Dark Side of Tomorrow (Ivan Bennet of Scotland Yard Book 1)

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Dark Side of Tomorrow (Ivan Bennet of Scotland Yard Book 1) Page 7

by J. R. Martin

  Finally, the last prayer was said and the priest shook hands with Walt’s widow and children and gave permission for the funeral party to leave. As each person left the gravesite, Ivan watched with detective eyes trying to figure, if by chance, Walt’s murderer could be in the crowd.

  That’s ludicrous, he thought. I don’t think anyone would be so brazen as to attend a funeral where hundreds of policemen are in attendance, if they were guilty of murder. But with watchful and trained eye, Ivan looked at each person that came within his eyesight.

  Everyone looked normal. Nothing stood out. Walt waited until the cemetery was empty of the living and then he walked to Walt’s gravesite. Laying a single rose on his partner’s grave he said,

  “I will miss you, my friend.”

  Then he turned and walked away. Never would he return to this gravesite.

  Walt got in the police car with two other detectives and they drove to Scotland Yard in silence.

  When Ivan walked into headquarters the first thing he saw was Walt’s desk, right next to his. He walked over to it and rambled through papers Walt had scribbled on. One of the notes read, Find out who knew Gregg Simmons besides his family.

  That was an interesting question. One that he had not dwelt on for any length of time. After all, Gregg Simmons had been gone from London for a long, long time. But, Walt was right. He needed to find out who else knew Gregg? Did he have any close friends? Ivan thought, only Gregg’s sister, Grace would know that.


  Grace Simmons looked a bit shocked when she answered the knock on her door and saw Ivan standing there. Fleetingly she thought, he looks terrible. Something must have happened to cause this detective to look as though he has aged ten years, since the last time I saw him.

  Out loud she said, “Won’t you come in detective?”

  When Ivan entered her home she motioned for him to sit on the couch were he had reclined in his other visits to question her. He sit as she indicated and then she said,

  “How can I help you?”

  With eyes that looked as though they had seen the worst thing mankind could witness, Ivan said, “Ms. Simmons, you may not know, but my partner, Walt Graham, who came with me on all the other visits here, was killed in the White Chapel District. I would like to follow up on a note he left. He asked the question, “Who else knew Gregg Simmons that might be still be living around here?”

  “I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, detective. The only other person I know still living here that Gregg knew, was a young woman friend of his named, Cynthia Bost. She lives in London on Mayberry Street I believe. Or she did the last time I heard from her.”

  “And when was the last time you heard from her?” Ivan asked.

  “I met her by accident one day when I was shopping in Herod’s about six months ago. As a matter of fact we had lunch together that day.” Grace said.

  “Do you happen to have her exact address on Mayberry Street?” Ivan asked.

  “Yes, I do. It was 1817 Mayberry.” Grace said.

  Ivan got up from his seat and stretched out his hand to Grace as he said, “Thank you, Ms. Simmons.”

  “You are quite welcome, detective, and I’m truly sorry about the loss of your friend.”

  Ivan thanked Grace as he left the house and returned to his car. He thought, I wonder what you will have to tell me, Ms. Bost, about this allusive man that nobody seems to have known?


  When Ivan pulled up in front of 1817 Mayberry he was impressed with the immaculate house and yard that was there.

  Someone seems to take great pride in their home. He thought as he got out of the car and walked up the front sidewalk to the door. He rang the bell and patiently waited for someone to answer.

  While standing on the porch he took time to inventory the neighborhood. As far as he could tell it was typical middle class, with most of the houses showing signs that children lived there. Bikes and balls and various other things gave him clues that it was appeared to be a normal, happy neighborhood.

  When Cynthia Bost answered the door bell, Ivan was taken aback for a brief moment. He really didn’t know why because she was so beautiful, perhaps.

  “Yes?” she questioned.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Bost. My name is Ivan Bennett and I am a detective with Scotland Yard. I’m doing an investigation on Gregg Simmons and his sister, Grace told me you knew him well.”

  “I did, but why do you need to know that?” She questioned.

  “I’m sad to inform you, Ms. Bost, but Gregg is deceased. I’m simply following leads.” Ivan said.

  Ivan could tell by the shocked and sad look on her face, that Ms. Bost was not aware that Gregg was dead. She said,

  “Come in, please.”

  Ivan obliged her invitation and walked inside a well-kept home and walked into the parlor and stood waiting for the invitation to have a seat.

  “Please, sit down.” Cynthia Bost said.

  For the next hour the detective and his new acquaintance shared what each knew about Gregg Simmons. Ms. Bost told Ivan she knew that Garth Simmons was a maniac killer and was in the Insane Aslyum in London. She told him at one time she and Gregg had talked of marriage, but one day he simply disappeared and she never heard from him again.

  “Now, I guess I know why.” She tearfully said.

  “I’m sorry to be the bearer of such sad news, Ms. Bost. But, I must tell you this information and see, if by chance; you may be able to help me find his murderer.”

  “I understand, detective, but I know nothing of what happened to him after he left my home on the night of November 22. I thought that perhaps he had gotton cold feet and decided he didn’t want to marry me after all. I called Grace and she, like me, had never heard from him again after that night. “

  “I understand that he was in the navy and it wasn’t unusual for Grace not to hear from him.” Ivan said.

  “That was my understanding as well.” Cynthia replied.

  “There’s one more thing I must share with you.” Ivan continued. “Gregg Simmons skull was found in the pig pen of Simon Éclair’s farm. Do you know Mr. Éclair?”

  Cynthia sucked in her breath and put her hand over her mouth as if she was going to throw up. Then she replied,

  “Yes, I know Mr. Éclair. He was a friend of the family. He’s an older gentleman and Gregg’s father and he were best friends.”

  “That’s what I’ve found out. One more question, do you know if Gregg had any friends that knew that about Mr. Éclair and might want to bring suspicion against the old man?” Ivan asked.

  “No, everyone loves Mr. Éclair. He’s a pillar of the community. The only one I can think of that Mr. Éclair could not tolerate was Garth. If Garth hadn’t been locked up I think Mr. Éclair would have killed him when he so brutally murdered his mother and father.” Cynthia said

  “I’ve been told that as well. Ms. Bost, I think you for being candid with me. I want you to know I will not rest until I have answers to some of these evasive questions.” Ivan said and rose from his chair and headed toward the door.

  Cynthia Bost followed him and then said, “Thank you, Detective, for being so truthful and kind to me. I would have wondered the rest of my life what happened to Gregg. Thank you.”

  “I’ll keep in touch, Ms. Bost. And you are welcome.” Ivan turned and walked back to his car. As he opened the door and got in he glanced back at Cynthia Bost. She was still standing on the porch watching him. A look of sheer sadness covered her face.


  When Ivan arrived back at headquarters he walked into the Commander’s office and asked.

  “Commander, could I have a task force to look into the murder of Gregg Simmons?”

  “Ivan, that’s a cold case. I can’t spare over two detectives, you being one of them.” The Commander said.

  “I know sir, but I feel in my gut, that murder and the White Chapel District murders, as well as Walt’s, are somehow all tied together.”

; “And upon what do you base your feelings?” The Commander asked.

  “I can’t give you a reason, sir. I just know when we solve one we will solve them all.” Ivan said.

  “For right now, Detective, I’m going to leave things as they are.”

  Ivan shook his head in understanding and walked out of the Commander’s office. His heart still aching as he looked at Walt Graham’s desk and thought of his partner who now lay buried in a lonesome cemetery. He swore to himself he would avenge Walt’s death regardless of how long it took.

  Chapter Twelve

  The undercover agent, Ray Roberts aka Morris Wims, mopped his way to room 501. He paused and unlocked the door window. When he did Garth Simmons motioned for him to enter. Morris set his mop bucket aside and unlocked the room and walked inside.

  Garth smiled at him and said, “Well Mr. Wims, I’ve missed your visits.”

  “Each time I came by your room you were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you.” Morris replied.

  “Well, I’m awake tonight and I want to know what happened to Ivan Bennett’s partner, Walt Graham?”

  “And how, pray tell, am I supposed to know who you are talking about? I don’t know an Ivan Bennett or a Walt Graham.” Morris lied.

  “Oh, really? Well, perhaps my information is incorrect. I was told that you personally know both of them.” Garth continued.

  “No, I’m afraid not. Can I get you anything?” Morris asked.

  “You can get me the truth. What do I have to do to get you to bring me a newspaper?”

  “You have to show me a note from your doctor saying it’s alright to bring you a newspaper.” Morris said.

  “Why wouldn’t it be? You didn’t have to see a note about the candy you bring me.” Garth said.

  “No, because I was told when I went to work here, that it was alright to give you that. But, newspapers, now that’s a different thing. Guess they are afraid for you to know the current events, etc.” Morris said, not smiling.

  “Oh, yes, afraid it will cause me to go into a deep depression to read all the horrible and terrible things that are going on in the outside world?” Garth said and then he started laughing.

  “I really must get back to work, now, Mr. Simmons. I’ll see you tomorrow night.” Morris said and then abruptly left Simmons room.

  How dare that monster think I’m going to help contribute one ounce to his madness. He would love to hear of Ivan Bennet’s loss and of how a Scotland Yard detective was brutally murdered in the White Chapel District. I will not do that. Morris thought.

  Then he took a seat out of sight down the hall. He could see Garth Simmons’s room but those entering could not see him. And then he waited.

  A little before two a.m. Morris’s wait was rewarded with fruit. A shadowy figure, made its way quietly to Garth’s room. Morris didn’t move a muscle, but sit very still and watched. The figure walked to the door, put in the key and entered the room.

  Morris tiptoed down the hall to the room, quietly opened the window, and peered in. Dr. Williams was seated in the chair next to Garth’s bed. Ivan strained to hear their conversation.

  “Why did you send for me Mr. Simmons?” Morris heard Dr. Williams ask.

  “Because, I need to know how detective’s Bennet’s partner died.” Garth asked.

  “I don’t understand, how could you possibly need to know that?” The doctor questioned.

  “Because this was done without my permission.” Garth blurted out.

  “I beg your pardon, without your permission? Sir, I feel you fail to recognize, no one has to ask your permission for anything.” The doctor advised.

  “Any murder that’s committed in the White Chapel District, must have my permission.” Garth Simmons stated with his eyes ablaze.

  Recognizing his patient was in a mental state of evilness; Dr. Williams rose from his seat and said, “Until you are ready to tell me why you feel that way, Mr. Simmons, do not expect me to give anything you say, any kind of credence. I’ll just consider it the ravings of a crazy man.” With that the good doctor got up and left Garth’s room amidst his objections.

  When Morris peeped into the room thirty minutes later, Garth was lying on his bed, fully awake and very, very angry.

  Bennet is correct. I believe Simmons is orchestrating these White Chapel murders. However, the killing of Detective Walt Graham must not have been ordered by him.


  The next morning by nine a.m., Ray Roberts entered Scotland Yard Headquarters. He walked straight to the Commander’s office and after knocking walked in.

  “How are things going at the Insane Asylum?” The Commander asked.

  “They are going ok, but, last night I think I found out that Garth Simmons is directing the murders in the White Chapel district. I don’t know how are why or by whom, but he was very upset that Ivan Bennet’s partner, Walt Graham had been murdered as he said, “without my permission.”

  “Oh, really?” The Commander said. “That’s interesting. Ivan has always said that Simmons’s is behind those murders, but this is the first time we’ve actually been told by Simon’s that he has anything to do with them.”

  “If you will ask Dr. Williams, he can tell you that Simmons called him late last night to come to his room and when he questioned Simmons as to why he was so upset, he made that statement directly to Dr. Williams.” Roberts said.

  “Did you see Dr. Williams go in Simmons’s room?”

  “Oh, indeed I did. Then I slipped quietly to the door and eavesdropped on their conversation. I heard every word that Simmons uttered to Dr. Williams.” Roberts said.

  “What did the good doctor say to Simmons?” The Commander asked.

  “He told him that he in no way had the power to order anyone killed. He reminded him he was a ward of the state locked away in a hospital for the criminally insane.”

  “What did Simmons say when he told him that?” The Commander asked.

  “Nothing, except he didn’t order that killing. The doctor told him he was is a mental depression and that he would chalk it up as the ravings of a mad man.” Roberts said.

  “Then what did Simmons say?”

  “He didn’t say anything. He just sat fuming, so angry that it’s surprising he didn’t try to get violent with the doctor.”

  “What did the doctor do then?” The Commander asked.

  “He said he would see him tomorrow and he left.” Roberts said.

  “That was the end of it then?”

  “Yes, I looked through the window in the door and Simmons was sitting on his bed, his eyes ablaze and it was apparent he was very, very, angry he was almost foaming at the mouth.” Roberts said.

  “Nothing happened then, the rest of the night?”

  “No, sir. All was quiet until I clocked out at seven this morning. I didn’t hear another peep out of Simmons.” Roberts said.

  “Continue on with your surveillance. We will talk with Bennet when he comes in and tell him of this incident.” The Commander said as he saw Roberts out the door.


  When Ivan Bennet walked into headquarters, almost immediately the Commander rang him up on the phone and asked him to come to his office. That was good for Ivan because he had intended to relay the information about Gregg Simmons girlfriend, Cynthia Bost, as soon as he could.

  He walked into the Commander’s office and took a seat across the desk from him. The Commander spoke first.

  “Ray Roberts came in this morning to tell me something very interesting. He said that last night about two a.m. Dr. Williams came to Garth Simmons’s room. Simmons had apparently summoned him in the middle of the night. Roberts said Simmons was very upset. He was raving and Dr. Williams asked him what he was so upset about. He relayed that someone had killed your partner in the White Chapel District, without his permission.”

  Ivan almost swallowed his teeth. “Did you say he admitted he had something to do with the White Chapel murders?”

  “No, I said that h
e said, someone had killed your partner without his permission.” The Commander said.

  “Same thing.” Ivan said. “I told you he’s involved with those murders.”

  “Well, he says he is, but Dr. Williams said that he was raving and he would pay him no mind because he had been locked away and there was no way he could have had a say as to what went on in White Chapel.”

  “But, sir, this proves that someone is working with him. Someone is doing these murders for him.” Ivan said.

  “Well, Dr. Williams pays him no mind. He just thinks it’s the ravings of a madman.” The Commander said.

  “I don’t understand why, though, he was so upset that Walt was killed without his knowledge.” Ivan said.

  “I don’t know, but, we will continue on with our surveillance and see what happens.” The Commander said.

  “Sir, I want to tell you what I found out today. It seems that Gregg Simmons had a girlfriend. His sister Grace told me about her. Her name is Cynthia Bost and I went by her home today and visited with her for a while. She said that she and Gregg were in love and planned on marrying and then he just disappeared and she never heard from him again. When I asked her why she didn’t try to find him she said she thought he had gotten cold feet and decided he just didn’t want to be married. She seems to be a woman of respectability. There’s no reason for me to doubt her. And Grace Simmons vouches for her.” Ivan said.

  “Now that is strange. This whole case has taken on a life of its own. Black is white and white is another color. There seems to be nothing tying any of this together.” The Commander said.

  “She also vouched for Simon Éclair. She said he was a good man and a good friend to the Simmons’s family, all except Garth. He hated Garth and wanted nothing to do with him.” Ivan said.

  The Commander looked at Ivan and asked,” Are you sure you don’t need time off? It’s been a very hard several months for you Detective. First, losing your wife and now your partner. I can certainly see you get some time off.”


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