underwear, I wasn’t wearing any. I bent over and unstrapped my Gucci patent leather shoes and stepped out of them.

  He instructed me to, “Face the bed,” so I turned my back to him and I felt his hands touch my shoulders and then he threw me roughly onto the bed.

  Before I knew what was happening the belt cracked hard against my ass and I screamed. He cracked it again but this time I stifled my scream shoving the comforter in my mouth, tears came rushing from my eyes, it hurt so much, unbearable. He whipped me one more time and the crack of the belt was loud
er, and this one hurt more than the other two. My ass was burning and I was sobbing now from the pain.

  When I knew he was finished I rolled onto my back. I could only imagine how much he hurt to whip me like that. He took his pants off and he lowered his full body weight on top of me and I lost my breath.

  His lips took mine hostage and his tongue plunged into my mouth filling me now with saltier kisses. He confided to me between his crazy sexy kisses, “I don’t feel any better. I hate that you’re going back to him. My heart and body are aching for you.”

  I stopped to answer him, “Then make love to me again, but Nick I’m serious, I want him.” I let myself kiss him with the compassion and hunger I was feeling, and our faces were messy with oral secretions and tears and it felt like our mouths were having sex with each other. They couldn’t have been more intimate.

  Both his hands were fisted tightly in my hair and I was running my nails along his scalp when I felt his really hard dick take flight into my soaking wet pussy filling me completely. His movements were deliberate, skilled, and slow.

  He was making love to me for the second time and this time there was no denying what we were doing, while we were doing it. We both felt it, we both chose to live it, and for a few brief moments we were soaring over the clouds. This was breaking every rule we ever made, and neither of us gave a damn.


  My last day and Nick’s second last day flew by. Nick wore the tackiest orange shorts and a wife beater shirt. I didn’t dress any better than him, I was wearing jeans and an ‘I went to Las Vegas, and all I bought was this lousy T-shirt’ that I picked up at the hotel on my first day there.

  Nick wore his Jesus sandals with socks which were such a fashion faux pas I thought I was going to die of embarrassment being seen with him, but he said, “Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!”

  I rolled my eyes at his comment, “Fashionista turns fashion rebel! You just don’t want to show off your hairy feet.”

  “Coco, I’d rather have hairy feet than a hairy ass!” He said looking down at my ass as he said it.

  I was aghast at his remark, “It’s not! You must be thinking about Bill or Ted, Dickwad!”

  We spent the entire morning strolling hand in hand down the strip. I tried the entire time to convince myself that Nick’s comment about my ass was just a joke but when I got back to Toronto I was going to find out if they do electrolysis on ass hair. We couldn’t have asked for better weather on my last day. There were no clouds in the sky and there was a hint of wind making the air slightly cooler than yesterday and not too dry.

  We stopped in large gift shops that sold all kinds of memorabilia. I spotted something that was perfect for Nick so when he wasn’t looking I got the sales girl to take it out of the glass cabinet and paid for it. It was symbolic for everything our friendship stood for. Then the rest of the time I looked for something to bring back for Aria and Bradley. I decided to buy Aria a pair of earrings with dice on them and Bradley a bracelet. I found Nick waiting for me outside the store ready to continue our walk along the strip.

  The sidewalks were always busy in Vegas and this morning was no exception. I suggested that we go into a Casino but Nick declined telling me, “With the amount of money I lost in the last couple of days, I would be happy if I never saw another one armed bandit ever again.”

  I smiled at him and then said, “You have to start chasing more tail and less cock then!”

  He grabbed me, and spun me around making me face him, “Let me start with your’s!”

  Pulling away from him playfully I cracked back at him, “I wish I didn’t have to leave tonight!”

  “Me too,” he agreed.

  We lived out our wild child fetishes by stopping at two Casinos’. The first was the roller coaster on New York, New York and finishing it off with the drop ride at the Circus Circus, before finishing our day with a swim in the pool that I had spent most of my time at. We capped off the evening with a soak in our room’s hot tub, and then we showered together washing the bubbles off each other’s back.

  Nick ordered room service while I started getting ready to leave, then he laid on the bed with his hands behind his head watching me as I packed my suitcase. When the food came I scurried to the table all excited to slip the box I bought Nick onto his dish. I laid the table out and we took our places at it.

  Nick removed his lid to his food and saw the box on his dish, “What’s this?”

  “Open it and look,” I said really softly.

  He picked up the box and opened the lid, inside was a chain with a gold nugget charm. He didn’t move for a second then his eyes gazed into mine.

  I wanted to explain, “Read the note!”


  You’re one of a kind.

  My rock,

  A true gold nugget.”

  Love Coco

  Nick thanked me and gave it to me to put on his neck. I put it on slowly because I liked standing close to him, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Then he said, “I got a keepsake for you too. Don’t let Prick catch you with it!”

  “What is it?”

  He handed me a box and I opened it. It was a dog tag necklace with a picture of us on the roller coaster, huge smiles on our faces and Nick didn’t have a hair out of place! It was the best picture of us I had ever seen. My eyes filled at the sentiment.

  We finished our dinner and then Nick came down to the lobby with me so we could say our good-byes before I stepped into the first cab we saw. He kissed me. It was mind blowing. I turned to him and waved good-bye out the back window. He waved back looking forlorn.

  I texted Bradley from the cab:

  Chanel: I’m coming home.

  It took some time for my phone to chirp with a response, but I knew he was a busy man.

  Bradley: Glad to hear it. I want to see you. When will you get back?

  Chanel: 6:00 a.m. your time.

  Bradley: Can I pick you up from the airport?

  Chanel: Sure.

  I boarded the plane tired from the day we had in Vegas. We were outside for so long and did so much walking, I was drained. The anticipation of seeing Bradley again was the only thing that kept me going.

  I took the dog tag out of my purse and reflected on the fun time we had in Vegas. I was glad Nick turned up. If he hadn’t come, I probably would have spent the entire time sulking about Bradley breaking up with me and having to go back to the hospital without him teaching me.

  It was crazy how much Nick took my mind off Bradley. I wasn’t sure if that was good or not, maybe he wasn’t right for me. I would have to spend more time forging through my feelings to figure it all out. I couldn’t wait to see what he had to say to me. When I finished looking at the pendant I tucked it away in a small pocket of my purse. I closed my eyes and let myself drift into a peaceful sleep.

  The flight landed at Pearson on time. I grabbed my overhead bag and feeling tired but excited to see Bradley I trudged off the plane in the slow line ahead of me.

  Bradley was a sight for my tired sore eyes. His face was scruffy, appearing to have gone days without shaving. It seemed as though whenever we weren’t getting along he stopped shaving. His hair was shaggy and he looked really sexy wearing his surgical scrubs waiting for me in a crowd of people. I forgot how much he took my breath away, until I saw him.

  We didn’t hug, but he offered to carry my bag and we walked to Hummer. I felt shy from not dressing well before getting on the plane, and in desperate need of a shower. He on the other hand smelled of fresh cologne and looked very handsome. I pulled myself up into the passenger seat. Bradley threw my bag into the back before getting in on his side. The Hummer idle sounded like it ran on diesel and he pulled out into the airport traffic.

  His eyes kept glancing over at me and then he commented, “You cut your hair.” I forgot he hadn’t seen me since the makeover and I found myself praying he liked it. Damn why did I cut it off! I inwardly cursed myself and my stupid whims. “I want to take you back
to my place so I can see you when I get off work.”

  “I’d rather go home if you don’t mind. I would like to get a good rest, unpack and take a shower.”

  He took my hand, “Anything you want.” He pulled into Tim Horton’s drive thru and looked over at me waiting for me to tell him what I wanted.

  I asked for, “A coffee, turkey sandwich, breakfast sandwich, hash brown, and juice.” He ordered a coffee and the total came up to fifteen dollars.

  He looked at me with wide eyes and I explained to him, “I have nothing at the loft!” He parked in the lot and we nursed our coffee’s looking at each other in silence.

  “Why did you go to Las Vegas?”

  The interrogation was beginning. Luckily I knew he was usually at work for eight so I would only have to go through an hour or so of being grilled, “You have to ask?”

  “Were you alone?”

  I was too tired to answer all his questions, “No, there were about two million other people there.”

  He didn’t like my sarcasm so he got more direct, “Did you go with Nick?”

  I put my coffee down and answered honestly, “No, I went alone.” I just failed to add that Nick followed me there.

  I picked my coffee back up and then I said, “Why all the questions, did you miss me?”

  Bradley didn’t answer. He started playing with the stubble on his face and he appeared deep in thought. I looked at the facial hair and the hair from his chest poking out his surgical scrubs and I was starting to get horny, but I refused to let it show because he couldn’t go near me, not until my ass healed and I had a shower.

  “You didn’t answer why you went to Las Vegas, alone.”

  I countered, “You didn’t answer whether you liked my hair or not.”

  “I was upset with you for ditching me and going all the way to Chase with it,” I seethed.


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